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Guidance phrases

Welcome to the …
Before we get into the actual practice get a moment to settle down.
and now get ready for your pranayama practice, sit comfortably use the cushion if you
need to
good slowly exhale and relax take a moment stretch your legs relax yourself
prepare for 
retain the breath close the nostrils very good keep the shoulders relaxed arms relaxed
enjoy the practice of pranayama by focusing on the breath and also
breathe and relax
 now take a moment and stretch your legs we continue with pranayama practice I
introduce a new breathing practice with cross the legs sit back again comfortably both
hands on your knees and chin mudra now we have to
change our breathing pattern just imagine that you have a tiny hole in your throat just in
the area where you swallow the throat there is a tiny hole and you're now breathing with
the hole in the throat not with the nose so you'll make a gentle hissing sound as you
breathe in and a hissing sound as

you breathe out okay keep your back straight eyes closed when you're ready

eyes closed back straight said quietly for a few moments feel and experience the
the silence feel the breath almost suspended
without disturbing yourself come and lie down and relax in shavasana and legs apart rest
and relax
allow the back to relax the legs to relax the shoulders then the neck once
again losing yourself allow yourself to take rest very good now bring your legs together
stretch both arms over behind your head in here it'll give yourself a nice long stretch
stretch your body stretch your
mind and exhale release your arms turn to one side please come and sit up
Yog nidra:

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