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Founded in 1965 by the Oblates of Mary Immaculate (OMI)

Owned by the Archdiocese of Cotabato
Administered by the Diocesan Clergy of Cotabato (DCC)
“Service for the Love of God through Mary”
Amare Est Servire

At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:

1. define what is Philippine folk dance?

2. demonstrate the different basic step use in folk dance

especially in feet and arms position.

3. execute the fundamental position of feet and arms in

folk dance.


Topic: Fundamental position of feet and arms in Philippine folk


Reference: Physical Education and Health

Materials: PowerPoint presentation, Speaker, Worksheets

Values Integration: Cooperation

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
A. Preliminary Activities
1. Daily Routine
Everybody stand up and let us pray.

2. Greetings
Good Morning Class!

Before we start, please pick up

those pieces of paper, candy
wrappers under your chair.

You may now take your seats.

3. Checking of Attendance

Is anyone absent from the class?

Very Good, I’m really glad that

everyone is present today. Keep it

4. Review of the Past Lesson

Before we move on to our next

lesson, what did we discuss

Very Good!

B. Developmental Activities
1. Activity
a. Motivation
The teacher should conduct a
simple dance.
Is that ok class to stand and let dance
b. Lesson proper
Today we are about to discuss
the fundamental position of feet
and arms in the Philippine
Folk dance.

Is that ok class? Are you ready

to listen?

But before we start to our topic,

let me ask you about the folk

What is folk dance first?

So based on the nature and
background of folk dance, what
did you learn about it.? Is that
enjoy? Easy or interesting

Ok that’s Good.

Any question about the folk


So we proceed on the basic

position on feet and arms in folk
dance, are you ready to listen

Fundamental positions feet and

arms, have 5 positions that we
are going to execute after the
And now, we proceed first in
feet position from 1st to 5th and
followed by the arms position.

Is that ok class?

So in feet position how are we

going to execute from 1st to 5th?

We are done in feet, any

question about the feet position?

Now we proceed in arms


So we are done in all positions

in hand and feet. Any question

Since all of you know all the

position we execute it, ok?

D. Generalization
Folk dance is a part of our culture
and tradition so we need to preserve
and care off this kind of tradition.

E. Application
Choose your partner and execute the
fundamentals steps of arms and feet

Mastery 50%
Proper execution 50%

Test 1. True or False. Direction: Read each statement carefully. Write False if the
statement is TRUE and place True if the statement is FALSE.

1. The first position is place both arms in front of the chest in a circular
position with the heels of the feet together and the toes 45 degrees apart.
2. Second position, place both arms sideward with the palm facing downward
and stride the feet sideward.
3. The fourth position is place in one arm in front of the chest level with elbow
slightly bent and other arm is raised overhead with one foot placed in front
of the other foot.
4. Raise both hands overhead with the elbows slightly bent. The heel of the
foot is placed in front of the toes of the rear foot.
5. The fifth position, place one arm on your side at shoulder level and raise the
other hand overhead with the heel of the foot placed beside the in-step of the
other foot.

II. Fill in the blanks. Read each question carefully and fill in the blank with
the correct answer for these definitions.

Arm feet 45 degrees Palm overhead toe knee

1. Place one on your side at shoulder level and raise the other
hand overhead with the heel of the foot placed beside the in step of the
other foot.
2. Place both arms in front of the chest in a circular position with the heels
of the feet together and the toes apart.
3. Place both arms sideward with the facing upward and stride
the feet sideward.
4. Place one arm in front of the chest level with elbow slightly bent and the
other arm is raised with one foot placed in front of the other
5. Raise both hands overhead with elbows slightly bent. The heel of the foot
is placed in front of the of the rear foot.


Study the Philippine Folk Dance originated in Bicol

Prepared By:


Pre-Service Teacher


Cooperating Teacher

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