Extra English Workbook

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Workbook 1

The English language comedy with x

Bridget, Nick, Annie, and Hector

| ’ Ken Wilson :
Episode Page Language focus Page

Episode 1 Meet flatmates Bridget and Annie 5 The present continuous 65

Hector’s arrival and their neighbour Nick. Hector tense
arrives from Argentina. But who The present simple tense
fancies who?

Episode 2 Hector needs a new look and the 9 The future tense with will 66
flatmates go shopping. Hector goes Direct and indirect

Hector goes
shopping shopping for the girls. objects
The verb look

Episode 3 Annie goes dating on the internet 13

Hector has a date and so do Nick and Hector. But do Questions with would
they like their dates?

Episode 4 Hector wants to get a job. Bridget ‘

Hector looks for and Annie have a surprise. And with future meaning
a job guess who's coming to dinner? The going to and the will

Episode 5 Nick gets a job on TV. 21 Definite events in the 69

A star is born Annie loves watching TV. Why does future i
Hector want to learn to cook? Offers .
Predictions i

Episode 6 Bridget wins the Lottery. Nick finds The present perfect tense (1) 70
Bridget wins the love at the traffic lights. Why does The present perfect with |
lottery Hector become a dustman? just
The present perfect with
ever and never

Episode 7 Bridget’s twin comes to stay. Reporting statements 71

The twin Hector asks Annie on a date. Reporting requests and
Why is Bridget being so nice? Or is commands
she? Asking and telling people
to do things

Episode 8 Hector and Nick help build some 33 Verbs of the senses 72
The landlady’s new shelves. The landlady’s cousin Like and as if
cousin arrives.
Episode Page Language focus Page

| Episode 9 Nick dresses up. Bridget is working S7 Abstract nouns 13

Jobs for the boys hard in television. Hector goes for The will future
an audition. too ... to

| Episode 10 Annie wants to save animals. 4\ | want you to do 74

Annie's protest Bridget has a date with Leonardo something
diCaprio. What is in Nick’s box? Phrasal verbs

| Episode 11 The friends go on holiday to Spain. 45 Adjectives 1S

‘Holiday time Bridget finds her prince and Nick Can, be able to and be
finds his princess. allowed to

| Episode 12 England play Argentina in the World | 49 Question tags 76

Football crazy Cup. Nick gets a phone call. Bridget Relative pronouns:
has a bad hair day. who, which and that

i Episode 13 Hector and Annie plan their 5S The present perfect (2) ie.
A wedding in wedding, Nick gets a surprise. And with already and yet
the air guess who's coming from Argentina?

i Episode 14 Bridget tries to change Nick. 57 Verbs which are followed 78

Changes Hector’s mother comes to dinner. by to
Why does Annie behave badly? Verbs which are followed
by an object + to
So am! / so ts she

| Episode 15 Annie gets a tattoo and Hector 61 Conditional sentences 19

The bouncer wants to be a tough guy. with if
Must be and must have

| Word list Units 1-15 Pages 80-88

We [ come to extr ol Workbook 1 _ Episodes 1 -;

extr@! English is a brand new television series that will help you learn English. It is the story of
four young people who live in London. Three of them are English and one is from Argentina.
Two of the characters work for a television company, one is an actor and the other is a student.
You will see them at work and play — they have fun, they fall in love, they break up, they argue —
sometimes all on the same day! They meet some really unusual people and have amusing and
incredible adventures.
There are 30 episodes of extr@! This workbook contains fun activities and exercises for episodes
1-15. Each TV episode is divided into three parts. There are four pages of Workbook activities, plus
an extra page of grammar practice at the back of this book, to accompany each episode.

On Page 1 of each Workbook episode, there é Part : three ...|

are three things you can do to help prepare to
understand the programme: Now watch through to the end of the
episode and see if you understand it all.
AWSo far in extr@ ...
Questions about events in previous bse In this episode ...
episodes, to remind you of the story so far.
Put it all together — have you got the whole
story now? Take the test to see.
42" In this episode ...
Three photos to get you curious about the Turn to Page 4 of each Workbook episode and
new episode. there you will find:

mat Check the meaning ... A Say something

A¥ 5 extr@!
An exercise to help you with new
This activity will help you to talk about the
vocabulary in the episode.
show and your own ideas.
Turn to Pages 2 and 3, where there's a set of
activities called: AO extr@ email!
Finally, you can improve your writing in
(A Before you watch ...
English, by sending emails just as the
This section has two parts, both of which characters do in the extr@! TV programmes.
help you to guess what's going to happen in
this episode. Then you are ready to begin
4 ~ Language section
At the back of the book, there is a
nat Part one ... Language section, where you can practise
new grammar items from each episode.
Watch the first part of show and see if you
And then there is a Word list to help you
guessed right, and if you understood it all.
with difficult words.
pee Part two ... We hope you enjoy extr@! It isn’t like
Now watch the middle section of the anything you've ever seen before! English
episode and check if you follow it. lessons will never be the same.

© 4 Ventures Limited 2006 extr@ TV Series directed by Louise Clover Timing information given on the video
Published by Compass Publishing stills shown in this book may vary
Starring: Julie Buckfield as Annie
under license from 4 Ventures Limited from one player to another. All times
ISBN: 978-89-8446-487-2 Abby Simpson as Bridget given should be regarded as indicative
only, and have been provided as a
Editor: Deborah Friedland Toby Walton as Nick guide to finding the relevant still as
Designer: John Anastasio Javier Marzan as Hector accurately as possible.

= 44
aL Welcome to extr@!

_ Meet the characters. Match photos 1-5.

_ with the descriptions.

a) Bridget is slim and she has blonde hair. 5

b) Nick is tall and slim and he has blonde
c) Hector has black hair and dark eyes.
d) Annie has long brown hair and dark eyes.
e) Charley is black and white and has
four legs.

iw ‘In this episode ...

Read the information about the characters

and then complete the sentences.

Bridget and Annie live together in a flat in

London. Bridget is pretty and likes exercising.
Annie is friendly and relaxed. She has a dog.
Nick is a neighbour of Bridget and Annie, and
he spends a lot of time in their flat. Hector is = Check the meaning ...
from Argentina. Seven years ago, he was
Bridget’s pen pal. Now he's in London but he Complete the sentences with the correct word.
doesn’t speak English very well. Hector is quite
rich. At home in Argentina, he has a lot of fast funny 1 People who say Please and Thank you are
cars and there are several servants in his house.
1 Bridget and Annie polite 2 It was very of you to tell
a) are neighbours. the police officer that he was ugly!
b) share a flat. rich 3 That pop star looks VERY
c) are very similar. in that dress. :
2 Hector and Bridget sweet 4 He's enough to
a) are old friends. stay in the most expensive hotels.
b) used to write to each other. strange 5 My sister told us a really
c) live in the same flat. story about a monkey at the zoo.
3 Nick and Hector stupid 6 That man in the street with the dark
a) are the same nationality. glasses looks a bit
b) come from different countries. sexy 7 It was very aot you to
c) look very similar. buy me some flowers.
ae ri

A Watch Part one of the programme and

choose the correct word or phrase to
complete these sentences.

Bridget gets a letter from Argentina.

email / letter/ postcard / parcel

1 Hector wants to with Bridge

and Annie. visit / live/ stay / go out
2 He is going to arrive .
today / tomorrow / next week / in November
3 Bridget has an in the flat.
dog / bedroom / exercise bike / sofa
4 Bridget gets very with Nick
when he uses it. friendly / angry / happy / sad
5 When Hector arrives at the door, he’s wearing

a suit and tie / sunglasses / pyjamas / a raincoat

B Complete the answers to these


1 Who's Hector? He was my pen pal

a) seven years ago. b) ten years ago.
c) eleven years ago.
2 When is he coming? He's coming on the
a) first of November. b) fifth of November.
c) fifteenth of November.
3 Would you like a drink, Nick?
1 How does Bridget feel about Nick watching her ride a) Yes, please. b) No, thanks.
her exercise bike? c) No, thank you.
a) She likes it.
b) She doesn't like it.
c) She's used to it. C After watching Part one, do we
2 What do the girls think when they see Hector know ...
come out of the bathroom?
a) They are impressed. where Hector comes from? Yes No

b) They are unimpressed. Bridget's job? Yes No

c) They have no opinion. who Nick fancies? Yes No
the name of the dog? Yes No
sega Att OLS. the nickname of the landlady? Yes No

HECtOVS arnval

Watch Part two and number these events

in the correct order.

a) Annie writes an email to her friend Nadia. 1

b) Hector meets Nick and thinks he’s a butler.
c) Bridget and Annie show Hector the bedroom.
d) Bridget writes an email to someone called Chrissy.
e) Hector shows his photographs to Bridget
and Annie.
f) Bridget and Annie talk in the bathroom. B Complete the corrections to these
8) The girls leave and Nick gives Hector an statements.
| English lesson. 7
Annie’s dog sleeps in the oven.
No, it doesn't. It sleeps in_a basket.
/B Are these sentences true «6 or false ¢ ?
1 Hector speaks English very well.
1 Hector has a lot of cars at home in Argentina. No, very badly.
2 Hector must sleep in the lounge. 2 Bridget is happy when other people use her bicycle.
3 In the bathroom the girls talk about Nick. No, angry.
4 Nick is happy that Hector thinks he's a butler. 3 Hector wants to have a bath after riding the bicycle.
5 Bridget wants Hector to leave. No, shower.
4 Hector's family is one of the poorest in Argentina.
No, richest.
5 At the end, Bridget wants Hector to leave her flat.
No, stay.
‘A Watch Part three. Who says these lines?
f Match them with the pictures.

a) Hector, is this you? The Romero family. One of

(8 In this episode ...
the richest families in Argentina. 2 Are these sentences true « or false ?
b) Yeah, | am hot. | need a shower.
c) Hector, please come out, we want to 1 Hector arrives at the flat for the first time.
talk to you. 2 He has met Bridget before.
d) Hector, come and stay with me. | have 3 At first, Bridget and Annie think Hector is
two rooms. strange.

Cg 4 Nick teaches Hector some useful English

5 Nick finds out about Hector from a magazine.
6 Bridget and Annie also know about Hector’s
7 Bridget’s attitude changes when she sees
Hector in the bathroom.
8 Nick invites Hector to live in his flat.
| |sectors arrival

go : ‘Say something extr@! C Work in pairs. Complete these short


ee 2 oe =
Are you hungry?
Yes, | am.

Do you like coffee?
Yes, | do.

