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Table of Contents

Executive Summary

A. Industry Analysis
1. Industry Trend (Current Situation, trends on literature and present economic status,
local market)
2. Business Description (including Brand Identity, location, product, service… UNIQUENESS
of the project)
B. Target Local Market (Include location, geographical, demographic, age, interest, educational
attainment, population, DTI, SEC, Municipality) Introduce first the project or business.
1. Primary Target Market
2. Secondary Target Market
C. Market Competition Analysis (Focus on Product, Cost and Services or Strategies, in Tabular
Form) Introduce first the project or business.
1. Primary Competitor
2. Secondary Competitor
D. Projected Sales (Quantified, quantity (unit, pcs, kg, orders, and amount)
1. Market Demand
2. Market Supply
3. Target Sales (“Average” with relevant computation and bases, CAGR, PSA, GDP, IR,
SEASONALITY, with CAPACITY, at least three bases)
E. Marketing Mix (Competitiveness, State the strategies, basically to achieve the target sales
1. Product (Quality)
2. Price (Strategy, starting… eventually)
3. Promotion (Offset, … recurring)
4. Place (Distribution, physical, thru online, 3rd party, logistics…)
F. SWOC Analysis (as a whole, the 4P’s may be the basis)


A. Form of Business
1. Form of Business (Type of ownership) – Describe some salient features. Registrations.
2. Business Name and logo
B. Product / Service Design and Description
1. Product / Service Design and Description (Include description, purpose,)
2. Product / Service Costing (With Estimated Cost and Price, including market price)
3. Supply Chain Analysis (Raw Materials, Prospective Suppliers, Location - optional)
C. Production and Operations
1. Production / Service Process and Schedules (Include Budget in terms of Quantity,
transportation / delivery, cycle time (one complete cycle), FOCUS on the BACKEND
SYSTEM, a data flow diagram)
2. Accounting Records or Reports (those applicable to the major production process)
3. Store hours (Opening and closing)
D. Project Site Map
E. Capacity Planning
1. Facility Layout (Include costing and the capacity)
2. Properties, Equipment and Machineries (Lists only with estimated costs, supplier,
specifications, and pictures are optional unless this is the core of the project). Present
them according to function (Admin, selling, production).
3. Labor Requirements and Work Schedules (Salary, and benefits (list), Trainings,
Uniform). Present them according to function (Admin, selling, production).
F. Gantt Chart (Use Application)


A. Vision, Mission and Core Values
B. Organizational Chart
C. Job Analysis (in tabular form)
1. Job Description
2. Job Specification
D. Management Business Policies
1. Safety and health Policy
2. Performance Management (Evaluation of the employees)
E. Contribution to the economy (i.e. government and job opportunities)
F. Corporate Social Responsibility (i.e. to the community or society)
G. Environment (i.e. Waste Disposal etc…)

IV. FINANCIAL ANALYSIS (MS EXCEL must be ready for audit)

A. Project Major Assumption
1. Annual Operating Days
2. Assets (PPE, Est Useful Life - required, Inventory – required (Production), Receivables if
there is any)
3. Liabilities (Loans, accruals and deferrals)
4. Equity (type of ownership)
5. Revenue (Sales and other revenue)
6. Cost of Sales (Cost of Production)
7. Expenses (Estimates…)
8. Permits and Taxes (VAT, Income Taxes, Other permits - annual etc…)
B. Total Project Cost (Initial Investment)
1. Initial Fixed Investment
2. Initial Working Capital – 3 months (this is not the working capital CA-CL)
3. Pre-Operating Expenses
4. Contingency Fund (Limited)
C. Sources of Financing (5,000,000 excluding land and building)
1. Investment from owners
2. Loans (Required for illustration purpose), minimum of Php100,000.
D. Projected Financial Statement (5 years)
1. Projected Income Statement (with Common-sized Income Statement)
2. Projected Statement of Financial Position
3. Projected Statement of Cash Flows
4. Projected Statement of Changes in Owner’s Equity
E. Payback Period (with interpretation)
F. Return on Investment (with interpretation)
G. CVP Analysis (Determine all Variable Costs and Fixed Costs with NOTES or SCHEDULES,
Present the BEP in sales and quantity) One year only with interpretations.
H. Sensitivity Analysis (Pessimistic (10%), Expected and Optimistic (10%), Determine the impact
on Net Income, Payback Period, and ROI for 5 years) with interpretations.

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