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ph/2019/06/26/legal- Note that the Executive Department that

education-problems-and-issues/ implements the law and handles the appointment
of judges and justices, itself relies on the services of

Legal education

Legislation by Congress also relies on lawyers who

problems and assist our lawmakers in crafting our laws.

Disputes, of course, are resolved by courts that are

issues manned by members of the Bar.

Citizens, for their part, rely on lawyers to advise

Share it! them; to act on their legal needs; and to handle the
Updated June 26, 2019, 11:15 AM disputes they may be involved in.

THE LEGAL FRONT This view aptly tells us the critical role of lawyers in
our society. From generation to generation, we
By JUSTICE ART D. BRION (RET.) need a continuous flow of lawyers, trained and
well-versed in the law, to undertake the legal tasks
To continue the discussions I started in my article
involved in our governance and daily lives.
“Postscript to the Bar Oathtaking,” our  low Bar
passing rate serves as the glaring manifestation of How legal education effectively trains future
our legal education system’s unsatisfactory lawyers embodies the means to achieve its
performance. objective of assisting the court in the delivery of
Concealed behind these shocking statistics are the
root causes that we must regard as problems if we Our current legal education system, sad to state,
are to improve legal education. For far too long, we leaves much to be desired; it is failing in both its
have limped along, happily looking at the few objective and in the means to reach this objective.
success stories, but doing practically nothing to
address the more numerous failures. Our 70% to 80% failing rate translates to a waste of
valuable human resources. Our Bar flunkers end
To approach legal education at a deeper yet up  personally unfulfilled and useless for their
simpler level, I propose to recall and critically look intended delivery of justice roles. They could have
at its objective and at the means available to reach been trained for careers appropriate to their
this objective. potentials instead of allowing them to waste their
years in fruitless legal education.
The objective, in my view, is to assist the Supreme
Court in its constitutional mandate to deliver a The situation, however, is not irremediable if we
working justice system that responds to the needs shall only frankly and honestly assess our
of our people. situation, confront our system’s weak components,
and apply our will to purposively strengthen them.
Among others, the court fulfills its mandate
through magistrates and lawyers, competent in the 1. Teachers. Do we have teachers competent
ways of the law, who man and administer our to teach law?
justice system.  Legal education’s objective is to
adequately train those aspiring to be lawyers.
The depressing Bar passing rates do not only point 4. Regulation. Ideally, the LEB should have the
to weak and unprepared candidates, but to full authority to regulate the essential
deficiencies as well on the part of their law school components of our legal education, subject only
teachers and administrators. Needless to state, to the limits imposed by its charter, to the
without competent law teachers, Bar failures are reasonableness that police power demands and
inevitable. the justice system requirements that the
Supreme Court addresses.
How the Legal Education Board (LEB) can foster
the strengthening of law faculties is a primary Otherwise, it may be simpler to abolish the LEB
question it must unavoidably address. and allow free market forces and the dictates of
income to regulate legal education.  This approach
2. Law Students. Indiscriminate admission of will leave the court as the only filter in filling up the
students to law schools, with Bar admission needs of our justice system.
standards being constant, can only lead to
more Bar failures. Do we want this unregulated training approach
that may conceivably lead to more Bar failures
The alternative is a screening system that gives law and to the scarcity of competent lawyers,
schools the opportunity to focus on those who, by thereby placing our justice system at risk?
their aptitude and demonstrated preparation, are
most likely to succeed. 5. Bar admission. Bar admission is a function that
constitutionally belongs to the Supreme Court.
The law has given the LEB the task of screening The court in turn is guided by the express and
prospective law students. Many law schools, implied terms of our Constitution.
however, find screening unacceptable because it
limits their enrolment and, consequently, their However wide and overreaching the court’s Bar
income. admission power may be, it should be subject to
standards of fairness and reasonableness, and
We must thus contend with the question: Should
thus must respond to the policy question: Do we
we have admission screening that ultimately
have a fair testing system to determine who
serves legal education’s purposes, or allow the
should qualify under the justice standards the
unhampered admission that primarily protects
Constitution requires?
law school income?
6. Consultations between the LEB and the court.
3.Law Schools. – do we have law schools
Legal education is the phase that trains aspirants
whose overriding mission is to provide legal
for Bar admission; by law, this task is assigned to
education; which are equipped with the
the LEB.
essentials to undertake this mission; and
which can fairly manage to deliver
On the other hand, the applicable Bar admission
results consistent with the demands of our
standards  – i.e., the examinable law subjects as
justice system?
well as the acceptable passing marks – are for the
court solely to determine.
Some law schools qualify but many more fail as the
statistics indisputably show. Between the court and the LEB is thus an
unavoidable interdependence that demands a
Should law schools falling below defined
continuing two-way communication, led by the
expectations be continually allowed to operate?
court, so that each may know, adjust and respond An eye-catching feature, as discerned from media
to the other’s needs, demands and standards. reports, was the relative calm that surrounded the
ceremony: the nation did not appear disturbed at
7. Law schools and academic freedom. Law all by the 2018 Bar candidates’ lackluster
schools cannot be denied the freedom to performance, nor by what this development
teach, to determine what to teach, who to implied – the overall low level of excellence in
teach, and how to teach. But at the higher training the professionals who would handle the
delivery of justice plane, academic freedom nation’s laws and the citizenry’s lives, liberties, and
cannot but yield; law schools must adhere to properties.
the SC and LEB requirements if they want their
students to qualify for legal education leading We did not appear to care at all that, on the
to Bar admission. average, some 75 out of every 100 of our students
flunk the Bar exam and essentially waste 8 years of
This reality empowers the LEB and the court to their lives preparing for a profession they can
require the teaching of subjects necessary for Bar never claim for themselves nor practice with
admission and for future law practice or delivery of distinction if they pass the Bar at all.
justice roles.
We did not likewise appear to mind the waste of
Beyond these requirements, law schools should be time, money, efforts that every failed Bar examinee
able – in the exercise of their academic freedom – represents. Also lost to many was the possibility
to require their own program of studies. that an unsuccessful Bar examinee could have
brilliantly performed elsewhere had he/she
I shall further discuss each of these concerns in my channeled his energies into the proper direction.
subsequent articles.
We appeared to disregard, too, the most obvious
https://news.mb.com.ph/2019/06/19/postcript-to- cause of the Bar mortality – the law schools, in
the-bar-oathtaking/ particular, the sub-performing ones who continue
to enjoy the authority to accept enrollees although