Meeting people for the first time a cup of

e Hello, Iam called Hector. Yes, please.

e Iam from Argentina. some milk and sugar ir

A Work in groups of three. Read the

conversation between Hector, Annie and
dO extr@ email!
Hector: Hello.
Annie: — Hello.
Hector: lam called Argentina. | am from Hector. \ Dear John 1:54
Annie: You mean ‘I am called Hector. \told you last night it’s finished.
Hector: You are called Hector?
Annie: = Oh, no, no, no, | am called Annie. Sorry B

Hector: /am called Annie. (And dont call me GIGI)

Bridget: No! She means ‘I am called Hector, | am
from Argentina.’
Hector: You are from Argentina!
Bridget: Oh! Come in! A Read these lines from emails in the
programme. Who wrote them?
B Now make up a new conversation between
someone who has just arrived in London e Gigi! Did you get my message? Please call me.
and two people who live there. Act out
your conversation for the rest of the class.
e | told you last night, it’s finished. (And don’t call
Offering someone food and drink
e Hi, Nadia! Bridget’s pen pal arrived this morning
e What would you like to eat?
e Would you like (to have) a coffee?
e The chicks in the apartment opposite have a vis

e Nick from next door is so funny!

e He thought | was the butler!

@ | will teach him to speak English!

ow much can you remember?

1 Who lives with Bridget?

2 Who lives in the flat next door?

3 Where does Hector come from?

4 Who has an exercise bike?

| 5 Who writes emails to someone called Chris


a the others buy h

F< 1 Check the meaning ...


Circle (> the odd one out in these groups

of words.

1 Is Hector going to be a biker? Yes No 1 tall handsome | boyfriend asleep

2 Will Hector buy some new
2 jacket shirt jeans leather
clothes online? Yes No 3 trousers | sunglasses! shoes pyjamas
3 Will Bridget and Annie like his
4 clothes | eggs melons _ lemons
new look? Yes No S) ‘terrible cool awful old-fashioned
ae eae

e e

A Match the two parts of these lines. A Watch Part one and number these
events in the correct order.
Bridget: 1 Don’t answer a) | need a drink.
the phone, a) Hector wakes up. 1
Annie: 2 I'm really thirsty, b) how to shop. b) Annie, Bridget and Nick tell Hector what he
Nick: 3 Have you ever been c) as fast as | can! needs to wear.
Bridget: 4 Come on Hector, d) to a supermarket? —_¢) Nick and Hector practise a conversation in a
| will teach you clothes shop.
Nick: 5. I’m coming e) it might be the d) Annie and Bridget go to the bathroom.
tarantula. e) Nick arrives.
f) Annie and Bridget talk about Hector in the
B_ Look at the picture and answer the ; . .
question. g) Annie, Bridget and Nick all go shopping for
h) Hector is alone in the flat. 8

B Complete these lines

with the correct words.

Bridget: Is Hector still t

a) asleep b) awake c) alive
2 Hector: | have this at home.
a) cap b) cat c) car |
3 Bridget: Hector’s are awful!
a) pyjamas b)clothes c) shoes
Why is Bridget measuring Hector’s chest? 4 Annie: But Bridget you're so
a) She wants to make some clothes for him. I'll take him shopping.
b) She wants to buy some clothes for him. a) tired b) annoyed __c) busy
c) She wants to see how strong he is. 5 Nick: | am the shopkeeper, you are the

“ul O47.
Cof’e Att a) customer b) landlady c) designer

a ee Oey

(Z Part
Watch Part three and answer the

1 Did Hector go shopping online?

Yes, he did.

2 What did he buy?

3 Did he buy melons?

4 Did he buy lemons?

1 What's in the bag?
a) a shirt b) a pair of trousers 5 How many melons did he buy?
c) a leather jacket
2 What is Annie saying to Hector?
6 How many eggs did he buy?
a) Try on it. b) Try it on.
c) I'm trying it on.

3 Who is Hector talking to?

a) Bridget
Are these sentences true @ or false ®€ ?
b) Nick
c) the landiady
1 Both Annie and Bridget have colds.
4 Why is he holding his nose?
2 Nick thinks that Hector looks good.
a) He wants to change his voice.
3 Everyone wants to go shopping for
b) He has a cold.
c) He doesn’t like the landlady.
4 Hector and the landlady have a
5 Why is there a problem?
a) The landlady doesn’t understand him. Hector looks awful in the new outfit.

b) The rule is: no visitors. Hector buys some clothes online.

c) The landlady doesn’t like foreigners. There are 144 eggs in the fridge.
Hector goes shopping by himself.
E ‘Now check your answers with a partner.

eZ Say something extr@! C Work in pairs. Complete this conversation.

Add more lines, if you like.

Let's have a party.

Good idea! I'll buy some !

No! I'll buy some |
OK. |
And !

Correcting other people’s mistakes

Hector: J would like a cat for my head.
Nick: I think you mean hat.

Buying things D Correct the mistakes.

Hector: Good morning.
Nick: Good morning. Can I help you? 1 | would like to eat some fish and ships.
Hector: I would like a pair of trousers, please.
And I would like a pair of shoes. 2 | like melon in my tea.

A Work in pairs. Complete this conversation 3 | want'to drink a cup of toffee.

in a shop.
Hector drives a very expensive cat.
Shop assistant: Good morning, can | help you?
Customer: Yes, | would like a

10 oxtr@ email!
Shop assistant: OK. Do you like this one?
Customer: Yes.
Shop assistant: Would you like to try it on?
Customer: Yes, please. Oh, and | would also
like a pair of
Shop assistant: Do you like these?
Customer: Not really, no.
Shop assistant: What about these ?
Customer: Yes, they’re nice.
Shop assistant: to try them on? ector today and I cannot wait for
him to try q
y-) lwent shopping oe really cool!
Customer: Yes, please. -) bought him somethin {15:1 }

Write an email to a friend. Describe these

B Act out your conversation for the rest
of the class. past events.

Making suggestions and offering to help the last time you went shopping for clothes
Annie: I will go to the clothes shop. Where did you go? What did you buy? Were you happy?
the last time you went shopping for clothes for
Bridget: No, Il go to the clothes shop!
someone else
Annie: OK, Tlljust buy the shirt.
Where did you go? What did you buy?
Bridget: Ill buy the trousers!
Was he/she happy?

ow much can you remember?

How does Hector know Bridget?

a) They met on holiday. b) She is his cousin.
c) They were pen pals.
What is the landlady’s nickname?
a) the tarantula b) the cowboy c) the biker
What is the dog’s name?
a) Barney b) Charley c) Tony
What did Annie buy for Hector?
a) a shirt b) a jacket
C) a pair of trousers
Who knows the truth about Hector
and his family?
a) Nick b) Annie c) Bridget


p< Check the meaning Bove

Answer the questions about thes
e words.
Then check the meanings in a dict

1 Which of these are places?

| Hector teaches Nick how to dance ...
a) apartment b) cybercafé
C) washing
a a — 2 Which of these are people?
d) gym

4 In this episode ... a) millionaire b) taxidermist

c) perfumery d) trainspotter
Ww hat do you think?
3 Which of these are parts of the body
a) eyes b) ears
1 Is Bridget the fittest of the three?
Yes No c) sweat
2 Does Hector know how to dance? d) toes
Yes No 4 Which of these are things you can
3 Does Hector usually do his own see?
a) smell b) romance
Yes No c) energy d) racquet


if Before you watch... _—-5 Part one...
A Match the two parts of these lines. A Watch Part one. What are the four
characters wearing when they first
Puitiss. Ae inatick check = a) a perfumery. appear? Tick @ the correct answer.
Nick: 2 | bet! could get b) my emails.
Annie: 3 It smells like c) like the ocean. 1 Annie is wearing
Bridget: 4 | think | know d) who is responsible. a) a blue T-shirt and brown trousers.
Nick: 5 Your eyes are blue, e) a girlfriend on the b) a brown T-shirt and blue trousers.
internet. 2 Bridget is wearing
a) a pink top and black leggings.
(70:58) b) a black top and pink leggings.
' Hector is wearing
a) ared T-shirt with the word ‘Argentina’
on the back.
b) ared T-shirt with a flag on the back.
Nick is wearing
a) a black leather jacket and jeans.
b) a black and red leather jacket and jeans.

Answer these questions.

Is Annie trying to find a date on the

internet? Yes No
2 Does she like any of the men who have
B_ Look at the photo and answer the question. written to her? Yes No
3 Do Bridget and Annie both like
Who (or what) do you think is in the picture? Nick? Yes No
a) two of Annie's toys 4 Does Bridget ask Nick to do the
b) people advertising dog food washing? Yes No
c) people raising money for an animal charity 5 Does Annie ask Nick to water her
d) two dancers from a musical about dogs
plants? Yes No
a Cag yall O47 Sz
zm Part three Eats

A Watch Part three and tick « the words

that you hear.

seat sweet sweat

her hair air
smell smile mile

B Answer these questions.

1 How do Hector and Nick feel when the door

f Before you watch Part two, choose the buzzer goes?

_ best word to complete these sentences. a) nervous b) confident
c) unhappy
1 | looked for a boyfriend on the internet today and 2 How do they feel when they see the dogs at the
had three ___ replies. door?
a) foreign b) strange c) overseas a) delighted b) confused
Finding __ girlfriends on the internet is so easy. c) angry
a) now b) no c) new 3 How do they feel when they know that the dogs
| know ____ girls like. are Bridget and Annie?
a) what b) that c) how a) amused b) sad
Leave it to me, my friend, | havea___! c) embarrassed
a) plan b) plane c) plant
You really must _____ your aftershave!
a) change b) destroy c) make 3 In this episode ...

Now watch Part two and answer these Are these sentences true © or false ®< ?
1 Annie has a regular boyfriend.
What is the name of Bridget’s perfume? 2 Bridget is flirting a lot with Hector.
a) Garden Spray 3 Nick gives Annie advice about finding
b) Garden Romance someone on the internet.
What kind of wash does Hector select on the 4 Nick tells Hector that he has had hundreds
washing machine? of girlfriends.
a) hot b) very hot 5 Nick and Hector get hundreds of replies to
How many girls reply to Nick's email? their internet advertisement.
a) more than 600 b) only one 6 They read all the replies.
How many replies do the girls delete? 7 Annie and Bridget start work in a West End
a) some of them b) all of them musical.
What are the names of the West End dancers? 8 Nick and Hector are pleased to see Annie
a) Cuddles and Bubbles b) Fifi and Sarah and Bridget in their dog costumes.
Bey (Saco
lh A ich eagles

B Work in pairs. Complete this conversation

and act it out.

Ben: Would you like to the cinem

Maria: Yes. That would be really nice.
Ben: And would you like a meal
before we go?
Maria: Wonderful. Thank you!
Ben: And what kind of restaurant would you like
to ?
washing for nme? Maria: | think I'd like to go to an Italian restaurant. |
Hector, would you do my
Ben: Would you like dancing afte
Polite requests the film?
Bridget: Hector, would you do my washing for me? Maria: No, thanks. | think a meal and a movie is
Hector: Washing? No problem. enough!
Annie: Nick, will you spray my plants for me
Nick: No problem. Ao extr@ email!
NOTE: You can also say: Dear Dream Date,
Would you mind doing my washing?
My name is Annie! I'm 19 and |
love animals, and | love chocolat
A Work in pairs. Make polite requests e:
about the following and answer them. chocolate ice cream, chocolate
cake, boxes of chocolates,
1 clean the windows chocolate mousse.

