Answerpelangi 2

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Answer : Set 2

1 C 11 B 21 A 31 C 41 C
2 A 12 B 22 C 32 C 42 D
3 D 13 D 23 B 33 D 43 B
4 A 14 C 24 A 34 C 44 D
5 C 15 B 25 A 35 C 45 B
6 B 16 B 26 B 36 B 46 A
7 B 17 C 27 C 37 B 47 C
8 B 18 C 28 D 38 C 48 C
9 D 19 A 29 B 39 A 49 B
10 C 20 B 30 B 40 A 50 C

1. (a) (i) molecule (ii) ion
(b) Iron iron atom

(c) (i) covalent bond (ii) ionic bond

(d) + -

Na Cl

(e) (i) Sodium chloride conducts electricity only in molten state or aqueous solution.
(ii) Sodium chloride in molten state or aqueous solution contains of freely moving ions.

(a) – position of ions in the Electrochemical Series.
- concentration of ions in electrolyte.

(b) (i) chlorine gas

(ii) the gas emitted is tested with blue litmus paper which turns red and then discoloured.

(c) (i) sodium ion is placed higher then hydrogen ion in the Electrochemical Series.
(ii) use mercury as cathode .

(d) (i) Cu2+ , Cl- , H+ , OH- ions

(ii) brown solid deposited at the cathode.
(iii) The blue colour of the solution faded.
(a) (i) methylbenzene
(ii) water

(b) (i) hydrogen chloride is in the form of molecules.

(ii) hydrogen chloride ionises in water to form hydrogen ions.

(c) (i) carbon dioxide

(ii) the gas is passed into limewater , that turns chalky.

(d) (i)
Light bulb

Solution P or Q

(ii) Solution Q will cause the light bulb to light up, whereas the light bulb does not light up for
Solution P.

(e) (i) one mole of acid that ionises in water to produce one mole of hydrogen ion.
(ii) M x 20.00 = 1
2.0 x 15.00 1
M = 1.5 moldm-3



Cupper (II) sulphate Polystyrene

solution cup

(b) The amount of heat releases when 1 mole of copper is displaced from its salt solution.

(c) Zn (s) + Cu2+(aq)  Zn2+ (aq) + Cu (s)

(d) (i) 0.1 x 50 = 0.005 mol

(ii) 1085 J
(iii) 50 x 4.2 x Ө = 1085
Ө = 5.17 oC

(e) (i) Magnesium

(ii) magnesium is more electropositive compare to zinc.
(a) The colour of the solution changes from green to brown.

(b) (i) oxidation (ii) oxidising agent (iii) acidified potassium manganate (VII)

(c) 2Fe2+(aq) + Cl-(aq)  2Fe3+ (aq) + 2Cl- (aq)

(d) 0 to -1

(e) (i) the colour of the solution changes from brown to green.
(ii) 2Fe3+(aq) + Zn(s)  2Fe2+(aq) + Zn2+(aq)

(a) alkaline hydrolysis.

(b) concentrated sodium hydroxide.

(c) olive oil.

(d) sodium chloride.

(e) (i) glycerol

(ii) CH2 –OH


(f) (i) detergent is a sodium salt of a alkyl sulphoric acid.

(ii) soap consists of carboxyl group -COO- , whereas detergent consists of sulphate group –OSO3-
(iii) biological enzymes. To remove blood stains .
(a)(i) Rubidium react vigorously with water and emits lots of heat, and hydrogen gas. [1]
2Rb + H2O  2RbOH + H2 [1]
(ii) Rubidium burns vigorously in oxygen and produce a white solid. [1]
4Rb + O2  2Rb2O [1]
(iii) Rubidium burns vigorously in chlorine and produce a white solid. [1]
2Rb + Cl2  2RbCl [1]

(b) Helium, Neon, Argon, Krypton [1]

(i) exist as colourless gases at room conditions. [1]
(ii) He : 2
Ne : 2.8
Ar : 2.8.8
Kr : [2]
(iii) He : to fill weather ballons [1]
Ne : to light up advertisement billboards. [1]
Ar : to fill filament light bulb. [1]
Kr : to fill flash bulb in photography. [1]

