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Activity _ 1 Me 1. Hardboard 2. Coloured Paper 3. Nails 4. Thread or nylon wire 5. Geometry box 6. Fevicol dl i le practically. ipse using a rectangle p an ellipse tract dge ae Se eet the congruent rectangles, equal be far : oom r e-requisi its must ee ofline segment. divi 7. Hathmer proced' itable size as shown in figure 19 (a). i. tat ke a hardboard of suitab irstly, take a hard 1. Firstly, Fig. 19 (a) Teo lar white chart paper on hardboard with the help of fevicol. 2. Now, paste @ lar whit elp tangul . Now, past Divide rectan, Pe i ras Pies shown in fig 19 (c). les as shor ivi gular paper PQRS into four congruent rectang] 3. Divide re r Fig. 19 (c) Ry ie, 8. Divide each of the sides RC and DC of the rectangle ADCR into some equal parts. 6. Mark the points of RC as Ay, Ao, Ag .... and that of DC as Dy, D2, D3 -» Db ~ Join the point A to points A, A, Ay... and draw the lines joining the point X to Dy, Dz, Ds. as shown in fig, 19 Fig. 19(@) 8. Mark the point of intersection of line AA, and line XD, (when produced) as R,, line AA and line XD, (when: produced) as R, and so on. 9. Now, fix nails at the points Ry, Ry, .. Rig and join foot of nails with a thread, as shown in fig. 19. (e). pepeat same activity for remaining three congruent rectangles and obtain a curve as shown in fig. 1 10. Tor Fig. 19 () Observation + We observe that : 1. Length of rectangle PQRS = fo. J >. Breadth of the rectangle PQRS = ae 3, Major axis of the ellipse = camminind 4, Minor axis of the ellipse = Application : This activity may be helpful in understanding the concept such as major and minor axes of an ellipse. Activity . > -§@ Obiective * ‘call 1. Hardboard (cardboard) bola practically. 2. Coloured paper onstruct & pare ledge : Bearers Too know! é f parabola, drawing of Marker or sketch pens Prereaulelh = funiliar with the Concepts of 4. Geometry box Students must f line segments 5. Adhesive Je,equa divisions o angle, jure = f suitable size. ardboard of irtly, take a 1, Firs 2 rein as shown in fig. 17(c). ark a point ‘S? on the yellow coloured paper 3. Drawa line and mark a Fig. 17(0 i i

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