Write an email about yourself for an internet

2 lend me some money
dating site. Include this information:

© some personal information (NOT your real name,

3 make some coffee phone number or address!)
I’m 19 years old and I’m a student.
® your interests
4 help me with my homework ! like travelling and meeting people.
© what kind of people you like
| like people who are interested in sport.
5 take this book back to the library

Making and accepting offers

Bridget: Would you like some water, Hector?
Hector: Yes, please.

NOTE: You can also say:

Would you like to have some water?
The girls spend some time
on the internet ...

far in extr@ ...

How much can you rememb
1 Where does Nick live?
a) with Annie and Bridge
t b) in the next building
¢) in the apartment Opposi
te Annie and Bridget's
Which of Bridget's Posses
sions must no one tou
a) her perfume ch?
b) her exercise bike
¢) her computer
What colour is Annie's dog
a) black
b) white
¢) black and white
How many replies did Nic
k and Hector get to the A Look at the photo. Wh
intern ir at jobs are Nick
et advertisement?
and Hector doing? Ch
a) More than 60 oose from this list.
b) more than 600
c) more than 6,000 cook
film extra
What were Annie and Bri launderette assistant gardener
dget wearing at the end stuntman
Episode 3? of waiter
a) dog costumes
b) cat costumes B Complete the definitions
c) bear costumes of the jobs.

A waiter serves Sood in

a restaurant
A waiter is someonewho
serves food.
In this episode ...
1 A film extra is someone
What do you think? who has a small part
2 A gardener is :
Are Bridget and Annie still
looking flowers and plants.
for men? 3 A launderette assistant
Yes No works
Will Hector find a job in launderette.
a restaurant? Yes No 4
Is this the start of a new A stuntman
romance for
Bridget? dangerous things in a
Yes No S A cook ee ee

ST ae
RA Sk 4 fe
A tS
forff @jov

A Predict the things that people say. A Watch Part one and answer these
1 Bridget: Have you seen Carina’s dress in the
magazine? What is Nick doing on the internet?
a) I'd love to have a dress like that. a) He's looking for a job.
b) I'd hate to have a dress like that. b) He's looking for a girlfriend.
Annie: Me too! Why does he change his age from 20 to 30?
a) | would look terrible in it! a) Because 20 is a terrible age.
b) It would really suit me. b) Because 30 is more mature.
2 Hector: / want to give you some money so | am Whose fault is it that the eggs are ruined?
going to a) Hector’s
a) telephone my father. b) Nick's
b) look for a job. What is Bridget's reaction?
3 Nick: | got the job on the internet. a) She's angry with Nick and Hector.
Well, nearly. b) She's only angry with Nick.
Annie: a) How boring! Why are Annie, Nick and Hector worried
b) How exciting! about Bridget’s date with Howard?
a) Because he’s too old.
b) Because he isn’t nice to women.

Complete this phone conversation.

Write Howard's part.

Bridget: Hello?
Bridget: Howard! How are you?
Bridget: Me? Dinner tonight!
Bridget: 7 o'clock — at the Singing Parrot Café.
OK Howard! Bye, Howard!
B Look at the photo and answer the question. Howard:

1 How is Bridget feeling?

a) excited b) ang ry Tick « the things you found out after |
c) energetic watching Part one.
2 She's just finished talking to her boss on the phone.
What do you think they talked about? The name of Bridget’s boss.

a) going to see a film b) a new job for Bridget Her boss’s nickname.
c) going on holiday together What Bridget will wear when she meets him.

i“ Soy; f ill Out. If Nick got the job as a stuntman.

What Nick and Hector will make for dinner.
Watch Part two and answer the questions.

1 Hector: There is one problem. What is the problem?

a) The table is too big.
b) The table is too small.
2 Hector: Dinner at home is always like this.
What is dinner like at Hector’s home?
a) There are always a lot of people.
b) There are always a lot of courses.
3 Hector: Today, as dish of the day, | have a delicious
hot cat.
What does he mean? A Watch Part three and answer the questions.
a) hot dog b) hot casserole
4 Bridget: I’m so excited. Why is Bridget excited? 1 What does Hector offer Nick first?
a) Because she fancies Howard. a) the menu b) a hot dog c) the bill
b) Because he may offer her a new job. 2 How many cows does Hector’s family have?
5 Delivery man: Delivery, Miss Evans and Miss Taylor. a) 200 b) 2,000 c) 2,000,000
What is in the parcels for Annie and Bridget? 3 How many people worked for Howard when he
a) flowers b) dresses was 20?
a) 5 b) 50 c) 500
Choose the correct word to complete the 4 Who bought the dresses?
sentences. a) Hector b) Nick c) Howard
5 What did Hector buy for Nick?
Bridget's is coming to dinner. a) amotorbike — b) a scooter c) a moped
a) boyfriend b) boss
c) father B Now watch and check.
Hector has set the table for twelve
a) meals b) people
c) courses 3 In this episode ...
Annie doesn’t understand why Howard
a) is coming to dinner b) bought her
c) likes Bridget a dress Are these sentences true ™ or false © ?
Hector and Nick want to help Bridget get
a) a job b) a promotion 1 Annie and Bridget try to find a job for Hector.
2 Bridget's boss Howard invites Bridget and
c) married
her friends to dinner.
3 Presents arrive for both the girls.
4 They think that the dresses are from Hector.
5 Nick agrees to cook dinner for Howard,
Bridget and Annie in the flat.
6 Hector dresses as a waiter.
7 He doesn’t make any mistakes.
8 Bridget gets annoyed with Howard and
quits her job.
| ee ee ora

(2 Say something extr@!

Making suggestions
Nick: Why don’t you eat here? I could cook for you
Hector: And I could be your waiter.

| am going to look for a job
C Work in pairs. Make suggestions. Then act|
Talking about intentions out your answers as a conversation.
Hector: I want to give you some money,
so Iam going to look for a job. I haven’t got any money.
Why don’t you / You could get a job?

A Match the wishes on the left with the 1 It’s raining and | have to go out.
intentions the right using so.
2 It’s really cold in here.
Nick wants to | fa) he's going ‘to buy 3 | don’t understand some words in this exercise.
travel abroad dresses for the girls.
Annie wants to b) they aren’t going to tell 4 |'m thirsty.
be an interpreter the landlady about Hector. 5 It’s too dark — I can't read this book.
Hector wants to | lg she's going to study
¢ SO)
say thank you languages.
Bridget wants a | \e he’s going to get a part-
new job time job to pay for it. Ao extr@ email!
They don’t want e) she's going to be nice to
to get into trouble her boss.

Work in pairs. Complete these short

conversations. Act out one of the , JP [irom: bridget
conversations for the rest of the class. (ee {o: chrissy

ng to dinner!
Howard, my boss, is comi
A: | want to travel abroad. )
B: Really? Where ?
Write an email telling a friend about your
A: And first, I’m going to
immediate future plans.

A: I'm going to look for a new job. This evening | 'mm going to a club wich some
ne friends.
Really? What kind of ? Tomorrow

A: l|want to bea afternoon

So I'm going to Tomorrow | — oo
A: |'m going to search the internet for a new At the
boy/girlfriend. weekend -
B: What kind of person ? ‘Next week =
A: | want to meet ee

Au So far in extr@ ..,
How much can you remember?

1 What is Nick's job?

a) He's a waiter.
b) He's an actor.
2 What is Hector's ‘secret’?
a) He isn’t from Argentina.
b) He's very rich,
3 What do Hector’s family own
a) 2 million cows
b) 200 cars
4 What did Hector buy for Ann
ie and Bridget?
a) new dresses
b) flowers
5 What did Bridget do at the
end of the last programme?
a) She got a new job.
b) She quit her job.

Annie and Nick preten
d to m, a commercial

an Check the meaning ...

What do these words describe?
Tick «
the words in the table.

| Food | People | Both

a In this episode ...
good-looking |
What do you think? busy
1 Are Annie and Bridget frightened? tired
Yes No
2 Did Nick eat some of the dog food? crazy
Yes No
3 Is Nick in a new Star Wars film? hot
Yes No wonderful
i Before you watch ... x Part one ...

A Answer these questions about things you A Watch Part one and tick e- what
will hear about. happens.

1 What is the FBI? 1 Bridget and Annie are watching TV.

a) an American police organisation 2 The phone rings. It's a call for someone called
b) a business organisation Rock Thrust.
2 Who or what are the Oscars? 3 Two members of the FBI come into the flat.
a) film industry awards 4 Bridget gets angry and wants to be alone.
b) an American rock band 5 Nick reads his email and finds he's got a part
3 Who is Stephen Spielberg? ina TY programme.
a) a film star
6 Hector and Annie watch adverts on TV.
b) a film director
7 Nick makes a speech after winning an Oscar.
4 Who is Russell Crowe?
8 Hector makes some popcorn for Annie.
a) an Australian film star
b) an American film star
5 What kind of company is Warner Brothers? B
Explain these lines.
a) a film studio
b) an advertising agency
1 The simple love of a boy from Argentina and a girl
from England.
What is Annie talking about?
a) Hector's life
b) Love's True Dream
2 So smooth it will melt a beautiful lady's heart.
Which product is this the slogan for?
a) chocolate mousse
b) popcorn
3 It’s like Piccadilly Circus on a Friday night.
What is Bridget describing?
a) her apartment
b) the TV programme they are watching
4 I'll make it in the frying pan.
What is Hector going to make?
a) chocolate mousse
B Look at the photo and predict what Nick b) popcorn
is doing.

What is Nick doing?

a) He's advertising toilet cleaner.
b) He's pretending to make a speech at the Oscars.

“Lop fot
c) He's at a fancy dress party.
OLf 2

™ extf@
ie Part two ... Zz Part three ...

A Before you watch Part two, look at the A Before you watch Part three, try to
picture and answer the questions. complete the recipe for chocolate mousse.

Chocolate mousse! A dessert for lovers!

First, take some chocolate. 1 Melt / Mix it over hot
water. 2 Separate / Add the yolk of the egg from the
white. 3 Add / Mix the egg yolk and the chocolate.
4 Add / Separate the butter. 5 Add / Melt the whites
to the chocolate and put it in the fridge.

Now watch and check.

B Now watch Part three and answer the


1 What items of clothing can you see in front of Annie? = 1 ~‘What time is Nick's programme on TV?
a) shorts b) skirts c) T-shirts a) 6am b) 6 pm c) all the time
2 What is wrong with them? 2 Which of these weather conditions does he
a) There is food on them. mention?
b) They're not fashionable. a) sun b) rain c) thunder
c) They're too small for her. d) lightning e) wind
3 Annie likes acting out advertisements. What do you 3 Why does Nick have to run back from the studio?
think she is ‘advertising’ here? a) Because it’s cold.
a) eggs b) tomato ketchup b) Because he hasn't got any money.
c) washing powder c) Because women are chasing him.

