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| Whed js Java __Metdosking. ee epiciae eal rn - __ Apr uvith__exa pte. See es = | Java Aletdonting tsa Concert oF eee ni SNe eae tuo 0% moxe_Computing iB deunices together a se Baca ab So that we Can Shure ‘resources. 7 = Tne Secteet__Progaerming —Proviclesfercility t¢ Sherrer daty__ between different Seenieutivag devira | oer! eres programming ts aused fo J Communication. between the. _cepPlicbi ong nuwoning on diffememt SRE. ees bg Here, Weave _foing to: make one - ui _Cltent and _ Sexuew_Communt cation» Ln this __cuppitceution.., Client Semd-_cu_vnegsege tothe: emue®, Server ryeuds the message tend. Prints 1 | it, tteme, , to __creatses cyre._betnng vised: __ _ Socket end. Semvey Socket. ‘The Sucleek class is _ a ae amd Senver._ “Through. shis clus, We _curn vend resseqe the _ sete cers actiliasieilac os Server-Side the —__ | __ except.) method. oP Senver Gouket cits tolocks __ — + { the Console. _umtllL the citemr i's Connected. | Aftey _the. Suteestful__ Connection... of client, ib || retin phe Instenve 0 _Sachet _ceb Seaver side — ls — ee ls Creating _ Sesues. | To Create, _the Server _cPPlicutfon oe | to. Create the. tnstunce, of _ Sewer Socket clus \ Here, we Cure ust! fj G66 6 aed — 2 a (al the eerie ater _bettocem Ane. _cliend cond. — Semues. late can __Clanose._ Curry ahes_ Port Mumbes.— ‘The _cicrept.) method. watts flow Ane. Cate» __|| Th_clients _commert’s. dit ther. Jiven.._ Post | embes nretiem gn instennce. of Socket. _- Senues Socket $6 ned Seaver Socket C6666 | Soret 16» Ss. crccepet) 5 I connection estebiishes by oad ttt, Ceatina! Ctient 1 fo__Creute, theclieyit cPPticution, , ive need 0 || Crente, the instumee of Socket cles$. btene, We need +6 Pass the TP» ceddrress » 6% hostname — Of the senver _cimd cu. Powts Alumbien. Hace, (es cure, 2 “locedthost"s becuse Our Server ts |___Mumning Om. Sume, Syste. i || - - Sorker 5 2 ned Sueket C"Locedhost” , 666005 imo Jou met™ 5 ot Pubic: _cruss MySerues$, s Pubtic. ‘static Vaid main Cstring ts cog pty tar Gust Sse ont dager pak i ac S$. aol Senuex-Saclcet cesses; Fl Secwek 6 28S o OrePE nei os ) Date. Tnput Stream dis > Need Seta aes i cil Sa eo System - our. Paintin. Ctemessagenc’* aster) « Chose Cd Moy Chien enti, 7 Dromore ene to sts 5 import) dave nets? — 3 fh Pubitent cleus My Client © — eee - Pubtic. static. usich eneity. Corning cHoergs \L, s at a ge ned Gorter CLocabhast", 6666.5 5 Date DuthubStreum. dow = net) — Decker OutpurS rein, a ea is gicte 29 For naussinng Z, fl dout. vorite. pie C* Hello Sener") 5 — L_axSdemmreraitirnd Bp yeimer gdt 90 i Ab cate. Céxcertion 2) €$a:PCed5 3 i “Tp. erddres$ . The Serum meetTnetAd.d-yess cuss Prout des__methods to get the tp: ot cu _ = ts hast. name. fo% _exetmele edad Goegle, - Com, ——— hae Wwe. Pucehooks Com, ete. . —_ - i dress) (micugt — ‘amd, Ynutticosh The Umicase is an. identifi — innterfiice. Whereas muth'cast-— A titerfiuess —-— = =o a “the. net Addvest “Cutt is used. _—t0" ence euliuke | both, the — mumeateul TP ceddare 8. xn the, donut ume fox that ctuss 4 The. Inet Address clus has the _fmubflity_t¢ Create _ahjets disci hence _fueteny methods me _uheel fox. the, fuPase +_fuctory Methods. yi 2ts ae = Static Tnet Address Jet Local Host (3 thous —_¢ nueriounn Hast ob This a method metus the fnstemnre of — | Pek Ackd-ress Containing —the.toce. hast orme, reine oo TS = Public Static. TnetAddvess __getBy Alene. CString _host Yo thanws | Unkoon Host Eyeeption 1 This methack ‘retuans the tnstunce — of ‘Inet Address _Conttiinning — Locothest “Pe-cnd — ume. = Static Dnet Address C4_qetatt Byurne._(stxing_host_Nawre) throws Unknown Host Exeertion. this metood returns the! crerey oP the instance <_OP__Inet Address i Date a ste: 10 lak: sat anil thee (106 na) 3 Bnet Address “of termed hast) 74S ee. 30. 34 Inet Address. Pchost! with “SPeojpred * Jp coldvess 1 12S 020% Jed ne Pp }

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