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Registration Fees: ₹300 per team

Prize money: Winners- ₹2000
Runner-up- ₹1000

Team composition: Individually or in pairs

1. Participants have to register through google form.
2. Phase 1 facts will be released along with the registration forms.
3. Two weeks after the release of phase 1 facts, FIR has to be submitted.
4. Two weeks after release of phase 1 facts, phase 2 facts will be released.
5. Two weeks after release of phase 2 facts, final judgement has to be submitted.

Rules and Regulations:

1. The format of FIR shall be the standard format of FIR followed in India, which
the participants have to research and draft.
2. Judgement to be divided in three parts – cover page, main body and
3. Cover page shall be according to the sample provided.
4. Main body will contain brief facts, oral submission of both parties in brief,
issues, witness and evidence along with background. Final part shall be the
decisions of the court along with reasoning for the same.

Formatting guidelines:
1. Entire text must be Times New Roman, size 12 for main content and 14 for
2. Spacing should be 1.5.
3. All pages must be numbered.


Registration Fees: Single- ₹400

Co-authors- ₹500
Team composition: Individually or in pairs
1.Submission of abstract- 10 days after registrations start.
2.Shortlisting abstract- within 1 week.
3.Submission of final paper- 21 days after release of selected abstract results.
4.Date of conference- 18th and 19th March 2023.
Rules and Regulations:
1. The first round of the competition shall involve submission of abstracts which
shall be shortlisted on the basis of relevance to the theme, accuracy, credibility
and informative content.
2. The second round shall be submission of the entire research paper. Those
abstracts which will be shortlisted will then be invited to submit their entire
paper within 21 days.
3. The paper must contain abstract, introduction, research questions/hypothesis,
research objectives, connectivity of research questions and objectives, scope and
limitations of study, research methodology, analysis of topic, literature review,
footnotes/references, suggestions and conclusions.
4. The criteria for evaluation will be originality, authorities cited, analytical
skills and contribution to existing literature.
5. The submitted paper shall then be evaluated by judges.
6. The final round shall be paper presentation in the form of a conference where
the participants will be presenting their papers, followed by questions from the
judges and audience along with discussion on the same.
7. Any uniform citation format is accepted.
8. Footnotes, bibliography, Quotations, Title page, general words repetition,
name of the statutes, legal provisions are excluded from the permissible limit of
similarity index.
9. Up to 10% similarity index is permitted.
10. Word Limit: 3000 to 5000 words (exclusive of footnotes).

Formatting guidelines:
1. Font: Times New Roman
2. Size:
Title-16pts (Bold)
Heading-14pts (Bold)
Sub-Heading-12pts (Bold)
Main Text-12pts
3. Line Spacing (Body): 1.5 lines
4. Font Style (Footnote): Times New Roman
5. Line spacing (footnote): 1 line
6. Page Margin: 1 inch on all sides
7. Paper Specification: A4 size
8. Alignment (Body): Justified
Alignment (Cover Page): Centre
9. All pages must be numbered.

Surging problems of Cyber Crime in the world of today.

1. Centralization of data storage.
2. Data management & Harrasment
3. Capacity of courts in dealing with matters of cyber security.
4. Steganography, hacking and prevention.
5. CERT Principles
6. Technological Examination of Cybercrime and Information Security in
7. Impact of Cyber laws on Information Security.
8. Impact of cybersecurity on young adults.
9. Cybercrime and E-Governance.
10.Effects of cybercrime on the Confidentiality of Government Data.
11. Cybercrime Dissertation
The submissions shall be on the above mentioned topics, but not restricted to
the same, Multi-disciplinary submissions are welcome under the broader
provided theme.


Registration Fee: ₹100 per participant

Prize money: Voucher upto ₹500
Team Composition: Individual or Team of 2 Participants
Rounds: 2

Rules and Regulations:

1. Participants are required to register through a google form.
2. Each participant will be given a piece of paper with a 5x5 grid which will
have enough space to allocate numbers to each cell and write down answers.
The participants are allowed to arrange the numbers in the grid as they wish.
3. The quiz master shall have a bowl with 25 questions with allocated
numbers and shall pick a question. The participants are required to answer
the questions in the paper provided.
4.The first participant to finish answering 5 questions correctly i.e., either in a row,
in a column or diagonally shall win and the consecutive prizes shall be allocated
according to the finishing time of the other participants.
5. The volunteers shall take note of the finishing time of the participants.
6. The judging criteria is based in the timing and number of correct answers.
7. There shall be two rounds for which the themes are as follows:
Prelims: Landmark case laws and Names of the eminent Jurists.
Finals: Constitutional Concepts and Legal Maxims.
8.In the prelims round, every participant shall have two minutes to answer the
question and the question shall be repeated three times. Subsequently, in the final
round, every participant shall have one minute to answer the question and the
question shall be repeated twice.
9.20 teams shall be selected for the prelims on the basis of first come first serve and
5 teams shall be qualified for the finals.


Registration Fees: ₹500 per team

Prize money: Winners- ₹2000
Runner-up- ₹1000

Team Composition: Team of minimum 3 and a maximum of 5 members.

Team Cap: 10 Teams (On First-Come Basis)
Rounds: 3 Levels

Rules and Regulations:

1. The participants will form a team of minimum 3 members and maximum 5
2. The 1st level will be theme-based, wherein the 10 teams will have to solve a
particular puzzle to advance to the next level.
3. The teams will pick-up their own puzzle randomly from the box and will have
15 minutes to solve the same.
4. 6 teams will proceed to the 2nd level based on the time they took to solve the
5. The 2nd level will have 3 sets of clues and the teams will pick their clues
6. The clues will be based on crime/mystery and the teams will have 30 minutes to
solve the mystery.
7. All the teams are allowed to ask for a maximum of 2 hints in the 1st and 2nd
level which can be asked by the team leader from the referee itself.
8. The third and final level will have 3 teams who advanced from the 2nd level,
racing against the clock.
9. The teams will be given same set of clues with the first clue being handed by the
referee and the teams will further look for connected clues hidden across the campus.
10. The time for this level will be 60 minutes, for the teams to reach the final
location after connecting and solving the clues.
11. There is just one find for a particular clue and a lot many finders alongside. The
winning team will be adjudged either on reaching the final location or on the basis of
total number of correct finds in the stipulated time.
12. The 3rd level will have time penalties of 5 minutes for the wrong find or any
wrong doings or misbehaviour against other teams.
13. For the sake of convenience for the teams unfamiliar with the campus and
strategic locations, all the teams will be quickly shown around the campus for the
fair play.
14. Use of devices are allowed subject to the limitation of 1 device per team. But that
won’t help much, so we prefer the teams to use their sherlock minds, general
knowledge and presence of surroundings.
15. Participating teams are advised to ask for any clarifications pertaining to the
event, levels, or the campus beforehand for avoidance of any dispute later.
16. Volunteers will be spread alongside teams to keep a check & provide minor
17. There will be total of 3 referees and their decision will be final and binding on
the participating teams.

