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Nama : Prof. dr. Mohammad Sjaifullah Noer, SpA(K)

NIP : 19450518 197403 1 002
Tempat/ Tgl. Lahir : Sampang, 18 Mei 1945
Pekerjaan : Staf SMF/Departemen Ilmu Kesehatan Anak RSUD Dr. Soetomo
Dosen Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Airlangga
Pangkat / Gol Ruang : Pembina Utama / IV/e
Jabatan Fungsional : Guru Besar
Alamat Kantor : Jl. Mayjend. Prof. Dr. Moestopo 6-8 Surabaya
Alamat Rumah : Jl. Ketintang Wiyata No. 18 Surabaya
Telp : 08123517032
Email :


Pendidikan Formal
No Macam Tempat Tahun Bidang Titel/Ijasah
Pendidikan Dari Sampai Spesialis
1 Strata 1 Universitas Airlangga 1973 Kedokteran Ijasah
2 Strata 2 Universitas Airlangga 1978 Ilmu Ijasah
3 Strata 3
4 Spesialis II Universitas Airlangga 1987 Konsultan Ijasah
5 Kursus
Pediatric Hospital Robert 1978 1980
Nephrologyat Debre, Paris, Prancis
Pediatric Academisch Ziekenhuis 1989
Nephrologyat Groningen, Nederland