(c) To attain duplet electron arrangement, lithium atom donates an electron to form positive ion Li + [1]
Li  Li+ + e [1]
2.1 2
To attain octet electron arrangement, chlorine atom accepts an electron to form negative ion Cl- [1]
Cl + e  Cl- [1]
2.8.7 2.8.8
The attraction between the lithium ion and chloride ion result in the formation of ionic bond [1]
+ _


(a) (i) Compound X : CnH2n+1 OH , n = 1,2,3,….. [1]
Compound X is propanol. [1]
Compound W : Cn H2n+1COOH , n = 0,1,2,3,….. [1]
Compound W is propanoic acid [1]

(ii) Compound W reacts with metallic carbonates to form salt, water and carbon dioxide, [1]
whereas compound X does not react with metallic carbonates. [1]
Compound W reacts with metal oxide to form salt and water, [1]
whereas compound X does not react with metal oxide. [1]

(iii) - 5cm3 of acidified potassium manganate (VII) [1]

- and a few drops of propanol is mixed together. [1]
- the mixture is heated until it boils . [1]
- the propanoic acid is collected as distillate in a test tube. [1]

Propanol and
acidified potassium propanoic acid
manganate (VII)

(b) Graph refer to G1 [1+1+1]

(i) From the graph the heat of combustion for C2H6O is 1350 kJmol-1 [1]

(ii) number of moles = 15

= 0.25 mol [1]
Heat releases = 0.25 x 2010kJ
= 502.5 kJ. [1]

(iii) The heat of combustion for Compound Z is higher than Compound Y because
- the number of carbon atoms in Compound Z is more than Compound Y. [1]
- the burning of compound Z produce more carbon dioxide, and therefore more heat
is released when more bonds are formed. [1]
(a) - ammonia is formed through the combination of nitrogen and hydrogen gases. [1]
- the ratio of nitrogen and hydrogen is 1 : 3. [1]
- the gas mixture is passed over iron filings as catalyst. [1]
- the gas mixture is heated up to 450oC at 200 atm. [1]

(b) Preparation of ammonium sulphate.

Apparatus : burette, pipette, conical flask, evaporating dish, retort stand, Bunsen burner, filter funnel,
filter paper.
Substances : phenolphthalein, 2.0 moldm-3 of ammonia solution, 1.0 moldm-3 of sulphuric acid. [1]

Procedures : - 25 cm3 of 2.0 moldm-3 ammonia solution is measure using a pipette and transfer into
a conical flask. [1]
- 3 drops of phenolphthalein is added to the alkali. [1]
- A burette is filled with 1.0 moldm-3 of sulphuric acid and the initial reading is
recorded. [1]
- The acid is added a little at a time and the conical flask is swirled constantly. [1]
- The acid is added until the phenolphthalein changes from pink to colourless. [1]
- The volume of acid needed to neutralise 25cm3 ammonia solution is recorded. [1]
- 25 cm3 of ammonia solution is again transfer into a conical flask without indicator.
- From the burette, the exact amount of sulphuric acid recorded during the titration is
added to the alkali. [1]
- The solution is then heated in an evaporating dish until one third of its original
volume . [1]
- The solution is allowed to cool to obtain crystal. [1]
- The crystals formed is filtered and dried by pressing the crystals in between two
pieces of filter paper. [1]

Sulphuric acid

Ammonia solution and


(c) Mass of 1 mol of (NH4)2SO4 = 132 g

Mass of nitrogen in (NH4)2SO4 = 28g [1]
% by mass of nitrogen = 28 x 100
= 21.21 % [1]

Mass of 1 mol of (NH2)2CO = 60 g

Mass of nitrogen in (NH2)2CO = 28g [1]
% by mass of nitrogen = 28 x 100
= 46.67 % [1]
(a) (i)
- Example of strong acid is hydrochloric acid. [1]
- strong acid ionises completely in water to form hydrogen ion , H+ .
HCl  H+ + Cl- [1]
- Example of weak acid is ethanoic acid. [1]
- weak acid ionises partially in water to form hydrogen ion, H+.
CH3COOH === CH3COO- + H+ [1]
- strong acid has high concentration of hydrogen ions. [1]
- high concentration of hydrogen ions resulted in low pH value. [1]
- weak acid has low concentration of hydrogen ions. [1]
- low concentration of hydrogen ions resulted in high pH value. [1]

