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English Competence Rubric

(1) Little Evidence (2) Partial Evidence (3) Sufficient Evidence (4) Extensive Evidence
With help, understands Understands the simpler Understands more complex Has a deep understanding of
parts of the simpler concepts and performs the concepts and is able to master complex concepts and processes and
concepts and performs simpler processes. complex processes that are can apply to new situations.
few of the simpler explicitly taught.

Subject Indicator
4 3 2 1
C.2 English
Can follow slow and carefully articulated speech of all areas of immediate relevance. √
Can understand phrases and expressions related to areas of immediate relevance. √
Has a basic of words related to personal details and familiar people √
Speaking Can communicate limited information in simple everyday situation using memorized √
words (scout uniforms, poster, healthy and unhealthy foods, time, weather, season,
natural energy, saving energy, etc.)
Can understand simple words with visual support (expressions of polite, cardinal and
Reading ordinal number, expression of happiness and sadness) √
English Competencies Score
4 3 2 1
Concept Understanding Concept √
Communication 77 √
Effort Use English process skill √
Abdan is a student who is quite active in participating in the English learning process every week. Abdan sometimes responds
and follows the teacher's instructions clearly. However, the development is still not very significant this semester. This
semester, Abdan already knows numbers in English, names of days and months in English, names healthy and unhealthy
foods, some expressions of happiness and sadness, etc.

However, care must still be taken in spelling and mentioning simple English words, because Abdan still sounds wrong. For
that, Abdan must increase his English vocabulary and continue to learn to read simple English words for a better future in the
next semester.
Great job Abdan, You did it so well.

Abdan Syakuro
English Competence Rubric
(1) Little Evidence (2) Partial Evidence (3) Sufficient Evidence (4) Extensive Evidence
With help, understands Understands the simpler Understands more complex Has a deep understanding of
parts of the simpler concepts and performs the concepts and is able to master Complex concepts and processes
concepts and performs simpler processes. complex processes that are and can apply to new situations.
Few of the simpler explicitly taught.

Subject Indicator
4 3 2 1
C.2 English
Can follow slow and carefully articulated speech of all areas of immediate relevance. √
Can understand phrases and expressions related to areas of immediate relevance. √
Has a basic of words related to personal details and familiar people √
Speaking Can communicate limited information in simple everyday situation using memorized
words (scout uniforms, poster, healthy and unhealthy foods, time, weather, season, √
natural energy, saving energy, etc.)
Can understand simple words with visual support (expressions of polite, cardinal and
Reading ordinal number, expression of happiness and sadness)
English Competencies Score
4 3 2 1
Concept Understanding Concept √
Communication √
Effort Use English process skill √

Adrian Putra Prasetya

English Competence Rubric
(1) Little Evidence (2) Partial Evidence (3) Sufficient Evidence (4) Extensive Evidence
With help, understands Understands the simpler Understands more complex Has a deep understanding of
parts of the simpler concepts and performs the concepts and is able to master Complex concepts and processes
concepts and performs simpler processes. complex processes that are and can apply to new situations.
Few of the simpler explicitly taught.

Subject Indicator
4 3 2 1
C.2 English
Can follow slow and carefully articulated speech of all areas of immediate relevance. √
Can understand phrases and expressions related to areas of immediate relevance. √
Has a basic of words related to personal details and familiar people √
Speaking Can communicate limited information in simple everyday situation using memorized
words (scout uniforms, poster, healthy and unhealthy foods, time, weather, season, √
natural energy, saving energy, etc.)
Can understand simple words with visual support (expressions of polite, cardinal and
Reading ordinal number, expression of happiness and sadness) √
English Competencies Score
4 3 2 1
Concept Understanding Concept √
Communication 83 √
Effort Use English process skill V
Qonita is a student who actively participates in the process of learning English. Qonita is very enthusiastic about following and responding
to instructions from the teacher every week. Qonita's development is more prominent than last semester. This semester, Qonita already
knows numbers in English, counting from 1-20 correctly, names of healthy and unhealthy foods, making poster, and mentions some
expressions of happiness and sadness.

Although studying at home, it did not reduce Qonita's enthusiasm to follow and complete English lessons this semester. However, Qonita
still needs the guidance of teachers and parents to add new vocabulary and start learning to read simple words in English for a better future
in the next semester.

You did a great job Qonita, well done.