5. MARKET IT OUT! ‘a game of skill, and strategy’ –


Registration Fees: Individual- ₹400

Team of 2- ₹500
Sharks- ₹300
Prize money: Winners (Team)- ₹2000 ; Winners(Sharks)- ₹2000
Runner-up (Team)- ₹1000 ; Runner-up(Shark)- ₹1500
Team Composition: Individual or a team of 2.
Rounds: 2

Rules and Regulations:

Registration: Anyone interested in participating in the competition must register by
filling out the Google Form.
1. Participants may work individually or in groups (maximum of 5 students in a
Each individual/group must prepare a:
Product visual and/or prototype- they can either present or explain the same.
marketing plan
Presentation, 5-minute pitch
2. All individual/group members should dress professionally on their
presentation day. Create a unique, innovative product idea (good, service, non-
profit, etc.).
3. All the participants will be given a broad theme, such as waste management,
water conservation, ISR, etc.
4. From among all the valid Entries received in Phase 1, Registrants will be
shortlisted after review of complete application forms. In this phase, a detailed
Q&A will be conducted with the Registrant about their business and their
knowledge of finance, investments, marketing, etc.
5. These innovations will be presented live, shark tank style, to industry judges.
From these finalists, a winner will be selected by our judges. Prizes will be
6. Develop a Marketing Plan that addresses the following:
Name of your innovation concept
Which industry sector best represents your idea, product, or service?
Include a description of your innovation, its visual appeal/design if
applicable, its relevance/importance to the industry
Customer/Market Analysis: Identify your target market/potential customers
and explain how your innovation meets customer needs/demand
Competitors: competitors, substitute products, etc. Identify, and company or
product you believe competes with your innovation
Merits: Advantages over comparable products. What sets your concept
submission apart? Differentiate your innovation idea from similar products or
services already in the marketplace
Additional information that you would like to contribute that will emphasize
the aspects of your submission for the judges to consider
Create a visual and/or prototype
Come up with a creative way to pitch your idea to the sharks (example:
commercial, music video/jingle, etc.)
Tips for your pitch keep it succinct and straightforward. Show your passion
for your plan. Remember that your pitch is meant to inform, engage, and
7. There will be a panel of 3 judges whose decision will be final and binding on
the participants.
8.The first round shall consist of a cap of 30 participants, out of which ten will
qualify for the finals.
9.Teams need to bring their calculators, pens, and rough sheets
10.The competition comprises two main rounds – the Prelims and the Finals.
11.Any violation of the rules shall result in the termination of the team as a


Registration Fees: ₹100 per team

Prize money: Winners- ₹500
Runner-up- ₹300

Team Composition: Individual Participation.

Participants Cap: 20 Participants (On First-Come Basis)
Rounds: 1 Round

Rules and Regulations:

1. The participants will be allotted motions via random picking of chits and will
be given 2 minutes time to prepare on the same.
2. The participant will speak for a total of 3 minutes and 30 seconds to conclude
the motion.
3. The participant will begin will begin in favour of the motion, but the twist-
in-the-tale is that, at any moment the buzzer will go and the speaker has to
immediately flip their stance i.e., to speak against the motion and again at the
sound of buzzer, switch back to the original stance/favour of the motion.
4. Buzzer will not go before the starting 30 seconds & not after the last 30
seconds. Though, the buzzer can be pressed for a maximum of 4 times and a
minimum of 2 times.
5. After the completion of 3 minutes, the speaker will have to conclude their
speech in 30 seconds.
6. The language of speech and communication should strictly be in English, and
only individual participation is allowed.
7. Use of devices are strictly not allowed.
8. Participating teams are advised to ask for any clarifications pertaining to the
event beforehand for avoidance of any dispute later.
9. The judging criteria would be in accordance with that of a general debate i.e., as
follows – (a) Content, (b) Body language, (c) Intonation, (d) Proper pronunciation,
(e) Articulateness, and (f) Appropriate and accurate use of language.
10. There will be a panel of 2 judges and their decision will be final and binding on
the participants.


Registration fee: ₹700

Prize money: Outstanding member of Parliament-₹9000
Best member of Parliament- ₹1000
Best drafter-₹1000

Team composition: Individually

Participant cap: 40 participants
Round: 1

Functions and operation:

As representatives of the people, MPs in the House of Commons are tasked with
performing the following duties:
• examining and questioning the work of the government (scrutiny);
• debating the most important political issues of the day; proposing new laws and
amending existing laws;
• enabling the government to impose taxes and vote money to, or withhold it from,
the various public departments and services. (budget/taxes)

Role of MPs and Peers:

Nota bene: Please note that the EB will not provide biographies of any Members or
Peers in this guide. As these are historical figures whose biographies are matters of
public record very easily accessible online, everyone is expected to undertake
adequate research on the issue independently

1. Peers are not allowed to participate in any of the House of Commons proceedings
but are not precluded from sitting in the Chamber during debates.
2. In the case of a cabinet minister appointed from the House of Lords, a junior
minister from the same department is appointed from the House of Commons, where
he/she answers questions directed to that cabinet minister or department.
3. Considering the crucial nature of this issue and the sheer importance of some
noble Lords in the Cabinet, select peers will be allowed to participate in all
proceedings of the House in this simulation apart from substantive voting and
submitting amendments.
4.While they may choose to get involved in drafting the Bill during informal
debate, the Bill may not be presented to Parliament in their name.
5.Members must note that this is a purely procedural issue, irrelevant to their
performance at the MUN.
6.Peers' inputs and expertise being indispensable to the lawmaking process, their
statements and suggestions must be accorded the same regard as an MPs in this
7.Members will be expected not to contradict their stated goals and party
manifestos. At regular intervals, the House will be informed by the EB of
important happenings in the Empire that Members would benefit from considering.
It is up to the House to do with this information as it will.

Flow of proceedings:
1.When there is order in the House and business may start, the session will start at
the Speaker's instruction. Members need merely let the Speaker know they are in
the House; a roll call will be performed to determine who gets to utilise the bench.
2.There will be both official and informal debate in this committee. Speaker will
preside over a formal discussion in which each speaker will have a turn on the
microphone. Unrestricted discussion among members will take place during
informal debate without the Speaker's involvement. To participate in either of
these discussion formats or any other committee activity (like voting), a motion
must be made.
3.If members of both parties choose to speak during a motion, speakers will be
selected alternately from each side of the House; for example, a member of the
government will be acknowledged after a member of the opposition has spoken, and
vice versa.
4.Members must aim to conclude the proceedings with the House deciding the
question through drafting a Bill.

Drafting bills:
1.Members are expected to table a draft Bill to the Speaker latest by the first
session of Day 2 of the conference.
2.There are three steps involved in a bill's passage through the House of
3.The Bill is presented to the House for the first time at the first reading. Each
section, as well as any suggested revisions, is carefully discussed during the
second reading of the bill.
4.From the start of the first reading to the completion of the second reading,
members may submit changes to the Speaker. The Deputy Speaker will then
choose and/or group certain modifications and present them to the House for
5.The Bill will be revised at the conclusion of this phase to reflect all the
modifications the House approves of.
6.The Bill (as modified) is then addressed during the third and final reading.
7.It must be highlighted that at this point, no more modifications may be
proposed or taken into consideration, and discussion must be restricted to
whether or not to pass the Bill and send it to the Lords.
8.The House's proceedings will come to an end at this point.


Registration fee: No registration fee

Rounds- 2
Theme: The theme for the panel discussion shall be Protecting Intellectual
Property in the Digital Age. Under this theme, the panel discussion shall go for
two rounds, one before lunch and the other post lunch. The first part of panel
discussion will be regarding the present-day challenges faced by various
businesses in protecting their intellectual property. While the second round of
discussion shall majorly focus on methods and measures adopted by various
businesses for protecting their intellectual rights.

• The stage shall have the moderator alongside with the panel, who will have the
floor to discuss all issues as brought up by the moderator but not limited to the

• Further, it shall be the role of the moderator to engage the panel in a balanced
manner by asking said experts in a time to time fashion in order to not leave
anyone out. This shall be done by a process of questionnaire distribution and up
to the perusal of the moderator.
The said discussion shall go on for a total length of 30 minutes for each
round, following which the floor shall be open to the audience, and shall be
chosen at random by the moderator.

The format to ask questions shall also be mentioned prior to the event, and a
reminder shall also be given on the said date. It is as follows: Introduction
(name, programme and batch) followed by name(s) of the expert the question
is directed towards and then asking the question in brief.)


Registration Fees: ₹1400

Prize money:₹10,000

Fashion shows are important as they showcase the new styles of the season. They
are a walking art show and also guide the looks for the fast fashion stores who
knock off the high fashion looks. Everyone likes to track everyday fashion. Fashion
gives designers a chance to be independent in ideas. It boosts confidence in the
wearer. Fashion is a form of expression for both the creator and the wearer. It helps
people of similar aesthetics to bond. This is one of Symbiosis's Flagship events
which would be conducted in 2 rounds -

Theme: The Victorian Era
Number of participants: 7-14 .
Duration: 5-10 minutes
1. All the outfits should be in accordance with the theme.
2. No props unapproved by the OC are allowed to be used.
3. Failing to adhere to the time limit will lead to negative marking.
4. Any kind of obscenity, offensive showcase or blasphemy will not be entertained.
5. Judges will have the final decision and it will be binding.
6. No contingent is allowed to damage the stage in any way
7. Soundtrack should be mailed to the OC a week before the competition.