B Now watch Part two. Circle |) the correct

words to complete the advertisement.
3 In this episode ...
"Hello there. As a mother / brother, | must fight
different trains / stains every day. Tomato ketchup. Are these sentences true «=< or false ®« ?
Chocolate — huh! Gravy. And egg. But help / hell is
here! | will wash one skirt / shirt in ordinary washing 1 Bridget gets angry because the flat is too noisy.
powder and the other in new Zap! So, the skirt / shirt 2 Nick gets a part in a Russell Crowe film.
washed in horrible / normal washing powder is—oh!- | 3 Hector pretends to be a Hollywood executive.
still thirty / dirty, but the shirt washed in new Zapis...". 4 Annie advertises washing powder and dog
food on television.
C Answer the question. 5 Hector learns how to make chocolate mousse.
6 Nick appears on the TV weather show.
Why doesn’t Annie finish the sentence? 7 He doesn't make any mistakes.
Because | — 8 Women chase him home from the TV studio.
oe Say something extr@! C Work in groups. Imagine that you have just
won an Oscar. Write a short ‘thank you’
speech. Thank everyone who made it
possible for you to win the Oscar. |
D Choose someone in the group to act out the
‘thank you’ speech.

Ao extr@ email!
who? §
Hello? ... A message for

Having a phone conversation

e Hello?A message for who? Rock Thrust? I'm
sorry, but I think you have the wrong number.
= That’s OK, Bye.
eens ge
ves envy
A Complete the conversation from the box above. 1

1h rays apartreent 8 Yee

Annie: Hello? 10:52 }

YOU: — :
Annie: A message for who? Bridget is complaining to Chrissy about things
happening in her apartment. Write an email to
Annie: Rock Thrust? a friend. Complain about the following things:
Annie: I'm sorry, but | think you have the wrong ® your parents and what they won't allow you to do
number. They won't let me stay out after 11 pm.
YOU: e friends who are not being very nice
Annie: That's OK. Bye. My friend Anna borrows my CDs without asking.
YOU: » other people’s habits
The people next door are always arguing.
Giving instructions e school / college
e First, take some chocolate. | have too much homework.
e Melt it over hot water. ® other things
e Separate the eggs into two bowls. Our local football team is useless!

B Write the instructions for preparing a From: |

simple dish. Use these verbs. To:
| My parents
boil cut heat fry pour _ stir
My friend
The _
Making a ‘thank you’ speech
» I'd just like to thank my parents, my brothers and 1
sisters, my dog, and of course my adorable The school team
girlfriend, Bridget.

What does An
nie do?
a) She's a Wa

What part di
d Nick have
a) a dead ce in a Russel]
nturion Crowe film?
What kind Of b) a dead so
job did Nick ldier
a) dancer apply for?
What happen
ed after Ni
a) He went ck's first 4P
to a party, Pearance on
b) Women
chased him

: tery num bers
| from an unusw® aT
| Bridget s ee: s the winning moe
2 Match the W
ords and ©x
In this° © e the table Pressions
Pisode |
Vhat do you thin3 ce
k? aire oa
Could this be
the Start of : :
romance ? a ney, multimillion
aire io
Does Bridge National] lott
correctly? t read the winning n Yes No ery
Claim a prize
umbers Sports car
Is she eating ca Yes No waitress lucky day
ke because Sh
unhappy? e's Le
rubbish bins
Tes Wo
Gry Oeaner's traffic lights
a Before you watch ... eB Part one ...
A Tick « the correct meaning of these line
s. A Before you watch Part one, match
of Bridget’s lines with one of the
1 Bridget: From now on, it'll be
a life of luxury!
a) Life will get better.
a) My Lottery ticket has disappea
b) Life will get worse. red.
b) Annie, I have won the National
Emily’s number is on the back. Lottery!
a) Her number is on the other
of the paper.
b) It’s at the back of a book.
Nick: She’s crazy about me!
a) She's angry with me.
b) She thinks I'm wonderful,
Annie: It’s OK. I'll stick it back
a) | will use tape to repair it.
b) I'll put it back in the drawer.
Horoscope: Your life will be turn
ed upside down,
a) You will become very sad.
b) There will be big changes
in your life.

Look at the photo and try to

Bridget's problem.

B Number these events fro

m Part one in
the correct order.

Bridget checks her horoscope.
Nick writes a girl's telephone num
ber on the
lottery ticket.
c) Hector comes in — he’s Wearin
g a yellow shirt.
d) Bridget tells him to take it
e) Bridget asks Hector to get
her dress from
the dry-cleaner’s.
f) Bridget watches the lottery
results while
a) She's angry because she's lost her lottery
She can’t rem ticket,
ember where she put her ticket. she’s doing her yoga.
b) g) Hector takes the lottery ticket
c) She's superstitious and doesn’t want to instead of the
someone wear ing yellow clothes.
see dry-cleaning ticket.
h) Bridget leaves a message on her
answering machine.
“ A. Gtr kp “~ i) Bridget sees that her lottery ticket has
Cof’e fr
i Part two ... a) What do you mean,
they’re not the
winning numbers?
A Watch Part two and answer the questions.
b) I've won?
That's fantastic!
1 Why is Hector surprised when he sees the dress
from the dry-cleaner's?
a) Because he has the ticket. B Answer the questions.
b) Because he thought he had the ticket.
1 Well, / am going to the traffic lights. Emily might
2 In which order did Nick and Hector visit the
following places? Who is Emily?
a) Leo's Café b) the motorbike showroom a) a girl Nick knows well
c) the CD shop d) Coo! Man b) a girl he doesn’t know at all
3 Nick doesn’t want to go and look for the missing 2 You can't say: ‘I have lost my winning Lottery ticket’.
lottery ticket. What does he want to do? Why can’t Hector say this to the shopkeepers?
a) go back to the traffic lights a) Because the shopkeepers will keep the ticket.
b) go back to the CD shop b) Because the shopkeepers won't believe him.
3 Where's my ticket? Oh, look at the time. It’s ten to ten!
4 What does Nick tell Hector to do?
Why is the time important?
a) pretend to be a dustman
a) It's nearly bedtime.
b) ask shopkeepers about the winning ticket b) You must claim your prize before 10 pm.
4 Jack's Taxis? Emily! You tricked me!
What did Emily do?
B Match the two parts of these lines.
a) She gave Nick her phone number.
b) She gave him someone else's phone number.
Hector: 1 How did you collect a) Emily’s number
5 Well, it can’t get any worse. Yes, it can! The phone call!
the dry-cleaning is on the back! What phone call is Bridget talking about?
Hick: 2 You can't b) because this is a) the phone call to the lottery company
have lost the ticket! your fault, too! b) the phone call to her boss
Bridget: 3 The ticket you c) by ten o'clock
took from the board ~ tonight.
Bridget: 4 You can stop / d) when | had
P:% In this episode ...
smiling / the ticket?
Bridget: 5 The ticket must “® e) was not the dry-
be claimed cleaning ticket! Are these sentences true = or false ®< ?

1 Bridget combs her hair 100 times for good

7 Part three ... 2 Hector is wearing a lucky yellow shirt.
3 Bridget watches the lottery on TV without
the sound on.
A What's happening in the pictures?
4 Hector goes to the dry-cleaner’s to collect
Tick «=< the most likely answer.
Bridget’s dress.
5 Nick meets a girl with a sports car at Leo's Café.
Bridget: Have you 6 Annie finds the lottery ticket on Nick's bed.
found the ticket? 7 Bridget doesn’t have the winning numbers on
Hector: her ticket.
a) Yes, | have. 8 Nick and Hector steal the message tape
b) No, not yet. from Bridget’s boss.
extr@! Listing events
go Say something « First we went to Leo's Café. Remember the
e Then we went to the CD shop.
e Then we went to Cool Man.
e And then we went to the motorbike showroom.

B Work in pairs or small groups and

follow the instructions.

e Imagine you had a great day in the city and did

lots of exciting things.
° Make a list of the things you did. Add details
(remember the waitress?).
e Act out your great day for the rest of the class.
ve found your lottery
ao extr@ email!
Talking about important events
e I've won the lottery!
° I've found your lottery ticket!

A Work in pairs. Think of a dramatic event

to complete the following conversation.
Then act it out for the rest of the class.

A: Hil You look (excited / shocked / great /

terrible)! What's happened?
B: I've _!
: 5
A: That's
(great / terrible)! Tell me more! Complete these emails with an as usual or to
bring me luck line.

Today | bought my | as usual | read the

favourite magazine and horoscopes first.

Today was my English to bring me luck | wore

exam, SO my red tie.

Yesterday | played soccer

for the school team, so

We got the results of our

test today and

Tomorrow I'm going to

have an interview for a
job so

Today is my birthday, and

> au» <
ef /(:
‘T’ So far in exfr
@ ...
‘How much can
you remember?
! How does Brid
get fee | about
a) She likes him
b) She thinks he’s
2 How does Ni
ck feel about
a) He fancies he
b) He doesn’t lik
e her,
3 How does He
ctor fee} about
a) He thinks sh Annie?
e's attractive.
b) She's like a

; and Hector and Annie look sad.

in sister arri~~»vey A
Bridge's tin EO om e[lasa
ai Check the meanin= g
5 h Choose the best
In this €pis explanation of
ode ... ©xpressions. these

‘hat do you thin

k? | can't resist it.
a) | don’t like it.
Will there be mi b) | like it too
sunderstanding much.
s She treats me
because of the
like a a) She thinks I’m
Yes No
baby, still
Is Nick Studying very young.
to be 3 doctor?
Yes b) She treats me
Is Hector falling No really well.
in love with She's in a strang
Annie? e mood. a) She’s Crazy.
Yes No b) She isn’t be
ia Before you watch ... 5 Part one ...
A Match the questions on the left with the Watch Part one and answer these questions.
replies on the right. Give extr@ information in your answers.

1 Who is Chrissy? a) | did. e Is Bridget talking to her sister Chrissy at the )

2 How was your b) Yes, but please beginning of the programme?
flight? don’t tell Annie. " No, she isn’t. She’s having a conversation with
3 Are you this rich boy, c) Oh, well, yes, I'd Chrissy online.
Hector? like to.
4 Who moved my d) Oh, she’s my 1 Is Hector speaking English to his mother?
bike? sister,
5 Would you like to e) Great, but can ee
E ; . . 2 Does Bridget have a good relationship with her
come to the cinema you believe it,
: mother?
tomorrow night they lost my
with me? luggage?
3 Does Nick want a part in a programme about the
B Look at the pictures and answer the police?

4 Does Chrissy have any luggage when she arrives?!

Does she borrow some clothes from Bridget?

