Reflection Paper - Lac Action Research

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NAME: Jollibee F. Torres, Ph.D.

Position: Teacher III
Session Attended: Day 1 and Day 2
1. Through LAC Cum Seminar on conducting action research, I learned that action
research is indeed beneficial for teachers not only in obtaining documents for
promotion and reclassification but also for personal growth and development as a
teacher. Our activities as teachers, inside and outside the classroom, have great
effects on the teaching and learning process and if these actions are properly
documented through action research, this can help other teachers as well realize
their strengths and weaknesses as educators.

2. The learnings I have gained from the LAC session will be advantageous on my
part as a school leader. For the past three years, my action research dealt with
the teaching and learning processes and next time I conduct action research, I
plan to deal with school governance since I am the school’s SBM Coordinator. I
will consider other areas of concern about school leadership and operations for
better school management. I believe this will comprise a wider scope of
respondents but this would be possible with help of fellow school leaders and

3. I want to learn more about doing action research on school governance and
leadership since my focus is always on learning and instruction. I know that the
processes and actions to be taken can be challenging. I want to know and read
more action research on this area so that I could also help my fellow teachers
who are handling major ancillary services in school aside from their teaching
duties. I want to listen also to speakers who have conducted action research
focusing on such concern.

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