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Coping Mechanism of Teenage Pregnant Students of Sogod National High School

A Research Paper

In Partial Fulfillment of the

Requirements of the Subjects

Research II

Junior High School Department

Sogod National High School

Sogod, Southern Leyte

Claire Anne Bosque

Rica Balingkit

Jay-chel Calope

Rayan Ampoloquio

Dave Galgo


Rationale of the Study

Teenage pregnancy, also known as adolescent pregnancy, teenage pregnancy

is pregnancy in a female under the age of 20. Pregnancy can occur with sexual

intercourse after the start of ovulation, which can be before the first menstrual

period (menarche) but usually occurs after the onset of periods. In well-nourished

females, the first period usually takes place around the age of 12 or 13.

Coping mechanisms are the strategies people often use in the face of stress

and/or trauma to help manage painful or difficult emotions. Coping mechanisms can

help people adjust to stressful events while helping them maintain their emotional

well-being. .

Coping mechanism is an adaptation to environmental stress that is based on

conscious or unconscious choice and that enhances control over behavior or gives

psychological comfort.

In psychology, coping is expending conscious effort to solve personal and

interpersonal problems, and seeking to master, minimize or tolerate stress or conflict.

The effectiveness of the coping efforts depend on the type of stress and/or conflict, the

particular individual, and the circumstances. Psychological coping mechanisms are

commonly termed coping strategies or coping skills. Unconscious or non-conscious

strategies are generally excluded. The term coping generally refers to adaptive or
constructive coping strategies, i.e. the strategies reduce stress levels.

Sogod National High School is a secondary school in Zone I, Sogod Southern

Leyte. The school is the largest secondary institution in Southern Leyte and has recently

being offered the status of ‘Mega School’ with a teacher population of over 100. Sogod

National High School consists of 26 buildings.

The importance of this research study is for the people to know how pregnant

teenagers managed themselves along the time of pregnancy.

Statement of the Problem

The purpose of this study is to determine how students of Sogod National High

School managed themselves along the time of pregnancy. This study aims to answer

the following:

1. What age bracket the students got pregnant?

2. What are the results of teenage pregnancy?

3. How did the teenage pregnant students cope up with their problems on early


4. How did they manage themselves along the time of pregnancy?

5. What actions should be implemented by the school in respect to their problem?

Scope and Delimitation

The main purpose of this study is to get information how pregnant students of

Sogod National High School managed themselves along the time of pregnancy.

This study considers the teenagers personal information such as their names

(optional), gender. Age, grade and section.

The researchers limited the study to 10 teenagers that enrolled in Sogod National

High School, from 2013-2018. Each of the respondents will be interviewed to answer

the questions.

This study is to determine the coping mechanism of teenage pregnant students of

Sogod National High School. This study utilized survey research. This study uses

purposive sampling because the researchers need to choose people who might be sure

could correspond to the objective of the study like selecting those with rich experience

or interest in the study.

Significance of the Study

This study is considered beneficial to the following:

1. Students – they will be addressed the effects of teenage pregnancy and will

benefit from programs creating with it.

2. Teachers – they will understand the students better and will be more observant

toward their welfare.

3. School –they will understand their teacher and students and will make more

programs that deal with students, especially female ones.

4. Parents – they will understand their children better to cope with issues after

pregnancy. It can help deal the issues with the children before they meet the

children pregnancy.

5. School Counsellors and social workers - it will be helpful the school counsellors

and social workers working with the youth, parents of pregnant girls who decide

to raise babies, in providing effective help and encouragement as well as

guidance during the pregnancy parenthood transition period, and after delivery.

6. Researchers and Academicians – it will provide necessary information to the

researchers and academicians regarding the cause, coping and adaptation

techniques by the teenage mothers.

7. Governmental and Non-Governmental organization – it will help organizations

(Governmental and Non-Governmental) dealing with teenage pregnancy in their

planning and Programming.

Definitions of Terms

Teenage Pregnancy – is a pregnancy of a girl child who is/was of age between 13 and

19 years old when she conceived pregnancy.

Teenage – is any girl between the age period 13 and 19 years old.

Coping Mechanism – how pregnant students manage themselves along the time of

Sogod National High School – the school where respondents will be choose and



Clemens (2002) stated that teenage pregnancy is not like any other issue there in

the whole world although it seems to be a common concern, it does not seem to bother

people that much. Not until they are personally affected by the issue or until they finally

realized that it had been increasing in number of affected people that it slowly reached

an abnormal stage or the point that it affected too many lives already and too many

aspects of living. Teenage pregnancy is mostly unplanned, and as a result, people react

to the experience differently. The teenager has to come to terms with the unexpected

demands of being an adult, and in some cases, she may also have to deal with

disapproval and dissatisfaction shown by significant others like parents and relatives.

Macleod and Durrheim (2003), added that teenage pregnancy as a social problem

that leads to the disruption of schooling' poor obstetric outcomes, inadequate mothering'

poor child outcomes' relationship difficulties with relatives, partners and peers' and

demographic concerns about increasing population numbers. In major cases, teenage

mothers are not in a position to go back to school after delivery as they are forced to

look after their children. In some cases, these young mothers+ physical health

conditions do not make it conductive for them to go back to school. While some young

women may be prevented from going back to school as a result of these factors.

According to De-Jang (2001) found that there are some cases of teenagers who

may use their pregnant status to deliberately escape the demands of high school

education. Depression is one of the problems that results to teenage pregnancy.