Do Nick, Hector and Annie know that Chrissy is

in the flat?

1 One of these is Bridget and one is her twin

sister. Which is which, do you think?
2 What's the difference in their clothing?
ot ee yet

is Part fwo ... B Answer these questions.

What is the name of Annie's book?

Watch Part two and answer these questions.
What card does Hector think of?

What is Hector’s question to Annie?
1 Who says these lines — Bridget or Chrissy?
Who likes the biscuits — Bridget or Chrissy?
a) Am | interrupting?

What does Chrissy leave in the flat?
b) So, Hector, are you and Annie dating?
c) You want her to like you, not your money.
d) Your secret is safe with me. Bs In this episode ...
e) Oh Hector, you look great! | love doctors!
— —— Are these sentences true «or false ®«?
2 How many pens are there in the pocket of Nick's
doctor's coat? __ 1 Bridget’s sister Chrissy arrives from Australia.
3 What number is on the child Nick's T-shirt? 2 Annie and the boys know that she is in the flat.
4 What is the name of the magazine that Chrissy 3 Nick is practising because he wants to play
bought at the airport? a doctor in a TV programme.
5 What colour are the paper umbrellas in the drinks? 4 Hector is confused because Bridget says
different things about her mother.
5 Nick gets very excited because he thinks
that Bridget likes him when he's dressed

i Pan... 6
2s doctor
Hector asks Annie to go to the cinema and
she accepts.
A Before you watch Part three, look at the
7 Annie is the last to know that there are
photos and predict what the people are saying.
twins in the flat.
8 Bridget finds out the truth about Hector
after her sister has left the flat.

a) Annie, | have something terrible to tell you.

b) Annie, | have something to ask you.
c) Annie, can | show you a magic trick?

a) Who's in the bathroom?

b) Who's in the kitchen? a) | will make you disappear.
c) Who's in the bedroom? b) | will make myself disappear.
c) | will make my lovely assistant
Bridget disappear.
Now watch and check.
B Work in pairs. Imagine Hector or Annie
asking you out. Complete the conversation
Hector/Annie: Would you like to come to the cinema
tomorrow night?
You: =e ae
Hector/Annie: Which film would you like to see?
You: e = 6 Sa Se
Hector/Annie: Would you like to have something to
eat afterwards?
at ;
Hector/Annie: Where would you like to go?
You: =<
Hector/Annie: What time shall we meet?

Asking yourself a question C Act out your conversation for the rest
° I wonder what Bridget was like when of the class.
she was
JO extr@ email! _ sg
A Change these questions into questions
you ask yourself.

What was Annie like when she was a child?

WN —

What is my best friend doing now?

Who's at the door?
What will the weather be like tomorrow?

When is the post going to arrive? chrissY

Write an email to a friend. Talk about two

or three
things which have happened to you recently
° I've met a fabulous girl / boy.
* I've passed my driving test.

Making invitations
> Gm <
° Would you like to come to the cinema with Then give some more details.
tomorrow night?
e I met her / him at a party.
© My dad bought me a car.

Au So far in extre ...

How much can you remember?

1 Does Annie have a job?

a ee
2 What kind of T programme does Nick work

3 What's the name of Bridget’s



4 What's the name of Bridget’s

twin sister?

5 Do Nick and Hector both fancy


i . and
nnie e.
o get clos

ma Check the meaning ...

2 In this episode ... exhausted very tired
What do you think? hedgehog animals LE
| Is Eunice attractive?
Yes No \ 4 gf 4

2 Do Bridget and the boys kno she's not my type

w She isn't the kind of girl
how to put up shelves? | fancy
Yes No
Will there be a happy ending DIY (Do It Yourself)
doing your own home
for Annie and Hector? building work or repairs
Yes No
Wp landlaadvs COUSIN

it Before you watch ... ox Part one ...

A. This note is on the doors of the two flats. Tick & who says these lines.
Read it and tick © the correct answer.
Always read the instructions first.
a) Annie b) Bridget
Never read the instructions.
bias ’ Uy OOo ge
pew’ a) Nick b) Hector

y cous eek Py Tro pets: rie First open box A and take out shelf number
a) Hector b) Annie

name Met
ae ¥% OP Put shelf 1 against the wall.
poutiess W7
a) Nick b) Annie
Put pole B on the left and pole A on the right.
Yours on ountouwy
E UW a) Hector b) Annie

Tick & the correct answers.

1 /am in charge means What did Bridget find out in Darling magazine?
a) you have to pay me a) Hector is from Argentina.
b) I'm the boss b) Hector’s father is a diplomat.
c) | live here c) Hector is rich.
2 The same rules apply means Which of these things did Nick ‘borrow’?
a) the rules are the same as when the a) coffee b) sparkling c) milk
real landlady is here water
b) the rules are the same in every flat in
Who answers the phone when Eunice rings?
a) Annie b) Bridget c) Nick
c) the rules are the same for both flats
What does Nick do with the first part of the
B Look at the picture and tick ©" a) He throws it away. b) He eats it.
the correct answer. c) He reads it.
Bridget asks: Have you put up shelves before,
What do you think Bridget is holding? Hector? What is Hector’s answer?
a) never b) many times
1 a newspaper
c) lots of times
2 the instructions for how to build
the shelves
3 a letter from her boyfriend

"Cof’s Arvf aie

6 Part two ... Z Part three ...

A What's happening? Tick © the most likely answer. A Watch Part three and find the correct
ending to Hector’s lines.

1 She made me
a) some spaghetti. b) go dancing.
c) marry her.
2 She dances like
a) a rhinoceros. b) an angel.
c) a hedgehog.
3 Annie! The shelves!
1 a) Eunice is inviting Bridget to go to the cinema a) You started them! b) You finished
with her.
c) You broke them! them!
b) Eunice is telling Bridget to stay away from Nick. 4 Annie, | will buy you a million
c) Eunice is telling Bridget how to put up shelves. a) sheep. b) biscuits.
c) shelves.

B Number these events in the correct order.



a) Hector tells Annie about his night out
‘ 4

. * :
PN, fl
with Eunice. 1
df ie Ke
b) Eunice gives Hector a fax from his father.

c) Hector kisses Annie and she throws him
2 a) Nick is exhausted because of Eunice. on the floor.
b) He's getting ready for another night out d) Eunice knocks on the door.
with Eunice. e) Bridget throws Nick on the floor.
f) Bridget offers to get rid of Eunice.
c) Nick has a black eye after a fight with Eunice.
g) Annie finds out that Hector is rich.

3s In this episode ...

Are these sentences true © or false ®< ?

3 a) Hector is inviting Eunice to go to the cinema.
1 Bridget and Annie have some new shelves.
b) Hector is making an excuse for Nick.
2 They have a new landlady.
c) Eunice and Hector are going dancing. 3 She is very attracted to Nick.
4 She and Nick go dancing every night.
B Tick & what Hector tells Eunice.
5 Hector offers to help with the shelves.
a) Nick’s hedgehog has gone to the moon. 6 He is very good at DIY.
7 Annie and Hector start a relationship.
b) Nick's hedgehog is not well.
8 Eunice is Nick's type.
c) Nick's hedgehog is sad.
9 There is a fax from Hector’s father.
d) He stood on the hedgehog without shoes. 10 Hector has his own jet.

Now weafch ant fired out

oe Say something extr@!

A Work in pairs. Complete the

sentences with suitable comparisons.

e I bet she sings like a toad.

© She dances like a rhinoceros.

Bridget thinks that Eunice sings like a toad.

2 >

I'm sure she’s wrong. I'm sure Eunice has a

C Complete the advice with always or never.
wonderful voice.
Yes. She probably sings like ;
| agree. And Hector says that she dances like a e Always read the instructions.

rhinoceros. © Never read the instructions.

It’s not true. She dances the salsa very well.

| think she dances 1 look left and right before you

And she’s so elegant! She walks cross the road.
And she has great clothes. She dresses 2 _ put sharp objects in your hand |
luggage when you fly.
3 say ‘thank you’ when someone helps you.
4 | give your address to someone you
meet on the internet.
5 drink coffee before you go to sleep. |

D Work in pairs. Choose three of the examples

and make mini-conversations, like this:

e Always look left and right before you cross the road.
= Why?
© Because you need to see if there are any cars.

E Act out your conversations for the rest

B Read out your conversation to the rest of the class. of the class.

Ao extr@ email! The good news is that ... The bad news is that...
we're on holiday. | have an exam next week. 4

Complete these emails with The good news is that ... The bad news is that ...
some ‘bad news’. I've met wonderful girl!
The good news is that ...
my parents have gone on holiday!
The good news is that ...
| have a new motorbike!

The good news is that ...

my sister gave me her mobile
The good news is that ...
)) The good news is: | found the guitar | want on eBay!
»-) our landlady has gone on holiday!
aL So far in extr@ ...

How much can you remember?

Bridget fancies Nick.

Hector’s family is very rich.


Annie is crazy about TV advertisements.

Nick is a successful actor.

Bridget has a twin sister.

| Nick discovers Shakespeare ..

a Check the meaning ...

a In this episode ... mysterious Does it mean you know a lot

about something?

talent Do you know anyone who has

What do you think?
1 Will Nick get a part ina in your dreams If we say this, do we mean it will
Shakespeare play? Yes No or won't happen?
2 Does Hector have a chance of researcher Is this someone you see on the TV
getting the TV job? Yes No
screen, or someone who works to
3 Does Bridget know her | prepare the programme?
new boss? Yes No
i Before you watch ... 1 Part one ...

A Try to predict what happens. Tick e

Watch Part one and answer these questions.
the correct answer.

1 Which of these things did Bridget do today?

a) She trained with the England football
b) She went to the hairdresser.
c) She had lunch with Kylie Minogue's

What do you think the exciting news is? What is Channel 9 looking for?
a) Bridget is going to have dinner with Sting. a) An English person who knows Latin
b) Eunice is her new boss.
b) A Latin American who speaks English.
c) Channel 9 is looking for a new Latin
c) A good-looking Latin American.
American reporter.
Why does Bridget want Hector to audition?
“WwW Ss
a) Because she wants to help Hector.
a Women ta Hh
like b) Because Eunice works at Channel 9.
OL f, 5 time ib
, \ Nove on c) Because she wants to impress her boss.
Why is Hector worried?
Why do you think Nick says this? a) Because he doesn't want to work as a
a) Because Annie is getting very close to
b) Because he doesn’t think he can do it.
c) Because Nick thinks he has no talent.
b) Because Annie has asked Hector to
marry her.
c) Because Annie talks about having a baby.

e: imi agini e you @ re

Rule number on
ful woman.
talking to a beauti .
o: be mysterious
Rule number (w
ee: make them trust you.
Rule number thr

What do you think Nick’s advice to Hector is about?

a) How to be attractive to women.
b) How to succeed as a television reporter.
c) How to behave during an interview.

Look at the picture and answer the questions.

