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Written mediation.


- Never give your opinion on a written mediation.

- Find a way to explain the ideas in a different way. Mediating is helping someone
understand a text that they don´t understand. So, if you use the same words and
sentences you´re not doing the task.


You have read the following information on an online article. Write, in your own
words, a paragraph in which you express the key ideas you found on it. Write
between 60 and 80 words.

In general, the kind of tourist that will emerge in the post-COVID world will be
more aware not only of the environment, but of their own approach to
travelling. In this sense, we’re talking about quality over quantity: The
pandemic has made us think about how and why we want to travel. In the
future, journeys—especially long-distance ones— will be better prepared and
will be made less frequently.
In its predictions from March 2020 the company Travel Perk, cited several
post-pandemic travelling complications, including a possible need to hold
more than one passport, more expensive travel seasons, and stricter airport

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