Themes: Gothic Theme
Number of participants: 5
Duration: 5-10 minutes
1. All the outfits should be in accordance with the theme.
2. No props unapproved by the OC are allowed to be used.
3. Failing to adhere to the time limit will lead to negative marking.
4. Any kind of obscenity, offensive showcase or blasphemy will not be
5. Judges will have the final decision and it will be binding.
6. No contingent is allowed to damage the stage in any way
7. Soundtrack should be mailed to the OC a week before the competition.

Registration fees: ₹ 200

Prize Money: ₹2000
No two persons are alike; hence it is natural that there will be different beliefs,
languages, cultural, moral and social values. This diversity of beliefs and views is
a natural attribute of humanity. The Idea of Talent Hunt stems from this very fact.

No two persons are alike; hence it is natural that there will be different beliefs,
languages, cultural, moral and social values. This diversity of beliefs and views is
a natural attribute of humanity. The Idea of Talent Hunt stems from this very fact.
1. Participants will be given 5 – 6 minutes to showcase your talent
2. Evaluation will be done on the basis of originality and novelty
3. Only registered students will be allowed to participate in the event
4. Students can use any props or any other showcase material to present their talent.
5. Students are expected to bring their own materials/props required for the event
6. Decision of the jury is final and binding


Registration Fees: ₹1000

Prize Money: ₹10,000

“A mélange of music”
Battle of the Bands is the most musician-centric semi-pro band competition and the
inaugural pro-nite of symnerit. Battle of the Bands is the annual band competition
of Symnerit and one of the flagship events of the same.

Theme: Each participating band shall choose and impersonate a popular mainstream
band of their choice. The one who is closest in impersonating (everything from
clothes, hair dos, equipment’s, style of performance, etc) shall be the winner of
battle of bands.

Rules and Regulations:

1. All bands must provide their own equipment such as guitars, amps, etc. a sound
system will be provided but equipment will not so please be prepared
2. Bands may not use the pre-recorded sound material
3. The band name and lyrics of performance songs should not contain any
4. The time limit permitted is up to 10 minutes including 4 minutes of sound
check and stage setting.
5. Judges’ decision will be final and binding.
6. The number of participants shall be a minimum of 3 and maximum of 8
members in each band.
7. Participants are required to bring their own instruments.
8. Drumkit shall be provided by the host college.
9. The time limit and the theme are to be strictly adhered to. Exceeding the time
limit shall result in negative marking.
10. Any inappropriate messages given through the performance will result in
immediate disqualification.



Registration Fees: Solo- ₹250 Duo- ₹500
Prize Money: Winner - ₹3000
Runner’s up - ₹1500

A great stage to showcase your singing skills and let your melodious vocals win
everyone’s heart. No matter if you're a trained professional or a novice, grab this
opportunity to set the stage on fire with your western musical scores combined
with the wonderful vocals. Participants can come up with creative mashups and
self-composed songs also.


1. In solo singing one person would represent a college.

2. The competition shall be taking place in 2 preliminary and final rounds.
-The preliminary round songs must be inspired by any renowned western music
composer’s albums.
-The final round would require the participants to choose any of their favorite
tracks besides addressing their reason of interest lying in the particular song.
3. Participants would be given a specific time limit of 3 minutes. Exceeding the
time limit would result in negative marking.
4. Participants will be allowed to be accompanied by maximum 2
5. Use of karaoke is strictly prohibited.
6. The decision of the judges would be final and binding.

1. In Duo singing competition 2 participants would be representing a college

2. The competition shall be taking place in 2 preliminary and final rounds.
-The preliminary round songs must be inspired by any renowned western music
composer’s albums.
-The final round would require the participants to choose any of their favorite
tracks besides addressing their reason of interest lying in the particular song.
3. Participants would be given a specific time limit of 3 minutes. Exceeding the
time limit would result in negative marking.
4. The duo team singers will be allowed to be accompanied by maximum 2
5. Use of karaoke is strictly prohibited.
6. The decision of the judges would be final and binding.


Registration Fees: Solo- ₹250 Duo- ₹500
Prize Money: Winner - ₹3000
Runner’s up - ₹1500

Music savors the soul and calms the mind. This competition invites trained vocals
in the sphere of Indian music to showcase their talent. This event would be
comprising of solo singing and duo singing competitions.


1.In solo singing one person would represent a college.

2.The competition shall be taking place in 2 preliminary and final rounds.
3.The preliminary round songs must be inspired by any renowned Indian music
composer’s albums from the 1900’s.
4.The final round would require the participants to choose any of their favourite
tracks besides addressing their reason of interest lying in the particular song.
5. Participants would be given a specific time limit of 3 minutes. Exceeding the
time limit would result in negative marking.
6. Participants in solo singing competitions will be allowed to be accompanied by
maximum 2 instrumentalists.
7. Use of sruti box is allowed while karaoke is strictly prohibited
8. The decision of the judges would be final and binding.


1.A team for duo singing would be allowed to consist of 2 participants from the
same college.
2.The competition shall be taking place in 2 preliminary and final rounds.
3.The preliminary round songs must be inspired by any renowned Indian music
composer’s albums from the 1900’s.
4.The final round would require the team of 2 to choose any of their favourite
tracks besides addressing their reason of interest lying in the particular song.
5. Participants would be given a specific time limit of 3 minutes. Exceeding the
time limit would result in negative marking.
6. In duo singing competition participants will be allowed to be accompanied by
maximum 2 instrumentalists.
7. Use of sruti box is allowed while karaoke is strictly prohibited.
8. The decision of the judges would be final and binding.


Registration Fees: ₹500
Prize Money: Winner-₹3000; Runner’s Up- ₹1500

The participants are given a range of songs to choose from, after which they will
be expected to exactly act like the actors in the music video of the same. They
will be expected to wear the exact same outfits and copy the steps to precision.
The team that manages to enact the music video exactly wins.

1. The participants will be provided with the name of the songs prior to the
2. The songs will be provided in a first come first basis.
3. The participants will be required to perform in accordance to the song with
4. The songs will be quirky and engaging to enrapture the entire student
5. The music video of the song can be played in the background with the
participants are performing
6. The participants will be allowed to use props and dress according to the
characters in the music video.
7. The duration of the song can vary from 2:30-3 mins,
8. The number of participants can range from 5-10 members
9. There will be two rounds, preliminary and final.
10. The event will be conducted in the auditorium.
Songs can range from:
1. Muqabala
2. Dilli Walli Girlfriend
3. Any other popular Bollywood, Kollywood or Tollywood song


Registration Fees: ₹300
Prize Money: Winner- ₹3000; Runner’s up- ₹1500

Dance has been and continues to be an emotion to many across the globe. From
dharmendra, Madhuri Dixit to Allu Arjun and Deepika we all have tremendously
cherished and enjoyed their dance moves and stylish steps. So here’s a great
opportunity to express your talent and dance your heart out. So, what are you
waiting for, come on Step it Up guys!!!
the competition would be conducted in 2 rounds.

1. The participants should be required to take part individually in this event.
2. Each participant would be required to perform for a minimum of 2 minutes to
maximum 5 minutes.
3. The theme for this round must be inspired from the legendary Indian movies.
4. Participating teams can be using props for their dance show.
5. Any sort of usage of harmful or disturbing props such as water, fire, vulgar
cutouts, knives would lead to disqualification of the whole team
6. Vulgarity Obscenity of any form shall lead to disqualification of the
7. The list of songs that are used, the sound tracks, the list and details of the
costume and properties has to be communicated to the Organizing Committee of
the host college at least 10 days in prior to the date of competition
8. Non-compliance with any of these rules can lead to disqualification. The
discretion and decision of the judges shall be final and binding.