Who's wearing the tights? Nick Hector

Who do the tights belong to? Annie Bridget
m Cu%s,
"Cof’s fa
ilaljtumcal oma sled oar

eo Part two ... am Part three ...

A Before you watch Part two, try to Look at the pictures and tick ©" what
complete this conversation between the people are saying.
Bridget and Nick. Use these phrases.

a) a news reporter d) to speak to me

b) so stupid e) won't get the job
c) to impress her

a) Don’t worry, Hector. I'm sure you would

have been a very good reporter.
b) Well done, Hector! I'm sure you'll be a
very good reporter.

Nick: Hi Bridget!
Bridget: Nick ...
Nick: | thought you were too angry 1
Bridget: Shut up, Nick. How dare you? a) You haven't got the job! Isn’t it terrible?
Nick: How dare | what? b) You've got the job! Isn't it wonderful?
Bridget: Teach Hector to be 2 |
Nick: Ah. Sorry, Bridget.
Bridget: He was ridiculous. ‘Hi, sexy, this is Hector
Romero.’ My new editor will be here soon
and | wanted 3 _ :
Nick: So will Hector get the job then?
Bridget: Of course he 4 ! You made me look
a fool. You and Hector are 5 ! a) It's time to tell Hector | want to marry him.
b) It’s time to say goodbye to Hector.
Now watch and check your answers.
Now watch and check your answers.
B Answer the questions. Write Good, Bad,
or Doesn’t care next to each one. ea In this episode ...
1 How is Hector's TV audition? Are these Sentences true © or false
* ?
2 What is Nick's reaction to Bridget’s
criticism? 1 Bridget is working in her office at Channel 9.
3 How does Bridget feel about her 2 Hector arrives for an audition to be an editor.
new editor? 3 Bridget goes to the airport to see Sting, but
4 What is Eunice’s impression of she doesn’t see him.
4 Eunice is Bridget’s new boss.
Hector gets a job as a reporter for Channel 9.

5 How does Nick feel about the

6 Nick gets a job playing Hamlet.
Shakespeare job?
2 Say something extr@! C Listen to the storylines of other groups.
Guess which film they are talking about.

A Work in pairs. Read the storyline of

Hamlet. Then discuss a film or play that
you have seen recently. Write down the
main details of the story.

It’s about love, madness and murder. Hamlet's

father, the king, is killed by Hamlet's uncle, who
then marries Hamlet's mother, so Hamlet kills his
uncle and his mother and then he dies.

D Read Nick’s rules for being a successful TV

presenter. Do you agree with them?

e Rule number one: imagine you are talking to a

beautiful woman.
e Rule number two: be mysterious.
e Rule number three: make them trust you.

E Work in groups. Think of three rules to

help someone with one of the following:

a) the best way to meet boys or girls

B Tell your storyline to the rest of the class. b) being successful in a job interview
Don't tell them the title of the film! c) the best way to drive a car
F Tell your rules to the rest of the class.

ao extr@ email!

Complete these emails about disaster days with a worse still line.

| What a day! | was late And worse still, the teacher was in a
for college. terrible mood.

| had a terrible haircut.

Someone stole my wallet / purse.

My parents want me to go on
holiday with them.

We had a power cut all day.

> eee, ———

ai’ So far in extr@ ...

How much can you remember?

1 Who has a dog? Annie Bridget

2 Who has fair hair? Nick Hector
3 Who works at Channel 9 TV? Bridget Nick
4 Who made popcorn? Hector Annie
5 Who is Bridget's boss? Eunice Nick

Hector interv
iews Annie

g ht gui
e elig nea
| and there arrl s” flat. ;
| pigs at th egi

(3! Check the

Annie and her friend Ziggy dress up as rabbits... |
meaning ...

awful, dreadful and Are these words positive

horrid or negative?

-, In this episode ... lipstick, mascara, These are all kinds

blusher of what?
What do you think? split up Does this mean separate
or stay together?
1 Are Annie and Ziggy going
| bet she knows Do you say this when you
to a fancy dress party? Yes No
are very sure?
2 Is Annie protesting about
something? Yes No guinea pig One meaning is a small
3 Are the guinea pigs animal. What is the
Bridget's pets? Yes No second meaning?
zy tiem WOleuue
» Episode 10 JAE SS P/F OLESE

iA Before you watch ... ze Part one ...

A Try to predict what happens. Tick &~ Watch Part one carefully and answer
the correct answer. these questions.

1 It's 6 am. What happens?

a) Annie gets up.
b) Nick gets up.
c) Annie knocks on Nick's door.

2 It's 8 am. What does Annie say on the phone?

a) Yes, three o'clock. Don’t tell the others!
b) Yes, three o'clock. Tell the others.
c) Yes, three o'clock. I'll tell the others.

3 It's 10 am. What does the sign round the

dog’s neck say?
1 What do you think Bridget’s reply is?
a) Animals are not human.
a) Yes, of course!
b) Animals are human.
b) No, only Madonna. David Beckham c) Animals are like people.
is tomorrow.
c) No, I’m reading about them. 4 What does the second sign on the dog's
neck say?
a) A dog is not for make-up.
b) A dog is for make-up.
c) A dog is for love, not for make-up.

5 Annie puts a note on Nick's door. What does

it say?
a) Very important! Keep my babies safe.
Call me!
b) Very important! Keep my babies. I will
call you.
c) Very important! Keep my babies safe. | will
2 What do you think Eunice says next? call you.
a) | want you to interview Madonna,
b) Get me a coffee. Black, no sugar.
c) Go and have lunch with Leonardo DiCaprio. (6:36

B Look at the picture and answer the questions.

1 What's in the Top Secret box?

a) secret papers b) animals c) guns
2 Who gave the box to Nick?
a) Annie b) Hector c) Eunice

| ue ju Cr+
xtr@ “nee
io Part fwo ... Zz Part three ...

A Before you watch Part two, look at the A Before you watch Part three make
pictures and complete the answers to these questions with the following words.
questions. Use these verbs.
Why / Bridget / ironing / dress
drink hold interview lookat protest wear Why is Bridget ironing a dress?

1 What is Eunice doing? 1 Why / Bridget / tell / Nick / close / eyes

She's a) champagne and she's
b) __ pictures of men in a magazine. 2 Where / Bridget / going / tonight
2 What is Hector doing?
He's c)__ a microphone and he's 3 Why / Annie / angry with Hector
d) Annie.
3 What is Annie doing? 4 Where / guinea pigs
She's e) at a cosmetics factory.
She's f) a rabbit suit. 5 What / happen to / Bridget's dress

B Now watch and find the answers to the

questions in A.

3 In this episode ...

Are these sentences true © or false ®< ?
B Now watch and answer these questions.

1 Where does Eunice want Hector to go? 1 Annie steals some guinea pigs from a
a) a cosmetics factory b) a guinea pig farm cosmetics factory.
2 What did Eunice do last night? 2 They escape from their box in Nick's flat.
a) She met the owner of Channel 9. 3 Hector and Bridget have worked all night
b) She had dinner with Mr Garrier. at Channel 9.
3 What does Nick do when he takes the guinea 4 The owner of Channel 9 also owns the
pigs into the girls’ flat? cosmetics factory.
a) He gives them something to eat.
5 Hector interviews Annie outside the
b) He starts reading a magazine and watching
cosmetics factory.
6 Bridget has lunch alone with Leonardo
4 What happens when Nick changes channels
on the TV? DiCaprio,
a) He sees Hector and Annie. 7 Hector_loses his job at Channel 9.
b) He starts to watch a soccer match. 8 The guinea pigs eat part of Bridget’s dress.
5 Why is Annie angry with Hector?
a) Because he asks her if she has got the guinea
b) Because he knows that she loves animals.
fo extr@ email!

A Write an email about three of your future

plans for the rest of today and tomorrow.

e Ihave a class at 5 pm.

e I'm going to buy a new pair of trainers this
e I may see a movie this evening.

A Work in pairs. Match the past actions

on the left with the interruptions on the
right, using when.

We were protesting outside Garrier’s factory

when I saw Hector reporting for Channel Nine.

1 | was walking a) the bathroom

down the street door opened!
2 | was having b) my phone A
> ae =i Gap <
my breakfast rang.
3 | was sitting c) someone knocked
in a cinema at the door. B Work in pairs. Read your partner's email,
4 Iwas taking d) | bumped into then write a reply asking for more
a shower an old friend. information. Ask questions like this:
5 | was looking in a e) a policeman tapped
a shop window me on the shoulder. What kind of class do you have at 5 pm?
What kind of trainers are you going to buy?
What movie might you see this evening?
B Work in pairs. Choose two of the sentences Why will you probably stay at home?
in A to start mini-conversations.
C Read your partner's questions and
° Iwas walking down the street when answer them in another email.
I bumped into an old friend.
= Really? Who was it?

C Work in groups of three. Student C

introduces him or herself to
Students A and B, and offers to get
them something to eat or drink.

e Let me introduce myself. My name is Nick.

= What's your name?
a Kevin.
« And who's this? Is she your girlfriend, Kevin?
You must be hungry. Shall I get you something
to eat?
al So far in extr@ ...

How much can you remember?

1 Who doesn’t work at Channel 9?

2 Who has a twin sister?

3 Who has a dog?

4 Who doesn't speak English as a first language? Creado,


5 Who worked as a TV weatherman?

as Check the meaning ...

Match the words and expressions with
s bags oe their meanings.
Hector packs hi

1 a chat-up line | a) she doesn’t look good

Zz In this episode ... 2 natural b) an arrangement to go out

with a boy or girl you like
What do you think? 3 she looks a c) she’s madly in love with me
1 Is Hector going home to
4 she's crazy d) you say this when someone's
Argentina? Yes No about me hair is its real colour
2 Has Nick got a part in
a play? Yes No 5 a date e) obvious
3 Does Bridget recognise 6 easy to see f) something you say to try and
the man in the bar? Yes No make someone fancy you
Ra an Te rf own 7 o

iA Before you watch ... 5° Part one...

A Try to predict the conversation between A Try to predict what Bridget and Annie
Bridget and Nick. are saying.

Bridget: I can’t go on! Eunice is a witch.

She makes me work, work, work.
Nick: a) Why don’t you love her? 1 What I really
b) Why don’t you tell her? need is
c) Why don't you leave, then? a) a cup of coffee.
Bridget: What? Leave my job? b) a holiday.
a) | love my job! c) a new job.
b) | hate my job!
c) What is my job?
Nick: a) Huh! Women!
b) Huh! Eunice!
c) Huh! Bridget!

One thousand
a) That's much
too expensive!
b) That's a good
c) Let's buy it!

Now watch Part one and see if you were right.

