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Everyone knows that person who is perpetually late.

They might be
late to work, late to accomplish tasks or late for just about
everything. This is never a good look for an event planner and sets a
poor tone for everyone involved in your event. Here are just a few
reason’s why time management is so important in our industry.


Tardiness is Rude


Being late is extremely rude. Of all the event managers I’ve had the
pleasure to work with, the most successful ones show up early and
always deliver on time. They respect the time of their clients, their
coworkers and everyone that they are professionally involved with.
By being late you are telling others that you don’t value their time
and this can lead to many challenges throughout your career.


It Can Result in Lost Opportunities


Being late is a very easy way to lose your current and potential
clients. If you don’t deliver certain services on time or if you fail to
be punctual for meetings or events you will struggle to keep your
business up and running. You might also miss the chance to make a
great first impression on a potential future employer, or could lose
the recommendation of other vendors or people in the industry if you
fail to arrive on time.
During an event there are many people attending who will be sure to
notice your ability to manage your time and your event team’s
schedule. If you do a great job you will most likely obtain additional
business, but if you drop the ball and run behind, you may be
missing out on future opportunities.

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