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I. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following
1. The scheme allows students from many countries _______ with each other.
A. communicate. B. to communicate. C. communicating. D. communicated
2. I got up late this morning because my alarm clock didn’t go_______.
A. off B. on C. up D. to
3. _______ electricity you use, _______ your bill will be.
A. the much……the higher B. the most……the highest
C. the more…….the highest D. the more……the higher
4. If Bob_______ with us, he would have a good time.
A. had come B. would come C. came D. would have come
II. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answers to complete the following

A. Hmm, all right ... not great.

B. Ah, that’s great! Maybe it would be better for you to do something like that at uni.
C. My parents aren’t going to be happy.
D. I’m not sure whether to retake maths and science or change my plans completely.

Makayla: Oh, hi Jack. How’s it going?

Jack: (1)____________________
Makayla: Have you got your exam results?
Jack: I didn’t get the grades I need in maths or science.
Makayla: Oh no, bad luck. What are you going to do?
Jack: I don’t know. (2)_______________
Makayla: But I thought you really wanted to do medicine.
Jack: No, it’s what my parents want me to do.
Makayla: OK. And what do you want to do?
Jack: I don’t know, exactly. I like history and languages. I got an A in French!
Makayla: (3)____________
Jack: Even if I can get the grades I need in maths and science, I’m still not convinced about
doing medicine.
Makayla: Mmm, well you have many talents, Jack, but maybe being a doctor isn’t for you.
Jack: No, it’s not. Although my parents aren’t going to be happy.

By Kate Nguyen 0912590499
III. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct word or
phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.
The way the Earth interacts (1)_______ the sun's energy can be displayed in a diagram
called the Earth’s energy budget. It displays the sun's energy that reaches us and how much of
that energy absorbed and reflected is by the earth and its atmosphere. Solar energy reaches
earth as electromagnetic radiation. Once the energy reaches earth, some of it is absorbed by
the atmosphere, (2)_______ clouds.
Some of it makes it to the earth's surface, and is absorbed by land and oceans. The
(3)_______ of energy absorbed affects temperature. The energy (4)_______ is not absorbed by
the earth or its atmosphere is reflected back out to space in the same wavelengths in which it
came to earth. On average, the amount of energy coming in is equal to the amount of energy
going out. Therefore, we say the earth's energy budget is balanced. (5)_______ more energy was
coming in than was going out, the earth's temperature would increase. On the other hand, if too
much energy is reflected, and not absorbed, we'll see a decrease in the earth's temperatures. Of
all of the sun's energy that hits the Earth, about 70% is absorbed by the land, ocean, atmosphere
and clouds and about 30% is reflected back into space.
Question 1: A. to B. with C. about D. for
Question 2: A. include B. included C. to include D. including
Question 3: A. amount B. number C. plenty D. quality
Question 4: A. whose B. that C. who D. where
Question 5: A. In case of B. Although C. If D. Unless

IV. Read the text and questions below.

For each question, mark the correct letter A, B, C or D.


Everybody likes to feel that they're somebody special. Sadly, many of us grow up believing that
we're not special at all. We wish that we could be more attractive or better at sports. We wish
we had more money or nicer clothes. Like the Tin Man, the Scarecrow, or the Cowardly Lion
from The Wizard of Oz, we think we're not good enough just as we are. In the film, The Tin Man
wishes he had a heart. The Scarecrow wishes he had a brain, and the Lion wants courage.
Eventually, each of them realizes that he already has what he wants. Nearly all parents want us
to be the best we can be. They occasionally encourage us to do better by comparing us to
others. They mean well, but the message we usually get is that we're not good enough. There
will always be somebody out there that is better than we are. There are people around who
may not be as intelligent as we are but who are better at sports. Or they may not be as
handsome, but they have more money. It is unthinkable for us to be better than everybody else
all the time. Like the Tin Man, the Scarecrow, and the Cowardly Lion, we all need what we

By Kate Nguyen 0912590499
believe will make us better people. We often don't understand that we already have the very
things we look for. Our parents often forget to tell us we are somebody special. They often tell
us that we are good enough just the way we are. Perhaps no one told them when they were
growing up, or maybe they just forgot. Either way, it's up to us to remind them sometimes that
each of us, in a way, is special. What we are . . . is enough.

1) What is the writer's main aim in writing the text?

A) to talk about your family problems
B) to explain the importance of being yourself
C) to describe how intelligent we are
D) to suggest how people can change their way of life

2) This essay was most likely written by ...

A) a young person
B) a coach
C) a teacher
D) a parent

3) What does the writer say about our parents?

A) They always tell us that we are good enough
B) They never forget to tell us that we are special
C) They always tell us that we are special
D) They frequently forget to tell us that we are special

4) The author of this essay believes that ...

A) we are all good enough just the way we are
B) the richer you are, the better you are
C) intelligent people are more special than others
D) not everyone can be special

5) Which of the following would be the best title for this passage?
A) What Makes You Laugh?
B) What Makes You Happy?
C) What Makes You Special?
D) What Makes You Stronger?
V. Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of
the following sentences.
1. Peter is the most sociable in his family.
A. Peter is as sociable as other people in his family.

By Kate Nguyen 0912590499
B. Everyone in Peter’s family is more sociable than him.
C. No one in Peter’s family is so sociable as him.
D. Someone in Peter’s family is more sociable than him
2. If you practise harder, you will have better results.
A. The harder you practise, the best results you will have.
B. The more hardly you practise, the better results you will have.
C. The hardest you practise, the most results you will have.
D. The harder you practise, the better results you will have.
3. My mother is very busy at work, but she takes good care of her children.
A. In spite of being busy at work, my mother takes good care of her children.
B. My mother takes good care of her children, but she is very busy at work.
C. Though my mother was very busy at work, she took good care of her children.
D. Although my mother was very busy at work, she did not take good care of her children.
4. We stayed in that hotel despite the noise.
A. Despite the hotel is noisy, we stayed there.
B. We stayed in the noisy hotel and we liked it.
C. Although the hotel was noisy, we stayed there.
D. Because of the noise, we stayed in the hotel.
5. They can’t work and travel because they are old.
A. Because of their old age, they can’t work and travel.
B. In spite of their old age, they can work and travel.
C. Despite their old age, they still work and travel.
D. Even though they work and travel, they are old.

By Kate Nguyen 0912590499

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