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1. A researchable question is a research problem.

2. Formation of a research problem is the first step in the research.
3. Problem Identification: Any phenomenon has a number of aspects to it. Each aspect has
sub-aspects to it. Each of these can be further sub-divided into components. Any major
problem, through and series of mental process, as can be split into smaller and smaller
questions till a point is reached whether the question is small enough and adequately
meaningful form a research viewpoint.
4. Problem formulation: It implies the formulating of the objectives of the study i.e. the
preparation of a very specific statement of what the researcher intends to study.
5. A problem well formulated is half solved.
6. Points to remember while Formulating Research Problem: Use concepts that can be
measured, Topic should be relevant to your profession/ subject area, Ensure availability
of data and be aware of the ethical issues.
7. Major steps in problem formulation
 Start with the general area of interest
 List all possible sub-areas or aspects and select one or few of them
 Specify the objectives of the study
 List all variables which are relevant to the study, and selecting the most
appropriate ones
 State the possible association/relationship between the variables, and the direction
of relationship. These are your hypotheses. Justify the expectations
 Operationally define all the variables.
8. Operational Definition is an essential step in carrying out any research, since data must
be collected in terms of observable facts, eg. terms like prestige, popularity, stigma,
failure, friendship, happiness etc.
9. Objectives are the goals one sets out to attain in the study.
10. The objective of the study should be clearly stated and specific in nature.
11. The main objective indicates the central thrust of the study where as the sub objectives
identify the specific issues of the proposal to be examined.

12. Sub-objectives should numerically listed. They should be worded clearly and
13. Each sub-objective should delineate only one issue.
14. Use only action oriented verbs like “to find out, to determine, to ascertain to explore”.
15. The way the objective is worded will classify the study like descriptive, correlational or
16. Objective should not be ambitious, non-specific, incomplete, either in the wording or
ideas they communicate.
17. Objectives are the center of a study around which the whole study evolves. It is known
as the lynchpin of a study.
18. Too many objectives to be avoided.
19. Even just one clearly stated relevant objective for a study would be good enough.
20. If there is more than one objective the objectives can be presented in the appropriate
order of importance

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