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Technical Data Sheet
Technical Data Sheet

Type Technical Grade
Delivery form Dark reddish Flakes
Chemical Class Chromium Trioxide
CAS-No. 1333-82-0
REACH registration no. 01-2119458868-17-0023 (>1000 MT TII)

Specified Technical Data

Technical Data Min Max Test Method
CrO3 content [%] 99.80 99.85 IS 330:1992
Sulfate as SO4 0.04 0.06 IS 330:1992
Chloride as Cl 0.002 0.005 IS 330:1992
Insoluble Matter 0.002 0.005 IS 330:1992
Sodium as Na2O 0.014 0.020 ICPOES
Iron % (as Fe) 0.0004 0.0006 ICPOES
pH of 1% Aqueous Solution NA 1.0 Acid Test
Turbidity (NTU) 10 50 Nephelometry

Informative Technical Data (guide values)

Appearance Free Flowing Crystalline Flake of Homogenous
True Density 2.7 @ 20 °C
Bulk Density Loose: 68 – 75 lbs. per cubic foot
Stability in Air Very Hygroscopic and deliquesces at humidity
above 30%
Solubility in Water Highly Soluble: 62.5% w/w at 20 °C
Heat of Solution Exothermic (24.7 cal./g/; 44.5 BTU/lb)
Behavior on heating Melts at 197 °C, starts to decompose to intermediate
chromium oxides at slightly higher temperatures
Chemical Characteristics Chromic Acid is a strong oxidizing agent. When
neutralized with alkalis, chromic acid forms
dichromate or chromate compounds. In oxidation
reactions the chromium atom is reduced from
hexavalent to trivalent state.

Obtainable from VISHNU CHEMICALS LIMITED, Business Unit , Material Protection, Mail to:
25 Kg Drums
50 Kg Drums
218 L Conical Drums
250 Kg Cylindrical Drums

Transport and Storage

General Storage Conditions This product should be stored in a cool, dry place. It is
a powerful oxidizing agent and may cause a fire if it
comes in contact with readily oxidizable or combustible
Incompatible Products Combustible, Organic, other readily oxidizable
materials. Corrosive in contact with metals, bases and
Shelf Life 730 Days

Obtainable from VISHNU CHEMICALS LIMITED, Business Unit , Material Protection, Mail to:
Classification This product is classified as Hazardous

Class: 5.1
Sub Class: 6.1,8
UN: 1463
IMDG Shipping Name: Chromium Trioxide, Anhydrous
Packing Group (II).

Precautions Chromic acid is a hexavalent chromium compound, and

contact with it, either in the solid or solution form,
should be avoided. In case of contact, flush thoroughly
with water. For eyes, give prolonged irrigation with
water, and get medical attention immediately.

For detailed information, consult our Safety Data Sheet

(SDS),which is available upon request.

Edition: 2022-05-01 (Version 1.2) Previous Edition: 2020-10-01 (Version 1.1)

This information and our technical advice – whether verbal, in writing or by way of trials – are given
in good faith but without warranty, and this also applies where proprietary rights of third parties
are involved. Our advice does not release you from the obligation to check its validity and to test
our products as to their suitability for the intended processes and uses. The application, use and
processing of our products and the products manufactured by you on the basis of our technical
advice are beyond our control and, therefore, entirely your own responsibility. Our products are
sold in accordance with the current version of our General Conditions of Sale and Delivery,
available on our webpage :

Business Unit
Material Protection
500 033 – India

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