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BUENVENIDA, Jollan Marie B.


Two (2) ideas related to leadership that will contribute to the efficiency
and effectiveness of nursing interventions

1. Guidance
● To manage both the one-on-one and collective trainee nurses who report
to them, nurse leaders must employ interpersonal and motivational
techniques. Nurse leaders foster a culture of ongoing learning and
development within the healthcare system through the mentoring of other
nurses. They also set the bar for these more junior nurses, some of whom
might develop into nurse leaders themselves.

2. Effective Communication
● For maximum effectiveness across the board, a nurse leader must
possess excellent communication abilities. Collaboration among
employees in the healthcare industry at all levels and in all jobs can be
facilitated by effective communication. Particularly when dealing with
nurses who are still in training, effective communication needs accurate
wording, active listening, and feedback.

● Colich, A. (2021, December 7). 5 Important Leadership Skills for Nurses | The
Chicago School. Insight Digital Magazine.
● Indeed Editorial Team. (2021, May 12). 10 Nursing Leadership Qualities and

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