Afifah Qonita Azzahra Wibowo

English Competence Rubric
(1) Little Evidence (2) Partial Evidence (3) Sufficient Evidence (4) Extensive Evidence
With help, understands Understands the simpler Understands more complex Has a deep understanding of
parts of the simpler concepts and performs the concepts and is able to master Complex concepts and processes
concepts and performs simpler processes. complex processes that are and can apply to new situations.
Few of the simpler explicitly taught.

Subject Indicator
4 3 2 1
C.2 English
Can follow slow and carefully articulated speech of all areas of immediate relevance. √
Can understand phrases and expressions related to areas of immediate relevance. √
Has a basic of words related to personal details and familiar people √
Speaking Can communicate limited information in simple everyday situation using memorized
words (scout uniforms, poster, healthy and unhealthy foods, time, weather, season, √
natural energy, saving energy, etc.)
Can understand simple words with visual support (expressions of polite, cardinal and
Reading ordinal number, expression of happiness and sadness) √
English Competencies Score
4 3 2 1
Concept Understanding Concept √
Communication 80 √
Effort Use English process skill √
Anbiya is a student who is quite active in learning English this semester. Anbiya is very enthusiastic about taking online
English classes and always responds to the group although it is still rare. In this semester Anbiya already knows the numbers
in English from 1-20, mentions the names of healthy and unhealthy foods, makes poster, knows the weather and season in
English, etc.
During the lesson, Anbiya often said the wrong words and needed repetition. For that, Anbiya must continue to listen and
know how to read simple English vocabulary. Then enrich the English vocabulary for better future in the new semester. Even
though the conditions required studying at home, it did not reduce Anbiya’s enthusiasm to take part in learning English this

Well done Anbiya.

Anbiya Nasywa Raisya

English Competence Rubric
(1) Little Evidence (2) Partial Evidence (3) Sufficient Evidence (4) Extensive Evidence
With help, understands Understands the simpler Understands more complex Has a deep understanding of
parts of the simpler concepts and performs the concepts and is able to master Complex concepts and processes
concepts and performs simpler processes. complex processes that are and can apply to new situations.
Few of the simpler explicitly taught.

Subject Indicator
4 3 2 1
C.2 English
Can follow slow and carefully articulated speech of all areas of immediate relevance. √
Can understand phrases and expressions related to areas of immediate relevance. √
Has a basic of words related to personal details and familiar people √
Speaking Can communicate limited information in simple everyday situation using memorized
words (scout uniforms, poster, healthy and unhealthy foods, time, weather, season, √
natural energy, saving energy, etc.)
Can understand simple words with visual support (expressions of polite, cardinal and
Reading ordinal number, expression of happiness and sadness) √
English Competencies Score
4 3 2 1
Concept Understanding Concept √
Communication 80 √
Effort Use English process skill √
Aqilla is a student who is quite active in participating in the English learning process every week. Aqilla sometimes responds
and follows the teacher's instructions clearly. However, the development is still not very prominent this semester. This
semester, Aqilla already knows numbers in English, names of days and months in English, names healthy and unhealthy
foods, knowing weather and season, and some expressions of happiness and sadness, etc.

However, care must be taken in spelling and mentioning simple English words, because Aqilla still sounds wrong. For that,
Aqilla must increase her English vocabulary and continue to learn to read simple English words for a better future in the next

Great job Aqilla, You did it so well.

Aqilla Syafa Riyadi

English Competence Rubric
(1) Little Evidence (2) Partial Evidence (3) Sufficient Evidence (4) Extensive Evidence
With help, understands Understands the simpler Understands more complex Has a deep understanding of
parts of the simpler concepts and performs the concepts and is able to master Complex concepts and processes
concepts and performs simpler processes. complex processes that are and can apply to new situations.
Few of the simpler explicitly taught.

Subject Indicator
4 3 2 1
C.2 English
Can follow slow and carefully articulated speech of all areas of immediate relevance. √
Can understand phrases and expressions related to areas of immediate relevance. √
Has a basic of words related to personal details and familiar people √
Speaking Can communicate limited information in simple everyday situation using memorized
words (scout uniforms, poster, healthy and unhealthy foods, time, weather, season, √
natural energy, saving energy, etc.)
Can understand simple words with visual support (expressions of polite, cardinal and
Reading ordinal number, expression of happiness and sadness) √
English Competencies Score
4 3 2 1
Concept Understanding Concept √
Communication 80 √
Effort Use English process skill √
Arkan is a student who actively participates in the process of learning English. Arkan is very enthusiastic about following and responding
to instructions from the teacher every week. Arkan's development is more prominent than last semester. This semester, Arkan already
knows numbers in English, counting from 1-20 correctly, names of healthy and unhealthy foods, making posters, and mentions some
expressions of happiness and sadness.