Postcript to the they have lost, by their mediocre performance,

every right to educate students in the field of law.

Bar oathtaking Even the top-tier law schools appeared smugly

happy because they have individually delivered the
high-flying Bar topnotchers. For some reason, they
Share it! did not appear to be bothered at all by the
Published June 19, 2019, 12:32 AM pervasive mediocrity surrounding them, thereby
impliedly accepting for the Bar exams the
characteristic configuration of our larger society –
small islands of abundance in a massive sea of
Philippine Bar history did not change its trajectory
This is not the 1st time I am voicing out these
at all when the Supreme Court swore in the new
sentiments.  In the Bar oathtaking of 2015, I
2018 lawyers. The Bar passing rate, although in the
highlighted the plight of those who were not in the
low side at 22.07%, was still within the established
ceremony – the Bar flunkers.  In a recent article
20%-30% national average.
– Reverse Roll of Honor, I articulated my continuing
frustrations due to the law schools’ dismal Bar Sub-total                                                                 – 37
passing records. I provided as well the damning law schools out of 131
evidence –  the statistics covering almost 20 years
of Bar exams and law school performance. Note how stilted the level of performance is in
favor of mediocrity.  The non-performing law
I again focus on this proof today by giving the schools (94) are by far more numerous than those
public the 2018 Bar Statistics that my previous (37) whose graduates reached  the court’s 75% cut-
article did not show because they were not then off point.  I leave it to the public to decide how
available. many of the successful 37 really deserve the title
“law school.”
The 2018 Bar exams saw 131 participating law
schools whose candidates the Court judged for Bar Factors beyond the law schools, of course,
admission using the usual 75% pass/fail cut off. contribute to the dismal Bar results but the law
school factor outweighs them all.  We simply have
The starting shocker is that in 25 (or 19.08%) of law schools that, by all accounts, should no
our law schools, all the Bar candidates failed. longer be engaged in legal education; we
Thus, roughly one-fifth (1/5) of our law schools likewise accept students that, from Day 1 of law
had a 0% passing rate in the 2018 Bar exams. school, are already Bar flunkers.

