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1. in paragraph no.3 Priestly shared with Lavoisier his discovery of a “perfect air”.
(a) Which of the scientific traits did Priestly exhibit in this paragraph ?
Answer: In paragraph three, Priestley expressed gratitude for having the
opportunity to find his "perfect air," which he later shared with his
colleague Lavoisier. He was able to assist and add to his friend's
experiment when he expressed his thankfulness by sharing his discovery.
In science, we might make use of this quality to assist others in learning
and reflecting on something or to inspire others to learn and experiment.
(b) How is the trait used ?
Answer: Gratitude. When we acknowledge the good qualities we have and
are appreciative of someone or something, we use this trait. Gratitude has
also been demonstrated in research to deepen interpersonal bonds,
increase resilience, and enhance general wellbeing.

2. State the problem that Lavoisier decided to investigate.

Answer: Creating his own original combustion theory was the focus of Lavoisier's
chemical study. In chemistry and physics, figuring out what exactly happens
when something burns was the most pressing problem at the turn of the 18th

3. State the Hypothesis (to answer the problem in no.2 above) by completing the

following sentences.

Answer: If mercuric oxide was put in a vessel and heated it to a high


Then red powder was changed back into mercury, and gas was
released in the process.

4. . Which paragraph described the experiment that Lavoisier performed to test his
Answer: Paragraph number 5

5. In paragraph number 6 why did air rush into the vessel when Lavoisier broke the
glass seal?
Answer: It implies that the vessel must have been consumed during the heating
process, allowing more air to enter.

6. Which paragraph shows Lavoisier’s INTERPRETATION of his OBSERVATIONS.

Answer: Paragraph number 7

7. What conclusion did Lavoisier draw from his investigation?

Answer: He came to the conclusion that this gas, which he called oxygen, burns
flammable things. The oxygen theory of burning is what he called it, and it is now
widely regarded as the cause of burning.

8. (a). What trait did Lavoisier show in paragraph no.7?

Answer: perseverance. The ability to persist in doing or achieving anything in the
face of challenges.
(b). Why is the trait useful in scientific investigations?
Answer: The most important thing is to employ these emotions for something
constructive. Failure and rejection are unavoidable; what counts is what you take
away from them and how you proceed.

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