Although studying at home, it did not reduce Arkan's enthusiasm to follow and complete English lessons this semester. However, Arkan
still needs the guidance of teachers and parents to add new vocabulary and start learning to read simple words in English for a better future
in the next semester.

You did a great job Arkan, well done.

Arkan Said Al Ghaziy

English Competence Rubric
(1) Little Evidence (2) Partial Evidence (3) Sufficient Evidence (4) Extensive Evidence
With help, understands Understands the simpler Understands more complex Has a deep understanding of
parts of the simpler concepts and performs the concepts and is able to master Complex concepts and processes
concepts and performs simpler processes. complex processes that are and can apply to new situations.
Few of the simpler explicitly taught.

Subject Indicator
4 3 2 1
C.2 English
Can follow slow and carefully articulated speech of all areas of immediate relevance. √
Can understand phrases and expressions related to areas of immediate relevance. √
Has a basic of words related to personal details and familiar people √
Speaking Can communicate limited information in simple everyday situation using memorized
words (scout uniforms, poster, healthy and unhealthy foods, time, weather, season, √
natural energy, saving energy, etc.)
Can understand simple words with visual support (expressions of polite, cardinal and
Reading ordinal number, expression of happiness and sadness) √
English Competencies Score
4 3 2 1
Concept Understanding Concept √
Communication 79 √
Effort Use English process skill √
Faathih is a student who is quite active in learning English. Faathih still rarely actively participates in online English classes
every week. Faathih 's developmental achievements in English are not yet significant. However, there are some materials that
Faathih shows such as being able to name the days and months, counting from 1- 20, mentions healthy and unhealthy food,

Faathih still needs a lot of guidance from teachers and parents to learn new things or more English vocabulary. Besides,
Faathih should be more active to participate in class for more new knowledge.

Cheerio Faathih!

Arzhetha Sabqi Nurfaathih Sulaeman

English Competence Rubric
(1) Little Evidence (2) Partial Evidence (3) Sufficient Evidence (4) Extensive Evidence
With help, understands Understands the simpler Understands more complex Has a deep understanding of
parts of the simpler concepts and performs the concepts and is able to master Complex concepts and processes
concepts and performs simpler processes. complex processes that are and can apply to new situations.
Few of the simpler explicitly taught.

Subject Indicator
4 3 2 1
C.2 English
Can follow slow and carefully articulated speech of all areas of immediate relevance. √
Can understand phrases and expressions related to areas of immediate relevance. √
Has a basic of words related to personal details and familiar people √
Speaking Can communicate limited information in simple everyday situation using memorized
words (scout uniforms, poster, healthy and unhealthy foods, time, weather, season, √
natural energy, saving energy, etc.)
Can understand simple words with visual support (expressions of polite, cardinal and
Reading ordinal number, expression of happiness and sadness)
English Competencies Score
4 3 2 1
Concept Understanding Concept √
Communication √
Effort Use English process skill √

Dipa Ardhi Wiyogo

English Competence Rubric
(1) Little Evidence (2) Partial Evidence (3) Sufficient Evidence (4) Extensive Evidence
With help, understands Understands the simpler Understands more complex Has a deep understanding of
parts of the simpler concepts and performs the concepts and is able to master Complex concepts and processes
concepts and performs simpler processes. complex processes that are and can apply to new situations.
Few of the simpler explicitly taught.

Subject Indicator
4 3 2 1
C.2 English
Can follow slow and carefully articulated speech of all areas of immediate relevance. √
Can understand phrases and expressions related to areas of immediate relevance. √
Has a basic of words related to personal details and familiar people √
Speaking Can communicate limited information in simple everyday situation using memorized
words (scout uniforms, poster, healthy and unhealthy foods, time, weather, season, √
natural energy, saving energy, etc.)
Can understand simple words with visual support (expressions of polite, cardinal and
Reading ordinal number, expression of happiness and sadness)
English Competencies Score
4 3 2 1
Concept Understanding Concept √
Communication 82 √
Effort Use English process skill √
Dyas is a student who actively participates in the process of learning English. Dyas is very enthusiastic about following and responding to
instructions from the teacher every week. Dyas's development is more prominent than last semester. This semester, Dyas already knows
numbers in English, counting from 1-20 correctly, names of healthy and unhealthy foods, making posters, and mentions some expressions
of happiness and sadness, etc.

