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11. How the pandemic Covid19 changed my life and the world.

Covid19 spread strongly in 2020, 2021 and until now, it still has not the signal of
stopping. Everyone in the world have to change their lifestyle and had to adapt to
this virus. The first one is remote work and study. Because of the pandemic,
millions of people worldwide have started working from home. According to a
European Commission brief in 2020, approximately 40% of all people employed in
the European Union “began to telework full time as a result of the pandemic.”
Time zone and geographical boundaries don’t matter anymore. before pandemic
occur, meeting had to be held in rooms, but now with web conferencing tools
enable businesses to collaborate with clients or colleagues from all over the world,
it means don’t have to be physically present to collaborate with colleagues. The
world after COVID-19 is unlikely to return to the world that was. Many trends
already underway in the global economy are being accelerated by the impact of the
\. The pandemic crisis has accelerated the pace of digital transformation, with
further expansion in e-commerce and increases in the pace of adoption of
telemedicine, videoconferencing, online teaching
Students also study at home with some apps like zoom, gg meet and so on instead
of going to school and I am not exception, I spent almost my second year studying
online instead of meeting teachers in person. The second change is saving lifestyle.
As a result of the pandemic, there are many pp in the world lose their job, or their
salary was cut down, they have to save more than before. In addition, covid19
changes pp’s routines and hobbies. Pp stay at home more than in the past, If they
go out, they are also limited in the time and number of people gathered, and they
must always wear a mask. Covid19 bring pp closer, we have more time with our
family. For exp, In normal life, I would come back home to visit my parent once a
month, but when the pandemic occur, many pp die, many children lose their
family, I realized that nothing is important than my family, I come back home and
cherish them more.
12. Is life easier for women or men?
Society is built to give men the most benefits. Predominately male jobs are paid
better, when males begin to outweigh women in certain fields the salary rises.
Respected more. Better opportunities. More likely to be hired. Listened to by
others and believed because they're male. Fewer double standards when it comes to
relationships, child care, or sex.

Women are more likely to be raped, drugged, trafficked. More likely to be attacked
and killed in UNPROVOKED circumstances. Pay, work, education, and
housework inequalities. Most women point at difficulties, ranging from feeling
vulnerable both inside and outside their homes. They live with the fear of assault
for just being a woman. They navigate misogyny and gender inequality both at
homes and workplaces.
If you are an ugly man, pp just ignores you and don’t comment too much, however
if you are an ugly woman, pp often points at you, scrutinize and ridicule you. And
men often set standards of beauty for women, for example, the 3-round
measurement must be 90-60-90.
The rate of domestic violence among women is higher than that of men, according
to a statistic on domestic violence, 9 in 10 women shared that they have
experienced domestic violence by their own husbands.
13. What is the toughest job in the world?
When it comes to a difficult job, I always think that being parents are the toughest
job in the world. If we can call this title a job position, it must be definitely
difficult. While people might choose to quit their job if they don't like it, parents
couldn't quit their positions. After their children are born. they need to take the
responsibility which involves many different tasks and 24/7 until the day when
their children become adults. Whether rich or poor, parents always want to fulfill
their responsibilities, always want to give their children the best, meet all needs so
that their children are not inferior to their peers. In life, they sometimes become
both parents and friends with their children, in order to have the firmness to teach
their children, but also need to share as friends. Và công việc làm cha mẹ là không
bao giờ kết thúc. Parents take care of their children from the moment they are born,
go through each stage of development, even when they grow up and step out into
society, parents are always concerned. until their children entered the age of
starting a family, they once again took care of themselves. And then when their
grandchildren were born, besides being grandparents, they seemed to be parents
once again when they always wanted to take care of and be with them for the rest
of their lives. Parenting is a never-ending, never-ending job, it's probably the
proudest job but also the hardest job in the world.
14. Many people think climate change is a hoax. Do you agree with them?
it's really irresponsible when pp has the think that climate change is a hoax. We
should look directly at the fact that out Earth are becoming worst. many alarming
issues such as global warming, melting ice or greenhouse are bringing our life
heavily consequences. Extreme weather is the easiest thing we can feel, heavy rain
and other extreme weather events are becoming more frequent. This can lead to
floods, drought .. and even risks for human health when there has been an increase
in the number of heat-related deaths specially, in Southern and central Europe pp
are seeing more frequent heat waves, forest fires and droughts. Climate change
also costs for society and economy a lot of money as it damages to property and
infrastructure and to human health imposes heavy costs on society and the
economy. Sectors that rely strongly on certain temperatures and precipitation levels
such as agriculture, forestry, energy and tourism are particularly affected.
Honestly, my heart breaks to see how nature is going through a lot of problems and
it's all due to our irresponsible behavior. I totally feel that this is the time to take
actions and talk less. Because each action could either kill or save nature. Prevent
and protect is better than repent and repair and this is what I'm trying to convince
you guys today.
15. How can teenagers and the youth deal with body shaming?
- body shamming is insulting, commenting, passing unnecessary feedback
someone’s body like beat their height, weight, eyes, nose and size of each and
every part of their body and whether they are wearing spectacles or not , whether
they’re having pimples or not. This not just from outsiders and it includes about
their parents and siblings also
- Your first step in dealing with body-shaming is body positivity. Body positivity is
about accepting and understanding that feeling good about your appearance is
important for your mental health. No matter what shape or skin you have, you
should love it. Be thankful for your good health. Be grateful for what you have, not
what you’re missing.

