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\jl'i ›m I hll N i i i i i i'i‹

'“"'^ ’“’ *^ ’!!’ * ’*!! ‹iI›l›‹•I»Iii»tit n• .lr•I ni‹lHctlui› gttgintcr yott will be plcascd to
hic Fullo‹viny terms and

>*! shnll not be cntitlcd for

any c›+pluyces during your

Rt!‹w unlcst othe vtsr pa ea by the


-$, Termination Clause.

(a1 During the yr‹›hztion y o ›r ‹ippnintincnt is liahlc io be tcrininutcJ xx ithout and

noting and xx ithout assigning any reason thereof x haisoc ver. whereas you have Io
give one mnnths* not.icc or amo nt equivalent in lieu ot“ the sam'C tvhilc leaving
the sem’iccs during probation period.

(b) Your services after conFirmtng can be terminated un one month’s noticc or
amouzit equivalent :in lieu of notice by either side. however no nocice will be
necessary it the management finds that the particulars supplied by you in the
application form or at the time of intervicw arc erroneous/false.

{c) Your services shall be liable tn be ter ninated:

i. If you appointment and continuance in. employment of the management shall be

subject . to your being. foun”d medically. .(Ph.ysicâlly and mentally) fit by our
Company,’s, whose findJngs sha)l. be final and bind ng, if found
mindicatly. unfitt your services shaft’. stand automatically terminated without any
compensation thdrcof.
ii. By thc company at any time withozit n”otict; if”. you arc . indulged in act of
insubordination, iñtcrfercnce,.corrupt pracciccs,’any misconduct,’breach of
trust, non-coizspliancé with .the admini native order or provisions of service rules
regulations.and conditions.
iii. ’By the company a? any time i£ you arc declared .insolvent or convicted ,of any
offense invclvirig any ” moral .” t urpiiudé or foynd :suspected of fraud or
misappropriation ’of money or other assets ofthc,company.
td) Iri case of brcac’h.of any oF thcso terms/conditions you shall ’be liñbtc, tri addition
’to tcrrnination .o’f services to pay› damages to this cxtdnt of loss suffered by the
company. lh .case of dd£au\I the compnny shal) be entitl ed to . vilhhol4 and
appropriate .your
the said ambunt is recov+red: )£ dtsp.itc such opprcipriatinn andYor in YOUR
acco“unt. the sumc’ shall become recoverable fry legal mcons by the company.

Rubj/ Bus Pvt. Ltd.

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Ii«bI• i ‹› he tr.›n fcrrcd in India
br‹jt\tart / clCp8f1fT\Lf'It / Cfjfyjppg y gjjg /g

into existence there .you. will

tUf v ill be continuously monitored and you ould be!

prorñoted/dcn›oted ›vi‹Ii subsequent salary revision anytime depending”on your

In case of any unifor m is given to you, by the company it shall be binding , on

you to xvear the same. while on site and to keep it always near, clean and ironed.

You shall also keep thd secrets of any compa”ny, form or person with’ .whom
company ”or its parcnL,. subsidiary or . associated companies ”may at ””any timc.
during the continuance your employ.ment be in. commercial ’o’r technical .co-
aeration ’or association'any you shall hereby cxprcs'sIy bind your sell all the time both
during and aAcr the tmzriination of your employment not toi div.ulgc any ,matter or
things related to the 'buainesg or interest ..of any such company, firmi or to’ any
!.unauthorized person and .not to utilize ’any sccrct ”or .confidential ,knowIed’gc ’or
information. acquired in conaectuencc of your service there qndcr to tlic .prcjudicc of
any such company firm

details oC our process: .cochnicat know-how, msecurity. arñsn’gcmcni, administrati c

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Q)) vo*u'. ‹ „x, r*••* of p''c›^^ es¿s"-t AY ”
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,„,«‹»d•‹i•• us o•i m«eatas

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