Although studying at home, it did not reduce Dyas's enthusiasm to follow and complete English lessons this semester. However, Dyas still
needs the guidance of teachers and parents to add new vocabulary and start learning to read simple words in English for a better future in
the next semester.

You did a great job Dyas, well done.

Dyas Aqila Rahmat

English Competence Rubric
(1) Little Evidence (2) Partial Evidence (3) Sufficient Evidence (4) Extensive Evidence
With help, understands Understands the simpler Understands more complex Has a deep understanding of
parts of the simpler concepts and performs the concepts and is able to master Complex concepts and processes
concepts and performs simpler processes. complex processes that are and can apply to new situations.
Few of the simpler explicitly taught.

Subject Indicator
4 3 2 1
C.2 English
Can follow slow and carefully articulated speech of all areas of immediate relevance. √
Can understand phrases and expressions related to areas of immediate relevance. √
Has a basic of words related to personal details and familiar people √
Speaking Can communicate limited information in simple everyday situation using memorized
words (scout uniforms, poster, healthy and unhealthy foods, time, weather, season, √
natural energy, saving energy, etc.)
Can understand simple words with visual support (expressions of polite, cardinal and
Reading ordinal number, expression of happiness and sadness) √
English Competencies Score
4 3 2 1
Concept Understanding Concept √
Communication 83 √
Effort Use English process skill √
Gerrad is a student who actively participates in the process of learning English. Gerrad is very enthusiastic about following and
responding to instructions from the teacher every week. Gerrad's development is more prominent than last semester. This semester, Gerrad
already knows numbers in English, counting from 1-20 correctly, names of healthy and unhealthy foods, making posters, and mentions
some expressions of happiness and sadness, etc.

Although studying at home, it did not reduce Gerrad's enthusiasm to follow and complete English lessons this semester. However, Gerrad
still needs the guidance of teachers and parents to add new vocabulary and start learning to read simple words in English for a better future
in the next semester.

You did a great job Gerrad, well done.

Gerrard Faiq Syahreza Rizki

English Competence Rubric
(1) Little Evidence (2) Partial Evidence (3) Sufficient Evidence (4) Extensive Evidence
With help, understands Understands the simpler Understands more complex Has a deep understanding of
parts of the simpler concepts and performs the concepts and is able to master Complex concepts and processes
concepts and performs simpler processes. complex processes that are and can apply to new situations.
Few of the simpler explicitly taught.

Subject Indicator
4 3 2 1
C.2 English
Can follow slow and carefully articulated speech of all areas of immediate relevance. √
Can understand phrases and expressions related to areas of immediate relevance. √
Has a basic of words related to personal details and familiar people √
Speaking Can communicate limited information in simple everyday situation using memorized
words (scout uniforms, poster, healthy and unhealthy foods, time, weather, season, √
natural energy, saving energy, etc.)
Can understand simple words with visual support (expressions of polite, cardinal and
Reading ordinal number, expression of happiness and sadness) √
English Competencies Score
4 3 2 1
Concept Understanding Concept √
Communication 81 √
Effort Use English process skill √
Kafa is a student who is quite active in participating in the English learning process every week. Kafa sometimes responds and follows the
teacher's instructions clearly. However, the development is still not very prominent this semester. This semester, Kafa already knows
numbers in English, names of days and months in English, mention healthy and unhealthy foods, make a poster, some expressions of
happiness and sadness, etc.

During learning process, Kafa still sounds miss spell or miss pronounce some simple English words. For that, Kafa must increase his
English vocabulary and learn to read simple English words for a better future in the next semester. Even though studying is still at home, it
doesn't reduce Kafa's enthusiasm to finish learning English this semester.

Great job Kafa, You did it great.

