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1. developing their students' qualities, abilities, and knowledge.

The significance of this example action in my life as a student is to develop into a person who
constantly wants to learn new things. Because I think that learning and applying what you've
learned are both very important for students. Improving my student abilities will allow me to be
more prepared for the future. I've learned a lot from it, so it'll boost my confidence.

2.) being a person of responsibility.

Being a responsible student and being able to handle all demands and situations in life are really
important. This activity has significance for me as a student because a student who can bear
responsibilities is someone you can trust. And I want to develop into someone you can depend
on. Being a responsible person is difficult, but it will help me succeed in everything.

3.) Being an inspiration to others

The meaning of being an inspiration asa student will help me to work hard alsoI can help other
people. Knowing thatother people inspire and admire you isreally heart–warming it will
strive mealso to do my best. Because if I ambecome an inspiration to others
itmeans that I’m doing what is good.

4.) a learner who consistently aspires to excellence

This example has meaning for me as a student since I am someone who constantly strives for
excellence. Being a student is challenging, but keep in mind that challenges will shape and
strengthen you. If I constantly strive to be the best of everyone, it will unleash my ability to
become the best version of myself.

5.) honorable and hardworking.

For me as a student, being diligent and honorable means assisting me in achieving my
objectives. Because you cannot achieve your objectives and goals in life without taking action. I
should always work hard, avoid wasting time, and focus on the vital things. I may work hard in
school so that I can live a life without regrets.

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