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These specific herbs had medicinal properties and there was mystical belief at the

time that herbs had the ability to influence emotions.

Parsley, was thought to remove bitter feelings. Also it was used against witches
and in love potions.
The Romans believed that sage was the key to longevity. In the Middle Ages it was
held that sage prolonged life, elated one’s spirits, softened sorrow, and when
consumed by young girls, enabled them to see their future husbands. Sage was one of
the components of a concoction known as Four Thieves Vinegar, which claimed to
offer protection against the plague- It didn’t.
Rosemary was also part of that potion, but historically the herb is better known
for its memory-enhancing effect. In ancient Greece students would hang rosemary
around their neck to improve memory and concentration. During the Middle Ages,
rosemary was thought to be capable of dispelling negativity. As such, it was
tucked under pillows to thwart nightmares and visits from evil spirits.
Thyme had a long-lasting and pleasing scent, which was thought to ward off
melancholy. In England it was placed beneath pillows to help sleep and ward off
nightmares. Women often gave warriors gifts that included thyme leaves, as it was
believed to bring courage to the bearer. Also it was placed on coffins because it
was supposed to assure passage into the next life.
There was also a more practical reason for the popularity of these herbs. Microbial
contamination of food was a scourge at the time, and many herbs contained compounds
with antimicrobial activity.

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