Only less than 10% of the candidates in 32 (or In fairness to the authorities, in particular, to
24.48%) of our law schools passed, while 37 (or the Legal Education Board (LEB) and the Supreme
28.24%) law schools had passing rates ranging Court, they have done what they could in the past
from 10% to less than 22.07%  –  the national Bar and are still currently exerting efforts to improve
exam passing average. legal education.

In outline form, these ranges and the number The LEB has undertaken many meaningful
of sub-performing law schools are: regulatory initiatives but has also met many
stumbling blocks in performing its functions, some
 0% passing rate – 25 law schools of them strewn by legal education stakeholders
 above 0% to less than 10% passing rate – 32 law themselves.  An example is the use of centralized
schools admission exams by law schools – a process that
 10% to less than 22.07% passing rate             – 37 would deny admission to the unfit and the
law schools unprepared, but which would have limited the
enrolment (and income) of many law schools.
Sub-total                                                                  – 94
law schools out of 131 In no small measure, the law profession and the
justice system to which lawyers heavily contribute,
The following more positive statistics complete are stable because the court, through the years,
and somehow brighten up the bleak 2018 Bar has remained a steady gatekeeper in the admission
picture: to the practice of law.

 07% to less than 30% passing rate – 12 law To its credit, irrespective of legal education and Bar
schools exams developments, the court has steadfastly
 30% to less than 50% passing rate – 15 law sought – through the Bar examinations – to
schools maintain the standards of the legal profession at
 50% or more passing rate – 10 law schools their highest. Though generally unrecognized, the
recent 22.07% passing rate is the result of this attend lectures on Legal Ethics as part of their
laudable effort.
Mandatory Continuing Legal Education (MCLE).
But the court and the LEB, solely on their own,
cannot deliver the ideal that everyone wishes to ADVERTISEMENT
see. Other stakeholders have to actively help by
undertaking their respective roles. They cannot But are these enough to make lawyers ethical?
simply look up to the authorities for solutions nor
consider only their narrow self-interests in In the Philippines, norms of legal ethics are
considering problems.
articulated in the Code of Professional Responsibility
Those in the frontlines – in particular, the school as a set of duties that lawyers have toward society,
owners, the deans and other members of the
the courts, their clients and their colleagues in the
academe  – have to contribute to the political will to
generate the critical mass necessary to effect profession. Based on my experience in law school
meaningful and lasting changes. and MCLE lectures, the teaching of legal ethics has

I hope the readers will react to these latest

been limited to the canons of the Code of
statistics by sending in their comments, so that I Professional Responsibility and related
can in turn submit these to the Supreme jurisprudence. The focus is on what a lawyer should
Court’s Legal Education Summit this coming July.
or should not do to escape disbarment.
beyond-escaping-disbarment The Code of Professional Responsibility is useful. But
a listing of duties that lawyers must comply with on
Legal ethics beyond escaping
the pain of disbarment is not enough to prevent
disbarment them from messing up society.
By: Cristina A. Montes - @inquirerdotnet
For one, what should a lawyer do when conflicts
09:01 AM May 04, 2019
among these duties arise? How should a lawyer
The results of the 2018 bar exams have just been resolve conflicts between his or her duty to the
released, once again triggering discussions about the courts and to society, on one hand, and to the client,
impact of lawyers on society. on the other?

