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First Year B. A. (External) Examination
May/June - 2018
(Interoducing Literary Form : Poetry and Drama)
(Core Elective) (Subsidiary)

Time : 3 Hours] [Total Marks : 100

Instructions : (1)
6tr o 7 [itL.r1lu(l [i
GntqCl \a ucr,r a"r{I. Seat No.
Flllup at.lctly th. d.t.lls ot aF algna on your an.w.r book.
Name of lhe Examination :
First Year B. A (External)
t'larno of tl€ Subjsct
English: Paper - 1(Core Elective) (Subsidiary)
(1, 2,.....) Nit Studenfs Signaluro
a.Subiect Code No. : 2 2 2 7 a.Section No.

(2) Fill up strictly the details of signs on your answer book.

(3) Indicate your options clearly.
(4) Figures to the right indicate marks.

1 Comment on the theme of beauty in the poem 20

"She Walks in Beauty".
l. Comment on the significance of the title of the poem 'Pulley'.

"People tend to be selfish according to the changing 20
situations.' - Discuss the statement with special reference
to the play "Rpunion".
o Critically analyzc the play "The Rising of the Moon".

3. What is a Lyric ? Discuss its features. 20

HJ-2227'l I IContd...
3. Write a detailed note on an Ode with its features.

4 What is Kitchen Sink Drama ? Discuss its feature. 20

4. Write a detailed note on the Origin and the Growth of
Drama in England.

5. (a) Write a short note on ANY ONE of the following : 20

(1) Lomov
(2) The theme of sorrow in "Another's Sorrow".

O) Write a short note on ANY ONE of the following :

(1) Absurd Drama.

(2) Elegy.

HJ-22271 , [300]

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