- 25 cm3 of potassium hydroxide solution is measured by using a pipette and transfer
into a conical flask. [1]
- the solution is added with 3 drops of methyl orange. [1]
- hydrochloric acid is poured into a burette, and the initial reading of the burette is recorded. [1]
- hydrochloric acid is allowed to flow into the conical flask a little at a time. [1]
- the conical flask is swirled constantly. [1]
- the titration is stopped when the colour of the indicator changes from yellow to orange. [1]
- the final reading on the burette is recorded. [1]
- the experiment is repeated twice. [1]
- the result is recorded in a table.
Titration 1 2 3
Final reading of burette (cm3) V1 V3 V5
Initial reading of burette (cm3) V2 V4 V6
Volume of hydrochloric acid V1-V2 V3-V4 V5-V6
used (cm3)
- the average volume of hydrochloric acid used is calculated. [1]
- KOH + HCl  KCl + H2O [1]
- If the average volume of the hydrochloric acid is Va and the concentration of potassium hydroxide is Mb,
Calculation for the concentration of potassium hydroxide is
0.5 x Va = 1
Mb x 25 1
Mb = Va moldm-3 [1]
1. (a) Experiment 1 : Initial temperature = 28.3 oC
Maximum temperature = 34.9 oC
Increase in temperature = 6.6 oC

Experiment 2 : Initial temperature = 28.5 oC

Maximum temperature = 34.6 oC
Increase in temperature = 6.1 oC
[3 marks]
(b) H+ (aq) + OH- (aq)  H2O (l) [3 marks]

(c) the number of moles = 0.1 x 50

= 0.005 mol [3 marks]

(d) Experiment 1 :
mcӨ = 100 x 4.2 x 6.6
= 2772 J
∆H = 2772
= -554400J
= - 554.4 kJmol-1

Experiment 2 :
mcӨ = 100 x 4.2 x 6.1
= 2562 J
∆H = 2562
= -512400J
= - 512.4 kJmol-1 [ 6 marks]

(e) The heat of neutralisation in Experiment 1 is higher than Experiment 2.

In Experiment 1, all energy releases when water is formed through neutralisation.
However in Experiment 2, part of the energy is absorbed to ionise the molecules of ethanoic acid before
it can be neutralise. [3 marks]
(a) Solid Liquid
Compound X : 0.0 A 0.0 A
Compound Y : 0.0 A 0.3 A [3 marks]
Manipulated variable: The way to manipulate variable.

Type of compound. Used different compound.

………………………………………… ………………………………….
Responding variable: What to observe in the responding variable.

Electrical conductivity. Observe ammeter reading.

…………………………………………. …………………………………………..
Controlled variable: The way to maintain the controlled variable.
Use the same amount of compound X and Y in each
Compound quantity. experiment.
…………………………………………. ……………………………………………
[3 marks]

(c) The electrical conductivity for compound X and Y is different. [ 3marks]

(d) compound X : naphthalene compound Y : lead (II) bromide [ 3 marks]

Aim of the experiment :
To produce an ester using ethanol to react with ethanoic acid and describe its physical properties.

Statement of hypothesis :
Ester are sweet smelling and not soluble in water.

List of substances and apparatus :
Ethanol, ethanoic acid, concentrated sulphuric acid, test tubes, beaker, bunsen burner.
[3 marks]
Procedures of the experiment :
- 1 cm3 of ethanoic acid is poured into a test tube.
- 2 cm3 of ethanol is added in, follow by few drops of concentrated sulphuric acid.
- The mixture is heated for about 3 minutes.
- The content is then poured into a beaker of water.
- The ester is collected on top of the water.
- The physical properties of the ester produced is tested and recorded in a table.

[3 marks]
Tabulation of data :
Test Observation

Solubility in water


[3 marks]

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