Among the bar exam subjects is Legal Ethics. Many Then, there is the lawyers’ ability to “lawyer”
agree that lawyers should be ethical. Many people themselves out of the Code of Professional
have stories of how unscrupulous lawyers have Responsibility, enabling them to do unethical acts
destroyed their lives or those of people they know. without violating the literal text of the code’s
Thus, Legal Ethics has been made a subject matter canons.
for the bar exam, and lawyers have to periodically
Furthermore, the Code of Professional heard someone once say, keep values out of the
Responsibility does not answer all the possible courtroom?
ethical issues that lawyers may encounter in the
exercise of their profession. For example, when a To promote the ethical practice of law, it is

prospective client approaches a lawyer asking for necessary to challenge lawyers to shed off the

help in obtaining a declaration of nullity of marriage, cynicism and the moral relativism prevalent in the

the lawyer must ask: Is the prospective client legal profession, which keep them from aspiring to

trapped in what is really a void marriage, in which ethical standards beyond merely escaping

case he or she must be helped? Or is the prospective disbarment. In addition to teaching the Code of

client, in reality, asking the lawyer to aid and abet an Professional Responsibility and the jurisprudence

illicit extramarital affair? The Code of Professional related to it, education in legal ethics must impart

Responsibility alone cannot answer these questions. wisdom. No less is required in order that lawyers

But they make a difference between the lawyer will, in the words of Miralles, obrar segun ciencia y

mending or ruining society, between a lawyer acting conciencia (“act according to science and

ethically and acting unethically. conscience”).

In her book “Deontologia Profesional del Abogado,” profession
Angela Aparisi Miralles identifies three principles on
which legal ethics is founded. The first is the Black marks on the law profession
centrality of the person and his or her dignity,
By: Raul J. Palabrica - @inquirerdotnet
considering that the legal profession is practiced by
Philippine Daily Inquirer / 05:18 AM April 20, 2018
persons and is in the service of persons. The second
is the end (telos) of the legal profession, which is the In the wake of the concerted efforts to remove Chief

defense of rights and maintenance of justice in Justice Maria Lourdes Sereno from office, some

social relations. The third is professional virtues, events in recent days have tarnished the esteem

with an emphasis on prudence, defined as the that justices of the Supreme Court and the law

capacity for good judgment. profession enjoy in our society.

These principles raise questions: What does it mean A substantial portion of the oral arguments at the

to be a person with dignity? What is justice? What high court on the quo warranto case filed against

are rights? What is virtue? How do these concepts Sereno was a virtual shouting match between her

apply in law practice? Is there room for such and Justice Teresita de Castro. They did not make

concepts in legal practice, or should a lawyer, as I any effort to hide their animosity toward each other.
As members of the institution tasked by the salt would not deliberately do, and yet no words of
Constitution to decide on significant legal disputes in apology were heard from him.
the country, Sereno and De Castro are held to a high
level of civility and professionalism in resolving their As if this grievous offense were not enough, on the

official and personal differences, more so if the day of the oral arguments on the quo warranto, he

public is watching. called the people who were demonstrating in

Sereno’s support “bobo” (dumb) and gave them the
Without passing judgment on who caused the dirty finger.
unpleasant scene, the incident provided a bad
image of the high court and, collaterally, our judicial He was lucky his boorish behavior was ignored by

system. the demonstrators; in less serene circumstances, his

actions would have drawn violent reaction and
The honorific “Your Honor” that traditionally resulted in his lynching.
precedes any address to a member of the judiciary
lost its meaning. The so-called “gods of Padre Faura” Although Gadon is not representative of the