Ghany Kafabilah Nasyiro

English Competence Rubric
(1) Little Evidence (2) Partial Evidence (3) Sufficient Evidence (4) Extensive Evidence
With help, understands Understands the simpler Understands more complex Has a deep understanding of
parts of the simpler concepts and performs the concepts and is able to master Complex concepts and processes
concepts and performs simpler processes. complex processes that are and can apply to new situations.
Few of the simpler explicitly taught.

Subject Indicator
4 3 2 1
C.2 English
Can follow slow and carefully articulated speech of all areas of immediate relevance. √
Can understand phrases and expressions related to areas of immediate relevance. √
Has a basic of words related to personal details and familiar people √
Speaking Can communicate limited information in simple everyday situation using memorized
words (scout uniforms, poster, healthy and unhealthy foods, time, weather, season, √
natural energy, saving energy, etc.)
Can understand simple words with visual support (expressions of polite, cardinal and
Reading ordinal number, expression of happiness and sadness) √
English Competencies Score
4 3 2 1
Concept Understanding Concept √
Communication 80 √
Effort Use English process skill √
Jovian is one of the students who is quite active in participating in English lessons every week. Jovian always enthusiastically follows and
responds to what is instructed by the teacher, although not very intense. This semester, Jovian already knows numbers ranging from
counting from 1-20 and knows ordinal and cardinal numbers, mentions healthy and unhealthy foods, knows what time is it, knowing
weather and season, etc.

However, Jovian still does not dare to fully demonstrate his speaking and reading skills. For that, Jovian still needs guidance from teachers
and parents for a better future in the new semester. In addition, Jovian must increase his vocabulary in English and learn to spell simple
English words. Even though he is still studying at home, it does not reduce Jovian's enthusiasm to finish learning English this semester.

Congratulations Jovian, you did it great.

Jovian Cung
English Competence Rubric
(1) Little Evidence (2) Partial Evidence (3) Sufficient Evidence (4) Extensive Evidence
With help, understands Understands the simpler Understands more complex Has a deep understanding of
parts of the simpler concepts and performs the concepts and is able to master Complex concepts and processes
concepts and performs simpler processes. complex processes that are and can apply to new situations.
Few of the simpler explicitly taught.

Subject Indicator
4 3 2 1
C.2 English
Can follow slow and carefully articulated speech of all areas of immediate relevance. √
Can understand phrases and expressions related to areas of immediate relevance. √
Has a basic of words related to personal details and familiar people √
Speaking Can communicate limited information in simple everyday situation using memorized
words (scout uniforms, poster, healthy and unhealthy foods, time, weather, season, √
natural energy, saving energy, etc.)
Can understand simple words with visual support (expressions of polite, cardinal and
Reading ordinal number, expression of happiness and sadness) √
English Competencies Score
4 3 2 1
Concept Understanding Concept √
Communication 79 √
Effort Use English process skill √
Akhtar has been an enthusiastic member of the class but he worked extremely hard during lessons by doing some worksheets.
This subject was quite challenging while doing in online way, but Akhtar tried hard for following the instructions. He took
advantage of homework to consolidate his learning and he was a lively participant in activities with other students.

Akhtar has been following to a reasonable standard during this lesson but he has made limited progress in this area. He must
practice in order to make his listening and speaking more coherent but he spells familiar words with reasonable accuracy. He
now needs to ensure his work is properly punctuated.

Keep your spirit up for following the subject, You are awesome Akhtar!

Mochammad Shakti Khayr Akhtar

English Competence Rubric
(1) Little Evidence (2) Partial Evidence (3) Sufficient Evidence (4) Extensive Evidence
With help, understands Understands the simpler Understands more complex Has a deep understanding of
parts of the simpler concepts and performs the concepts and is able to master Complex concepts and processes
concepts and performs simpler processes. complex processes that are and can apply to new situations.
Few of the simpler explicitly taught.

Subject Indicator
4 3 2 1
C.2 English
Can follow slow and carefully articulated speech of all areas of immediate relevance. √
Can understand phrases and expressions related to areas of immediate relevance. √
Has a basic of words related to personal details and familiar people √
Speaking Can communicate limited information in simple everyday situation using memorized
words (scout uniforms, poster, healthy and unhealthy foods, time, weather, season, √
natural energy, saving energy, etc.)
Can understand simple words with visual support (expressions of polite, cardinal and
Reading ordinal number, expression of happiness and sadness) √
English Competencies Score
4 3 2 1
Concept Understanding Concept √
Communication 82 √
Effort Use English process skill √
Nizham is a student who actively participates in the English learning process this semester. Nizham looks enthusiastic in filling out the
attendance list every week and responds to instructions from the teacher clearly, even not intensely. This semester, Nizham already knows
numbers in English starting from counting from 1-20 and recognizing ordinal and cardinal numbers, mentioning the names of healthy and
unhealthy foods, making posters, knowing and answering what time is it, recognizing some expressions of happiness and sadness , etc.

