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PEC-FTC1 Uniting A First Sem AY 2022 -2023


Unit 3. Module 5. Freud's Psychoanalytic Theory

A. Reflections and Applications on Module 5. Freud's Psychoanalytic Theory in your life and future
career as an educator.

The psychoanalytic theory of Sigmund Freud taught me that people go through

phases in childhood and adolescence that shape their mature personalities. Our behavior is
influenced by our unconscious minds, and our early experiences shape whom we become as
adults. In this structural perspective of personality, the way conflicts between mind parts affect
behavior and personality is highly valued. These tensions commonly occur subconsciously.
However, in accordance with his five psychosexual phases hypothesis of
development, personality development occurs during childhood and has a significant impact on
personality. A child's biological impulses and social expectations conflict with each growth stage.
A child can master each stage and finally acquire a fully developed personality by resolving these
internal conflicts. In order to respect my students' beliefs, I must be aware of who they are as
individuals and the society to which they belong.

B. Reaction to related research like an article, video, etc.

The psychoanalytic theory of Freud states that personality evolves through a

number of stages, each of which is defined by an internal psychological conflict. His
psychoanalytic theory of personality states that the id, ego, and superego interact with one
another to produce human behavior. The Id or Pleasure principle is illustrated by natural
impulses like eating, drinking, feeling hungry and even engaging in sexual activity. The most
essential conscious is Ego or the reality principle, and the Super-ego or the moral principle
tells you what to do based on the scenario. You eventually decide what to do by compromising
between the Id and the Super-ego; sometimes you follow the Ig more closely, other times you
follow the super-ego more closely, and other times you do a comprises.
The genital stage and latency stage, as well as the oral stage, the anal stage, the
phallic stage, and two phallic phases—the Oedipus complex, which entails having a sexual urge
for a mother while being hostile against the father, and the Electra complex, which involves
having a similar experience and developing an unconscious sexual attraction for the father.
His psychosocial growth has gone through those stages.

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