have been found to have feet of clay. majority of lawyers in the Philippines, his unethical
conduct during the impeachment hearings and oral
The next time the Supreme Court issues a arguments at the high court put the legal profession
memorandum to the lower courts to unclog their in serious disrepute in the public’s eye.
dockets by encouraging litigants to amicably settle
their differences and let reason, not emotion, guide
their actions, the judges may be tempted to say, These incidents made the word “liar” rhyme with
“Look who’s talking.” “lawyer” and showed that eight or more years of
education in law does not guarantee its adequate
The shouting match between the two justices traces understanding and proper application.
its origin to the impeachment complaint filed by
lawyer Larry Gadon against Sereno at the House of Given these circumstances—members of the high
Representatives. The hearing on the complaint court engaging in a harsh, emotional exchange of
turned out to be a comedy of errors for Gadon. words and a lawyer flouting the rules of truth and
public decorum—an incoming law student cannot
He swore in his complaint that he had personal be faulted for wondering whether going through the
knowledge of Sereno’s alleged impeachable acts, rigors of an eight-year law education (plus a one-
only to admit later that some of his allegations were year bar review) would be worth the time, money
hearsay or taken from outside sources. By lying, he and effort.
committed an act that any lawyer worth his or her
The practice of law is supposed to be a profession, and tourism. But—not surprisingly—the cost
of doing business, judicial issues and
not a business, with the high court looking over the
corruption were raised in many panel
lawyers to make sure they live up to their oath to discussions.
give every person his or her share of law and justice.
In building a competitive business
The actions of Sereno and De Castro do not inspire environment, judicial and anticorruption
confidence that the high court can be policies are very important to attract and to
wholeheartedly trusted (or expected) to resolve keep investors. Reforms in the administration
of justice are ongoing, but their
disputes with cold neutrality and objectivity, or
implementation should be continuously
consistent with the message of the iconic Lady of
Justice statue that adorns our courtrooms.

