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The report analysed the core topic of the study through the application of the secondary
qualitative method, where the views and opinions of other researchers shed light on the core
main topic. The study provided a gist of background of the core topic, which was to examine the
impact of terrorism on the occurrence of international business. The study highlighted the
negative effects of terrorism on the initiatives of international trade on a global scale, and the
inspected the problems which arose due to these terrorist attacks. Strategies to mitigate such
issues were seen at the end of the study.

Table of Contents
Section 1: Introduction.....................................................................................................................5

Section 2: Background and context.............................................................................................5

Priority of the topic......................................................................................................................6

National context.......................................................................................................................6

Local context............................................................................................................................7

Professional context.................................................................................................................7

Significance of the core topic..........................................................................................................7

Section 3: Literature review.............................................................................................................8

Factors of terrorism to cause distress of individuals....................................................................9

Impact of terrorism for strangling regional growth...................................................................10

Critical analysis of international business elements and their relationship with terrorism........10

Evaluation of the impact of terrorism on the overall concept of international business............10

Strategies for reducing the impact of terrorism on the international business activities...........11

Section 4: Research Design...........................................................................................................12

Research approach and methods................................................................................................12

Data collection tool....................................................................................................................12

Inclusion and exclusion criteria.................................................................................................12

Inclusion criteria....................................................................................................................12

Exclusion criteria...................................................................................................................12

Analysis of the obtained results.................................................................................................13

Ethical consideration..................................................................................................................13


Section 5: Conclusion....................................................................................................................13

Section 6: References.....................................................................................................................14

Section 1: Introduction
The study provides an in-depth analysis regarding the background of the core topic and the
manner in which the effects of terrorism has impacted the conduction of the international
business activities. This study intends to understand the ill effects of terrorism on the process of
trade across the world and the associated issues that arise related to these terrorist attacks. A
constructive conclusion would be drawn at the end of the study, to align the several subtopics
and related themes with the main subject of the study.
Section 2: Background and context
Since the dawn of time humanity has had to face issues associated with aggressive people aiming
to carry out their evil intentions. In this process people often begin to face issues associated with
problematic situations of trade being completely halted and people often having to completely
stop their financial sales procedures. According to the findings by Nadeem et al. (2020), there is
a common misconception that terrorism only involves the use of arms and ammunitions and this
prevents the nations from being able to trade freely. In the thoughts and beliefs by Aslam et al.
(2018) with the allocation of such elements into the established factors of organisational trade
within the global concept, the obstacles in the path of trading can range from factors such as the
climatic alterations, to economic downfall.

Figure 1: The biggest threats which can be perceived on the global society, as of 2021
(Source: Statista, 2022)
The identification of issues associated with preventing trade is the initial step in preventing
future issues associated with the same. As suggested by MengYun et al. (2018), the integration
of one of the major issues associated with the development of trade is the involvement of the use
of arms and ammunition in the prevention of trade. Other notions expand around the themes
relating to the usage of bio wars and bio attacks on the global scale, along with the total collapse
of the economic strata (Statista, 2022).
The other processes involve the implementation of cybercrime and other similar procedures to
completely disintegrate the development of trade among nations. As viewed by Okafor and
Calderon (2022), the involvement of terrorism in the field of trade has been ongoing for a long
time. The process of completely altering the creation of crops for the benefit of the ones in power
is also inclusive of the process of terrorism. In the times of British rule in India, the farmers of
Bengal were forced to grow Indigo in their fields (, 2022). This was not only
a clear misuse of power, it also was a display of unbridled terrorism that forced the people to
work under inhumane situations. Hence, this study needs to be carried out to have a better
understanding of the overall effect of terrorism that massively disrupts the lives and livelihoods
of people.
Priority of the topic
As per the point of view of Zakaria et al. (2019), there are sanctions that can be put in place for
the prevention of such issues, which highlights the extent of terrorism on the different aspects of
life and social constructs. Hence, the identification of factors that disrupts a life is entirely based
on these factors. This aspect of the study can be divided into three specific contexts:
● National
● Local
● Professional
These three aspects have been studied further in the following section:
National context
The issue faced at the national level is essentially associated with the loss of funds based on
limited ability of taxation of the government. In this case, there are possible alterations that can
be put in place for the government to carry out. In case there are alterable situations, the national

