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Kel Alaria

Size: City

Population: 12,600

96% Elven Racial Relations: Humans looked down on,

2% Half-Elven Gnomes and Strix neutral, Half-elven and
1% Human parents poor, Leshy slightly favourable
<1% Leshy Common Languages: Elven, Common, Sylvan
<1% Gnome
Uncommon Languages: Gnomish, Necril,
<1% Strix

Fantasy Traits: Kel Alaria contains a variety of towers throughout the city, Chief of which is located at the
pinnacle of Mount Oliarah amidst the royal palace. These are known as the Kaestra Spires. Subjects at
academic institutions follow a rotation: Enchantment, Illusion, Evocation, Necromancy, Transmutation,
Conjuration, Abjuration, Divination, and Enchantment. During each day, a pulse emanates from a
corresponding tower, shifting the natural energies to enhance magics of the respective arcane school.
While not very visible during daylight, it also creates various colours of shimmering stars and lights around
the city, creating an almost cosmic vibe during night. The palace contains the most culturally significant
Kaestra Spires: Divination.

Known For: Completely open magical academics; religious devotion to a unique goddess; Holena (A
slightly alcoholic drink made from donated lockets of hair, transmuted into a liquid where flavour is added
last, this is a very popular elven drink; gold-line tattoos; a closely-guarded and incomparable
understanding of Valystria.

Government: Monarchy


King Irydean Lightcrown

Elven Male, Elderly

Appearance: tall, platinum hair, sharp chin and nose, somewhat muscular, wrinkles, dark
Temperament: firm, highly-devout, cold, deep patience but uncompromising once a decision is
Regalia: A tree with branches winding up into a symmetrical elven blade.
Notable Family: Princess Faelynn (Only Daughter), “Sunlight” [meaning Queen in common] Thyria
Lightcrown, Alfroia Lightcrown (Younger Brother)
Defense & Law Enforcement:


The Fateweavers are an order of clergy unique to the Divination Kaestra. They serve the Royal
Library and represent a variety of levels of ranking clergy particular to unique magic prospects.
Theory is crafted by a variety of sources, but the Fateweavers test and authorize new magics.
Fateweavers are easily identified by flowing white robes with gold trim.

Kel Alarian Fateweaver

The Fateweavers served to defend Kel Alaria from a threat of aberrations, driving off a band of evil druids
seeking to slaughter and remove every form of sentient life from the areas surrounding the Sun-Touched
Planes. This event concluded over 80 years ago.
Issara’s Blades:

This knightly order serves as the city patrols and military force. Patrols are given to rookies who
may serve up to a decade before being promoted to the main order. The default uniform of these
individuals is

Issara’s Blades

Issara’s Blades are actively called to deal with various monsters that occasionally threaten outer parts of
Kel Alaria. Over four centuries ago, Issara’s Blades met the blood of humans from the nation of Mydavet
from the north, although when they were a fledgeling empire. Since then, Issara’s Blades have worked in
conjunction with the Fateweavers to create illusory traps to ward off further human expansion into the
Riverwoods north of Kel Alaria. They patrol the areas more actively over the past century over rumours of
returning evils: aberrant monsters created by fabled ancient druids.

Economics: e.g. Wealthy

Currency: Standard (Platinum, Gold, Silver, Copper)

A standard tax is placed on all residents. Leshy are exempt from these fees.

Resources: gold, diamonds, silver, marble, seafoods, fine meats, silk, glass
List of Notable Establishments:

Di Ghrea (Restaurant & Guest House)

Owner: Hilaera (Sarcastic Elven Female)

A pointed and elaborate building with more traditional opal and white marble elven architecture. White
everburning torch sconces illuminate the exterior with softer orange everburning torch sconces lighting
the interior. Rooms are a medium-luxury for elven standards, leaving nothing to be desired to most others.

Tallsprite Tavern

Owner: Egrejia Morton (Confident Gnome Female)

A rounded tavern blends engraved stone and dark woods to create a blended yet homely feel. Egrejia is
seen as a conversational guilty pleasure: renowned for being an engaging and ostentatious time but one
usually of mentally… neutral conversation.

Rukka Shack (Alchemical Shop)

Owner: Ithol Rukka (Stoic male-like Leshy)

Who better to run a place operating the collection of natural ingredients and concoctions than a Leshy.
Ithol is a socially strange individual as is. However, despite this his work is something of a marvel. He’s
frequently closed to perform private tasks for Fateweavers. His shop is built from darkwood entirely with
highly crude engravings.


Owner: Wyria Straela (Playful Young Elven Male), son of Reyask Straela (Grumpy Elderly Male)

A massive emporium sits in the centre of the core of all things Kel Alaria. The cathedral-like structure
features rows of pointed arches, stained glass, and contains several attached buildings where everything
one could possibly want is sold. The shop has a focus on clothing, furniture, adventuring gear, and
traditional weapons.


Issara [LN], Lady of Fate

The goddess of fate is symbolized by a white, four-pointed star with a medium ring touching all four ends
and a thin white ring a short distance around the inner ring.

Edicts: Pursue your fate, Recognize potential, share in the fulfilment of the fate of others
Anathema: Circumvent fate, meddle in the fate others are weaving
Areas of Concern: Fortune-telling, practice of skills, strengthening of adventurers
Follower Alignments: LG, NG, LN, N, LE, NE
Notable Religious Leader:
Starkeeper Norallah of the Fateweavers. A very short elven female 350 years of age. She’s caring
and actively curious about new things. Her demeanor is quite human given her age. Often seen
visiting random families and speaking to people throughout the streets.


The Gren Fandra Academy

Advanced Academic Institution – Optional Education

Elves wearing black shoulderless capes with an inverted T-shaped star can easily be identified as taking
additional education beyond the usually 15 years of formal schooling. These studies range from 40 year
degrees to lifelong commitments and teaching careers. Elves partaking in this institution are usually
obnoxiously proud of it.

View of Adventurers:

Overall, Kel Alaria views those who respect lawful religions or adhere to Primal orders as friendly
acquaintances. Agents of chaos or destructive civilization are viewed with high levels of distrust. Humans
have a particularly difficult time being profiled. The few humans who make Kel Alaria their home endure
rigorous cultural exchange and are only permitted due to their generally shared values. With human
diversity comes an elect few that align well with elven culture. They are known generally by name and
made exceptions to the selectively xenophobic nature of Kel Alaria.

View of Leadership:

Royalty is seen as elected by Issara. An unbroken royal lineage dates back farther even than Kel Alarian
history. They deal with management of all things save for religious matters. They are still expected to be
prime examples of Kel Alarian values and religious culture. People are generally favourable towards the
current king.

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