When a lawyer who is no spring chicken openly lies Some of the problematic factors in the WEF
in public and feels no sense of remorse about that competitiveness ranking pertained to the
judicial and security problems that afflict the
reprehensible act, it is not unreasonable to ask if
Philippines. According to the WEF ratings,
there is still pride and prestige in becoming a lawyer.
investors also identified corruption (16.9
It will be a sad day for morally upright and percent), policy instability (7 percent) and
competent Filipino lawyers when their profession is crime and theft (3 percent). The Supreme
Court and the judicial system it administers
mentioned in the same breath as or associated with
face major challenges, such as case backlog,
the world’s oldest profession.
using modern technology and obtaining more
https://businessmirror.com.ph/2017/10/02/ funding. These are factors that investors very
much consider before they invest in a
particular country and comprises of what
makes a country competitive.
Judicial Issues and Corruption
By Clogged courts have long been an issue in the
 Henry J. Schumacher
Philippine judiciary system. It often takes
October 2, 2017 numerous years to have a case decided and, as
During the very well attended Arangkada new cases come every year, caseloads have
Forum on September 14, there was much piled up. Major reforms have been introduced
focus on sectors with substantial growth under the leadership of Chief Justice Maria
potential—including agriculture, creative Lourdes A. Sereno, including computerization
industries, information and communications
technology, manufacturing, mining, logistics
of decisions, court records and continuous against public officials. The
trials. Sandiganbayan should reduce its
backlog of cases and increase it
Corruption has long been a major concern for conviction rate.
doing business in the country. Only in recent 5. Pass amendments to the
years has it moved down from first to third Ombudsman Act to Strengthen the
place in the WEF assessment to be slightly Ombudsman as an Institution,
below red tape and poor infrastructure. In the Upgrading of Ombudsman
Transparency International annual Corruption Employee Skills, Augmenting
Perception Index the Philippines improved Compensation and Benefits, and
from 134th in 2010 to 101st in 2016, yet is Enhancing Fiscal Autonomy.
still ranked in the bottom 50 percent, along 6. The government must demonstrate
with Indonesia, Thailand  and Vietnam. through consistent example that it
has the political will to greatly
The Arangkada Team has listed 26 reduce corruption. Investigating,
recommendations; I have taken the liberty to bringing charges against and
reduce the recommendations a bit: successfully prosecuting government
officials and private-sector persons
1. Continue to increase judicial salaries and corporations guilty of not
and hire more judges, encouraging paying proper taxes, bribery and
new judges to reduce the case other major corrupt acts must be
backlog more. Steadily raise the sustained.
budget for the judicial branch. 7. Public officials and private persons
2. Make greater use of alternative found guilty of major corrupt
dispute resolution and arbitration to activities should, after a fair trial, be
resolve civil disputes outside of punished with heavy sentences,
courts, which should reduce the including imprisonment and seizure
backlog of cases and hasten justice. of assets.
3. Reduce the caseload of the Supreme 8. Strengthen the anticorruption legal
Court by limiting acceptance of framework by passing: a) anti-Graft
cases largely to cases involving and Corrupt Practices Act
national issues. amendments; b) Witness Protection
4. The Ombudsman should improve its Act; and c) Whistleblowers
capability to investigate and Protection Act.
prosecute allegations of corruption 9. Pass laws to exempt BIR and BOC
employees from the Salary
Standardization Act (or, better, There is no doubt that good intensions by the
privatize the activities of both government and the private sector are not
government organizations). enough; judicial reform and anticorruption
10.Appropriate resources should be initiatives are needed to successfully
provided to the justice- sector actors implement the 10-point socioeconomic
to support the fair administration of agenda of the Duterte administration.
11.Strengthen economic justice.
Establish and enhance special courts
that will address specific cases and
pursue contract enforcement. For
instance, infrastructure courts,
commercial courts, cybercrime
courts and environmental courts.
12.Streamline rules on the disposition 177893-failure-legal-system-challenge-filipino-
of land cases. The Supreme Court lawyers
should study the need to designate
Failure of the legal system: A
special courts on land- dispute
challenge to Filipino lawyers
13.Raise scientific-investigation As part of the legal system myself, an educator
capabilities and strengthen witness in the field of criminal justice, I say, we are
losing, and we are losing poorly. We carry a
and whistleblower heavy burden because the public call for blood
protection. is our own doing.
14.Reinforce alternative ADR
mechanisms so that courts can refer Raymund E. Narag, PhD
Published 9:32 AM, August 07, 2017
cases for ADR and help in the
Updated 9:32 AM, August 07, 2017
speedy disposition of cases.
15.Information and communication
technology should be used sector- The Philippine legal system is a miserable
wide to help address fragmentation failure. It has produced lawyers who are
adept in using the law to pervert the law.
in the justice system and greatly
And I say this with so much pain because I
enhance the information
worked with many dedicated Filipino
management of the whole justice lawyers.
Individually, these dedicated lawyers introduce
innovative practices. Collectively, these
dedicated lawyers' efforts are gobbled by the Aside from the fraternities, other forms of social
very corrupt practices of the legal profession. entanglements can be maximized: familial
relations, classmates in law schools, coming
First, many bright young lawyers are frustrated from the same province – the traditional
by the fact that to win a case, they need to pull strength of the Filipino social relations. These
connections. Even if they have produced a are all utilized, one way or the other, to get an
well-crafted motion or brief, even if they spent edge in winning the case. Thus, to be a good
numerous hours of doing legal research, all lawyer, it pays to be adept at both the formal
these may be thrown away if the opposing elements of the law (the technical side) and the
party uses extra-legal tactics. In the legal informal elements of litigation (the political
profession, this is called "gapangan". side).

