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Read the dialogue below and then answer the questions.

Broadcaster : Good evening. I’ve been very concerned about our education. I’m
Tiara Ayu and you’re listening to “Citzen Speak Out.” Today I’ll
talking about the education system inthe eye of perents. To better
understand there events,I’ll talk with
there students’ parents: Mr Made Wijaya, Mr Sitanggang and Mrs.
Diah Sumitro. Mr. Made Wijaya, could we began with you? What
do you think of our education system?
Mr. Made Wijaya : If you ask me , It is awful. The system is out date. It doesn’t help the
students Improve their knowledge.
Broadcaster : So, what do you think, Mr Sitanggang and Mrs Diah Sumitro?
How do feel about It ?
Mrs. Sitanggang : Well, in general. I agree with Mr Wijaya. But what disturbs me
more is that students tend to memorize without understanding the
lessons. The learning method put the students under pressure.
They have no study in school for hours, do a lot homework, and
take private tutoring for the final examination.
Mrs Diah Sumitro : I suppose so. As far as I’m concerned, the tuition fees here are
expensive. It seems that a good education is for rich people only.
Broadcaster : What about the teacher?
Mr. Made Wijaya : In my opinion, the quality of teacher here need to be improved. We
are lacking Qualified ones. This problem I think is due to the
goverment’signorance on teachers’ prosperity. As you can see, not
many young people are intersted in becoming teachers.
Mr. Sitanggang : I disagree with that. It’s not that the goverment doesn’t implement
a good system. It’s because we are lacking the spirit to learn and
complete with other nations.

Check your understanding

1. What is the topic of the talk show?

2. Why does Mr. Made Wijaya say the education system is awful?
3. Who supports his opinion?
4. Does Mrs. Diah Sumitro agree or disagree with Mr. Mae Wijaya’s opinion?
5. What makes Mr Sitanggang disagree with Mr. Made Wijaya?
6. Identify the expression of asking for and giving opinion by complete this table

Asking for opinion Giving opinion Agreing Disagreing

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