Lesson 2 P 9

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a Practise pronouncing the sounds [æ], [əʊ], [еɪ], [е], [ і ], [ɑɪ], [ʌ], [і:], [јU:],
[ɒ] in the following sentences. Read and repeat after the teacher, then individually/
in pairs/ groups.
b) Match the sounds with the sentences. Mind the intonation.

• A black cat sat on a mat and ate a fat rat.

• Take a place in a train to Wales.
• I scream you scream we all scream for ice cream.
• Get ten eggs for breakfast.
Better late than never, but better never late.
• Mike likes to ride a bike.
I had the time of my life.
• Little Bill sit still.
Will you sit still, little Bill?
If you sit still, little Bill,
Jimmy Nill will bring you to a big hill.
• Oh, no. Don’t go home alone; nobody knows how lonely the road is.
• The pot is on the top of the box.
Drop the block and rock the box.
• As snug as a bug in the rug.
• This duke is as stupid as a mule.
• Use new books on music.
• Every day in every way.
• Very well.

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