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Content Contents include Contents include Contents include Contents include

the learner’s the learner’s the learner’s learner’s
complete complete complete written formative
formative tests, performance works assessments only
written works tasks
and performance
Creativity The notebook The notebook The notebook The notebook
has creative and has creative and has creative has creative and
pleasant design pleasant design design on some pleasant design
on the cover and on all the contents only on the cover
all the contents contents inside only
Organization Entries are Entries are Entries are Entries lack
logical and generally logical somewhat logical order and
effective. and effective illogical and organization.
with a few minor confusing in
problems.  places.
Effort Exceeds the Fulfills all of the Fulfills some of Fulfills few of
requirements of requirements of the requirements the requirements
the subject and the subject. of the subject. of the subject.
have put care
and effort into
the process.
Grammar, Works are Works are Works are Inadequate
Mechanics, highly polished; polished; adequate; discussion; more
Spelling, and no grammar or maximum of one maximum of two than two spelling
Sentence spelling errors. grammar or grammar or or grammar
Structure spelling error. spelling errors. errors.

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