No Tahun Author, Co Author Judul Penelitian

1 2005 Co-Author Serum immunoglobin E levels in children with
idiopathic nephritic syndrome
2 2008 Co-Author Management of acute glomerulonephritis in a
child with ischemic stroke and hypertensive crisis
3 2008 Co-Author Successful management of acute renal failure in a
child with spontaneous tumor lysis syndrome
4 2008 Co-Author The influence of malnutrition on kidney size in
5 2008 Co-Author Correlation between renal histological features
and clinical manifestations in lupus nephritis
6 2008 Co-Author Renal function in severe malnourished and
healthy children
7 2008 Co-Author Renovascular hypertension in a child
8 2008 Co-Author Clinical profiles of children with continuous
ambulatory peritoneal dialysis: 5-year experience
at Dr.Soetomo Hospital Surabaya Indonesia
9 2008 Co-Author Peritonitis in children with continuous
ambulatory peritoneal dialysis: 5-year experience
at Dr.Soetomo Hospital Surabaya Indonesia
10 2010 Co-Author Follow-up urine cultures in children with urinary
tract infection at Dr.Soetomo Hospital
11 2010 Co-Author Antimicrobial resistance pattern In children with
urinary tract infection at Dr.Soetomo Hospital
12 2010 Co-Author Profiles of children with acute glomerulonephritis
in Dr. Soetomo Hospital 2005-2009
13 2010 Co-Author Clinical feature of systemic lupus erythematosus
in children at Dr.Soetomo Hospital Surabaya
14 2010 Co-Author Cardiopulmonary involvement in pediatric
systemic lupus erythematosus at Dr.Soetomo
Hospital Surabaya
15 2010 Co-Author Risk factor for relapse in childhood steroid
sensitive nephrotic syndrome
16 2010 Co-Author Management of antenatal hydronephrosis (report
of four cases)
17 2010 Co-Author Clinical features of children with urinary tract
infection in Dr.Soetomo hospital between 2006-
18 2010 Co-Author Long-term outcomes of children with frequent
relapses and dependent steroid idiopathic
2ephritic syndrome
19 2010 Co-Author Renal biopsy and its findings in children at
Dr.Soetomo Hospital Surabaya
20 2010 Co-Author Histopathological findings and clinical outcomes
of primary nephrotic syndrome in Dr. Soetomo
Hospital Surabaya
21 2010 Co-Author The health-related quality of life in children with
chronic kidney disease undergoing continuous
ambulatory peritoneal dialysis and hemodialysis
22 2010 Co-Author Acute renal failure in a child with black water
fever (a case report)
23 2010 Co-Author Risk factors associated with cyclosporine-induced
nephrotoxicity in pediatric nephrotic patients: a
retrospective analysis of data from a single centre
24 2011 Co-Author Peritonitis in paediatric patients with automated
peritoneal dialysis (APD) and catheterizable
urinary stoma (Mitrofanoff)
25 2011 Co-author Correlation of kidney volume with GFR
estimation in severely malnourished children
26 2011 Co-author Prognostic factors of poor renal function in
children with lupus nephritis at Dr. Soetomo
27 2011 Co-author Prognostic factors of relapse in children with
Henoch-Schonlein purpura at Soetomo Hospital
28 2011 Co-author Clinical profiles and outcome of children with
steroid-resistant nephrotic syndrome have been
treated with oral cyclophosphamide therapy
29 2011 Co-author Peritonitis in children with continuous
ambulatory peritoneal dialysis: 3-year experience
at Dr.Soetomo Hospital Surabaya Indonesia
30 2011 Co-author Urinary tract infection in patients with nephrotic
syndrome in Dr. Soetomo Hospital Surabaya
31 2011 Co-author Mortality of acute kidney injury in children at
nephrology ward Dr.Soetomo Hospital Surabaya
32 2011 Co-author Six years experiences continuous ambulatory
peritoneal dialysis in children in Dr.Soetomo
33 2012 Co-Author Histopathology profiles and clinical outcomes of
children with lupus nephritis at Dr
SoetomoHospital Surabaya
34 2012 Co-author Proteinuria for screening of HIV-associated
nephropathy in children at Dr Soetomo Hospital
35 2012 Co-author Parameter associated with remission in nephritic
syndrome children treated with
cyclophosphamide at Dr Soetomo Hospital
36 2012 Co-author Risk factors for hypertensive crisis in children
with acute glomerulonephritis
37 2012 Co-author Predictors of mortality in children with lupus
38 2012 Co-author Risk factor for renal involvement in children with
Henoch-Schonlein purpura at Dr Soetomo
39 2013 Co-Author Clinical profiles of antenatal hydronephrosis in
children at Dr. Soetomo Hospital Surabaya
40 2013 Co-author Risk factors for hypertensive crisis in children
with acute glomerulonephritis
41 2014 Co-author The Use of Anti pyretics in Children Tatalaksana
Demam pada Anak
42 2014 Co-author Urinary Tract Infection : Comprehensive
Management in Children (Tata Laksana
Komprehensif Infeksi Saluran Kemih pada Anak)
43 2014 Co-Author Transforming Growth Factor β1 Expression in
Mesenchymal Stem Cells Allotransplantation on
Renal Fibrosis (Animal Model)
44 2014 Co-Author Incidence and Outcome Of Acute Kidney Injury
In Critically Ill Children at Dr. Soetomo Hospital
45 2014 Co-author Leukocyte Esterase, Nitrite, and Leukocyte
Sediment In Diagnosing Urinary Tract Infection
At Dr. Soetomo Hospital Surabaya
46 2014 Co-author Anemia in Children With Chronic Kidney
Disease at Dr. Soetomo Hospital Surabaya
47 2014 Co-author Efficacy and Safety of Single Versus Divided
Dose Corticosteroid Therapy in Nephrotic
Syndrome (A Preliminary Study)
48 2014 Co-author Correlation Between The Stage Of CKD And
Bone Age Delay In Children At Dr. Soetomo
Hospital Surabaya
49 2014 Co-author Probiotics Efficacy In Children With Simple
Urinary Tract Infections (Preliminary Study)
50 2014 Co-author Risk Factor For Mortality In Lupus Nephritis
Children With Neuropsychiatric Manifestation At
Dr. Soetomo Hospital
51 2014 Co-author Profile Of Chronic Kidney Disease Focusing On
Nutritional Status In Children
52 2014 Co-author Risk Factor Of Neuropsychiatric Manifestation In
Children With Lupus Nephritis At Dr. Soetomo
Hospital Surabaya
53 2014 Co-author Cardiovascular Profiles Of Children With
Chronic Kidney Disease At Dr. Soetomo Hospital
54 2014 Co-author Risk Factor For Acute Kidney Injury In Children
With Acute Glomerulonephritis
55 2014 Co-Author The use of PELOD score in predicting acute
kidney injury in critically ill children at Dr.
Soetomo Hospital Surabaya Indonesia (A
preliminary study)
56 2014 Co-Author Exogenous mesenchymal stem cells therapy
attenuate renal interstitial fibrosis by paracrine
57 2015 Co-Author Risk Factor For Cardiomyopathy In Children
With Chronic Kidney Disease At Dr. Soetomo
Hospital Surabaya Indonesia
58 2015 Co-Author Risk Factor For Mortality In Children With
Lupus Nephritis At Dr. Soetomo Hospital
Surabaya Indonesia
59 2016 Co-Author Peritonitis complication in peritoneal dialysis
children at Dr. Soetomo Hospital Surabaya-
60 2016 Co-Author Blood Glucose Level In Children With Nephrotic
Syndrome In Dr. Soetomo Hospital Surabaya
61 2016 Co-Author Congenital Anomalies of Kidney and Urinary
Tract in children with Urinary Tract Infection in
Dr. Soetomo Hospital, Surabaya
62 2016 Co-Author Proteinuria Screening In Elementary School
Children In Surabaya
63 2016 Co-Author The Influence of Glomerular Filtration Rate And
Hypertension To Left Ventricular Function In
Children With Acute Glomerulonephritis
64 2016 Co-Author Screening For Hypertension In Elementary
School Children In Surabaya
65 2016 Co-Author Mannitol Premedication For Dialysis
Disequilibrium Syndrome Prevention In Children
On Hemodialysis
66 2016 Co-Author Predictive Factor of Renal Response In Children
With Lupus Nephritis In Dr. Soetomo Hospital,
67 2016 Co-Author Screening of Hematuria In Elementary School
Children In Surabaya
68 2016 Co-Author Clinical Profile And Outcome In Children With
Henoch Schönlein Purpura Nephritis In Dr.
Soetomo Hospital Surabaya
69 2016 Co-Author The Outcome Treatment of Lupus Nephritis In
Children With Normal And Abnormal Renal
Function In Dr. Soetomo Hospital, Surabaya
70 2016 Co-Author Risk of Cardiovascular Complications In
Idiopathic Nephrotic Syndrome

Surabaya, 27 Februari 2017

Prof. dr. Mohammad Sjaifullah Noer, SpA(K)

NIP. 19450518 197403 1 002

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