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Day 1 (September 14, 2021)

Today is my second day of practice teaching and my first day in Bright

Beginnings Academy. I had my orientation with Ms. Gemma Lim, one of the

administrators in the school, at 11 am. After being reminded of the dos and don’ts, I

assigned tasked to observe the class of Teacher Ruby.

At 1:15 pm, I entered the zoom class of Teacher Ruby for Kindergarten. The

class was a bit delayed due to some problems with the internet connection but

eventually resumed and carry on with the routine activities. Teacher Ruby then

introduced me and my co-observer in the class and the children responded lively. It was

so nice to hear the cute hi/hellos of the kinder pupils. They were so active and

participative especially when the teacher is asking them to do something. It is also

evident that they are bright and intelligent in the way they answer the questions of their

teacher. Although the pupils are very attentive, some pupils were a bit distracted. To

mend this, I observed that the teacher uses different strategies to get the attention of

the children. I heard her using tones to say important terms or concepts for better

retention and also calling out the attention of the pupils in different fun ways. The school

environment of the pupils is also friendly. They have a classmate who’s celebrating his

birthday today and they sang him the birthday song. Teacher Ruby also acknowledges

her pupils if they want to share their ideas. They also answer their activities together

and finish them together. Heading towards the end of the class, Teacher Ruby

encouraged us to say goodbye to the pupils. I left the zoom meeting at 3:30 pm and the

meeting continued for their class consultations.

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