Sewa2021 Final

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qE 03
Page No.
Cleanliness mhome
he dleomg of
Crvironment s may Cmviromert is very importont,The
be your home,
Sone oeoplo laas Loltb bo Hhfo yout sdhool, Or your offica
lel Cad a hurdle For foc Haing3 on rocd Bisis
o cleoimess, the cleomlinels. Thare Cre diffrenb bypes
Ehe clecning of straets, Ec
f collhes, Hae
cleoig bo hols56
he cleonief Cnviwonmank cdeonins o ourseug etc
On Ovr mind Cand puts heolhy effecbs
bod cfeks
Lody Lhile a
dirb envwonrmem outs ven
hedth ad mind.ALos cl Hhe
On our
diseses cse CoAyed by Imtedhous
C Very ccbve
osBnks mhe ironrek
n dirty Cad Hlhy
Like hepotibls, diarrhec, dera, uletcervwchnenwt,.Mony
cro coused Ho
ChvitonTment.Hepatit1y s very dengerous diseaje cndbys UsSudly
basFerred y Hhe Use oUnstenltzes mstruments bven
dockog do not core oboub cdlemliness Gid Hhr H Some
LSoshe mecx osphel or houseshis credessness is CGUstngheoi
diseabes Felel

How Cah We Keep Or holSe clech

here o r Some easy olby hce e Ccoh
koep our hotse Cclæy
1Byeviasing the CuTeht Scenorio Ue need to Sentize our
Ohovse cdhd ovrselkes uhe bo tire to keeh He hase 4ene Ene
2 Empby desbbn regulorly
MoAnmtoin your kitthem
ykeeigs orghiyed
Title Date
Page No.

akingCoe ot Pets
Hnimols are a llondertul part ot our lives lhes brm U5 Jay
hey m Us Leurh They qnve us LUntonditivml0 Love They
briUsSchrou heh He OLeco Us but Leave Us Vth dhetishe
mamories OF tnve Erierdsip. But,Many pets in our Soiety_ere
Sutlermg hey ore homeless and Unbnted abused and melected
|some 90hunyon our Streebs,others utto dealh in ovrshelters
a man Suffer silenty ot the honds of Hier ouners who either
dont Understod of gimbly donet cre
Suitahle cnairaament or\oets
ForSome pas agpod emurohtment miyht be lave nd atentiah
Cnda iom bloce to Sleep.otherels mielabnecds a lcce
toleep.other pcts miglt heed a ydae to "hide_ardVen litle
huron 1mbertution.a Pats often ofkan tarive Under nuan atention
Eaollesotets ore Coke,dags,klbbiks ete. Eaotke pets gentellu
do best Lecn heir Coretkeroces Oa ktoriding, ok
evifonnenk vety Smilor ta Hheicnatutc hobibot -tnCind
rom desert bud do lbest mala dry cand brght coae
Hotake Core of oets
By ndt givanBhings Baat are mot good lortyet ct Hiel. ket Foal
c d ,nuAlitol )
2Not hoand ekxeruwkersperutuTS s it isnot Ipd or doas
nd ccts0

3 By food Li is 4ood tor Hher

DELIA Caiving,hera Apo mediczl Ceuro beceuse t 1s Jubt asirpertzat korpels

i t 1sLor teedele
Page Wo.

Lcaxmins heolthy hakits- Phusicol activities,

The best to Live ohealby ufe s toeot helth
Cnd do more acbive physicol auhivnhes. Healthr eik)
Osnd Ckedism has 0Limpadcn. yar hage
Sues Teradnny ma hezlHybod od preventin
obeslk o ONerve.Eobv he c doin) moe dial
awivje I5a e evenybhe Shad Livg bu ad it brislrom
|benul, ko upir Ufe.
Beiva heHa by ecti heolHy d erercising helys
adiprove,(9dh Nodes Cand Fubure Sucess.Beina
phsiccluy Ht.thins Cnovy Sleepcd etng_6 boloced
diet cr impeait to stude Sess
hen 9ty Sspa hezilaa m Sd.o Tn LencfilsCote
A t Resekd. Isudlas roe Hok Srai herH
gety Enola Sleep und be physicallky HH 0 heks
y in Sdld b þerfomi Leler kederitlly

Title. Date.
Page No..

Cnarden actiaties
Whek 6 a jcrdem 1
Gnorden 1Sa atce ok property mecer o aroUnd Our hause Lwhere
Variovs Kees Alovers,trunt Cvedkobes ad Son ore cultivebed
here ore mey byes of gurlen incdudta flaue erlen, frait
9orden cand medickal hcrbgorclen .feola like gráim frut
o Vegetoble gordens near teh henes.Theee sardad cre
hol r garadens of kitdon.Sane of the_collaes cdsohae
thelr oLh 9dkdens bo LWorhin or thier Leorhols,a
whot i4arderimg
Cnordenina is asod and cnloyode loastime.Faul garden is.
Surfounded l d Fevce.lkuallf.ferus ar ode o Jead of
|anboo.TLe Green Fene 1s (bised corannd He prden Ceretine
The qmden is i t mto Vznias oert. Ea. Saciot isellib
Inb bedsi, SuTcded by.can Cordon uoliet.tor Holers ops,
rut brees, Veagtalbtles, cad mediind hees. Sone pirts ere
n distid Serson pedlo folediekho hpes o Veptllas kunttimggurd
biter goud,sorlic.,toruto,c
Imboctree ol goreenin civitics

rarderiu, is cmcetinby Butbis4ite dhausead thetef.ore econes

a.grek cbrkderent bo lypur ionheut talliar
2Petlebk goderia cdes ld Beneed For keaty in hunc

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