1.Top 5 candidates shortlisted from the preliminary round would be taking part in
the finale round of the competition.
2. The theme shall be the same as that of the Preliminary Round.
3. The performance time would be a minimum of 3 minutes extending up to 7
4. All the other rules for the Preliminary Round apply to this round as well.
Registration Fees: ₹1700
Prize Money: Winner- ₹7000; Runner’s up- ₹3500

Ever since ages unknown dance has been an integral part of various cultures and
customs. Dance acting as a medium of expression evokes a sense of joy among
the viewers. Every dancer leads a unique life, and a person's journey rather than
their destination or level of fame is what makes them admirable and inspiring.
This event is a fabulous opportunity to express your story and journey through
the medium of dance.
The competition would be conducted in 2 rounds.

1. Each team must constitute a minimum of 5 and maximum 15 dancers.
2. Each team shall be given a time frame of 5 to 7 minutes to showcase their
dance performance.
3. The theme for this specific round would be to portray a classical dance form
or any western dance forms such as
Hip-Hop Dance.
Break Dancing.
Tap Dancing.
4. Participating teams can be using props for their dance show.
5. Any sort of usage of harmful or disturbing props such as water, fire, vulgar
cutouts, knifes would lead to disqualification of the whole team.
6. Vulgarity Obscenity of any form shall lead to disqualification of the
7. The list of songs that are used, the sound tracks, the list and details of the
costume and properties has to be communicated to the Organizing Committee of
the host college at least 10 days in prior to the date of competition.
8. Non-compliance with any of these rules can lead to disqualification. The
discretion and decision of the judges shall be final and binding.

1. Selected 5 teams would be taking part in the finals after the completion of the
preliminary round.
2. The teams would be getting a day’s gap for preparation for the finale
3. The theme for the Final Round would be to give a dance performance for a
minimum of 3 minutes with regard to any social issue.
4. All the other rules for the Preliminary Round apply to this round as well.



Registration Fees: ₹400

Prize Money: Winner- ₹2000

Do you have the talent to present words that gush out in a poetic metre, that forms
a beat and energizing sound? If yes, then this is time to showcase your talent in
one of the most unique and enthralling events of Syminaret! Participate and present
your cool skills in the most thrilling Rap Battle of the season!
1. Participants should perform a rap song of their creation and a spot freestyle
2. A college can be represented by one participant.
3. Each participant will be given a time period of 2 minutes to perform their
respective raps. The event will be held in three rounds.
First round is Round Robin.
Each team will perform the rap songs they have prepared in this round. The
winners of this round will move on to the next round.
Second round is Improv.
In this round, each team should perform a rap based upon a certain topic provided
by the host.
They will be given 3 minutes to discuss and prepare the song on the spot.
The duration of the song should be between 1 minute to 2 minutes.
Winners will move on to the final round.
The final round is called Showdown.
This round is a freestyle rap battle.
Each participant should create and perform raps on the raps, with both teams going
back and forth.
The twist in this round is that the word that the opposing participant ends with
must be the first word of the opposing participant’s rap.
Each rap song should be at least 20 seconds long.
4. Performing a current song is strictly forbidden and will result in immediate
disqualification of the team.
5. No profanity and violence shall be tolerated.
6. The Participants are allowed to beatbox simultaneously or asked the OC for a


Registration Fees:₹200
Prize Money: Winner- ₹1000; Runner’s up- Voucher ₹500

What makes an artist unique, is their particular style and way of interpreting
things, making their work singular. The participants get the opportunity to
interpret the classic paintings of the world, ranging from the Mona Lisa, and The
Starry Nights, to The Lady with an Ermine, and The Last Supper, into their
unique artistic idiom.

Theme: A modern re-telling of the Classics

1 Solo participants and a team comprising of maximum 2 participants are allowed

to take part in the event.
2 Only a single canvas sheet shall be provided by the college. Any tampering
with the canvas shall lead to disqualification.
3 The participants are free to their interpretations. This can even range to a
respectable meme of a classic painting, to a modern scenario of the same.
4 Art supplies such as acrylic/fabric paints, brushes, glitter, and other stationary,
apart from that of the canvas sheet, shall not be provided by the college.
5 Stick-on materials are not allowed.
6 Any sort of tracing method is strictly prohibited.
7Vulgarities are strictly prohibited.


Registration Fees:₹500
Prize Money: Winner- ₹2000; Runner’s up- ₹1000

Pantomime aims to showcase the acting skills and talents of participants. It help
participants to step out of their comfort zone and strive to adapt to situations. It
entails teamwork and strengthens this quality in the participants.
1. The event is a mime competition. Participants will have to mime certain acts
or scenarios.
2. Pantomime is a group event. Teams will consist of a minimum of 2 members
and a maximum of 6 members. Each mime will be showcased by the entire team .
The event will have two rounds.
-The first round will be Act it Out.
In this round, teams will perform the mimes they have already prepared.
Teams will have a time limit of 2 minutes to perform their mime.
On-spot modifications and changes are allowed. The winners of this round will
move on to the next round.

- The final round is Improv.

The judges will give the participants a situation or theme.
Teams must create a mime on that specific scenario and perform it on the spot.
They will be given 1 minute to create their mime and 2 minutes to perform it.
The best three teams will be crowned the winners.
3.The act should not contain any dialogues, lip sync, props or songs. Only plain
tracks or music is allowed to accompany the act.
4.The participants can play the accompaniments live or on track.
5.The maximum duration of the play will be 5 minutes (300 seconds).
6.No act shall contain any offensive, obscene, or disrespectful actions or
gestures. The act will be immediately stopped, and the entry will be disqualified
if these instructions are not followed.


Registration Fees: ₹300

Prize Money: ₹2000

With a good makeup Brush, every " person can be an Artist" Next time someone
says makeup is easy you show them a video of someone painting a whole picture
on their face. Well, Makeup professionals are called artists for a reason. Makeup
is the art of playing with colors and blending to create a perfectly sculpted face.
1 Participants will be accepted to apply make-up based on the theme provided
to them
2 The theme will be provided on the spot
3 Participants will be expected to bring their own makeup essentials for the
4 The make-up needs to be applied within the time frame of 45 minutes
5 The judges' decision will be final and binding for the same
6 Any kind of obscenity, offensive showcase or blasphemy will not be

Registration Fees: ₹300

Prize Money: Winner- ₹2000

Are you ready to test your knowledge in an exciting manner? If yes, then it’s
time for you to immediately take part in the one-day quiz event, engaging
talented young mind exhibit their memory and knowledge in numerous fields.
The event would be conducted in 3 different rounds to test the knowledge of the
participants in the fields of General knowledge, Sports and Pop Culture.

i. Round 1 - General Knowledge Quiz

A quiz about any general knowledge, mainly current affairs and popular events
related quizzing. This could range from geo-political topics to latest tech
related topic questions.

ii. Round 2 - Sport’s Quiz

Sports has been an area of interest through times and among all ages. Anyone
interested in sports be it any sport would love to test their knowledge within a
competitive environment.

iii. Round 3 - Pop-Culture Quiz

A quiz about the movies’, music albums’, celebrity’s trivia etc. anything that is
pop around us. Considered to be a real crowd magnet among all quizzes which
contains the utmost thrill within the questions.
1.The rules below are applicable to all three rounds of quizzes uniformly
2. This is a team event. Each team should comprise of 3 members.
3. 30 teams in each of the three quizzes shall be allowed to participate on first
come first serve basis.
4. Round 1 would comprise of 15 questions and top 15 teams from the
preliminary round shall be qualified to Round 2.
5. Round 2 would be comprising of 15 questions testing the participants
knowledge in the field of sports. Top 5 teams would make it the final round
comprising of 10 questions.
7.There shall be a Quiz Master in each quiz. The quiz master’s decision is final
and binding.
8.Usage of any electronic devices shall be prohibited as it would break the
quizzing spirit
9.In case of a tie between two or more teams, special tie-breaker questions shall
be prepared for a tie-breaker round.

Registration Fees: ₹200

Prize Money: ₹2000

If you are a person who is keenly interested in speaking about various things or
awaiting to gain an insight into the world of radio? If so, here is an exciting
competition to test your skills and become a budding RJ of the town the upcoming
Syminaret 2023.

