Gallery Report

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Textile gallery

Present condition

In the textile gallery, Different lighting pattern is followed. A big drawback is that, the
majority of the lights are dysfunctional. The Relative humidity observed in the gallery was
61and the temperature observed was 25 and the overall Lux in the gallery was 17.6 and the
UV observed was nil. But the glass showcases showed a variation in Lux from outside. Inside
the showcases the Lux was 12.5 and 14.3 in showcase 2 and 3 respectively.

Hence in my observation, there was visible fading rather few of the textiles have already
started fading and the light rays produced by Tube lights has caused the textile to fade.
Another observation made was different cloth material has different susceptibility towards
light. For example wool as a material is less susceptible to light.

What can be done?

Diffused lighting is a great solution for having a well-lit gallery, and one should keep a check
on the overall Lux in the gallery as well as in the showcases. If the museum is unable to setup
diffused lighting the next best method is to cover the fluorescent bulbs with Perspex sheets
which will cut down the UV completely and the lux should be maintained according to the
type of material i.e. as per as the optimum conditions are concerned the printed textiles can
have up to 150 Lux and the dyed textiles can have maximum up to 50 Lux.

Moreover a museum could have sensors in the gallery which will brighten the showcase
lights to the optimal level when a viewer is in front of it and can leave the gallery in diffused
lighting manner. Balancing of light over the objects would an ideal choice

The RH was found fine and hence no much change is required however it should be
maintained between 45- 55. And the temperature should be maintained at 25 degrees.
A good planning is hence worthwhile for the better lifetime and sustenance of the material.

Miniature gallery

Location 1

In front of the painting it was measured 46.1 and the rest of the gallery was measured 24.8

Light was 82.6 which was more than the visible amount required.

Location 2

Light was 25.4 which was under illuminated.

Location 3

The areas which were adjacent to the walled near the curved range the Lux measured was
Temperature 20-24. RH 45-50

Spot vii

Light 994 lux

Uv 32.3

Spot vi

Uv 32.3

Light 430

Miniature gallery spot 1

Rh 44.7

Temp 26.8

Light 82.6 lux

Digital reading

Rh via non digital 54%

Corner of the gallery light 23.8 lux

Spot ii miniature

Light 298 lux

Uv 23 uw/ln

Temp and humidity not noted

Spot 3

Light 218 lux

Uv - 0

Spot iv

Rh 55%

T 26 degree

Uv 24.4
Spot v

Uv 0

Light 165 lux

Spot 2 light 12.5 lux

Textile gallery

Spot 1

Rh 61%

Temp 25

Light 17.6 lux


Light 552 lux

Late medieval gallery

Spot i

Light 49.3 lux

Rh 47% digital

Temp 27.3

Rh 61% manual

Spot 2 light 272 lux

Buddhist gallery

Tankha painting

Light 197 lux

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