During the learning process, Nizham still has to be guided by teachers and parents and enriches his English vocabulary with or without
teachers and parents regularly. Nizham should be ready to understand and mastery English writing in next semester. So far, Nizham
worked his best, followed the instructions and he always responded what teacher need.

Great Job Nizham. You did it great.

Muhammad Nizham Yasykur Abdi

English Competence Rubric
(1) Little Evidence (2) Partial Evidence (3) Sufficient Evidence (4) Extensive Evidence
With help, understands Understands the simpler Understands more complex Has a deep understanding of
parts of the simpler concepts and performs the concepts and is able to master Complex concepts and processes
concepts and performs simpler processes. complex processes that are and can apply to new situations.
Few of the simpler explicitly taught.

Subject Indicator
4 3 2 1
C.2 English
Can follow slow and carefully articulated speech of all areas of immediate relevance. √
Can understand phrases and expressions related to areas of immediate relevance. √
Has a basic of words related to personal details and familiar people √
Speaking Can communicate limited information in simple everyday situation using memorized
words (scout uniforms, poster, healthy and unhealthy foods, time, weather, season, √
natural energy, saving energy, etc.)
Can understand simple words with visual support (expressions of polite, cardinal and
Reading ordinal number, expression of happiness and sadness) √
English Competencies Score
4 3 2 1
Concept Understanding Concept √
Communication 80 √
Effort Use English process skill √
Fatih is a student who is quite active in participating in the English learning process every week. Fatih sometimes responds
and follows the teacher's instructions clearly. However, the development is still not very prominent this semester. This
semester, Fatih already knows numbers in English, names of days and months in English, names healthy and unhealthy foods,
some expressions of happiness and sadness, etc.

However, care must still be taken in spelling and mentioning simple English words, because Fatih still sounds wrong. For
that, Fatih must increase his English vocabulary and continue to learn to read simple English words for a better future in the
next semester.
Great job Fatih, You did it so well.

Muhammad Salman Alfatih

English Competence Rubric
(1) Little Evidence (2) Partial Evidence (3) Sufficient Evidence (4) Extensive Evidence
With help, understands Understands the simpler Understands more complex Has a deep understanding of
parts of the simpler concepts and performs the concepts and is able to master Complex concepts and processes
concepts and performs simpler processes. complex processes that are and can apply to new situations.
Few of the simpler explicitly taught.

Subject Indicator
4 3 2 1
C.2 English
Can follow slow and carefully articulated speech of all areas of immediate relevance. √
Can understand phrases and expressions related to areas of immediate relevance. √
Has a basic of words related to personal details and familiar people √
Speaking Can communicate limited information in simple everyday situation using memorized
words (scout uniforms, poster, healthy and unhealthy foods, time, weather, season, √
natural energy, saving energy, etc.)
Can understand simple words with visual support (expressions of polite, cardinal and
Reading ordinal number, expression of happiness and sadness) √
English Competencies Score
4 3 2 1
Concept Understanding Concept √
Communication 84 √
Effort Use English process skill √
Nafisha is a student who actively participates in the English learning process this semester. Nafisha looks enthusiastic in filling out the
attendance list every week and responds to instructions from the teacher clearly. She looks outstanding this semester even more developed
than last semester. This semester, Nafisha already knows numbers in English starting from counting from 1-20 and recognizing ordinal
and cardinal numbers, mentioning the names of healthy and unhealthy foods, making posters, knowing and answering what time is it,
recognizing some expressions of happiness and sadness , etc.

During the learning process, Nafisha still has to be guided by teachers and parents and enriches her English vocabulary with or without
teachers and parents regularly. Nafisha should be ready to understand and mastery English writing in next semester. So far, Nafisha
worked her best, followed the instructions and she always responded what teacher need. Great Job Nafisha. You did it great.