1.This is a solo competition and each participants will be given 3 minutes to

speak on the picture on the screen.
2.To make it more challenging, the coordinators will change the picture on the
screen every 30 seconds, and the pictures will not be connected with each other.
3.The participants should have consistency while talking, and they should not stop
and start with the next one. They should have a flow and try to connect with the
previous picture.
4.The participants will be judged based on fluency, spontaneity, presentation,
sense of humor, communication skills and interaction with the listeners.
5.The participants are supposed to speak in English.
6.Use of Politics and Religious topics are strictly prohibited. The main objective
of the participants should be to entertain the judges and the audience present.
7. Any kind of obscenity, offensive showcase or blasphemy will not be entertained


Registration Fees: ₹200

Prize Money: ₹2000

Are you a person who is excited in taking up virtual reality challenges? Then what
are ypou waiting for! Here comes one of the most unique event of Symnaret 2023-
The Air Crash .Each of the participant is given one real life personality to enact
and all of them are in a fictional setting where each one of them is on a crashing
plane and they have to convince the pilots to get the last parachute to save their
own lives.

1.The means of convincing has to be done by imbibing the personality traits of the
characters they represent.
2. Each participant can choose a specific character including any leading public
personalities all over the world- politicians, actors, singers and models, each one
of them being specimens in their own ways.
3.Participants should recreate the real-life icons in the most innovative way
possible, by producing both theatrical aesthetics and political knowledge.
4. The event will take place in 2 rounds.
The first round in which all the participants will be allotted 3 minutes each for
doing their performance and the second round would include shortlisted 5
participants each allotted with a time period of minutes each.


Registration Fees: Spot Registration

Prize Money: Sponsor Voucher

The participants will be divided in teams of two and will be expected to say
random cheesy pickup lines to each other but exactly when the buzzer goes on, they
will be expected to switch and roast the very same participant.
(1) The participants will paired for the sake of this competition.
(2) The participants will be expected to say random cheesy pickup lines to each
(3) Once the buzzer goes on, the participants will be expected to switch and roast
the very same person.
(4) Any kind of obscenity, offensive showcase or blasphemy will not be
(5) The judges’ decision will be final and binding.

A player must draw a word on a card and get his team to guess that word in one
minute. The participants in this game would be provided with papers and pencils.
[1] Word/phrase given must be depicted through drawings
[2] Time limit: 2minutes
[3] Number of participants: 2
[4] Explicit, vulgar or discriminatory content of any kind will not be entertained
and would lead to disqualification


The event Finish the lyrics would be a fun filler wherein a song will be played
and the participants would be required to finish the incomplete song by adding
the missing lyrics.
(1) The participants will be expected to finish the song lyrics playing in the
(2) The songs can range from any genre ranging from Bollywood, Tollywood and
(3) The participants who manages to sing the lyrics to precision will be judged
as the winner.
(4) The judges' decision will be final and binding for the same.

Karaoke singing may not be the best for your ears, it does offer many benefits to
the person singing and to you. It boosts confidence and lets you socialize and
engage the student population
Participants will be expected to sing the songs, based on the tune playing in the
background. This event will encapture the entire student population as the music
playing in the background will be from popular Bollywood and Tollywood
(1) The karaoke will be playing in the background.
(2) The participants will be expected to sing the song in accordance to the tune
playing in the background for a minimum of 1 minute.
(3) Failing to adhere to the time limit will lead to negative marking.
(4) Any kind of obscenity, offensive showcase or blasphemy will not be
(5) The judges' decision will be final and binding for the same.

5. Haasya Kavitha
Each team shall consist of one person
Poetry in Hindi/ english
Must include comedy or sarcasm
Blasphemy and vulgarity is strictly prohibited
Each participant shall be allotted with 10 mins of time
The participants shall be judged on the basis of creativity, use of language
and an element of comedy.
The judges decision are final.
1. Photography Competition- PIXELATED

Registration Fees - ₹200

Prize Money - Winner - ₹2000
Runner’s up - ₹1000

Rules and Regulations:

•Image should be in JPEG format only.
•The minimum resolution of the picture should be 5 mega pixels
The total file size must be less than 45 MB
• Entries must be the original work of the entrant and must not infringe third
party rights
•The participant can use any camera (including phone) the participant deems
suitable for the Photo
• Photographs cannot have any borders, signatures, names, personal logos or
•Post processing of photos is allowed but changes like modification to the
background will lead to disqualification of the participant.
• If the photo is processed, the original photo must also be submitted

2, Digital Arts

Registration Fees ₹200

Prize Money - Winner- ₹2000
Runner’s up- ₹1000

Rules and Regulations:

•The Participant shall only submit a single project per entry. All latter
excessive submissions will be disqualified from the Competition.
•The artwork created by the participant should be in high resolution.(1280
pixels or more)
• It can be anything like typography, digital artworks, comic strips, etc.
• The participant can submit their artwork in only image formats: png, jpg, jpeg.
• Artworks must not be watermarked by any external source, cannot have any
company logos, trademarks or otherwise display copyrighted content which does
not belong to the Participant. Personal logos and signatures are allowed.
•The submitted artwork must be original, owned by the Participant, and should
in no way violate intellectual property rights.
• The artwork should be mailed with the subject- submission for Syminaret
Digital Arts
3. Hook it up! - Hookstep Challenge

Registration Fees: ₹100

Prize Money: Winner- ₹1250
Runner up - ₹750

Rules and Regulations:

•An audio of famous songs will be given on the Syminaret Social Media Page
•The Participants have to make a reel of them dancing to the song’s hook step
and upload it on their accounts.
•The participants are expected to put their creative spin while keeping the hook
step intact.
•The participants who manages to dance to precision but also creatively will be
judged as the winner.
•The judges' decision will be final and binding for the same.
1. Futsal (Men & Women)

Name of the Event – Joga Bonito Futsal

Registration Fees:
Registration fees for each team is Rs. 1,600/-
Prize Money:
• Rs 15,000/- for Winners & Rs 8,000/- for Runners Up [Men]
• Rs 15,000/- for Winners & Rs 8,000/- for Runners Up [Women]

Rules and Regulations:

The tournament would be a league/group/ Knockout type of tournament
depending on the number of participating teams.
Each team shall comprise of 7 members – 5 playing + 2 Substitutes.
Substitutions can be made on a rolling basis by informing the referee in
Goals can be scored from anywhere in the court as long as the ball is in
play; Decisions regarding the validity of a goal would be decided by the
Each win gives a team (+3) points, while a draw gives them (+1) point; A
loss gives no points.
Each half will be of 10 minutes, so the entire game will be of 20 minutes
In case of there being a semi-finals or finals (in a group/knockout style
tournament), these matches will have 15 minutes for each half resulting in a
total of 30 minutes (15+15) for the match.
Use of foul language or provocation of opponent players is looked down
upon and if the situation calls for it, can result in the players involved to be
removed from playing for a certain time period, which will be decided by the
At the time of kick in/freekick the other team’s players should maintain a
distance of 4 steps, if violated, free kick will be awarded to the other team.
If the match ends in a draw, there will be one step penalties to decide the
No Throw-ins from the side-lines. Instead, ball is placed on ground and
passed in to a teammate with the foot.
Goal keeper cannot touch by hand a ball played back by his own teammate.
No slide tackles
No offside rule
The referee has the authority to grant yellow and red cards to the players.
Weightage of each is as follows –
- Yellow card: Player gets warned and is under scrutiny for the rest of the game
- 2 yellow cards/Red card: Player has to sit out for a duration of 3 minutes.
-Note: Any player being problematic to excessive amounts can be disqualified
from playing which would be at the discretion of the Sports Committee.
The teams must report on time as per the schedule and fixtures, non-
performance of which will result in a walk-over for the other team.
In case of tie-in points, the following will be the order of preference:
(a.) Goal Difference, (b.) Goals Scored. (c.) Fair Play record.
All decisions taken by the referee will be final and binding on the players;
Any arguing with the referee can lead to a card being awarded.
NOTE: The Rules of the event can be modified by the Sports Committee at any
given time depending on the circumstances, and the decision of the committee is
final and binding.

