Cosumer Rights (LLM)

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Topic: Consumer Rights & Human Rights.


They say ‘Consumer is the King;But the question which arises today is “Is he really a king, or

the victim’ ?

Ever since a consumer connects to the internet and writes a few search phrases in google,he is

under the company’s radar. And thereon,his every move is carefully traced and captured.This

process comes to end with the company bombarding the consumer with untimed advertisements,

spam emails,numerous calls and beeping SMS’s.With this advertiser thinks that it increases the

sales and leads to conversions,but on the other hand it has also increased the privacy related

concerns for consumers,which has stopped many consumers from shopping through online

mode.This research paper aims to gain an understanding of consumer rights and human rights in

forms of various issues related to consumer privacy and implications of privacy breach in e-

commerce industry.

In this paper we conclude to say that,though the legislators who have come up with various

Consumer protection laws but the role of judiciary is also significant,which has pointed out

the real issues causing hindrances in the implementation of these laws.

In the words of Gandhi ji,‘though honesty,integrity and trust should form the pillars of trade

and commerce,yet they are seldom found in the trade business;on the contrary consumer is

often a victim of malpractices of traders like adultration, under weighing or over pricing of

goods or sub-standard services. Although economists have been trying various theories to afford

maximum satisfaction to the consumers from the given income, the consumer’s exploitation has

not seen the end.

Keywords; Consumers privacy, Consumer protection laws, Malpractices of traders, Rights of the

Presenter’s Name; 1. Author- Ripeen, One Year LLM Student, BBAU, Lucknow , Contact No.
9810916586, E-mail-

2.Co-author- Raghavendra Mishra, One Year LLM Student, BBAU, Lucknow, Contact

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