No amount of therapy can help you if you don’t feel confident about yourself. Be
free of worries about what your friends of the world think of what you look like.
Appreciate your body despite your flaws. You are human, no one is perfect, and
you should feel confident about your body.

If you want to improve your appearance, don’t do it because of what you hear from
other people. Do it because you want to become healthy or want to feel good about
yourself. The moment that you embrace body positivity is the moment you can
overcome body shaming.
- Stop Hiding
It’s sad to know that people who experience body shaming hide. It can be
isolating themselves from the world, covering up their bodies, or prefers to be
‘invisible’. This shouldn’t be this way. Life is too short to live in the shadows.
How can you enjoy life if you keep worrying about what other people might
Don’t let this get to your head; start loving and accepting your body. So Stop
- Self-Love: Be Kind to Yourself
There are many bullies in the world, and the last bully you want to deal with
is yourself. So it’s important to be kind to yourself. You need to treat
yourself with respect, self-love, and kindness. Practice self-love, have
positive self-talk and love your body.

Stand in front of the mirror naked, look at yourself and learn to love your
body. Do not be self-deprecating because your inner bully is the most
worrying thing that can bring you down. Take care of yourself, remind
yourself of your good qualities, and stop aiming for perfection. Aim to be a
good person, not the perfect person.
- Take Control Of Your Social Media Platforms
Social media is filled with a lot of things. Informational stuff, keeping in
touch with friends and sometimes cyberbullying. If body-shaming comments
on social media cause you stress, take control of it. Try to cut out toxic
persons in your life, or unfollow those who make you feel bad about
Our body is our temple. We must take care of it. Our inner beauty is what really
matters. Let's cultivate our inner beauty so it can reflect our external beauty.
16. Name three words setting your generation apart from your parent’s generation?
- patient: To do a task, our generation tends to find a way that takes the least effort,
even we do it sloppily and have a habit of getting it done, and sometimes we often
procrastinate, it causes delays. I like availability, I feel impatient to do something
that requires observation and learning over a long period of time. But our parents
don’t shy away from hard work. It may not be the most time-efficient way every
time, but they get it done. That’s one thing we can definitely learn from them.
- spirit: I feel our generation now seems much weaker than our parents' generation.
We are easily affected by negative things on social networks, or when experiencing
a sad or painful thing such as a heartbreak, many young people in our generation
are so weak that they find something. died. While my parents' generation, they
lived in war, watched their loved ones die one by one, they still stood up to fight,
their strong spirit is something that we can hardly have.
- t k nghĩ thêm đc từ nào nữa =,=
17. Why vaping should be banned along with cigarettes.
Over the last few years, vape have become more and more popular, particular as a
substitute for smoking, with electronic companies claiming that they are healthier
and safer than normal cigarettes. But in fact there is little data and evidence to
validate these claims. Vape is used by many pp specially young people as they
think that it is no harm on their health and can not be addictive. vaping have the
same ingredient like cigarettes, it is nicotine. This is a harmful substance
noticeably affects the cardiovascular system and brain. The addictive properties of
nicotine can alter neural functioning permanently, especially in younger people—
that’s why every medical institution advises against vaping. When you use vape,
you are inhaling and exhaling thousands of chemicals a day if u smoke. If u
smoking that's over 7,000 chemicals in 1 puff. Over 4000 chemicals are being
released as you exhale the smoking. Plus it cause hair lose and cancer to your
body. Addictions in vape make teens to smoke more and more everyday. Also
when you smoke around other people you can harm their body as well as yours.
These are why vaping should be banned along with cigarettes.
18. If you were President, would you make any changes in the education system?
- Reduce theory lessons, instead increase practical lessons, so that students can
