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Upper-Intermediate - Product Localization (D1643)

A: 那就本土化的问题而言,您认为这些外资企业该
nà jiù běntǔhuà de wèntı́ éryán, nı́n rènwéi zhèxiē wàizı̄ qı̌yè
gāi rúhé qù shı́xiàn tāmen de běntǔhuà?
Now, as for the issue of localization - how do you think
foreign-owned enterprises should localize?

B: 本土化的话,我觉得呢,我们可以从三个方面来
běntǔhuà dehuà, wǒ juéde ne, wǒmen kěyı̌ cóng sān ge
fāngmiàn lái tán zhè ge wèntı́.
I think there are three important factors involved in localiza-

B: 第一个层次来讲,我觉得是产品的本土化。
dı̀ yı̄ ge céngcı̀ lái jiǎng, wǒ juéde shı̀ chǎnpı̌n de běntǔhuà.
I think the first one is the localization of products.

B: 因为他们的产品从某种意义上来讲,就很多的国

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yı̄nwèi tāmen de chǎnpı̌n cóng mǒuzhǒng yı̀yı̀ shàng lái
jiǎng, jiù hěn duō de guójı̀huà de dà de gōngsı̄, tāmen de
chǎnpı̌n kěnéng, bı̌rú shuō tā shı̀ Měiguó gōngsı̄, nà tā-
men de chǎnpı̌n kěnéng gèngduō de huı̀ cóng Měiguó de
nà zhǒng xiāofèizhě de nàge lı̌jiě huò zhě tāmen de xūqiú
Because their products, in some ways - a lot of big inter-
national companies - for example, an American company,
more of their products are likely to have been made out of
the understanding or needs of American consumers.

B: 那所以这种公司,一般在进中国之前他们往往会
nà suǒyı̌ zhèzhǒng gōngsı̄, yı̄bān zài jı̀n Zhōngguó zhı̄qián
tāmen wǎngwǎng huı̀ zuò hěn duō hěn duō de shı̀chǎng-
diàochá, liǎojiě Zhōngguó de kèhù huı̀ xı̌huan shénmeyàng
de chǎnpı̌n, zài tāmen de chǎnpı̌n dāngzhōng tāmen huı̀
tiāoxuǎn chū shı̀hé zhōngguó shı̀chǎng de chǎnpı̌n, ránhòu
jı̀nxı́ng tuı̄guǎng.
So before this kind of company comes to China they’ll of-
ten do a lot of market research and try to understand what
kind of products will be popular with Chinese consumers
and which products best suit the Chinese market and then
promote those.

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B: 当然也不排除一种可能性就是他们的产品其实完
dāngrán yě bù páichú yı̄zhǒng kěnéngxı̀ng jiùshı̀ tāmen de
chǎnpı̌n qı́shı́ wánquán bù shı̀hé Zhōngguó de shı̀chǎng,
dànshı̀ tāmen háishı̀ xiǎngyào dào Zhōngguó shı̀chǎng lái
fāzhǎn. yı̄nwèi zhè shı̀ yı̄ ge hěn dà de qiánlı̀ de yı̄ ge shı̀-
Of course, that doesn’t eliminate the possibility that their
products don’t fit the Chinese market at all, but they still
want to enter the Chinese market and develop, because this
is such a big potential market.

B: 那这种情况下他们可能就是要考虑,比如说在中
nà zhèzhǒng qı́ngkuàng xià tāmen kěnéng jiùshı̀ yào kǎolü
bı̌rú shuō zài Zhōngguó chóngxı̄n wèi Zhōngguó kèhù shèjı̀
chǎnpı̌n, huò zhě shı̀ chóngxı̄n jiù shuō qù gǎibiàn tāmen
de yı̄xiē chǎnpı̌n de shèjı̀ de dōngxi, zài Zhōngguó zhı̀zào
děngdeng děngdeng.
So, in this kind of situation they may want to consider, for ex-
ample, redesigning their products for Chinese customers, or
changing the design of some of their products, manufactur-
ing them in China, etc., etc.

Key Vocabulary

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就......而 jiù ... éryán as for, in regards to

本土化 běntǔhuà localization

外资 wàizı̄ foreign investment

层次 céngcı̀ layer, level

实现 shı́xiàn to realize, to achieve

国际化 guójı̀huà globalization, interna-


消费者 xiāofèizhě consumers

需求 xūqiú demands, require-


出发 chūfā to proceed from

市场调查 shı̀chǎng diào- market research


挑选 tiāoxuǎn to choose, to select

进行 jı̀nxı́ng to carry out

推广 tuı̄guǎng promotion

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排除 páichú to eliminate

可能性 kěnéngxı̀ng probability

潜力 qiánlı̀ latent potential

重新 chóngxı̄n anew

设计 shèjı̀ to design

Supplementary Vocabulary

临时 lı́nshı́ temporary

现代化 xiàndàihuà modernization

城市化 chéngshı̀huà urbanization

全球化 quánqiúhuà globalization

Visit the Online Review and Discussion (text version). 2011

c Praxis Language Ltd.

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