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SAS 21

N = 118

N= 118/1+(119 x 06(2))
N =118/1 + (.4248)
N = 118/1 .4248

SAS 22

1. Sampling interval - Systematic or Sequential Sampling

2. Multi-stage sampling - Cluster Sampling or Multi-Stage Sampling
3. Stratification - Stratified Random Sampling
4. Nth person - Systematic or Sequential Sampling
5. Sequential sampling - Systematic or Sequential Sampling
6. Non-zero chance - Simple Random Sampling
7. Table of Random Numbers - Simple Random Sampling
8. Randomized sampling - Simple Random Sampling
9. Lottery draw - Simple Random Sampling
10. No sampling frame - Stratified Random Sampling

SAS 23

1. Typical cases - Purposive or Judgment Sampling

2. Volunteer samples - Accidental or Convenience Sampling
3. Opportunity sampling - Accidental or Convenience Sampling
4. Non-randomized sampling - Non-Probability Sampling
5. Pre-determined quota - Quota Sampling
6. Chain sampling - Snowball or Network sampling
7. Representative sample - Purposive or Judgment Sampling
8. Haphazard sampling - Accidental or Convenience Sampling
9. Interrelationship - Theoretical Sampling
10. Referral sampling - Snowball or Network sampling

SAS 24

1. A research instrument is a data gathering tool - TRUE

2. Free response questions cannot be tabulated. - TRUE
3. Options given in the questionnaire should be based from the researcher’s personal knowledge -
4. A structured questionnaire will yield more accurate data than the unstructured questionnaire -
5. Nursing jargons can be included in a research instrument when the respondents are nurses - FALSE
6. A questionnaire can be used in a qualitative study - TRUE
7. An example of a double barreled question is: Is Nursing Research 1 a challenging and interesting
course? - FALSE
8. Personal profile of respondents like year level and number of subjects enrolled can be part of a
questionnaire. - TRUE
9. A questionnaire written in English is always acceptable for distribution among respondents - TRUE
10. A questionnaire is translated in the language/dialect most familiar to the researcher for easy
interpretation. - TRUE

SAS 25

1. An interview guide is prepared prior to the unstructured interview - FALSE

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2. Visual analogue scale can be used to measure objective experiences of the respondents such as
anxiety - FALSE
3. A brief descriptions of a toddler’s reaction when a medication is given by a nurse dressed up like an
astronaut is a called a vignette. - TRUE
4. A retrospective self-report is found out to be the least accurate among all self-report data - TRUE
5. A happy-sad scale is considered a graphic rating scale - TRUE
6. A Likert scale is consists of several declarative items that express a viewpoint on a topic - TRUE
7. Respondents’ answers may be influenced by the interviewer’s behaviour in an interview - TRUE
8. Verbal and non-verbal behavior of respondents can be observed in a scale - TRUE
9. Scales are devices designed to assign a numeric score to people to place them on a continuum with
respect to attributes being measured. - TRUE
10. In Q sort, participants are presented with a set of cards on which words or phrases are written. -

SAS 26

1. Basically it’s only indicate the behaviour and attitude of male students which about the
characteristics of their actions, and there’s no various of information to be argued that need to
carried formal inquiry. In, that case stated that no longer a research by having no information to be
gather and due to the men’s involvement of agreement.
2. Is the study ethical? Why? Why not?
Exactly it’s ethical by involvement of protecting the associations of human rights against
undue impositions.

SAS 27

1. Principlism ; Reflective Approach: Institutionism ; Deductive approach

2. Teleology; greatest good: Deontology; duty based
3. Ethics of Care ; caring: Virtue ethics ;competency or excellence
4. Deductive : general : inductive approach; particular
5. Deontology ; cause of justice : Teleology ; the end justifies the means Deontology (Duty Based)
6. Kant ; the ultimate end of reason is autonomous of an individual’s desires: Roach ; Virtue Ethics
7. Arete ; virtue : Virtus ; manliness
8. Intuitionism; insights: Teleology ; consequences
9. Deon ; one must : Telos ; end
10. Teleology ; Deductive : Ethics of Care ; Inductive

SAS 28
1. C
2. A
3. B
4. C
5. D
6. D
7. B
8. D
9. A

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10. D

SAS 29
1 I understand that I am being asked to participate in a research study at Excel
2 Hospital and Medical Center. This research study will evaluate; What it is like being a
mother of multiples during the first year of the infants’ lives. If I agree to participate in the
3, 5 study, I will be interviewed for approximately 30 to 60 minutes about my experience as a
4 mother of multiple infants. The interview will be tape-recorded and take place in a private
12 office at Saint Francis Hospital. No identifying information will be included when the interview
6 is transcribed. I understand I will receive P5,000.00 for participating in the study. There are no
8 known risks associated with this study.
7 I realize that I may not participate in the study if I am younger than 18 years of age or I
cannot speak English.
9 I realize that the knowledge gained from this study may help either me or other mothers of
Multiple infants in the future.
13 I realize that my participation in this study is entirely voluntary and I may withdraw from the
10 study at any time I wish. If I decide to discontinue my participation in this study. I will
Continue to be treated in the usual and customary fashion.
14 I understand that all study data will be kept confidential. However, this information may be
used in nursing publications or presentations.
11 I understand that if I sustain injuries from my participation in this research project. I will not
be automatically compensated by Excel Hospital and Medical Center.
15 If I need to, I can contact Dr. Sheree Ganzon, University of Pangasinan, College of Nursing, any
time during the study.
1, 14 The study has been explained to me. I have read and understand this consent form, all of my
Questions have been answered and I agree to participate. I understand that I will be given a
Copy of this signed consent form.

SAS 30
1. An 8-year old child with mental retardation can be asked for an assent. - FALSE
2. An elderly with dementia can be a participant of a research despite his family members’ refusal to
give their consent. - FALSE
3. A healthy adult person’s decision to participate in research should not be influenced by anyone
involved in conducting the research. - TRUE
4. A pregnant woman can be given compensation as a benefit of participating in a study. - FALSE
5. Decisions to enroll comatose clients in human experimentation can be consented by medical
practitioners in a pandemic. - FALSE

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6. If Mr. X, a person deprived of liberty who is out on bail participates in a study, a researcher has to
treat him as part of the vulnerable group. - TRUE
7. All children below 18 years of age need legal guardian to give informed consent - FALSE
8. In a clinical trial of a new psychotherapeutic modality, clients who claim to be suffering from
depression but are not diagnosed can not be taken as subjects as they are part of the vulnerable
group. - FALSE
9. Harm may result when a researcher decides to include patients in a pediatric ward without their
family members’ consent - TRUE
10. All individuals with no college degree are part of the vulnerable population. - FALSE

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