That is why many of the laypersons I They need to know when or which tactics to
interviewed would say, "Kaya naman kasi use in a particular case or context. The
gapangin ang piskal o judge." (They can make capacity to switch between "santong dasalan"
arrangements with the fiscal or judge.) A hard (soft or diplomatic way) or "santong paspasan"
reality is striking: the law that they read in the (tough way) will elevate them in the community
books is very different from the law that they of lawyers. While there are instances that
practice. And it would be considered naiveté for lawyers can win on merit alone, most lawyers I
the bright young lawyers to insist on the ideal. talked to lament that these are rare instances
As one lawyer I talked to said: "Wala kang indeed.
maipapanalong kaso kung puro galing ka lang
sa papel." (You can never win a case if you Third, these harsh realities affect the legal
rely on the formalities). careers of many lawyers: many of the
appointments and promotions are based on
Second, confronted with these harsh realities, personal connections. Judges who are efficient
bright young lawyers adapt to this practice. in court administration, as measured by the
They become socialized in the realities of the speedy disposition of their cases, for example,
law profession. Though many of these lawyers are not promoted, if they do not have
want to maintain a corrupt-free identity, they connections to the appointing authorities.
are, in one way or the other, forced to play to
the "tune of the music." The disconnect between promotions and merit
translates to a culture of inefficiency in the
That is where the law fraternity connections court management. Some inmates in jail are
come into play. Law fraternities are, by nature, undergoing trial for as long as 15 years, yet
very idealistic student organizations. They fight judges who have heard these cases are
for the rule of law, for nationalistic aspirations, promoted anyway.
for service to the people. However, all these
idealistic visions of the law fraternities are Thus, currently, we have a very legally cynical
temporarily suspended, and the social capital public. Filipinos do not trust the legal system.
accrued in the connections are the ones They would rather approve the action of a
maximized. That is why it pays if the judge or police officer to summarily kill a drug pusher
justice is a "brod." rather than try the offender in front of a judge
who may likely use technicalities to dismiss the
And they cheer when the President of the
Republic, who is a former prosecutor, calls for
the sidestepping of due process and human
rights of the suspects, with the belief that we Changing how
need to cleanse first the corrupt legal system
before we can even introduce any meaningful
reforms. And I understand their frustrations and
lawyers are educated
BREAKTHROUGH - Elfren S. Cruz (The Philippine Star)
pain. The popularity of the President is rooted - December 14, 2014 - 12:00am
in a genuine reality: the brokenness of the legal
and criminal justice system. In all the discussions on the effect of ASEAN
integration on business and agriculture, most
Thus I say with a heavy heart that the legal people, including myself, have overlooked the
system is a massive failure. As part of the legal effect of this integration on the professional
system myself, an educator in the field of services.
criminal justice, I say, we are losing, and we
are losing poorly. We carry a heavy burden The Philippines  agreed to integrate, with other
because the public call for blood is our own ASEAN countries, the following professions:
doing. Mga panyero, tayo ang may gawa niyan. Accountancy, Civil Engineering, Geodetic
(My friends, we are the cause of this.) Engineering, Electrical Engineering,
Mechanical Engineering, Metallurgical
Engineering, Mining Engineering, Sanitary
But we should not take this sitting down. May I
Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Landscape
call on all lawyers, judges, prosecutors, legal
Architecture, Environmental (Urban ) Planning,
scholars, who are truthful to their profession,
Computer related professions, and Interior
please stand up and be counted! Let us do our
Designing. The Philippines also entered into
fair share to improve the criminal justice
mutual recognition agreements on medical and
system. Let us be truthful and honest.
dental professions.