Teenage pregnancy is a serious problem that affects the community, school and

society. Teenagers nowadays tend to be more liberated about their sexual relationship

and sexual activities. Teenage Pregnancy is a cause of concern because of its

increasing incidence in the society and its associated increase in mortality. The

Department of Health tackles teenage pregnancy as central to the Government‘s work

to prevent health illnesses, child poverty and social exclusion. Maternal and prenatal

health is of particular concern among teenage pregnant women. The worldwide

incidence of premature birth and low birth weight are higher among adolescent mothers

(Meneses, 2015)
Chapter lll


Research Respondents

This research requires ten students chosen through purposive sampling. The

respondents must be a female teenager who studied in Sogod National High School.

She should be experiencing teenage pregnancy while being a student.

Research Locale

The study is conducted in Sogod National High School. Sogod National High

School (SNHS) is a secondary school in Zone I, SOGOD SOUTHERN LEYTE. The

school is the largest secondary institution in SOUTHERN LEYTE and has recently

offered the status of ‘Mega School’ with a teacher population of over 100.

Research Design

The study follows survey of research because the respondents are asked open-

ended questions that they should answer.

Research Instrument

The study requires a questionnaire inquiring about the effects of teenage

pregnancy and how they cope with it.

Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers will make a direct one-time encounter with the respondents, asking

permissions to interview the respondents. Then the interview will go on as intended.

Department of Education

Republic of the Philippines

Sogod National High School

Zone1, Sogod, Southern Leyte

February 16, 2019

Dear Respondents,

You are chosen as one of our potential respondents for our study ‘Coping

Mechanism of Teenage Pregnant Students of Sogod National High School’. Your

information will be used for research purposes only and your confidentiality is


Thank you for your participation.


I. Respondents Profile

1. To be fill up by the respondents



Age of Pregnancy:

ll. Questionnaire:

1.) How old are when you got pregnant?

2.) How does your pregnancy affects your daily life?

3.) How did you manage yourself on your hard time?

4.) What did you do to adjust to your situation?

5.) Did you have regrets about it? Explain.



10 respondents were interviewed. Through the help of the answers of respondents,

the researchers were able to collect some data in connection with the objective of the


How old are you when you got pregnant?

There are 5 respondents who got pregnant at the ae of 19, 1 respondent who got

pregnant at the age of 18, 3 respondents who got pregnant at the age of 17 and 1

respondent who got pregnant at the age of 15.

How does your pregnancy affects your daily life?

The respondents answered that being pregnant really affects their lives, their ways

of living. Few of them answered that they’re being judged by people, they hear bad

words coming from other people and that is too hard for them. Hearing those painful

words is one of the challenges they’ve faced during pregnancy. It also affects their

study. One of them said that she cried everyday because she believes that being

pregnant is a mixture of joy and pain. The joy definitely outweighed her pain but it

wasn’t always easy.

How did you manage yourself on your hard time?

One of the respondents answered that she just think positive and put in mind that

everything happens for a reason. Other 2 respondents said that they avoid the things

that can affect their baby. Other respondent said that she worked to provide her baby’s

needs. The remaining respondents said that they just trust God because they believe

that God id always good to us and he will make a way for them to pass all their

struggles and they know that they’re strong enough to manage their responsibilities as a


What did you do to adjust to your situation?

Most of the respondents say that they adjusted to the situation by growing

acceptance through themselves and their family. Others just shrugged it off and felt like

it’s nothing.

Did you have regrets about it? Explain.

Only 1 respondent regret about what happened to her, she said that it ruined her

life and her future. The other 9 respondents have no regrets about what happened to

them. They believe that it’s a blessing and it’s something they should not waste.



Coping mechanisms are strategies people often used to reduce the stress they’ve

been feeling. Being a teenage mom is one of the most challenging situations a person

can experience. The immature and irresponsible behavior arising due to complex

teenage psychology is another important cause of teenage pregnancies. Teenagers

often go through a number of emotions because of their own transition from childhood

and peer pressure. The lack of attention and affection from family resulting in

depression forces them to seek love and support from other people, especially

members of the opposite sex. Overprotection gives rise to frustration and a feeling of

not being loved and cared for. Thus, balance is the key to avoid this problem. Lack of

affectionate supervision of parents or guardians results into the adolescents of teenage

girl’s becoming pregnant.


Lack of sex education and curiosity is one of the reasons why many teenagers got

pregnant. Everyone should be aware of the result of the teenage pregnancy because

being pregnant in such an early age is not easy. The struggle you’ll face is not easy.

And there’s a possibilities that you’ll regret about being pregnant in such an early age

that’s why before everyone do something that can affect your life, you must think first if
it will have a good outcome. Guard your mind with the truths and get on your knees. It

may be a strong season but just hold on. Each season prepares you for the next.

The primary aim of this chapter is to explore stigmatization , stress, and coping

among adolescent mother to identify positive coping mechanism that not only resist

stigmatization but also generate positive affect in Sogod National High School.

This study doesn’t used a questioner because we personally asked or interview our


The result of this study revealed that being a mother/ pregnant at the minor age is

not a joke because they are not strong enough. And old enough to be a mother of their

child because millennials used to have get together with their friends. As millennials as

we, we choose to be happy, we do everything that we want that makes ourselves happy

even if it will harm you. Until the time came that you fill find out that you are pregnant ,

pregnant at an early age . 50 % of the respondents are stated that God is always their

for them. So that no matter happen they will always care for their baby even if they are

not ready and took their full attention on their baby instead of their life as a millennial.

And they believe that being pregnant is a gift of God that being given to you.

(Clemens, 2002)
S_A_PHENOMENOLOGICAL_STUDY – retrieved February 10, 2019

(Macleod and Durrhem, 2003)

cy_culture_and_tradition_in_the_South_African_scientific_literature – retrieved
February 10, 2019

(De-jang, 2001)

SNKpeCbXv8T9SyGj1RNyatu_z9-g – retrieved February 10, 2019

(Meneses, 2015)

SNKpeCbXu8T9SyGj712Nyatu_29g – retrieved February 10, 2019

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