2. Box Cricket (Men & Women)

Name of the event – Biffers & Beamers

Registration Fees:
Registration fees for each team is Rs. 1,600/-
Prize Money:
• Rs 15,000/- for Winners & Rs 8,000/- for Runners Up [Men]
• Rs 15,000/- for Winners & Rs 8,000/- for Runners Up [Women]

Rules and Regulations:

The teams will be split into groups or will play in a league set up, depending
on the number of registrations. In case of tie in points the NRR will be
calculated and the team will the higher NRR will move forward.
Each team will comprise of 8 players (7 on the field +1 Substitute); There can
only be 7 players playing in the court at any given time and a substitution can
be made on a rolling basis (unless the team is batting).
Note: The playing 7 will include the bowler and wicket-keeper.
Each team will bat and bowl for 7 overs each.
Each bowler can bowl for a maximum of 2 overs.
If the ball hits the side nets, directly or indirectly, it will be considered as 2
runs.(The game is played on a basketball courts with nets around it).
The batsmen can run in between the wickets to increase the score as well.
Note: Batsmen can run even if the ball hits the net, so that would amount to 2
runs (for hitting the net) + how many ever runs gained by running in between the
A batsman can hit 4 runs if he hits the straight net (the nets behind the
bowler) indirectly; a batsman can hit 6 runs if he hits the straight net directly.
One run will be awarded for wides and no balls; there will be no free-hits,
byes or leg-bye runs.
Overthrows can give runs for the batting team.
Only two fielders can be placed near the straight net by the bowling team at
any given time.
Each bowling team has 25 minutes to complete their quota of overs. For every
5 minutes extended, the team will lose 5 runs from their final score.
1 over will be considered a POWER OVER.
Wherein, the batting side will decide a score prior to the over, and if the team
achieves the said score,
The said runs will be doubled. For instances, said score decided: 10 runs. If the
batting team scores 10 runs, runs will be doubled (20 runs).
If the batting team fails to score the said target in the over prescribed, then no
runs would be awarded for that particular over. The POWER OVER will be
available only during the 5th or 6th over.
It is the discretion of the bowling team to decide the bowler, after the batting
team opts for the power over.
Ways in which a batsman can get out:
-Catch, Stumping, Run-out, Hit wicket and Bowled
Note: There will be no LBWs
The same rules will apply for the Women’s category as well, except – Each
team will comprise of 6+1 (6 playing and 1 Substitute).
The teams must report on time as per the schedule and fixtures, non-
performance of which will result in a walk-over for the other team.
All decisions taken by the umpire will be final and binding on the players; Any
arguing with the umpire can lead to a suspension of play for that player for a
certain duration.

NOTE: The Rules of the event can be modified by the Sports Committee at any
given time depending on the circumstances and the decision of the committee is
final and binding.

3. Chess (Mixed)

Name of the event- Kasparovs Chess

Registration Fees:
Registration fees for each team is Rs. 1,600/-
Prize Money: Rs 1,000/- for Winners

Rules and Regulations:

The time limit for each player in each round will be 15 minutes and there will not
be any increment of the same.
The time limit for each player in each round will be 15 minutes and there
will not be any increment of the same.
The matches will be in a knockout format, for example if there are 16
participants, by the draw of lots, they will be paired up to play eight
matches. Post this the 8 qualifying players would be paired to play one
match each making it 4 matches in the second round. This would break
down to 2 more matches in the semi-final and then the finals.
Touch to move rule - If you touch a particular piece, you have to move that
piece only, except in cases where that particular piece is pinned or moving
that piece would cause an illegal move.
A player can adjust the pieces on the board without having to move by
saying “I adjust” or “adjust”. In such a case the touch to move rule will not
be imposed.
A time clock will be provided for each round. The players must make their
move and stop the clock on their end, which is when their running time will
stop and their opponent’s will start.
A move will be considered played only if the players stop the clock after
making the move, and the players cannot have their fingers over the clock
at all times and hover over it.
If the time runs out for a player without any check mate, that player will
lose the match.
The player must play with single hand except while castling.
The limit for each player in each round will be 15 mins each.
The players are obliged to maintain the decorum of the game, and activity
that will be considered against it shall lead to immediate disqualification.
Any player at any time during the course of a match can offer a draw to
his/her opponent only during his/her move, and the latter has the choice to
accept it or decline it.
Any player can resign the match any time he/she chooses to do so, and it
will be considered automatic forfeit of the match.
The players must report on time as per the schedule and fixtures, non-
performance of which will result in a win for the other player.

NOTE: The Rules of the event can be modified by the Sports Committee at any
given time depending on the circumstances and the decision of the committee
is final and binding.

Name of the Event: Kobe’s Legacy (Basketball)

Registration Fees:
Registration fees for each team is Rs. 1,600/-
Prize Money:
·Rs 15,000/- for Winners & Rs 8,000/- for Runners Up [Men]
·Rs 15,000/- for Winners & Rs 8,000/- for Runners Up [Women]

This scene in Koi Mil Gaya was a real memorable one. Picture it like Space
Jam and Flubber basketball matches only being controlled by an alien that’s
straight out of ET. So, we have Hrithik Roshan taking giant leaps on the hard
court flying onto the hoops to slam dunk his way to glory. Out-of-the-world
basketball anyone?

Rules and Regulations:

Type of Tournament: League, Pool or Knockout depending on the number of

The tournament shall be conducted according to the rules of the Basketball

Federation of India 2017 unless, otherwise, modified in these rules.
The tournament would be a league/group/ Knockout type of tournament
depending on the number of participating teams.
If there is a tie between two or more than two teams in the matches played
on league basis, the following procedure shall be adopted to decide the, i.e.:
Dual Tie: The team, which has beaten the other team in the league matches,
shall be the winner.
Tie between more than two teams: The tie between more than two teams
shall be decided on the basis of:

Points Scored/Points against:

The team securing the greater quotient shall be the winner and so on.
While deciding the tie between three or more than three teams, only the
points secured for and against in the matches played between the teams in
tie shall be counted.
If the tie between two teams or more than two teams still persists, it shall
bedecided by the procedure given below:
Team having minimum number of player fouls shall be declared as winner.
Even after following the (i) above, if the Tie persists the team having
minimum technical fouls shall be declared as winner.
Even after following the procedure (i) and (ii) above, if the tie persists
"Draw of Lots" shall decide the winner. (d) If there is a tie in a match played
on knock out basis, extra time of 5 minutes shall continue to be given till the
tie is decided Ordinarily no team shall be called upon to play more than two
matches a day.
If, however, under unavoidable circumstances, a team is called upon to play
two matches in a day, there shall be at least 2-hour gap. Between the
conclusion of the first match and the beginning of the next match.
The number of players representing a university/college shall not be more
than 12 and not more than 12 merit certificates shall be awarded to a team.
Every substitute can be changed on a rolling basis.
The match will last for 4 quarters with 8 minutes for each quarter.
The standard rules pertaining to back-pass, stepping etc. shall be observed
by the players.
Use of foul language during the match is not acceptable.
The teams must report on time for their match else, the opponents will get a
The finals will be for 10 minutes for each quarter with 6 timeouts.
All the normal Basketball Rules will be applicable including 24 second shot


Free-throws will be awarded for shooting fouls (foul was committed while a
player the act of shooting). 2 free throws are awarded for shooting fouls
committed inside the three-pointer line and 3 free-throws are awarded when
the shooting foul is committed on a three-point attempt. In case the player
makes the shot after the foul is committed, then one free-throw is awarded.
For a personal foul, the fouled individual must take the free throw unless the
player is injured. On a technical foul, the free throw may be attempted by
any player of the opposing team, including an entering substitute.
A team possessing the ball must dribble in under eight seconds from the
backcourt to the frontcourt. After a team passes the half-court line and
establishes frontcourt status, they cannot pass the ball back into the
Each time that a player commits a foul during a game, they receive a personal
foul. If the player reaches a total of 5 fouls during the game, they will "foul
out" and will not be allowed to play anymore.
A technical foul (unsportsmanlike) is a foul that doesn't have to be a result of
illegal contact against a player. They result in a free throw and also possession
of the ball for the opposing team. If a player or coach receives two technical
fouls in the same game, they will be ejected.
A flagrant 1 foul is a result of excessive contact that in nature is categorized
as unnecessary or avoidable. The fouled player will receive two shots, and the
opposing team will gain possession of the ball.
A flagrant 2 foul, however, is much more extreme. The fouled player will
receive two shots and the ball, and the player that committed the foul is
ejected from the game.
If a player accidently goes out of the court during the course of play, he/she
must re-establish themselves by landing both the feet inside the court. The
position of a player is determined by looking at the part of the floor that the
player last touched the referee’s decision will be final.

