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Here goes....


I am going to tell you something that no one else in the world knows. It will be just for you Michael.
Every day I wake up thinking how the fuck am I going to make money today. Every day. And every
evening I plot my trades on the completed chart, and I look at it, and I think...."how did I do that.....I
don't even remember doing it...."

I work so hard and so long hours to understand what is going on in the markets. I study the charts to
understand the decisions made by the players. But when all is said and done, once the bell rings, 🔔, I
turn my brain off, �, I think I turn it off, and I feel my way. I just look at the market and let it talk to me.
Some days, like today, I don't accept what I am hearing because I have a one sided argument, so my
gains are limited. To have a one sided ear is not always bad. Yesterday all I heard was " the ship is
sinking...go short"...

You see what my message really is? I try to lose little when I lose. When I lose, I instantly get an urge
from my body chemically to get revenge. That is poisonous to my mental health and decision making. So
when I lose, I am double alert to my emotions. So you are asking what to do in the next 4 to 6 weeks,
while I am away? My answer is ...close your eyes, in a quiet place, see the setup, imagine you take it,
and imagine the worst outcome possible. Imagine you lose, over and over, expect to lose, be a hopeless
pessimist, laugh at the market when it goes your way because you know it is just a question of time
before the market turns against you... confront your physical body with the mental anguish of losing
trade after trade until you at will can close your eyes and imagine you trade, and the market moves
against you, and the body releases hormones associated with loss aversion. I am not immune to those
hormones. They affect me, but not like they used to. I have habituated myself to their effect so that I am
not falling victim to their detrimental affect on my objectivity. Think about it... 90% lose. All people want
is entertain the nice thoughts and the scenarios where everything works out. So when they do lose, they
are so unprepared for the cocktail of oppressive hormones released by the brain, they are incapacitated
to the point of our least advantageous to position to be in, which is where all we have left is hope. Hope
is fine when our position goes well, but you should never hope when you are losing. By repeatedly doing
this mental exercise, you will stop the wishing and hoping and the dreaming of big bucks, and you will
actively train the part of the mind that is currently subtly working against you, to be on your side by over
exposing your mind with the very thing it is constantly trying to want to be good? You want
to be like me? Stop chasing dreams and start chasing nightmares, so that the nightmares are actively
dealt with immediately. Do you think pilots in simulation is stress tested through a smooth flight ✈️ in
ideal conditions? Are they fuck!. They are pushed into a smoke filled cabin, flying blind, with 3 of the 4
engines not working and a fucking sidewind to knock them off, act, adjust, repeat...until it
becomes second nature...and then you will see a very different Michael emerging...
Now it sounds easy, but it isn't. No brain likes pain...we are just not put together that way....

Is the goal profits? Then the warrior spirit is to go where no one else wants to go, because the goal god
dammit dictates it.

Close your eyes and imagine....

I am not going to sweeten the message by saying I hope it works....because it will...there is no hoping..
just be glad that it is so difficult to do because if it was easier ...well everyone else would do it....

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