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School Mabini Colleges Inc.

Grade Level Grade 10

High School

Teacher Lennette Umerez Learning


Teaching Dates Quarter Second

and Time

I. Objective

A. Content Standard The learner demonstrates

understanding of how
world literatures and other
text types serve as
vehicles of expressing and
resolving conflicts among
individuals or groups; also
how to use strategies in
critical reading, listening,
and viewing, and
affirmation and negation
markers to deliver
impromptu and
extemporaneous speeches.

B. Performance Standard The learner proficiently

delivers an argumentative
speech emphasizing how
to resolve conflicts among
individuals or groups.

C. Learning Competencies EN10WC-II-13.1 Identify

the parts and features of
argumentative essays.
Formulate claim of facts,
policy, and value.
EN10WC-IIc-13.3 Use
patterns and techniques of
developing an
argumentative claim.
At the end of the lesson,
students should be able to:
● Define
● Identify the parts
and components
of argumentative
essay; and
● Write their own

II. Content Argumentative Essay

A. Reference

1. Teacher’s Guide English for the Mind and

Heart (Worktext in

2. Learner’s Material Page Page 135

3. Textbook Pages

4. Additional Materials from Learning Resources (LR) Portal https://

III. Procedures

Teachers Activity Student’s Activity

A. Reviewing previous lesson or presenting the new lesson

The students will

The teacher will ask: attentively listening

Class, are you familiar with argumentative essays? If yes, what is your insight about it?

Have you tried to write an argumentative essay?

Why do you think it’s important to know how to write argumentative essays?
Body of an Argumentative Definition Example

1. Topic Sentence A sentence that contains one Conflicts in territorial

of the chief reasons that disputes in the West
support your claim/argument. Philippine Sea can be
managed in a diplomatic
manner without resulting in
anti-Chinese sentiments.

2. Evidence Supporting details in the form Encouraging sinophobia may

of facts, statistics, illustration, backfire among filipinos
observations, and opinions by since number of OFWs are in
credible sources/experts China and Hong Kong,
12,254 and 140,000
respectively, and they may be
subjected to the same

3. Analysis Your explanation for stated Placing China in a defensive

evidence in your own words. side is a face threatening act,
You may also discuss which is culturally of
opposing views to strengthen importance to the Chinese
your claim. people. A number of Filipino
overseas workers had
experienced hostility in
China with the increase of
anti-Chinese sentiments
spread by Filipinos.

4. Counterargument Discussion of opposing views Conducting bilateral

agreements with China is
beneficial in Philippine
economy, particularly in the
building of infrastructures,
and will not result in debt

5. Hitch Concluding statement that Contrary to claims that the

ties or wraps up your Philippines will fall on a debt
arguments trap with its increasing loans
with China to fund its
ambitious Build,Build,Build
project, data from the
Philippine Department of
Finance (DOF) proved that
this is very unlikely since its
expected debt to China by
2022 will only be 4.5 percent
of the total debt to Japan,
9.5%. Hence, Philippines
surely benefits with its
dependent foreign policy.

B. Establishing a Purpose for the lesson

Today, I am going to discuss a very interesting topic, and it is Argumentative Essay The students will
attentively listening
But before we start, let us first define the argumentative essay separately.

Argumentative is showing a tendency to agree or disagree. While the Essay is a piece of

writing that is written to convince someone of something or to simply inform the reader about a
particular topic.

So putting this together, Argumentative Essay is a genre of writing that requires the student to
investigate a topic, collect, generate, and evaluate evidence, and establish a position on the topic
in a concise manner.

C. Presenting examples/instances of the new lesson The students will

attentively listening and
familiarize the parts lesson

Pro – an argument in favor of a claim or advantage regarding something

Con - an argument against a claim or disadvantage regarding something.

So now that you already know the terms of an argumentative essay, I will now discuss how to
use these types when writing an argumentative essay.

The most common type of argumentative essay has six paragraphs. Like all essays, it begins
with an introduction and ends with a conclusion. In between are the body paragraphs where you
must do three things: support your opinion, present the opposing point of view, and tell why that
viewpoint is wrong.

Components of an Argumentative Essay

I. Introduction - Paragraph

– it is an introductory paragraph; it is at the start of the essay. This is called the “gateway” of an
essay. It is because it attracts the attention of readers to the essay and gives the readers
background information about the topic.
a. Hook - an opening statement (which is usually the first sentence) in an essay that
attempts to grab the reader's attention so that they want to read on. It can be done by
using a few different types of hooks, which are a question, quote, statistic, or anecdote.

Types of Hook Sentences:

● Grab the reader’s attention with a thought

● Rhetorical Question– a question with an answer.
● Anecdote– a short story.
● Quotation– a line from a source

b. Claim or Thesis

● Subject: What is the subject you are arguing about.

● What’s the argument?: What are you arguing about? Be specific!

II. Body

– Present your EVIDENCE (Reason+Supporting details)

a. Evidence- facts in the real world that can be used to support an argument.