grasp knowledge in the easiest and fastest way instead of memorizing dry theories
in books.
- Encourage students from secondary school to freely choose the second foreign
language they like to study, instead of the compulsory subject English. Because
there are many students who are not gifted with English, but with other languages
they love and learn it faster. So if you keep forcing all students to study and test
English when they don't need it, it's a waste of time.
- omit oral exams and midterm exams, I think only one final exam, which
synthesizes all knowledge, is enough. Because in fact, many tests are not sure to
properly assess the true ability of students, it even causes psychological pressure
on students, when they always feel stressed and frustrated when a lot of exams a
- The education system also needs to add extra-curricular classes on
psychophysiology for students, teachers listen and feel the difficulties and confide
of students, in order to catch timely changes in student’s mental health especially
those who are in the maturation stage, from which to find the most useful advice
for students, helping them feel more relieved before all the bad things happen .
19. Should students need to wear uniform at school or college?
Typically, every school has their own uniforms as a recognition for their students.
Uniform is regarded as a norm for students to follow symbolizing that they are
from a particular institution. Personally, I strongly believe wearing a uniform is
essential for a student as it will be beneficial for them both academically and
socially. Instead of paying our time looking at our wardrobe, we can literally put
on the school uniform to save time, dressed formally just like their peers. Indeed,
in comparison to regular school uniform, those luxurious clothes are much more
expensive. In school when students putting on the school uniform with their
friends, they appear to have a sense of unification. School uniforms are good for
creating a sense of discipline in students. They do not feel like they are outcasted
from their peers, but instead, it creates stronger bond while reducing the risk of
bullying. On top of that, when a student gets into trouble or has an accident outside
of school, everyone can recognize the identity of the particular student they come
from a particular school. And they can contact the school and family for
emergency assistance as quickly as possible.
20. Children learn what they live with
children develop in an environment of relationships. “If children live with
encouragement,” for example, “they learn confidence.” “If children live with
approval, they learn to like themselves.” Conversely, “if children live with ridicule,
they learn to be shy.” Children’ brains are wired for learning. But the actual
process of their development depends on the world around them. Pp often say that
children are a reflection of their parents. Children often observe every gesture,
action, and word of their parents, which they imitate from a very young age, that's
why most of the first words children say in their life are : mom or dad. Because
every day, their parents often hug and tell them: call daddy go baby or call mom go
baby. As children mature, they learn the things around them more quickly. If they
live in a happy family, with parents who always love and care for each other, they
will learn to love and grow up with a tolerant heart. On the contrary, if children
grow up with times of parental violence, they tend to hate society
21. What do you find the most interesting in your mother tongue’s language
- Vietnamese is the only language in the world with accents. Vietnamese is
often described as having six tones. It can sometimes be difficult to discern
the differences between tones, especially in fast or informal conversations.
Because of the tone, Vietnamese becomes extremely rich, only one word,
but just change the tone of that word and you have a new word with a
completely different meaning -> this is also a thing that makes many
foreigners Except when learning Vietnamese it's difficult and makes them
bored quickly
- - Vietnamese has many pronouns, pronouns in Vietnamese are very rich,
completely different in English, there are 2 simple pronouns, you and I. In
Vietnamese, the word I can be a personal pronoun for many The position
depends on the context and position of the speaker and listener, for example,
when talking to your parents, you will become father and mother in

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