B Look at the picture and answer the Are these sentences true «= or false »« ?
Nick says he meets lots of girls on the beach.
1 Who do you think this woman is? Annie says that she needs a holiday and Nick
a) a nurse in a hospital agrees.
b) a waitress in a Spanish bar Hector is presenting a TV travel programme.
c) a stewardess on a plane Bridget is having trouble organising an
interview with Madonna.
2 Which of these do you think is true? Annie thinks that it will cost the same to fly
a) She's very busy. to New York and Las Vegas.
b) She isn’t very helpful. Bridget doesn’t want to leave her job at
c) She enjoys her work. Channel 9 because she likes Eunice.
. Ot4- Hector agrees to help Nick by translating his
Coxe fart chat-up lines.
Annie does Hector’s and Nick's ironing.
1 She's standing at a bar and she’s wearing a rose
Ss Part two ...
in her mouth.
2 She's smiling and she's got a rose in her mouth.
A Before you watch Part two, match the
3 She's near a bar and she’s smiling.
two parts of these lines.

Nick: 1 Now’s the a) with my luggage? B Watch Part three and choose the correct
chance to try
answers to the questions.
Nick: 2 They won’tbe _ b) your passport, your
1 How many types of tea are there in the tea shop?
able tickets and your money.
a) one b) five
Nick: 3 All you need c) we'll be invited
c) about ten
to travel is everywhere.
2 What are most dishes served with?
Bridget: 4 Could you d) to resist me!
a) chips b) croquette potatoes
give me a hand
c) gateaux
Bridget: 5 When Bridget e) what event we'll be
3 Who does Bridget get a date with?
arrives in Spain asked to go to.
a) Enrique Iglesias
Bridget: 6 You never f) my chat-up lines
b) a man she thinks is Enrique Iglesias
can be sure on Spanish girls!
c) a man she knows isn’t Enrique Iglesias
4 Why does Bridget agree to let the others
B Watch Part two and write how many of the come clubbing with her?
following things Bridget has in her luggage. a) Because they tell her that she won't notice
____ T-shirts __. nightdresses
b) Because they will meet lots of Spanish girls.
___ pairs of jeans _ pairs of trainers
c) Because she needs a chaperone.
____ pairs of trousers ___ belts
____ bikinis ____ jackets

is In this episode ...

Are these sentences true « or false «7?
me Part three ...
1 Nick daydreams about a holiday on the
A Look at the photo of Bridget and decide beach.
which sentence describes it best. 2 Nick wants to learn some Spanish in order
to chat up girls.
3 Bridget isn’t taking many clothes to Spain.
4 Nick arrives at the airport without his
5 They don’t realise that the waitress can
speak English.
6 The waitress is helpful and immediately
offers them a table.
7 The bar serves typical Spanish food.
8 Bridget is successful when she chats up the
man at the other table.
C Complete the conversation about where
you would like to go on holiday.

© Where shall we go?

=" How about Las Vegas?
° What about Spain?
" Id love to go to Las Vegas!
° I'd like to go anywhere with Enrique Iglesias!

What I really need is a holiday!

Me too!
Where shall we go?
How about == ?
I'm not sure about that. I'd love to -
I'd like to goto __ 7 :
Hm. What are we going to do?
What about.
So ?
A Work in pairs. Ask and explain how to say Great idea!
something in another language. Use the
name of your language in the questions
and answers.
a extr@ email!
How do I say: I’m English, can you give
directions to your apartment?
* How doI say it in Spanish? Work in groups. Follow the instructions and
write a survey about holiday habits.
1 How do you say She looks a mess in your
2 What's the word for chat up in your langu
3 What's this word in your language? exhau
4 What does witch mean?
5 Is there a word for chaperone in your langu

B Work in pairs. Complete this conversation

Use Spanish words from the programme,
if you can. Or re-write the conversation
using your own language.

A: Do you speak Spanish?

1 Write 3-5 questions to find out about what
B: Just a little. people
do on holiday and what they like and dislik
A: What's the Spanish word for eyes*? e. Use
multiple choice answers.
B: I think it’s ...
2 Ask your questions to all the groups, inclu
A: And how do you say flat* in Spanish? ding
your own.
B: | think it's ...
A: And what's to drink* in Spanish? Where do you meet girls/boys on holid
B: I’m not sure — | think it's ... a) On the beach? b) In the bar? c) On
the ski slope?

extr@ “The Spanish for these words IS On page 75.

al So far in exir@ ...
How much can you re

| What was the name of

Bridget’s first boss?
Henry Howard Harry
2 What was the name of
Annie’s animal protester
Piggy friend?
Tiggy Ziggy
3 Who is Eunice?
the landlady’s Bridget’s the landlady’s
cousin sister
4 er daught
What is the name of the
owner of Channel 9?
Mr Carrier Mr Farrier
5 Mr Garrier
What was the name of
the Spanish bar?
El Gordo Bar Gordo Bar Gordon

, ml
and Annie overhears a conversa tion between Hector and

Sd; Hector Set ready fo What sport do all the

se words have in co
defence fan ob mmon?
iC —— kick -
Off semi-fin :
| oe al striker supporter
Now match the words .
with the definiti
4 In this episode someone who likes a
ie Particular | 1
Sports team (two words)
What do you think? a player who is SUPPOs
ed to 13
score goals
1 Are Nick and Hector get the players who try to
ting ready to stop 4
80 lo a football match? the other team getting
Yes goals
2 Is Nick rehearsing for No the time a match starts
the Part of 5
| a spy?
Yes No
3 Is Hector Saying some
thing nice the game before the
about Annie? last 6
Yes No game in a tournament
ia Before you watch ... P< Part one ...

A Read these lines from the programme. A Before you watch Part one, try to
Tick « the most likely explanation. complete this conversation between
Nick and his agent.
1 Bridget: /t’s a very, very bad hair day. And Miguel
is arriving this evening. Nick: Hi, Cameron. How are you?
a) Bridget doesn’t like the way her hair looks, Agent: |
and her new Spanish boyfriend is coming. Nick: Good.
b) Miguel is a hairdresser and will make her Agent: : 2 i= === 7 =
hair look better. Nick: An audition? For me? Hey-hey! What for?
2 Annie: Bridget, what's wrong? Why have you got a
Nick: London On Fire? The soap? Yes! When?
bag on your head?
a) Bridget is going to the hairdresser’s because
Nick: Today? At midday? Where?
she doesn’t like the way her hair looks.
Agent: _ = =
b) She comes back from the hairdresser's
Nick: Birmingham? But that's 100 miles away!
and she doesn't like her new hair style.
Agent: — = ee
3 Hector: Have you ever thought about getting Nick: No, of course I'm pleased! OK, thank you!
married? Bye!
a) Hector is asking Bridget if she likes the
idea of getting married. B Watch Part one and tick « the lines
b) He's asking Annie to marry him. that you hear.

B Look at the picture and answer the


1 Annie:
a) Charlie and | are ready for the match.
b) Charlie and | are ready for the game.
2 Nick:
a) But of course England won't win.
b) But of course England will win.
3 Nick:

1 Which of these is definitely true? a) Our strikers are the best in the world.
a) The match isn't finished and the score is 1-1. b) Our strikers are the worst in the world.
b) The match is finished and the score is 1-1. 4 Hector:
a) Your defence is poor.
b) Your defence is tall.
2 What do you think is happening now?
5 Nick:
a) Argentina are attacking and may score.
a) There are some people who think that
b) England are attacking and may score.
football is a matter of life and death.
lh Our. b) There are some players who think that
"Corl fe football is a matter of life and death.
7 Part three ...
A Look at the photo. Who do you think is
speaking? What have they just said?
Choose from the list.

Annie: Hector, | don’t love you.

Nick: Annie! Don’t shout!

Hector: Annie, will you marry me?
Bridget: Annie! Don’t do it!

Miguel: Hector! Help me!

B Watch Part three and give short answers

| iS Part two ... to these questions. (yes, he did; no she
didn’t; or we don’t know)
A Before you watch Part two, match the two
parts of the lines. e Did Miguel come to London by plane?
= We dont know.
1 | need a hairstyle that a) | wouldn't say anything.
2 Havel done b) to get my hair done for 1 Did Hector understand why Annie was cross with

gorgeous Miguel. him?

3 Argentina beat England, c) didn't they? 2 Did Bridget like what the hairdresser did to her
4 Nick, | promised you d) something wrong? hair? _
3 Did Miguel like Bridget’s hair?
5 I\'m going to the e) a Spanish football fan
hairdresser’s will adore.
4 Did Nick get the part in London on Fire?

B Watch Part two and answer the questions.

Did Spain beat England? they

6 Did Hector ask Annie to marry him?

1 Where does Nick go first when he gets back from
his audition?
a) his own apartment
b) the girls’ apartment
2 What does he think when he sees Hector?
3 In this episode ...
a) England won the match.
Are these sentences true «or false ®<?
b) Argentina won the match.
3 Where does Bridget go after the match? 1 Nick and Hector watch the football match.
a) to the hairdresser’s 2 Bridget isn’t interested in the match.
b) to the airport to meet Miguel 3 She goes to the hairdresser’s when the
4 Why does Miguel want to talk to Hector? match finishes.
a) to learn some English 4 Miguel calls Hector to ask him for some
b) to find out about Bridget English expressions.
5 Why is Annie unhappy? 5 Annie misunderstands Hector’s phone call.
a) She heard Hector talking to another girl on 6 She forgives him very quickly.
the phone. 7 Bridget and Miguel support Spain in the
b) She thinks Hector was saying nice things to World Cup final.
Bridget. 8 England won the World Cup.
Fragmented senten
Nick: Hello,
Bridget: Hi, Nick?
Nick: Good match?
Good match? = Was it
a good match?

B Work in pairs. Write

the complete
question or statement
in the replies.
1 A: We've been on hol
B : Oh, really? Nice tim
e? Did you have a nic
e time?
A : I'm going
on holiday next week.
B : Really? Anywhere
A: Miguel has just arrived.
F anything. .
B: Really? Staying long?
| Pro eised e
you |woulda,
n ST _
A: I've been to Rome.
Making promises
B: Nice! Know it well,
* Do you promise you
wont tell me the score?
* Do you promise not to A : | bought a new
laugh? car.
° I promised you I wou B : Really? Pay a lot
ldn't say anything. for it?
* We promised Nick not
to tell him the score.
* I promise Ill tell you
the score. C Now choose One of
* We promised him J wo the conversations
uld tell him the score. and add more lines
to it.
A Work in Pairs. Make
new sentences.
Don’t laugh. Do you promise not
to laugh?
I won't tell you. J prom
ise that I won't tell
you. OR
! promised that we wou
ldn't tell you.

Don't tell me the sco


2 Don't say anything.

12 neannot
him to try HOF

wal fo
We won't tell anyone.

Choose any Sports ma

4 | won't Open my presen tch that you remember
t until my birthday. Write an email describing .
it with as many details
as you can. Use the ques
5 Please look after y bicycle. tions to help you.
* When and where did
6 Ineed someone to look it take place?
after my dog when I’m * Who was the match be
away, tween?
* Between England and
7 Will you tell me when * Between Roger Federe
my girlfriend phones? r and Rafael Nadal.
* Who won? Who los
t? What was the sc
* Who scored? Who pla ore?
yed well? Who played
al So far in extr@ ...

