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Romanticism may be bost understood not as movement, but as a mind-set. The artists, poets and
musician of the romantic period were determined by their determin- ation to use their art to convey
emotion of provoke an emotional response from audiences. Features of Romanticism:

Romanticism has got so many fea- tuses as it was an intellectual movement and a revolt against the
Augustan age where logic was important and less attention was given towards all the matters and this
talks very below of heart. Some of the characteristic of artistic and aesthetic movement are discussed

Romantic age The Renaissance of wonder:-

Watts Dunton Says "Romanticism is the renaissance of wonder". The ever perfect saying about
romanticism which sepresents the Soul and immer shine of romantic age that what was it actually alike.
Renaissance simply means the revival or rebirth of anything but here Dunton discusses Romanticism as
an age of wonder. wonder can be anything that makes us feel amazed caused by something beautiful,
Lemarkable unfamiliar.

The poets of romantic age were simply love with strange things, attracted by aesthetic things. They were
fed up with the industrial revolution that made an atmosphere of materialistic nature.. Urbanization
started, which led to the destruction of pure susal life and so therefore poets with their divine craziness
started diverting the attention of people towards mature which is always full of wonders They wanted to
present the natural wonders before the people through their poetry. They wanted to bring back the
people towards natural phenomen- on therefore romanticism can rightly be called as "Renaissance of


Romantics have given us strange Concepts of in-ordinary things of beauty. For example words worth has
given mystical concepts of nature, Coleridge has given super-natural aspects of nature. Keats shows
inclination towards Hellenism (immitation of ancient
Greek) and Shelley is content to depict his revolutionary thoughts. Walter Pater calls it "the addition of
beaut. strangeness to beauty"

Strange or strangeness are terms for the quality of being odd unusual surprising out of ordinary, not
normal unfamiliar or not yet part of one's experience. They are derived from old French "estrange" and
latin extraneous, that which is on the outside. Franch Bacon has rightly said there is no excellent beauty
that hath not some strangeness proportion.

Escaping from modern realities:

Romanticism was a swoll against the aristocratic social and political the age of enlightenment and also a
reaction against the scientific rationalization The industrial revolution also influenced roma- of mature.
nticism, which was in part about escaping from modern realities. Dis-satisfied with the modernized
world of Eighteenth contury, English romantic writers found happiness their own created world of
imagination where they preferred to escape from the hoursh realities of that time.

Longing for unattainable.

longing means carving and here "longing for unattainable" means thoughts and feelings about all facets
of life that are unfinished, or imperfect

"Romanticism longing for unattainable"

in specific refers to the utopian Conceptions. of Ideal development and sense of incompleteness and
imperf. ection of life. There a carving for the blissful was Joy and unattainable perfection

The poem "To a skylask by shelley is the best example of linging or yearning for unattainable pleasures
The speaker is captivated by the bird's beautiful music happiness and longs to experience its happiness.

Romanticism was Considered as a revolt against the reason and rationality of classicism in which moral
was important and rules and regulations were considered Compulsory. as Romantic art portrayed
emotions in dramatic way and there was a a bold or stress upon past-

Romanticism is considered as Anti-classicism would talk about Idealism because while classicism would
talk about realism. The literature of classicits was for moral purpose which did not include any aesthetics
while literature of romantics would not care about morali lather it would favour art for art's sake Ale
that advocates talks of heart:

Romantics would advocate talks of heart rather than advocating reaun logu and rationality. They we're
not Concerned more about the mind but would write whatso ever please their souls-

Romantic age H in reader of writing. all about provoking emotions by its stylistic and artistic manner

Romantic would not bother about logic talks of The head rather they would focus affairs of heart.

victorian spiritualism, the belief that the dead could make connection with the living. The romantics
abandoned the conventional religion.

Therefore it can be rightly said that super- natural elements were accomodated in romantics poetry.


Romanticism was an intellectual movement that was a revolt against 18th century rationalism and
physical materialism in general. Romanticism emphasized the emotional, the visionary and the
transcendental. Romantics would discurs more about the the materialism. nature and were trying to
During Romantic age industries were developing at large. people were getting much facilities, being
unaware of the effect they were suffering due to these industries. Children and women were even made
to work for 10 to 15 hours. Capitalism was at peak. Looking at all these effects of industrial revol-

ution Poets of the romantic


age writing against capitalism. Industrialism and materialism. They started discussing the matters of soul
and heart So that people can get out of matorialister world. As Someone

has sightly said against materialism "Don't be impressed by money, followers, degrees and titles be
impressed by Kindness, integrity, humility and generosity'.

spontaneity in Expressions

Romantics were enthusiastic the delivery of expressions. Romantics were this spontaneity of in very
much skillful expressions. They would present their expression in a spontaneous way that was rarely
used by other pects of that age. Romantic portly is the -spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings.

poelly is mystical and is removed from the every day experiences of life. Age of un-sophisticated

Romanticism is Considered an age of un-sophisticated dictions whereas as unsophisticated mean

inexperienced or antlers and diction means the choice of words. and turn of phrases.
Diction in its anginal meaning. is a writers or speaker's distinctive vocabulary choices and style of
expressions in a poem-

Conclusion: (Aesthetic evolution)

Romantic age is Considered as an aesthetic wolution because there was a deviation from the moral,
utilatarian and didactic concepts of classicism Aesthetic revolution helped aut to stand in essence of
beauty Romantics would bring beauty out of ugly things which initialized the aesthetic wolution.

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