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2/21/23, 11:46 AM Computer Networks 

(Universität Paderborn)


Faculty for Computer Science, Electrical Engineering and Mathematics Computer Science Computer Networks

Prof. Dr. Holger Karl has left the University of Paderborn and is now working at the University of Potsdam.
The members of the working group are active here at the University of Paderborn.

The substitute professorship is held by Dr. Florian Klingler since October 1st, 2021.
Dr. Klingler was appointed as Junior Professor at TU Ilmenau starting September 2022, however will
continue holding the substitute professorship up until March 2023.

Important: Keep in mind that the MobCom (Mobile Communication) exam (written) on February 21st
2023 is the final and last MobCom exam offered by Dr. Klingler. Further, in the winter term 2022/23 Dr.
Klingler offers the last time the course Networked Embedded Systems (NES) as well as Computer
Networks (RN, Rechnernetze), both (NES and RN) as written exams. If you want to participate, please
register for it.

Welcome to the web page of the Computer Networks Group!

We are dealing with all kinds of networking: Internet in general, Internet of Things, or data-centre
networks. Specifically, we are interested in network function virtualisation and distributed cloud
computing: the idea that (1) services rendered by an IT system comprise both networking functionality as
well as actual data processing and storage functionality and (2) that these services can be distributed
inside a network to optimise for various desirable behaviours. Examples could be to run a latency-
sensitive application inside an operator network, to preprocess and compress data even while it is being
collected from IoT devices, or to make the processing of wireless signals more flexible by realising it in
software, executed on or near to cellular basestations. Other application areas are industrial wireless
scenarios or data-centre traffic engineering. We pursue these topics in a range of projects, funded by, e.g.,
the European Union and DFG. 

In teaching, our group starts from basic systems classes in the fourth Bachelor semester over computer
networks and distributed systems classes, leading to Master-level classes on mobile communication and
future internet. In addition, we offer courses on performance evaluation as well as regular seminars and
project groups. 

Please see our research and teaching pages for more information and use the navigation menu at the top. 1/3
2/21/23, 11:46 AM Computer Networks (Universität Paderborn)
Topics for Bachelor/Master theses
Job offers for PhD or SHK 
GitHub page with released software
Events organized by Computer Networks group 
Network Softwarization Workshop 

Dr. Florian Klingler's office hours: on demand


Dr. Florian Klingler

Computer Networks

+49 5251 60-5080
+49 5251 60-5377

Office hours:
On Demand.

Our group is now on twitter! Look for @cn_upb 

The University for the Information Society

Warburger Straße 100 | 33098 Paderborn

Phone: +49 5251 600 2/3
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