Nafisha Radhwa Gunawan

English Competence Rubric
(1) Little Evidence (2) Partial Evidence (3) Sufficient Evidence (4) Extensive Evidence
With help, understands Understands the simpler Understands more complex Has a deep understanding of
parts of the simpler concepts and performs the concepts and is able to master Complex concepts and processes
concepts and performs simpler processes. complex processes that are and can apply to new situations.
Few of the simpler explicitly taught.

Subject Indicator
4 3 2 1
C.2 English
Can follow slow and carefully articulated speech of all areas of immediate relevance. √
Can understand phrases and expressions related to areas of immediate relevance. √
Has a basic of words related to personal details and familiar people √
Speaking Can communicate limited information in simple everyday situation using memorized
words (scout uniforms, poster, healthy and unhealthy foods, time, weather, season, √
natural energy, saving energy, etc.)
Can understand simple words with visual support (expressions of polite, cardinal and
Reading ordinal number, expression of happiness and sadness)
English Competencies Score
4 3 2 1
Concept Understanding Concept √
Communication √
Effort Use English process skill √
Shafira is a student who is quite active in learning English. Shafira still rarely actively participates in online English classes
every week. Shafira's developmental achievements in English are not yet significant.

Shafira still needs a lot of guidance from teachers and parents to learn new things or more English vocabulary. Besides,
Shafira should be more active to participate in class for more new knowledge.
Cheerio Shafira!

Syaahla Shafira
English Competence Rubric
(1) Little Evidence (2) Partial Evidence (3) Sufficient Evidence (4) Extensive Evidence
With help, understands Understands the simpler Understands more complex Has a deep understanding of
parts of the simpler concepts and performs the concepts and is able to master Complex concepts and processes
concepts and performs simpler processes. complex processes that are and can apply to new situations.
Few of the simpler explicitly taught.

Subject Indicator
4 3 2 1
C.2 English
Can follow slow and carefully articulated speech of all areas of immediate relevance. √
Can understand phrases and expressions related to areas of immediate relevance. √
Has a basic of words related to personal details and familiar people √
Speaking Can communicate limited information in simple everyday situation using memorized
words (scout uniforms, poster, healthy and unhealthy foods, time, weather, season, √
natural energy, saving energy, etc.)
Can understand simple words with visual support (expressions of polite, cardinal and
Reading ordinal number, expression of happiness and sadness) √
English Competencies Score
4 3 2 1
Concept Understanding Concept √
Communication 80 √
Effort Use English process skill √
Raihan is one of the students who is quite active in participating in English lessons every week. Raihan always enthusiastically follows
and responds to what is instructed by the teacher, although not very intense. This semester, Raihan already knows numbers ranging from
counting from 1-20 and knows ordinal and cardinal numbers, mentions healthy and unhealthy foods, knows what time is it, knowing
weather and season, etc.

However, Raihan still does not dare to fully demonstrate his speaking and reading skills. For that, Raihan still needs guidance from
teachers and parents for a better future in the new semester. In addition, Raihan must increase his vocabulary in English and learn to spell
simple English words. Even though he is still studying at home, it does not reduce Jovian's enthusiasm to finish learning English this

Congratulations Raihan, you did it great.

Raihan Faturman
English Competence Rubric
(1) Little Evidence (2) Partial Evidence (3) Sufficient Evidence (4) Extensive Evidence
With help, understands Understands the simpler Understands more complex Has a deep understanding of
parts of the simpler concepts and performs the concepts and is able to master Complex concepts and processes
concepts and performs simpler processes. complex processes that are and can apply to new situations.
Few of the simpler explicitly taught.

Subject Indicator
4 3 2 1
C.2 English
Can follow slow and carefully articulated speech of all areas of immediate relevance. √
Can understand phrases and expressions related to areas of immediate relevance. √
Has a basic of words related to personal details and familiar people √
Speaking Can communicate limited information in simple everyday situation using memorized
words (scout uniforms, poster, healthy and unhealthy foods, time, weather, season, √
natural energy, saving energy, etc.)
Can understand simple words with visual support (expressions of polite, cardinal and
Reading ordinal number, expression of happiness and sadness) √
English Competencies Score
4 3 2 1
Concept Understanding Concept √
Communication 82 √
Effort Use English process skill √
Meizam is a student who actively participates in the English learning process this semester. Meizam looks enthusiastic in filling out the
attendance list every week and responds to instructions from the teacher clearly. He looks outstanding this semester even more developed
than last semester. This semester, Meizam already knows numbers in English starting from counting from 1-20 and recognizing ordinal
and cardinal numbers, mentioning the names of healthy and unhealthy foods, making posters, knowing and answering what time is it,
recognizing some expressions of happiness and sadness , etc.

