NAS KEC-303 Assignment 5

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Subject: Network Analysis and Synthesis (KEC-303) Session- 2021-22

Year/Sem :II/ III Section- C

Dated : Submission Date:

Assignment 5 (CO-5)
Q.1 A periodic waveform whose one period is shown in fig. Determine the trigonometric Fourier
series coefficients.

Q.2 For the Continuous time periodic signal

Determine the Fundamental frequency & exponential Fourier series coefficients.

Q.3 Describe in details half wave symmetry in Fourier series.

Q.4 Demonstrate Linearity, time shifting, time revesal and time convolution property of Fourier

Q.5 Find out the Fourier Transform for the Gate function (Rectangular pulse). Also draw the
magnitude spectrum of the output.

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