Future Tech

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ee ee 2 HYPERLOOP. Hypeloop technology will evolutonise tha way passengers travel forever It is @ proposed form of high-speed ground transportation curently under dovelopmertfer pascangor andright anspor, wihspeec capabllies expected to suppass ll xising forms of ransport. A hyperloop is a ransportation system consiting of ahovering pod insice a vacuum tude traveling {at speeds es high as 1220 leh, just shy ofthe spaed of sound, Hypeloop is erwsioned not just to cut dawn travel tres Grastcaly between eties, but also tobe cost-etfacive and more environmental fendlythancther transport systems current\y sedwerkiwide, INDIASTACK First conceptualized and implemonted in india, the ‘cia Stack’ ls a comprehensve digtal ently, payment, and deta- management system specticaly created 1 curate wider aocess to nancial services in an economy where ret transactions fre heavily cash based. ts rapid adoption by billons of individuals and busrnesses has helped promt financial and social inclusionbesidee postioning tho county fortheltomet Age, ‘SUSTAINABLE CITIES ‘A sustainable ey i ana dsigned to accress social, environmental and econcmic impact by bulging eco-friendly ‘ltznatives into city atrastruciue lke public green epaces, sat waste removal, clean & renewable technology fo! tener. pubis transporitin, ee. to have ant zero footprin fora more sustainable world, Sustanable cy projects inclu the “The Linen Saudi Arabia which will supposedly have no cars,no convertionalseets, and ne cason emissions, Countries aoundthe wore araalso planning tomake sustanablecites, NANOMATERIALS Invisible panicles that ight cancer cel, aster microprocessors that consums less energy batteries thatest 1Dtimes longer or solar panos that ytd twice as much energy ~hesa ae just afew exairples ofthe use of nanomaterias “They re 160,000 tines emaler than the diametor of @ human hai. nanomatetas sre usedin biomed cal maging arc cantar therapy 6 target only spectc organs or cancer cel, In cosmetics they areusedin sunscreens while in sport, carbon nenotubes ate used produce ighter bale while antimicrobial mats and Towels are made using nanotech to proventilnossdue ospreadotbacteria, omHoH ABo}OUY9L MON UL METAVERSE Imagine a vidual world where bilions of people lve, work, shop, lean and interact with each athe al fromthe coro of thei homes in the piysieal wor inthis wor, comeuter screens nllbecome porals ca 3D witualrealm that’ tengibieandike real Ifebut ony biggar and better. Digtal avatars move freely rom one experience o anothe, aking our identities and money wih Us, Various businesses have been buying cgi land on mefeverso platforms. The metaverse offers new possibities for tiganisatens to creete value through lnavative business models, as well as inroducing new waye fo engage with their ceustomersandoommunites. BRAIN-INTERFACE DEVICES [Abzain-comouter interface (BC) enables aperson to conrolen extornal device using bain signals. Especially useful for people ‘with eisebittes, 3c allows people with paralysis to spell wordson a computer screen orregain conta oftherlmle. BCI could laugment human capabitios 19 another level by allowing people to cont computerized machinery using their thoughes Researchers ae also daveloping BC! contrlladrobotic imbsthatcan provde usersasensecttouch. HHHHEHHEHEERHEEEE eRe Eee ‘quantum cou Quantum cloud computing is @ new generation technology that mvoives a computer 158 milion times faster than the most sophisticated supercomputers we heve inthe world Today. tis device so ponert thal ilcould dain fourminuies what woul ‘ake atracttonal supercomputer 10,000 yearsto accomplish. Quazumcompuling expected bring abovta radical change in predictive analytics as it can make analyses and prodictions at phonomenal spood, It would be able to preset things Ike \woathor pattems anda modeling things wherethere aremilons cl variables thatare consintiychancing, wees ‘Webs is the future of the intemet. Technologies that make up the Sd generation of the internet include blockchains, smart contac, tokens, and digital wallets. Blockchain technology can impact al recorckeeping processes, including the way transactions are nated, processed, authorized, recorded, anc reported. These technologies enable wanstarting of mney, "ight, and properiy between paries voy icin, climinating middlemen incucing banks, Digital assetsare storadin wallets ‘and exchanges, not bank accounis. Trade and transactions flow cuicky, powered by artificial inteligence and machine learning. = _ CRYPTOCURRENCIES Cryptccurrencies are decentralized digital currencios that is based on blockchain technology and secured by = aryptogtephy, Wivlecryptoisa form of cigita money, itis nol accounted as cash or fat curency because offs volatile 80 printing screatinga 30 objectrom a digital le by buleingtayer by ayer. This evohing technology wil completly transionm manufacturing acrosevarousindusties, From creating pars ofthe human skultopriting human tesue for transplan, has huge potantal to chango lives. Future factories Could quieH exnt spare part on ste wth assembly lines replaced by aD printers, Today, even materals used 1 pit are evolving wih he inclusion of grapheme which fs lighter than ai but 10 times stronger than sta! n shor, 30 pining has te potantal transform the manctactuing secter, nature, Smiley, Non-fungibietokens, or NFTs, are igital assets with blockchar-centicownership. Thetoken sused 3 {orepresent the ownership of unique lam, such as collectables, cigital ar, music, etc. andis attracting theattention § | ofinvestors, i SD PRINTING 5| & 3 DeFi (Decentralised Finance) DeF is a new vision of banking and nancial services that's based on peer-to-peer payments through blockchain technology, Desi protocols have also eteamined the accounting process by making ft easior to tack and manage financial dota Previously, this intomtion was often spread across mulple departmenis and systems, moking it ifcul 0 geta hostio view ‘of confpanys finances. DeFihas made pesbia the aggregation of hs data in one place, making much easier for finance Gepartments tomanage. BIGDATATECHNOLOGIES Technology companies ae leveraging 6g data to monitor sales, improve sup chains, customer satsfacton and predict ‘ture outcomes. IDC predicts the ‘Global Dataspnere" wil gro ram 83 Zetabytes (ZB) in 201810 175 28 in 2025, equelto a tlon gigabytes. Analysing ts groning importance, Gartnar predicts that by 2024-and, 75% ot organzations vil transi from pilot programe and experiments to full-operatonalzed Big Data strategies. Tis shift stands fo increase streaming data and anaiyics infrastructure by an estimated 500% of today's usage. Wth growing number of data sources, busiwsses are increasingly lookingto Al, machine eaming, andratural language processing tohelprepidy identity andact oninsighishidden incisparate datasets

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