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Sample 1.

The title of the master’s research paper is “Language personality as a

cognitive background of the newspaper-publicistic communicative cliches”.
Theory and practice are part and parcel of any linguistic investigation. A scientific
problem, brought in to the field of discovery by way of deduction or induction, should find its
practical appliance in the solution of didactic problems. The combination of the cognitive and
pragmatic approaches to the study of language units is capable of enriching the practice of
teaching English as a foreign language. On the one hand, they perfect the communicative tactics
of a speaker; on the other hand, they allow him/her to adapt to the national mentality of the
English language personality.
The theme and topicality of the present research has been determined, in the first place,
by the urgent necessity to solve the practical problems connected with upgrading conversation
skills of the English language learners. It has become increasingly evident, especially in the
recent years, that the development of the purposeful speech behaviour skills of the learners of
English is neglected by both teachers and students, who have a blurred understanding of the
importance to sound authentic using special formulas of speech etiquette and logical thinking,
such as communicative clichés.
Thus, the theme of this paper is the communicative clichés as a cognitive activity of the
language personality.
The topicality consists in combination of the cognitive and pragmatic approaches to the
phenomenon of the speech act and particularly to the clichés as the effective mechanisms of its
arrangement. Being endowed with an intensive illocutionary force, aimed at producing a certain
perlocutionary effect upon the opinion and attitude of the addressee, the clichés were also
regarded as propositions reflecting language personality of the newspaper-publicistic discourse
and conspicuously demonstrating the addressant’s speech tactics.
The treatment of the newspaper-publicistic style from the point of view of cognitive
linguistics and pragmatics discloses the object of this research – the language personality as an
efficient orator and a politically, culturally and socially conscious individual whose goal is to
arrest the addressee’s attention in order to persuade him/her in some point of view by means of
locutionary strategies, namely the communicative clichés in their functional manifestation.
The subject is the clichés picked out from the selection of the BBC World Service
programmes and the editorials of the British magazine ‘The Economist’ taken at random. The
latter is famous for its objective and unbiased manner of presenting information, combining
features of the colloquial and formal varieties of English. As a result, the clichés created an
extensive basis for grouping them into 18 functions they perform in the newspaper-publicistic
The aim of our research is bilateral:
1) to elucidate the types and functions of the communicative clichés with the help of
their lexical, grammatical and cognitive analyses;
2) to outline the cognitive and psychological portrait (passport) of the language
personality, who employs the communicative clichés as a means of tactical armoury of
encouragement, inducement, prompting, pressure and stimulation of the addressee.
Theoretical value of the research lies in all-round investigation of the theoretical and
functional basis of the communicative clichés, suggested by the cognitive and pragmatic
approach to their study.
Practical value is centred round the suggested classification of the clichés according to
their pragmatic function in the newspaper-publicistic discourse, which will facilitate both
teachers and students to organize their speech in compliance with the norms of the British speech
In order to achieve the aims, we have applied the following methods: cognitive,
pragmatic grammatical, lexicological, logico-semantic analyses.
The structure of the research is the following: introduction, three chapters, conclusion,
references and two appendices.
The introduction gives general view of the research, focusing on the theme, object,
subject, objective, methods, composition, and theoretical and practical values.
Chapter One deals with the peculiarities of the newspaper-publicistic style, its lexical,
grammatical and syntactical features.
Chapter Two treats the communicative clichés in terms of their pragmatic value for the
newspaper-publicistic discourse.
Chapter Three exposes the notion of the language personality and the communicative
clichés as the means of the effective organization of a speech act.
Conclusion states the results obtained during the course of the research.
References comprise 65 items, which deal with the stylistics, lexicology, grammar and
pragmatics of the English language.
Appendices present two Method Guides in developing effective conversation techniques
with the help of the communicative clichés.

Sample 2.
The title of the master’s research paper is “BRAND AS A TYPE OF
ADVERTISING TEXT (based on the English language)”.
Today, the concept of an advertising brand is an integral part of marketing system
management, and it symbolizes trust, stability and expectations from the product itself. The
brand plays an extremely important role in attracting the attention of potential buyers.
The brand shows, it is considered as a part of the advertising narrative. If a brand is the
defining name of a company, then a narrative is a story for each individual product, derived from
the history of the brand itself. On the other hand, the advertising narrative is interrelated with the
brand and, on the other hand, the company is the starting point of any advertising narrative.
Creating a company’s brand involves developing a narrative that is both understandable to be the
audience, and reflects the true values of the brand, and helps to form emotional contact with the
The topicality of the research is defined by the fact that an interest in brands has recently
arisen in Ukraine. So now it is very important to study advertising narratives written in English
to understand their stylistic features and apply this knowledge in practice, creating narratives and
slogans in native language.
The aim of the research is to consider the concept of brand and its features. To achieve
the aim of the research the following objectives were set:
– to explore the essence and meaning of the text;
– to reveal the concept of short text;
– to describe the concept of brand, describe the history of its origin;
– to describe storytelling as one of the effective methods of brand promotion;
– to explore advertising narratives;
– to systematize stylistic methods of English-language advertising texts;
– analyze the texts and slogans of English advertising;
– features of the translation of English-language banner advertising.
The object of the research is the English banner advertising.
The subject of the research is stylistic features of the English advertising texts.
The actual research material is fragments of texts of modern advertising discourse.
In the first chapter “Theoretical and methodological principles of studying text as an
object and a subject in linguistics” the essence of the terms of the text and the brand were
revealed. The text is a composition of the language-making process, the feature of which is
completeness. There is a type of a text called short text. The short text, the detail of which can be
easily traced, has the characteristics of isolation, intertextuality, special pragmatic functionality,
formal and semantic self-sufficiency, thematic certainty and completeness. Also, short text can
be defined as a self-sufficient coherent content unity in which the beginning and the ending are
clearly expressed, text categories are clearly traced and, which can be expressed in a minimum of
one sentence, should not exceed a standard page. According to F. Kotler, a brand is a term, sign,
symbol, image or its combination, designed to identify goods or services of sellers and its
differentiation from goods or services of competitors. Brand building is becoming the basis for
the promotion of more and more goods in the modern world. Storytelling is fascinating stories
that are remembered and associated with the brand name.
In the second chapter “Brand and its functioning in advertising narrative based on
banner advertising material” usage of artistic means in advertising were researched. The
composition of the advertising text is based on various language tools that differ from traditional
genres of journalism. It should be noted that the possibilities of advertising text are limited.
Advertising should be short and concise. During the writing of the diploma paper the most
effective pictorial and expressive means were considered, which include means such as rhyme,
neologism, idiom, metaphor, alliteration, assonance and sound imitation. There is a presentation
of usage features of the translation of English-language banner advertising. Thus, when
translating an English-language banner narrative into Ukrainian, lexical and grammatical
transformations are used, with a selection of melodious connotations; often translators use literal,
direct translation, close to the original advertising text, which is well remembered, retains its
originality and exotic mood of the brand.
The scientific novelty of the research is development of theoretical and methodological
recommendations and development of practical recommendations for improving the brand
creation process.
Approbation. The results of the research were presented at a scientific conference
“Functioning of language units in artistic and mass media discourses” (Kyiv, April 2, 2021) As a
result of the conference, the thesis “Brand as a component of the advertising narrative” was
The structure. The thesis consists of the introduction, two chapters, conclusions, and a
list of references.

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