Or else, the public sentiment that calls for Supreme Court Justice Arturo D. Brion, a week
blood will eventually wipe us all out. ago, gave a speech before the officers and
members of the Philippine Association of Law
If you are a lawyer who makes this Schools. He brought up the intriguing question
commitment, or if you want to challenge a of whether the Congress or the Supreme Court
lawyer you know, please tag, pass and share. “can by rule or decision, determine whether, to
Let us re-sensitize them with the nobility of what extent, and under what terms foreign
their profession. – Rappler.com (ASEAN) lawyers can engage in the practice of
the legal profession in the Philippines.”
The author is assistant professor at the
His answer was: “It only remains for us  to
Department of Criminology and Criminal
determine, how, when and to what extent we
Justice of the Southern Illinois University in
shall open up the practice of the legal
profession to foreign participation.” Brion’s
most important query was whether the
https://www.philstar.com/opinion/ Philippine legal profession was prepared “to
2014/12/14/1402477/changing-how-lawyers-are- cooperate, collaborate, and compete with our
educated peers in the ASEAN region .”  He  stressed that
the Philippine legal profession must be ready proposed five major changes in the system
for a shift that will entail not only new which hopefully will address these issues:
knowledge and awareness, but also a new set
of skills for the Philippine lawyer.” First , rethink law school accreditation
standards including faculty and facilities. Also
In proposing areas for improvement and stricter performance standards beyond a
adjustment, Justice Brion focused on radical passing record of one successful examinee for
improvements in Legal Education. Even every three years. My own thinking is they
without the ASEAN integration, his analysis should close those 93 law schools that had a
and recommendations, on the Philippine legal passing average of less than 20% of their Bar
education, should be taken seriously as a examinees. But as Justice Brion said this
major step for the improvement in the judicial requires the political will to close down law
system which we have long been advocating schools.
as necessary  to institutionalizing the rule of
law in this country. Here two paragraphs, in his Second, Brion says that a mandatory aspect of
speech, that graphically describes the state of law school regulations is the requirement for
legal education in this country: teachers based on the awareness that teaching
law and practicing law, although related, are
“ Numerically, perhaps, we may currently have distinct disciplines with their own respective
enough law schools to fill our needs, In 2013, qualifications. Teaching law should require
120 law schools sent 5,292 bar examinees to more than just passing the Bar. Law schools
the BAR examinations. Sad to state, many of also need a reasonable number of full time
these law schools performed dismally and faculty members.
cannot live up to the ideal standards we would
wish to see in a regionally-open law practice Third, there is a need to rationalize the law
environment. In 30 (or 25%) of these law curriculum which has been in place for several
schools not one Bar candidate passed..  in 67 decades. Legal competence in this globalized
(or 55.83% of these same law schools, 10% or age requires a wider range of talents, among
less of their graduates passed, while in 93 (or them legal research advocacy, counselling,
80,83%)  out of these 120 law schools, 20% or problem solving, and decision making. Brion
less of their graduates made it. emphasizes legal education should teach
students how to function as competent and
In terms of the percentage of the Bar responsible lawyers, not merely to qualify as
examinees who passed, from years 2000 to lawyers under the Bar examinations.
2013, only 24.55% on the average passed,
with a low of 17.76% in 2012 to a high of Fourth, the time has come for radical changes
32.89% in 2011. Thus on the average, 3 out of in the BAR exam. He believes that the present
4 Bar examinees failed. In 2013, only 22.18% system of examination – relevant to the
passed the highest success rate then among practice needs and environment decades ago
law schools was a 78.89% passing rate, and – is badly outdated because it is still largely
only 2 other law schools had a passing rate of knowledge based and does not properly test
more than 70.%” for skills and other competencies now
demanded by current realities.
By any standards, even a non-lawyer can see
that these are dismal results reflecting a deeply Fifth, he proposes that the present Legal
flawed legal education system. Justice Brion Education Board should be transferred from
the Department of Education to the Supreme
Court in order to improve the interaction
between legal education and bar admission
regulations currently under the Supreme Court.

There are radical changes in most areas of

education caused by the rapid changes in
technology and the increasing globalization of
knowledge and economies. Best practices and
innovation have become common terms in
business, government and education. In almost
all professions like management, engineering,
accounting, medicine, adapting to a rapidly
changing world is becoming a fact of life.

 The Philippine legal profession must learn to

accept that they cannot continue to operate in
a cocoon of protectionism while the society
around them is embracing change. For
example, in all other professions – in terms of
time – services are now rendered in a matter of
weeks, days or even hours. But our lawyers
and judiciary still think that they are immune to
change and society will accept justice in terms
of years or even decades.

Philippine justice, and the education of its

lawyers, requires radical changes now and not
in some distant future.

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