So, where can we find evidence? It can be your

- Personal experience;
- Experts; and
- Other facts that can support an argument

b. Counterclaim+Rebuttal- An effective argumentative essay addresses what the other

side might say and explains why that point of view is wrong. This is called the

- A general statement that support your claim or thesis statement
- A quotation or call to action (it challenges the readers to respond or to do something)

D. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #1 The students will answer
the activity

What is a great topic for an argumentative essay? Obviously, it should be an issue that you feel
strongly about, know something about, and would like to share your opinion about. What is your
opinion, why do you feel this way? Can you think of some reasons why people might disagree
with you?

When you choose a topic, consider these two questions:

● Does the topic have two sides?
● How much do you know about the topic?
Look at the list of argumentative topics below. What is your opinion about each topic? Are there
two sides of each topic?

Topics for Argument

● Requiring school uniforms

● Mandatory military service
● Using animals for medical research
● Banning cellphones in school
● Banning violent video games

Activity: Identifying Topics for Argumentative essay

Read these five topics. Put a check mark () next to the ones that could be good topics for
argument essays.
_________1. The first time I flew in a plane. _________2. University education should be free.
_________3. High school teachers need a higher salary. _________4. Steps needed to get a
driver’s license. _________5. Legalizing gay marriage.

Can you think of three additional topics that would be excellent for an argumentative essay?


E. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #2 The students will answer
the activity
After you choose a topic, think about what you know about it. What do you know about your
side of the argument and what do you know about the opposite side of the argument? A good
way to organize your ideas is to use a Pro & Con T-chart. [Pro = in favor of thesis statement,
(Agree) Con = against thesis statement (Disagree) ]

Here is a Pro & Con example for an essay about face to face classes

Thesis Statement:

Pro Con

Gain greater understanding Commuting to class takes additional time

Better communication Cost is typically more expensive

Improving social skills You can’t do any other activity

Activity: Brainstorming Supporting Ideas

Read the thesis statements and complete the Pro & Con Table. Write three ideas to support each
statement. Then write three ideas against each statement. Finally, choose an original topic and
write a thesis statement of your own. Then fill in the pros and cons for your new topic.

1. Thesis Statement: Adults should be financially stable before they can become

Pro Con
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.

2. Thesis Statement: Sexual minorities should have their own public bathrooms.

Pro Con
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.

3. ORIGINAL Thesis Statement: _____________________________

Pro Con
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.

F. Developing Mastery (Leads to formative Assessment 3) The students will answer

the activity
Activity: Argumentative Essay Outline

Write an argumentative essay using the following outline.

Topic: Students can study better using digital textbooks than they can by using books, pens, and

1. Introduction (Paragraph 1)
a. Hook
b. Connecting information
c. Thesis Statement
2. Body (reason=supporting details)
a. First reason paragraph (paragraph 2)
b. Second reason paragraph (paragraph 3)
c. Third reason paragraph (paragraph 4)

3. Counterclaim+rebuttal (paragraph 5)

4. Conclusion (paragraph 6)
a. Support claim or thesis statement
b. Quotation or call to action
G. Practical application of concepts and skills in daily living The students will answer
the activity
The students will be given an example of an argumentative essay and they must be able to locate
and write down the following:
1. Hook
3. Claim or Thesis
4. Evidence
5. Counterclaim+rebuttal
6. Conclusion

The Benefits of Going to School

Many young people see going to school as a chore and only go because they absolutely have
to, while some will even skip school because they see it as boring and unnecessary.
However, going to school is incredibly important for your career, future education you may
wish to pursue, and social and communication skills.

Teenagers are forever being told that they need a good education so that they can have the
career they want, but many do not listen. However, it is important to remember that your
schooling, no matter how long it may feel, lasts for just a few short years compared to the rest
of your life ahead of you. Therefore, it is better to sacrifice a little bit of fun now so that you
can find happiness in later life, as you will be happier if you can do a job that you enjoy and
afford to do the things you want.

Integrally linked to your career is the fact that you will only be able to achieve a higher level of
education later on if you work hard in school now. Although at the age of fourteen and fifteen
many young people may not think they want to go to college or university, you don’t know how
this may change as you get older. And with unemployment among young people in the USA
at its highest since the early 1960’s, you may find that you need a college degree to secure a
good job because there is so much competition for so few jobs. Many people also decide that
they want to study further when they get a bit older, perhaps after they have got married and
had children, sometimes because they want a career change as they are not happy, or just to
prove to themselves and others that they can do it. Those that don’t succeed in compulsory
education will not have the opportunity to even start many courses because there will be
plenty of better-qualified candidates that also want a place.

Finally, school is the place where you learn a great deal of very important life skills. From
communicating and empathizing with people of both genders and different ages, to listening to
instructions and following orders, and developing leadership skills. It is not a coincidence that
there is a negative correlation between criminal offenses and level of education, in all races,
ages and genders all over the world, and one of the main reasons for this is that the lessons
that are learnt in school are so much more than just academic. So, although most of us only
consider our career when we think about what school may do for us, the life skills we learn are
equally important.

H. Making generalizations and abstractions about the lesson The students will answer
what they have learned
- The teacher will ask the students the 3 things that they have learned
- 2 things that they want to know; and
- 1 question that they still have

I. Evaluating Learning The students will answer

the activity
Activity: Write an argumentative essay, you are free to choose your own topic.

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