NOTE: The Rules of the event can be modified by the Sports Committee at any
given time depending on the circumstances and the decision of the committee is
final and binding.


Name of the event: Eat.Sleep.Ping Pong (Table Tennis)

Registration Fees:
Registration fees for each team is Rs. 600/- & Rs 300 for Individuals
Prize Money:
·Rs 1500/- for Winners [Men]
·Rs 1500/- for Winners [Women]
·Rs 3000/- for Winners [ Mixed]

If Forrest Gump can play it, so can you! Sign up for an exciting game of table
tennis and win exciting prizes!

Rules and regulations:

Events - Men’s Singles, Women’s Singles, Doubles.

• Best of 3 games.
• 11 points per game.
• Semi- finals and finals will have best of 5 games.
• The players have to carry their own racquets. However, ball will be provided.
• Each side of the table alternates serving two points at a time.
EXCEPTION: After tied 10-10 (“deuce”), service alternates at every point.
• Toss the ball straight up when serving. It must hit your side of the table and
then the other side. Once the ball leaves the server’s hand it is in play, and so
counts as the receiver’s point if the ball is missed or mis-hit.
• The serve can land anywhere in singles. Doubles serves must go from the
right side of the server’s court to right side of the receiver’s court diagonally.
• The serve must bounce in the server’s right court, and receiver’s right court
(note: landing on centre line is fair). Doubles partners switch places after their
team serves twice.
• If it touches the top of the net and then otherwise lands as a legitimate hit.
BUT not when serving. If a served ball hits the net on the way over and
otherwise legally bounces in play, it’s a “let” serve and is done over. There is
no limit on how many times this can happen.
• Volleys are not allowed. The ball must bounce once before it is hit.
• If your hit bounces back over the net by itself due to spin, it is your point.
• Touching the ball with your paddle hand is allowed. If the ball touches your
PADDLE hand and otherwise results in a legal hit, there is no rule violation
and play shall continue as normal. Your paddle hand includes all fingers and
hand area below the wrist
• You may not touch the table with your non-paddle hand.
• An “edge” ball bouncing off the horizontal table top surface is good.
• Referee’s decisions will be final.

• Doubles - The teams will play a league format, where every team will play
each other once.
The top 2 teams will then move to the knockout stages.
• Singles – Knockout Rounds Only


Name of the Event – Serve. Jump. Smash. Repeat.

Registration Fees:
Registration fees for each team is Rs. 1,200/-
Prize Money:
Rs 12,000/- for Winners

Rules and Regulations:

• Each team shall comprise of 8 players - 6 playing and 2 rolling substitutes in
their team.
Maximum of three hits per side.
• Player may not hit the ball twice in succession (A block is not considered a
• Ball may be played off the net during a volley and on a serve.
• A ball hitting a boundary line is in.
• A ball is out if hits an antenna (or) the floor completely outside the court (or)
any of the net or cables outside the antennae (or) the referee stands or pole.
• It is legal to contact the ball with any part of a player’s body but the ball
should not.
• Visibly come to rest.
• It is illegal to catch, hold, or throw the ball.
• If two or more players contact the ball at the same time, it is considered one
• and either player involved may make the next contact (provided the next
contact isn’t the team’s 4th hit).
• A player cannot block or attack a serve from on or inside the 10-foot line.
• After the serve, front line players may switch positions at the net.


When serving, step on or across the service line as you make contact
Failure to serve the ball over the net successfully
Contacting the ball illegally (lifting, carrying, throwing, etc.)
Touching the net with any part of the body while the ball is in play.
1. If the ball is driven into the net with such force that it causes the net to
contact an opposing player, no foul will be called, and the ball shall continue
to be in play.
2. When blocking a ball coming from the opponent’s court, contacting the ball
when reaching over the net is a violation if both:
Your opponent hasn't used 3 contacts
They have a player there to make a play on the ball
When attacking a ball coming from the opponent’s court, contacting the ball
when reaching over the net is a violation if the ball hasn't yet broken the
vertical plane of the net.
• Crossing the court centreline with any part of your body. Exception: if it is
the hand or foot, the entire hand or entire foot must cross for it to be a
The Serve:

Server must serve from behind the restraining line (end line) until after
Ball may be served underhand or overhand.
Ball must be clearly visible to opponents before serve.
Served ball may graze the net and drop to the other side for point.
First game serve is determined by a volley, each subsequent game shall be
served by the previous game loser.
Serve must be returned by a bump and setting only no attacking a serve.


Rally scoring will be used.

There will be a point secured on every score of the ball.
Offense will score on a defence miss or out of bounds hit.
Defence will score on an offensive miss, out of bounds hit, or serve into the
Matches are made up of sets; 3-set match- 2 sets to 25 points and a third set
Must win by 2 points.

NOTE: The Rules of the event can be modified by the Sports Committee at any
given time depending on the circumstances and the decision of the committee is
final and binding and in any case umpire/referee's decision is final.

Brief Description:

Type of Tournament: League, Pool or Knockout depending on the number of
Each team shall comprise of 8 players - 6 playing and 2 rolling substitutes
in their team.
This event will be held at the futsal court throughout the course of the two
days of Syminaret 2023.

7. BADMINTON (Men, Woman & Doubles)

Name of the Event – Break the deuce!

Registration Fees:
Registration fees for each team is Rs. 600/- & Rs 300 for Individuals

Prize Money:
• Rs 3000/- for Winners [Men]
• Rs 3000/- for Winners [Women]
• Rs 4000/- for Winners [ Mixed]

Rules and Regulations:

A player must wait until his opponent is ready before serving. If the
opponent attempts a return, then he is ruled to have been ready.
The feet of both players must remain in a stationary position until the serve
is made. Your feet cannot be touching the line at this time.
It is not a fault if one misses the shuttle while serving.
The shuttle cannot be caught and slung with the racket.
A player cannot hold his racket near the net to ward off a downward stroke
by his opponent or to interfere with his racket.
Every time a service is made, one point is tallied.
In terms of serving, they will serve from the correct service court at the start
of the game if the score is 0-0 or if the server's score is equal. When the
server's score is an odd number, they will serve from the left service court.
The rally ends when the birdie makes contact with the floor, fails to return
over the net, or lands outside the court lines.


At the moment of impact, the shuttle is higher than the server's waist, or the
head of the racket is higher than the server's racket hand.
The shuttle fails to land in the proper service court.
If the server's feet are not in the service court, or if the receiver's feet are
not diagonally opposite the server.
The server takes a step forward to serve. Any player who baulks or feints his
opponent before or during the serve.
A serve or shot that falls outside the court's boundaries, travel under or
through the net, or comes into contact with any other barriers or a player's
body or clothes. The boundary and service lines are thought to be in play.
The shuttle in play is struck before it crosses the net to the striker's side of
the net. You may follow through over the net.
A player touching the net or its supports with his body or racket while the
shuttle is in play.
Hitting the shuttle twice in succession by a player or team.
At the beginning of the game (0-0) and when the server’s score is even, the
server serves from the right service court. When the server’s score is odd,
the server serves from the left service court.
If the server wins a rally, the server scores a point and then serves again
from the alternate service court.
If the receiver wins a rally, the receiver scores a point and becomes the new
server. They serve from the appropriate service court – left if their score is
odd, and right if it is even.

A side has only one ‘set’.
At the beginning of the game and when the score is even, the server serves
from the right service court. When it is odd, the server serves from the left
If the serving side wins a rally, the serving side scores a point and the same
server serves again from the alternate service court.
If the receiving side wins a rally, the receiving side scores a point. The
receiving side becomes the new serving side.
The players do not change their respective service courts until they win a
point when their side is serving.

NOTE: The Rules of the event can be modified by the Sports Committee at any
given time depending on the circumstances and the decision of the committee is
final and binding and in any case umpire/referee's decision is final.