government aims to completely resolve the overall situation. The issues of terrorism adversely
effects trade since it can completely cripple the economy of a nation. This concept is partially
circular in nature.
Local context
Within a smaller section of the nation, a region or a state plays a vital role in the enhancement of
the financial prosperity of its people. Locals are the life-blood of traders within a region. A
nation becomes powerful in trading due to its people creating products or services that can be
sold to the outside world. In this context, it needs to be noted that only the selling of products is
not the main aim of a trade sector. In the present context, there are remote workers that are
involved in the development of massive organisations such as Amazon, Google and other similar
conglomerates (Ghauri et al. 2021). This can also prevent the major conglomerates from
rethinking their plans regarding investing in local areas as they intend to make more profit.
Professional context
People involved in the process of trading are the most affected among all the previously
mentioned scenarios. The individual online creator or remote worker associated with a
conglomerate is highly likely to be removed from their position when repeated disturbances are
observed from their end. Similarly, the sellers of products are also highly likely to lose out on
massive amounts of funds once they are unable to sell their products. The problem aggregates in
case these products are left to rot after being produced. The individuals are among the most
heavily affected by the issue of terrorism within the area of trade.
Significance of the core topic
Identifying the issues associated with the influx of terrorism is the first step in understanding the
process of preventing the same. Hence, an in-depth research is able to provide the people with an
idea regarding the alterations that can be put in place to enhance the trading. As suggested by
Corbet et al. (2019), the simple process of disrupting the flow of work within this sector can
intensively harm the people. As per the suggestions by Clark et al. (2021), in this case itself, the
impact of issues related to cybercrimes such as prevention of internet access can completely halt
the growth of the locals.
With the study, the researcher would be able to expand upon the several factors which proves to
be necessary to safeguard the companies from the external terrorist attacks. As per the
suggestions by Ghauri et al. (2021), trade enables a nation to become financially viable and

allows it to invoke its financial prosperity in other sectors as well. As opined by Liu and Li
(2020), while a nation is able to function and move in a direction that promotes financial
stability, it also opens doors for the integration of other cultures since trade also brings in an
influx of people. Hence, identifying the impact of terrorism on these situations enables the
development of a nation towards the path that curbs such situations from arising.

Research questions

1. How terrorism creates an uncertainty within the international business environment

related to several integrated elements?
2. In what manner has the international business been influenced by the acts of terrorism?
3. What are the measures which can be used to reduce the impact of terrorism on the
international business activities?

Research aim

The aim of this research paper would be to perform an in-depth analysis and determine the
various impacts of terrorism on the international business activities on a worldwide scale.

Section 3: Literature review

The life-blood of modern-day globalisation revolves around the implementation of international
trade. As thought by MengYun et al. (2018), international trade involves the selling and buying
of products and services in the market and it enables the enhancement of soft power among
nations involved in the process. According to the workings by Luo (2022), while the
development of trade is not always created to enhance the soft power of a nation, it almost
always ends up helping the nations to develop their system of soft power. In several cases, there
are visible differences in the past and present conditions of nations regarding their livelihoods
and this alteration in many cases is due to the presence of trade-based connections among the
nations. In the thoughts and beliefs by Aslam et al. (2018), however, terrorism does not only
involve the scenarios of implementing arms and ammunitions to prevent trade, there are multiple
methods of causing disturbance in the process of trade.
The integration of global trade proved to be a necessary approach for the overall improvement of
the economic and the social strata of the global population. As per the suggestions by Liu and Li

(2020), not only did such a matter prove to be useful for the establishment of the firms and
organisations but also paved pathways for the betterment of the personal and professional skills
of the workers. However, there has been the establishment of several issues which are localised
to the identifying the situations such as the acts of terrorisms and wars. In such a case, the study
reflects upon the several notions of contextual segmentation of the main theme. As mentioned by
Nwankwo and Okoye (2022), due to the fact that such problems act as significant causes to
drastically diminish the acts of trading and revenue generation, the association seen with
activities of terrorism across several fields ought to be strategies about, by the companies.

Figure 2: Elements of international business which gets affected due to terrorism

(Source: Influenced from Shah et al. 2020)
There are several integrating factors which proves to be harmed during the inauguration of
terrorist into the international business paradigm. According to the thoughts by Fatehi and Choi
(2019), along with several associated factors, the entire financial system of a nation is completely
Factors of terrorism to cause distress of individuals
In case, such sanctions carry on, the sheer inability of the individuals to carry on with their daily
lives becomes immensely strenuous. Hence, careers stagnate and people become unable to
function at a high level. As dictated by Buigut et al. (2022), this completely disintegrates the
ability of the people to be productive. With the application of such a concept, there was the result
where the people have to take on meagre jobs. Once it is seen that a nation is unable to carry out
trading it becomes economically unviable, there is the generation of futile and dramatic results.
As commented by Eduardsen and Marinova (2020), one of the major results is the lack of
economic vitality, the nation is unable to carry out trade.
Impact of terrorism for strangling regional growth
As viewed by Montiel et al. (2021), the development of international trade begins from the
smallest of regions. Hence, the involvement of locals is essential in the betterment of overall
trade. In the matter of such a context, the identification of systems for the development of
outcomes need to be carried out. In case there are small sections of people involved the service
and production departments, these people will be unable to work and function in a productive
manner. As per the point of view of Shah et al. (2020), small scale organisations are the
backbone of major trade powers. Since they are able to work and function in a manner that
promotes a plethora of products and services. In case terrorist sanctions prevent the smooth
functioning of these industries, the nations are highly likely to be crippled in the long run.
Critical analysis of international business elements and their relationship with
There needs to be the maintenance of the cohesiveness between the several integrated units of
the international business. According to the comments by Tingbani et al. (2019), a disruption of
one of the aligning elements of the business conduction proves to be harmful on other associated
factors. This is due to the generation of an interdependent chain of communication and
command. As per the notions by Czinkota et al. (2021), it has been observed that the disruption
of the economic flow and social structure acts as a significantly destructive factor, which occurs
due to the acts of terrorism. According to the views of Markoulis and Katsikides (2020), the
halting of the employment of the workers of the nation causes a vehement disruption of the
economic balance of the world. At the same time, the degeneration of the political factors brings
about a cohesive destruction, both in the internal and the external notions of the associated firms.
Evaluation of the impact of terrorism on the overall concept of international
It has been noted that the impact of terrorism has not only been localised to a few of the elements
of the international business conduction, but also encompassed a larger section of the
management. The international business paradigm has been affected as a whole, as the web of
international business management approaches in a cohesive manner. According to the
suggestions of Sharma et al. (2020), terrorism in the business space need to be nipped in the bud.

