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NUR 027 (Nursing Research 1- Lecture)


Session # 18


Upon completion of this lesson, the nursing student will be able Barrientos-Tan, C. (2011). A Research Guide in
to: Nursing Education: Building an Evidence-Based
Practice. Pasay City: Philippines, Visprint Inc.
1. Discuss other types of qualitative studies

Polit, Denise F. & Beck, Cheryl T. (2012). Nursing
research: Generating and assessing evidence for
nursing research (9th ed.), Philadelphia, PA:
Wolters Kluwer Health/ Lippincott Williams &

LESSON REVIEW (5 minutes)

The instructor will open a box of rolled papers with your assigned numbers. The students whose numbers were picked by
the instructor will answer one of the following questions:
1. What is a phenomenological research?
2. What are the steps in conducting a phenomenological research?
3. What are the two types of phenomenological studies?

MAIN LESSON (30 minutes)

Ethnographic Studies
Ethnographic studies refer to the collection and analysis of data on the lifestyle and daily activities of a culture or a group
of people. Such studies involve description and interpretation of cultural and social behavior of people in a particular group
or system. The primary aim of ethnographic studies is to understand the participants’ world view and how their culture is
communicated and portrayed (Creswell, 1998)

Example: “The Lifestyle, Beliefs and Health Habits of the Aetas of Mt. Pinatubo.”
“The Parental Style, Attitude and Child Rearing Practices of the Mangyans in Oriental Mindoro.

Schools of Thought
According to Muecke (1994), the four major ethnographic schools of thought are classical; systematic; interpretive or
hermeneutic and critical.

 Classical ethnography
The study requires to include both description of behaviour and demonstrates why and under what circumstances
the behaviour took place (Speziale and Carpenter (2007).

 Systematic ethnography
The study aims to define the structure of culture rather than to describe people and their social interaction,
emotions and materials.

 Interpretive or hermeneutic ethnography

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The study aims to discover meanings of observed social interactions

 Critical ethnography
The study relies on critical theory. The researcher and members of a culture together create a cultural schema,
rather than just believing that a culture exist.

Grounded Theory Studies

Grounded theory studies are concerned with the analysis of data leading to the development of theory. Data includes in-
depth interviews and observation of the study participants to generate comprehensive explanations of a phenomenon
grounded in reality (Nieswiadomy, 2008).
It involves formulation, testing, and reformulation of propositions until a theory is formed.
An inductive research method developed by Barney Glaser and Anselm Strauss.

The experience of caring for a woman with high-risk pregnancy, during which the theory of Newman (1986) is
developed with the nurse and the client as partners in relationship of care, characterized by negotiation,
reciprocity and empowerment (Parker, 2005).

Historical Studies
Historical studies are involved in identification, location, critical evaluation and synthesis of past events in order to shed
light on present behavior, trends or practices. The data for historical research are usually found in documents or in relics
and artifacts.

“Florence Nightingale’s political power in the 19 th century which effected change in Nursing Practice.”
“Significant Historical indicators of Change and theirs Impact on Present Nursing Care Modalities”

Case Studies
Case studies involve in-depth examination an analysis of people or groups of people in relation to nursing issues or
problems that are important to the client and the researcher.

Among the data that case studies cover are the client’s history, their patterns of growth and development, and other
relevant circumstances affecting the client under study. The results of the case analysis are used as basis for formulating
a suitable nursing care plan an as guide for its implementation.

Case Study of the needs and problems of Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease.”

Field Studies
Field studies investigate problems as they occur in their natural setting as in the nursing homes, housing projects, and
clinical wards, among others. Data are collected from individuals in their usual roles. The aim of field studies is to
understand practices, behaviour and beliefs of these individuals or groups as they normally function in real life.

Biographies explore the life of an individual. Data are derives from documents that describe the turning point or significant
moments in the life of an individual. Data also include personal history, growth and development patterns, significant
accomplishments and the implications of these to the individual and to society (Smith, 1994 and Creswell, 2003).

The Life and Ideals of Dr. Jose Rizal. Benigno Aquino, A Portrait of a True Filipino.

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Short Quiz. You are to read and analyze the questions carefully and to write your answers in Capital letters only.
Erasures and superimpositions will be marked wrong (10 points).

1. An in-depth examination an analysis of people or groups of people in relation to nursing issues or problems that are
important to the client and the researcher.
a. Ethnography
b. Grounded theory
c. Field Study
d. Case Study
ANSWERS: _____________

2. The study aims to define the structure of culture rather than to describe people and their social interaction, emotions
and materials.
a. Classical Ethnography
b. Critical Ethnography
c. Hermeneutic Ethnography
d. Systematic Ethnography

ANSWERS: _____________

3. This research involving analysis of events that occurred in the remote or recent past
a. Grounded theory
b. Field Study
c. Historical study
d. Ethnographic Study

ANSWERS: _____________

4. A study that include personal history, growth and development patterns, significant accomplishments and the
implications of these to the individual and to society.
a. Biography
b. Case Study
c. Field study
d. Grounded Theory study
ANSWERS: _____________

5. The life story of Sister Callista Roy and her contribution to the nursing profession written by a Filipino-nurse
researcher is called:
a. Biography
b. Case Study
c. Field study
d. Grounded Theory study
ANSWERS: _____________

6. Student A aims to discover meanings of observed social interactions in an ethnographic study. This will fall under:
a. Classical Ethnography
b. Critical Ethnography
c. Hermeneutic Ethnography
d. Systematic Ethnography
ANSWERS: _____________

7. This is a qualitative study developed by Glaser and Strauss.

a. Grounded theory study
b. Field Study
c. Historical study

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d. Ethnographic Study
ANSWERS: _____________

8. Which of the following is an ethnographic study?

a. Lived Experience of Student Nurses in the Operating Room
b. The Survival Techniques of Indigenous People in the 2020 Pandemic
c. Deep in a Purple Eye: Coping Mechanisms of Abused Women
d. Medical Frontliners Oath: Duty or Calling?
ANSWERS: _____________

9. Which of the following is not a qualitative study?

a. Quasi-experimental study
b. Ethnographic Study
c. Phenomenological Study
d. Quasi-experimental study
ANSWERS: _____________

10. Grounded theory studies are concerned with the analysis of data leading to the development of:
a. Concept
b. Framework
c. Models
d. Theory

ANSWERS: _____________

The instructor will now rationalize the answers to the students and will encourage them to ask questions and to discuss
among their classmates.

1. ANSWER: ________

2. ANSWER: ________

3. ANSWER: ________
4. ANSWER: ________

5. ANSWER: ________

6. ANSWER: ________

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7. ANSWER: ________

8. ANSWER: ________

9. ANSWER: ________

10. ANSWER: ________


LESSON WRAP-UP (10 minutes)

You will now mark (encircle) the session you have finished today in the tracker below. This is simply a visual to help you
track how much work you have accomplished and how much work there is left to do.

You are done with the session! Let’s track your progress.

AL Strategy: Turn and Talk

Step 1: The instructor poses this question:

Will you consider conducting a mixed method study? Why?

Step 2: Turn to the next student seated to your right to be your partner.
Step 3: Each pair is given 2 minutes to discuss answers from the assigned question. When the time is up, partners will
be assigned to share thoughts and ideas from their discussion.

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