Brief Description:
Events: Men’s Singles, Women’s Singles, Doubles.
Badminton match consists of best of the 3 games and 21 points.
At 20 all, the side which gains a 2-point lead first wins that game.
At 29 all, the side scoring the 30th point, wins that game.
The players have to carry their own racquets.

Doubles - The teams will play a league format, where every team will play
each other once. The top 2 teams will then move to the knockout stages.
Singles – Knockout Rounds Only.
This event will be held at the futsal court throughout the course of the two days
of Syminaret 2023.
8. THROWBALL (Mixed)

Name of the Event – De Ghuma Ke!

Registration Fees:
Registration fees for each team is Rs. 1600/-
Prize Money:
·Rs 12,000/- for Winners

Rules and Regulations:

The match is carried out between two teams consisting of 7 (2 x 3x 2) players

A maximum of 5 substitutes is allowed for each team, hence each team would
constitute of 12 members totally.
The 7 playing members of the team must stand in the Z rotation positions
which would circulate every time the serve changes.
Names of the players entered in the score sheet before the commencement of
the match, shall only be eligible to play in the match. The captain shall sign
the score sheet prior to the commencement of the match.

Game Rules:
Choice of the court of service shall be decided by tossing the coin before the
play commences. The team-captain winning the toss shall decide upon
choosing service or court and shall inform the same to the Referee.
A match will consist of 3 sets wherein the first two sets will be for 21 points
each while the deciding or the final set will be for 25 points.
The teams will be gives 2 minutes between each set to switch sides or
substitute players. Any substitution taking place between sets must be
informed to the referee or volunteer appointed during the game.
Service should be carried out within 5 seconds after the referee whistles and
should be done from the service zone, without crossing the end line. A player
cannot jump while serving the ball. The service ball must not touch the net
and double touch is not allowed while receiving the service ball.
A player cannot move more than one step while returning the ball.
During a rally, the ball must be caught at once with both hands, without any
sound or movement of the ball within the hands (dubs) and the player should
have contact with the ground. A net rebound will be permitted only during
Two players are not allowed to catch the ball simultaneously. The ball is
thrown within three seconds after being caught, only from above the shoulder-
line and only with one hand. A player can jump when throwing
the ball, which can touch the net (but not the antenna). The player should
have contact with the ground when catching the ball.
However, the ball is not touched with any part of the body other than the
palm when catching or throwing (body touch). The ball can neither be
shifted (passed) to the left nor right, nor deliberately pushed.
If a player intends to receive a ball below their waist line the same must be
done by sitting down and the ball must also be released from the same
Under no circumstances can a player throw the ball under the shoulder
level, each throw must be above the shoulder and towards either side.
Players are forbidden to wear any kind of plastic/metallic articles which
can cause injuries to the players.
The team can roll in substitutes when the game is not in play, for example
before the referee blows the whistle or after either team has scored.

NOTE: The Rules of the event can be modified by the Sports Committee at
any given time depending on the circumstances and the decision of the
committee is final and binding and in any case umpire/referee's decision is

Brief Description:
Type of Tournament: League, Pool or Knockout depending on the number
of teams.
Each team shall comprise of 12 players - 7 playing and 5 rolling substitutes
in their team.
This event will be held at the throwball court throughout the course of the two
days of Syminaret 2023.

9. Kabaddi (Men)

Registration Fees:
Registration fees for each team is Rs. 1400/-
Prize Money:
·Rs 14,000/- for Winners [Men]

The tournament shall be conducted according to the rules of Kabaddi
International Federation
Each team shall consist of no more than 10 players with only 7 taking to
the field at any one time.
Every participant must follow all the rules and code of conduct

Team must report 15 minutes prior to their scheduled time (otherwise
Duration of the match is two halves of 20 minutes including 5 minutes
break. In semi-finals and finals, each half will be of 20 minutes.
Each team shall have their own proper kit.
Any type of interference or misconduct during the match will be accepted
for the change in the results of the match.
No outside photo or any kind of media footage will be accepted for the
change in the results of the match.
If any team walks out of the court during play-time, the team will be
immediately disqualified from the tournament.

Rules and Regulations:

There will be a coin flip at the beginning of a Kabaddi game. The winner of
a coin flip decides whether to have the first raid or not.
There will be two referees on the field
The team that gets to “raid” first has to send a raider across the line.
To win a point when raiding, the raider must chant the word ‘Kabaddi’
throughout the raid. He must begin his chant of ‘Kabaddi’ before entering
the opposition’s half and crossing the midline. The raider shall continue to
do so until he returns to his half. Once into the rivals’ half, the raider also
must cross his foot over the balkline to make the raid legal. If he fails to
do so, then the referee shall declare the raider out.
If he is not keeping the proper approved chant in the opponent’s court, he
shall be ordered back and the opponent will be given one technical point
and chance to raid.
Each member of a team must raid in sequence if a team member raids out of
order, the opposing team gets one point.
The team being raided is defending, and the players must prevent the
raiders from tagging them and returning back over the halfway line. Empty
raids are the ones in which the raider returns to his court without earning
any points.
Raiders may only be grabbed by their limbs or torso, not by their hair,
clothes or anywhere else, and defenders are not permitted to cross the
center line.
The two teams alternate between raiding and defending for two halves of
twenty minutes each (with a five-minute break between halves.)
Each team will take turns in raiding and defending. Following halftime, the
two teams switch sides of the court and the team who defended first in the
first half begin the second half by raiding.
The game continues in this way until the time is up, the team with the most
points at the end of the match is declared the winner.
A player shall be out if any part of his body touches the ground outside the
boundary but during the struggle a player shall not be out if any part of his
body touches the ground outside the boundary by keeping contact of the
playfield. The portion of contact must be inside the boundary.
Struggle means when one of more defenders comes into contact with the
raider. The lobbies are counted as part of the court when the raider touches
someone or there is a struggle.

When is a player out?

If the raider tags any defending players and makes it back to his side, the
players he tagged are out. If a raider is captured and cannot pass back over
the midline before he runs out of breath, he is out. If any player (raiding or
defending) steps outside the boundary lines, he is out (unless he was
deliberately pulled or shoved, in which case, the offending player is out.)
After two successive empty raids, the attacking teams have to make a “do-or-
die” raid, where if they fail to score a point, the defending team earns a point
If a defending team member enters the raider's side of the court before his
team is officially given the chance to raid, he is out.
Revive players by getting an opponent out. Whenever your team gets a
member of the opponent team out, you have a chance to bring back (or
"revive") someone on your team who has previously been ruled out. This is
true for both raiding and defending teams. Players are revived in the order
they were gotten out, bringing back players out of order results in a point for
the other team

Penalty Points:
The raid is over and the defending team receives a point plus the opportunity
to raid if a raider speaks anything other than the pre-approved "Kabaddi"
chant while he is raiding (but the raider is not out.)
If the raider begins his chant after crossing the midline, the raid is over, and
the defensive team receives a point and the opportunity to raid (the raider is
not out.)
The raid is ended and the defending team scores a point if a raider leaves
their assigned order. When multiple raiders simultaneously reach the
opposing team's court, the raid is called off, and the defending team scores a
Players are revived in the order they were gotten out, bringing back players
out of order results in a point for the other team.
If any defenders enter the raider's side of the court before it is their turn to
raid, each defender that does so earns a point for the other team. If the
raider's teammates attempt to help him by calling out warnings or advice, the
defending team gets a point

Possible ways of scoring a point while raiding in kabaddi:

If the raider touches a player of the opponent team, he will be awarded a
If a raider crosses the bonus line with the other leg not on the ground, then he
will be awarded with a bonus
Possible ways of scoring a point while defending in kabaddi:
If the players, during the raid were able to defend the raider and tackle him
then a point will be awarded to the defense team
If there are 3 or less players on the mat and there is a tackle then it is called
as a super tackle and the defense team gets two points

In case of tie in points the following will the order of preference:

(a.) Goal Difference, (b.) Goals Scored. (c.) Fair Play record.
oAll decisions taken by the referee will be final and binding on the players; Any
arguing with the referee can lead to a card being awarded.
NOTE: The Rules of the event can be modified by the Sports Committee at any
given time depending on the circumstances and the decision of the committee is
final and binding.

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