During the learning process, Meizam still has to be guided by teachers and parents and enriches his English vocabulary with or without
teachers and parents regularly. Meizam should be ready to understand and mastery English writing in next semester. So far, Meizam
worked her best, followed the instructions and she always responded what teacher need. Great Job Nafisha. You did it great.

Meizam Ahmad Fariz

English Competence Rubric
(1) Little Evidence (2) Partial Evidence (3) Sufficient Evidence (4) Extensive Evidence
With help, understands Understands the simpler Understands more complex Has a deep understanding of
parts of the simpler concepts and performs the concepts and is able to master Complex concepts and processes
concepts and performs simpler processes. complex processes that are and can apply to new situations.
Few of the simpler explicitly taught.

Subject Indicator
4 3 2 1
C.2 English
Can follow slow and carefully articulated speech of all areas of immediate relevance. √
Can understand phrases and expressions related to areas of immediate relevance. √
Has a basic of words related to personal details and familiar people √
Speaking Can communicate limited information in simple everyday situation using memorized
words (scout uniforms, poster, healthy and unhealthy foods, time, weather, season, √
natural energy, saving energy, etc.)
Can understand simple words with visual support (expressions of polite, cardinal and
Reading ordinal number, expression of happiness and sadness) √
English Competencies Score
4 3 2 1
Concept Understanding Concept √
Communication 83 √
Effort Use English process skill √
Nafisha is a student who actively participates in the English learning process this semester. Nafisha looks enthusiastic in filling out the
attendance list every week and responds to instructions from the teacher clearly. She looks outstanding this semester even more developed
than last semester. This semester, Nafisha already knows numbers in English starting from counting from 1-20 and recognizing ordinal
and cardinal numbers, mentioning the names of healthy and unhealthy foods, making posters, knowing and answering what time is it,
recognizing some expressions of happiness and sadness , etc.

During the learning process, Nafisha still has to be guided by teachers and parents and enriches her English vocabulary with or without
teachers and parents regularly. Nafisha should be ready to understand and mastery English writing in next semester. So far, Nafisha
worked her best, followed the instructions and she always responded what teacher need. Great Job Nafisha. You did it great.

Musa Adiwijaya
English Competence Rubric
(1) Little Evidence (2) Partial Evidence (3) Sufficient Evidence (4) Extensive Evidence
With help, understands Understands the simpler Understands more complex Has a deep understanding of
parts of the simpler concepts and performs the concepts and is able to master Complex concepts and processes
concepts and performs simpler processes. complex processes that are and can apply to new situations.
Few of the simpler explicitly taught.

Subject Indicator
4 3 2 1
C.2 English
Can follow slow and carefully articulated speech of all areas of immediate relevance. √
Can understand phrases and expressions related to areas of immediate relevance. √
Has a basic of words related to personal details and familiar people √
Speaking Can communicate limited information in simple everyday situation using memorized
words (scout uniforms, poster, healthy and unhealthy foods, time, weather, season, √
natural energy, saving energy, etc.)
Can understand simple words with visual support (expressions of polite, cardinal and
Reading ordinal number, expression of happiness and sadness) √
English Competencies Score
4 3 2 1
Concept Understanding Concept √
Communication 84 √
Effort Use English process skill √
Azzahra is a student who actively participates in the English learning process this semester. She looks enthusiastic in filling out the
attendance list every week and responds to instructions from the teacher clearly. She looks outstanding this semester even more developed
than last semester. This semester, Azzahra already knows numbers in English starting from counting from 1-20 and recognizing ordinal
and cardinal numbers, mentioning the names of healthy and unhealthy foods, making posters, knowing and answering what time is it,
recognizing some expressions of happiness and sadness , etc.

During the learning process, Azzahra still has to be guided by teachers and parents and enriches her English vocabulary with or without
teachers and parents regularly. She should be ready to understand and mastery English writing in next semester. So far, Azzahra worked
her best, followed the instructions and she always responded what teacher need. Great Job Azzahra. You did it great.

Azzahra Arsya Audrey Sudjarwana

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