hw1 Essay

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All these hrm and hcm include managing people within a business, but their emphasis and

outlook are different. HRM is frequently focused on the management of people, which includes
the hiring, choosing, and training of staff. Other duties of HRM include managing employee
benefits, pay, and performance. The management of all types of human capital, including
financial capital, is another responsibility of HRM. The objective of HCM, which is more
strategically oriented, is the long-term value of human capital to an organization. Additionally,
it is becoming more data-driven and uses metrics to track the efficiency and value of human
resources analytics. One of the primary similarities between HRM and HCM is the emphasis on
managing people within an organization and employing human resources to achieve business
goals. Both entail hiring, selecting, training, and retaining workers as well as handling employee
benefits, compensation, and performance management. However, there are some substantial
distinctions between the two names in these key areas. HRM is more focused and strategic.
HRM concentrates on the everyday management of people and the employment relationship
even if HR is more strategic and focused on the long-term worth of human capital to an
organization. Additionally, HCM is more data-driven and uses metrics and analytics to track the
performance and value of human capital, whereas HRM is more focused on administrative and
regulatory tasks.

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