Otherwise, the nations are highly likely to face issues associated with the gross mismanagement
of a nation. As per the comments by Gholipour (2019), nations with the highest levels of
terrorism are often the ones with the lowest amounts of trading power. These elements of
associated international business such as the treasury of the firms, the security notions and such
others are thoroughly hampered.

Figure 3: Highest to lowest economic impact of terrorism on international business

(Source: Statista, 2020)
As per the views of Okafor and Calderon (2022), there has been the disruption of severe
economic elements, which have caused heinous turbulence in the political and the social
constructs of the world. As per the opinions of Zakaria et al. (2019), these notions have impacted
how international business gets conducted with the associated nations around the globe.
Strategies for reducing the impact of terrorism on the international business
According to the opinions of Padash and Khodapanah (2018), the reduction of tension within a
nation is essential to bring down the probability of reduction in international trade. In case there
are alterations that need to be implemented for the running of the program, these changes can be
made for the development of the organisation. Initially, there are several opportunities for
nations to grow and flourish. However, as per the thoughts by Kotlerv et al. (2019), once a
nation becomes plagued by issues associated with terrorism, be it internal or external, the ability
of the nation to function smoothly is lost.

Section 4: Research Design
Research approach and methods
The conduction of the study was based upon the secondary qualitative research, due to the fact
that the integrated concepts and themes were established from the core topic of the study, which
were further influenced from the secondary sources of data. Through the implementation of such
a method, the researcher was able to conduct the notions of thematic analysis that allowed the
in-depth analysis of the main topic of the study in an extensive manner. Through the
establishment of the key themes and concepts, the researcher was able to describe the main
themes and key elements identified in the topics. The primary quantitative analysis was not
performed in the study as due to the occurrence of the COVID-19 pandemic, the gathering of
information from face to face interviews or the conduction of surveys was not possible.
Data collection tool
For the collection of the secondary qualitative data different literatures will be collected over the
study. The research will undertake various previous literatures, research studies, articles and
journals from the credible websites such as Google Scholar, ProQuest respectively.
Inclusion and exclusion criteria
There was the maintenance of the inclusion and the exclusion criteria during the establishment of
the study. In such a manner, only the relevant and the necessary information were ingrained
during the development of the research.
Inclusion criteria
Only the secondary data which were written in the dialect of English language were integrated
into the study. This proved to be necessary for the collection of relevant information from the
journals, articles and other such means. At the same time, the journals and articles which were
applied during the establishment of the study were older than the last 5 years. Hence, only the
secondary data which were produced after 2018 were implemented during the development of
the topic.
Exclusion criteria
The exclusion criteria which were maintained during the jotting down of the points in study were
the exclusion of any secondary material which were not in English language. The information
which was older than the last 5 years that is before 2018 were also excluded.

Analysis of the obtained results
The obtained results would be analysed with the integration of thematic analysis of the core
concepts and major themes identified in the study.
Ethical consideration
There was the maintenance of a lengthy reference list at the end of the study. With the
development of such a list, any kind of legal issues which would be generated due to the
copyright or trademark were abolished from the study. Also, the researcher maintained a tough
integration of in text citations, to pay the needful respect towards the authors from whom the
secondary data were gathered. In such a manner, the researcher totally avoided any issues which
could be raised due to the context of plagiarism.
One of the significant limitations which were presented in the study was the fact that primary
quantitative had not been performed. In such a method, there is the gathering of information
related to the views and thoughts of the respondents of the survey or interviews. Hence, without
such an approach, the views of the population relating to the core topic was not included in the
study. Therefore, the lack of the views and opinions of the public domain in the study did not
allow the study to include all the aligning factors. Another major limitation was the absence of a
long time to develop the study in a wide-spectrum. Hence, all the factors relating to the terrorism
acts on the international business conduction was not integrated into the study.
Section 5: Conclusion
Hence, from the study, the researcher looked into the myriad of causes and the associated factors
which impacts the conduction of the international business and trading due to the integration of
terrorism. The researcher jotted down an extensive review of past literature which examined the
core topic of the study. The methodology which was integrated during the development of the
study along with the analysis of the obtained results was also looked into, in the report. The
establishment of certain strategies which could mitigate the negative impact and halt the
occurrences of the terrorist attacks were also penned down in the study.

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