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Table Of Contents

Table Of Contents
Chapter I Introduction
A. Background of the study
B. Definition of Narrative Text
C. Social Function of Narrative Text
D. Generic Structure of Narrative Text
E. Language Features of Narrative Text
Chapter II Analysis Findings
A. Retelling the Narrative TextBook
B. Analysis of Generic Structures of the story
➢ Orientation
➢ Complication
➢ Resolution
C. Language Features which are found in the story
Chapter III Conclusion and Moral Values
Internet References

Chapter I

A. Background of the study

Narrative Text is an imaginary story that aims to entertain the reader. Of course, what
is called an imaginary story is not necessarily true because it could be just an imagination or a
fictitious story made by someone or a story made by a group of people that has not been
proven true.

B. Definition of Narrative Text

Narrative text is a text text which contains about fantasy, fairy tales, or a true story that
has been exaggerated. There is usually a moral to be learned at the end of the story. Example
of narrative text can be folk tales, animal stories, legends, myths, short stories, comic, cartoon,
and others.

C. Social Function of Narrative Text

The purpose of Narrative Text is to amuse or to entertain the reader with a story

D. Generic Structure of Narrative Text

• Orientation: sets the scene and introduction the participants (Character, place and
• Complication: crisis arise.
• Resolution or also called solution: The crisis is resolved, for better or for worse.

E. Language Features of Narrative Text

a. The sentence means past
b. The use of conjunctions means past
c. use of material verbs
d. use of dialogue
e. use of adjectives

Chapter II
Analysis Findings

A. Retelling the Narrative Text Book

Malin Kundang

Once Upon a time in West Sumatra precisely at Air Manis Beach, live a married
couple who blessed with a boy named Malin Kundang. “Malin Kundang! Dad left, do not be
naughty, take care of your mother! “Said the father. “Yes Dad, Malin will be fine with
Mother.” There is compassion in the hearts of Mande Rubayah. Her husband’s departure felt
very hard. One day at fisherman village hit by disease, Malin one of victims. Mande Rubayah
more worried and also in few days her husband had not come home. Mande Rubayah pray to
Allah with tears.
Because she did not know the news husband anymore, then Mande Rubayah Drudge
by selling cakes. The earnings is good, enough to eat for her and his son also for the stock
next day selling cake. Malin growing up. He often went sail throught the sea with other
fishermen. He was and clever and tough young man. His catch always more than his friends.
One day Malin thought to change his destiny in abroad to make his mother happy. With a
heavy heart finally Malin said too. “Mother, let me wander, to venture. I always dreamed of a
nice house and beautiful clothes, also a luxurious cakes shop for mother. Mande Rubayah
affected listened to her son’s words. Gracefully, Mande Rubayah allow Malin to wander.
After few years, Malin has succeed to because famous young merchant. Malin
Kundang married a beautiful girl, the daughter of a rich merchant. If there were large waves
and storm slammed into the beach Mande Rubayah heart palpitations. She raised her hands up
while praying that her son survived in sail. Her wishes came true. One day Malin’s ship
docked at Air Manis Beach. Mande Rubayah staggered came to Malin and immediately
hugged him. “Malin my son, why so long you do not tell me about you?” Said Mande
Rubayah hold the sobs. Before Malin had time to think calmly, she spat and said, “Cuih! Is the
bad woman is your mother? Why are you lyling to me? “Hearing the words of his wife, Malin
Kundang pushed his mother tumbled into the sand.
Mande Rubayah was able to stand up straight, her voice loud, and a pair of her eyes
shiny. “But young man! If you were my son, which growed by my milk, then you are cursed!
“Malin was surprised to hear it, and immediately left The Air Manis Beach. Storms and large
waves cash the Malin’s ship back to the mainland of Air Manis Beach. Malin was killed, and
his body to be a stone.
B. Analysis of Generic Stuctures of the story

a) Character introduction : Malin Kundang, father, mother (Mande Rubayah), Malin
Kundang’s wife. Page 5 and 25 ” Malin Kundang! Dad left, do not be naughty, take
care of your mother! “Said the father. “Yes Dad, Malin will be fine with Mother.” b)
1. Malin Kundang : rebellious child page 30 “Malin Kundang pushed his mother
tumbled into the sand”.
2. Father : Not responsible page 4 “Malin Kundang! Dad left, do not be naughty, take
care of your mother! “Said the father. “Yes Dad, Malin will be fine with Mother.”
There is compassion in the hearts of Mande Rubayah. Her husband’s departure felt
very hard”.
3. Mother : Caring page 6 “Mande Rubayah affected listened to her son’s words.
Gracefully, Mande Rubayah allow Malin to wander”.
4. Malin Kundang’s wife : Proud page 30 “Before Malin had time to think calmly,
she spat and said, “Cuih! Is the bad woman is your mother? Why are you lyling to
c) Time background : Morning page 4 “Malin Kundang! Dad left, do not be naughty,
take care of your mother! “Said the father”.
d) Background scene : at Air Manis Beach page 3 “Once Upon a time in West Sumatra
precisely at Air Manis Beach”.
e) Atmosphere background : Moved page 5 “There is compassion in the hearts of Mande
Rubayah. Her husband’s depature felt very hard”
f) The beginning of the conflict : page 6 “One day at fisherman village hit by disease,
Malin one of victims. Mande Rubayah more worried and also in few days her husband
had not come home. Mande Rubayah pray to Allah with tears”. Complication
Complication : Page 6, 29 and 30 “One day at fisherman village hit by disease, Malin
one of victims. Mande Rubayah more worried and also in few days her husband had
not come home. Mande Rubayah pray to Allah with tears’. “Her wishes came true.
One day Malin’s ship docked at Air Manis Beach. Mande Rubayah staggered came to

Malin and immediately hugged him. “Malin my son, why so long you do not tell me
about you?” Said Mande Rubayah hold the sobs”. Before Malin had time to think
calmly, she spat and said, “Cuih! Is the bad woman is your mother? Why are you
lyling to me? “Hearing the words of his wife, Malin Kundang pushed his mother
tumbled into the sand”.

Resolution : Page 30 “Mande Rubayah was able to stand up straight, her voice loud,
and a pair of her eyes shiny. “But young man! If you were my son, which growed by
my milk, then you are cursed! “Malin was surprised to hear it, and immediately left
The Air Manis Beach. Storms and large waves cash the Maln’s ship back to the
mainland of Air Manis Beach. Malin was killed, and his body to be a stone”.

C. Language Features which are found in the story

Many use words that express the order of time (temporal conjunctions), such as: before, now,
after, at first, then.

Chapter III
Conclusion and Moral Values

Conclusion and Moral Values

1. Respect Parents until the end
Parents, especially mothers who have a higher level than father, are people who must
be respected, appreciated and loved, both alive and dead.
2. Don't Forget Yourself in Luxury when he was overseas, he managed to become a
rich person, full of wealth, a high
throne and a beautiful wife and noble lineage.
Worse, he did not recognize his own biological mother, because he was ashamed of his
abundant wealth, but had a poor and dirty mother.
3. Lying only saves a while
In the story of Malin Kundang, when Malin was about to edit the idol who became his
wife, he lied by saying that he came from a rich family and noble class.


M. Rantissi. 2013. Malin Kundang. Jakarta: Bintang Indonesia.

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