How much can you remember?

1 What is Hector's family name?

a) Romeo b) Romero c) Roberto
2 Who does Bridget write emails to?
a) her sister Chrissy b) Eunice c) her mother
3 Why did Bridget think she won the lottery?
a) She had the wrong ticket.
b) She read the winning numbers upside down.
c) She had someone else's ticket.
4 Where does Bridget’s sister Chrissy live?
a) Australia b) Canada c) the USA
5 What was the score in the England v Argentina match?
a) 1-1 b) 2-1 c) 2-2

- arrive.
| and Hector’ mother - and ¢a bride

<1 Check the meaning ...

Complete the definitions with these words.

best man bride bridegroom

bridesmaids honeymoon reception

the woman who is getting


married is the
the women who help her
2 In this episode ... on her wedding day are her
the man who is getting
What do you think?
married is the
the man who helps the man
1 Is Nick appearing in a
who is getting married is his
rock video? Yes No Maybe
the meal after the wedding
2 Is Annie teaching Hector
is the
English? Yes No Maybe
the holiday that the married
3 Is the person in the wedding
couple have is the
dress a woman? Yes No Maybe
iA Before you watch ... Be Part one ...
A Check the meanings of the words in bold A Ticke the questions that Hector’s
in this conversation. Who do you think mother asks him (by email and / or on
the girls are talking about? the phone).

Bridget | fancy _ 1 How many bridesmaids is Annie having?

Annie: You fancy ____? 2 Have you booked Westminster Abbey yet?
Bridget: Yes, | do, | do! : : ;
Aims: But you don’t like 3 Hector darling, did you get my emails?
Bridget: | do like ; 4 Hector - who's your best friend?
Annie: No you don’t, you think he’s an idiot! 5 Is he clever, hard working, responsible?
Bridget: Yes, but he’s so macho!
Annie: You think he’s vain!
Bridget: But he’s so good-looking!
Annie: Huh! You don’t like his clothes!
Bridget: But now he wears a fireman‘s
Annie: Ah, so that’s it!
The uniform.
Bridget: He's so sexy in
London on Fire.

B Look at the picture

and answer the

B Now answer these questions.

1 Where are Bridget and Nick? 1 Does Annie want a big

a) in her office wedding? Yes No
b) in a hotel 2 \s Bridget still in love with
c) ina TV studio Miguel? Yes No
2 Why is Bridget shaking hands with him? 3 At first, does Bridget like the idea
a) Because they're friends. of interviewing Nick? Yes No
b) Because she’s going to interview him. 4 Does Bridget enjoy watching Nick
c) Because he’s won a prize. in London on Fire? Yes No
4 Our. 5 Does Nick agree to do an
r = interview for Channel 9? Yes No
"Cof's fi
" extr@
iS Part two ... Now watch Part three, check your
answers and answer these questions.
A Before you watch Part two, try to answer What does Nick pick up when he comes into the flat?
the questions about the following lines. a) a chocolate biscuit b) an orange
c) an apple
Nick: Don't worry Hector — we will face this together!
How many phone calls does Hector get?
Does this mean that Nick and Hector
a) one b) two c) three
a) will solve a problem together?
What is Annie cutting up?
b) will fight about something?
a) a cucumber b) a pepper
Bridget: So, | am here with Nick Jessop — or Pierce
c) a courgette
Steele — straight from the set of London on Fire.
What colour is Bridget’s lipstick?
Does this mean that Nick
a) pink b) red c) purple
a) has just come from filming the show?
How many tissues does Mrs Romero use?
b) has been somewhere with the other actors?
a) one b) two c) three
Bridget: Do you think London on Fire accurately
reflects the pressures on London's emergency services?
Does this question mean
a) Is the show like real life?
oe In this episode ...
b) Is it difficult to film the show?
Are these sentences true «or false »« ?
Annie: Thank goodness she's thousands of miles
away in Argentina!
Mrs Romero wants Hector and Annie to
Do you think she’s talking about
get married at Westminster Abbey.
a) Bridget? b) Eunice? c) Hector’s mother?
Donatella Versace is designing her wedding
Watch Part two and complete these lines.
Annie is planning to have 12 bridesmaids.
Guess them first, if you like!
Eunice encourages Bridget to go out with
Annie: Hector’s mother is driving me Nick.

Nick: Do you think Bridget is ? After seeing London on Fire, Bridget fancies
Bridget: You'll just have to wait and _ . Nick,
Nick: Goodbye to drinking beer and watching Annie wants to have the wedding later, but
football _ Hector wants to get married now.
Hector: Oh thank you Nick — you are a real Mrs Romero arrives at the flat, and Annie
doesn’t know she’s coming.
Nick makes a final entrance dressed as a

ma Part three ...

A Before you watch Part three, look at the

photos. What do you think is happening?

a4 Hector’s mother has She doesn’t like Hector and Annie tell her that
met Bridget before. Annie at all. they are not getting married.
Yes No No Yes No
io Say something extr@!


Clearing up misunderstandings
Bridget: Isn't it lovely!
Nick: Yeah! The Ferrari Testarossa.
What a great car!
Bridget: I meant her dress!
Or: I was talking about her dress!

C Complete the mini-conversations with

similar misunderstandings.

1 A: He's a nice man, isn’t he?

B: Yes, so rich!
A: _ ___ personality!
2 A: Wasn't that a great film?
Explaining a custom B: Yes, great actress!
The Stag Night. It’s when the bridegroom is taken
out by his best man to say goodbye. Goodbye to your 3 A: What a great party!
fantastic life as a single man. Goodbye to drinking B: Yes, so much food!
beer and watching football in bed. Goodbye to eating a —_—_—_____ People!
curry for breakfast. In England, we party, we go to
Brighton, we dress up as women.
a exfr@ email!
A Work in pairs. Complete this conversation
about an English Stag Night. Imagine you're getting married and you're chatting
online with a friend. Complete this conversation.
; ; Answer the questions Yes or No and give details.
| A: | don’t understand. What is a Stag Night?
B : It's the night
when the best man YOu: Hey! Guess what? We're getting married! {¥
-- FRIEND: Great! When?
A: | see. YOU: We're going to get married on
B: Your single life is over, so you must say FRIEND: Wonderful. Where are you going to get
a nes married?
A: Right. So what happens? YOU: We haven't decided yet. We may get
B: We have parties. We go places.
married in .
A: Such as? FRIEND: How many people have you invited?
B: _.. And we put on different clothes. YOU: <= |
A: What kind of clothes? FRIEND: Where are you going to go on your |
B: —= honeymoon?
FRIEND: And where are you going to live?
B Work in pairs. Make up a similar YOU:
conversation about a pre-wedding custom FRIEND: Well, good luck!
in your country.
5 Gum «

~ 56
So far in extr@ ...-
How much can you rememb

Annie has a dog called Charle
is very rich.
Hector’s family in Argentina

Bridget is Eunice’s boss.

gramme about hospitals.
Nick has a part in a TV pro f :

ish very well. | Annie goes on a protest march

Hector’s mother speaks Engl

: -
&: ’ ,
Peete eae . =
\ and Bridget asks Nick an import ant question. }

the meaning ..-

p= 1 Check
six of these words. Then
e aian id Hector's‘ mot
Seen her have re
Complete the sentences with
the San
samee C outfi Rives

seventh word in the list.

write a sentence using the

protest relationship
anger manners
respect royalty temper

1 _ eopeeaee
... Hector has very good
iz In this episode He says ‘please’ and ‘thank
you’ all the time.

Bridget was in a very bad 2

What do you think? because she had a bad day
at work.
’s mother shows her
Annie doesn’t think Hector
1 Do you think Bridget asks enough 3 ___—
Yes No
Nick to marry her? Annie took part ina 4 ___

Has Annie’s protest food.

2 against genetically-modified
got something to do ing a 5 ESE
Hector and Annie are hav
with food? Yes in Annie’s face
There was 6 __
3 Did Annie and Hector's when she looked at Hector
’s mother.
mother go shopping oe oe
together? Yes
iA Before you watch ... A % Part one ...

A Read the conversation between Hector and A Watch Part one and number the following
his mother. Predict Hector’s answers. events in the order that they happen.

Mrs Romero: Your father has found you a wife. a) Hector’s mother shows Hector the pullover
1 Hector: a) That's great. What's her name? she has bought.
b) | hope she’s better than the last one. b) Annie and Hector wait for Ziggy in the
c) | don’t want a wife. I've got Annie. park.
Mrs Romero: This girl is from a good family. ) Nick and Bridget have a meal together. 1
2 Hector: a) So is Annie. d) Annie goes to protest and Hector returns
b) That's marvellous. Annie's family to the flat.
is horrible! e) Bridget tells Nick that she wants him to
c) Is she rich? treat her like a lady.
Mrs Romero: This girl is rich. f) Bridget tries some acupuncture on Nick.
3 Hector: a) Good. How much money has she got? 8) Hector’s father calls Hector on the phone.
b) | don't care about money. h) Hector makes his mother a cup of coffee.
c) When can | meet her?
Mrs Romero: She's almost royalty. B Answer these questions.
4 Hector: a) Is she related to the British royal
family? After watching Part one, do we know ...
b) Have | met her before? 1 what Nick and Bridget were
c) Mum, Annie is my princess. eating? Yes No
what Annie was protesting
about? Yes No
B Look at the picture and answer the questions.
why Hector's father called him? Yes No
where Hector’s mother went
1 Where do you think Annie is?
shopping? Yes No
a) in a clothes shop
the colour of Hector’s new
b) in a nightclub
pullover? Yes No
c) at home
2 What do you think she is doing?
a) getting ready to go clubbing
b) trying to find a new image
c) looking for clothes to impress Mrs Romero

" Ot7 ~~
Cof’e fart

S ky
ie Part two... me Part three ...

A Before you watch Part two, match the Look at the photos and choose the best
two parts of the sentences. All the lines caption for each one.
are spoken by Hector.

1 If you knew Annie, a) and you will meet

the real Annie.
2 Come to dinner b) to be someone
tonight different.
3 She's going home c) She is OK really.
tomorrow and | thought
4 Stay and be nice to d) we would invite her
her. to dinner tonight.
a) Have you enjoyed your visit, Mrs Romero?
5 Nick is pretending e) what my mother
b) | don’t believe Hector is your son — he’s too
6 You can pretend to be f) you would love her.

B Now watch Part two and answer the


1 Why did Hector's father call?

a) Because he's coming to England.
b) Because he's found a wife for Hector.
2 Who is Hector talking about when he says:
He must stop shopping on eBay?
a) Nick a) More wine, Nick?
b) his father b) Oh, I'm sorry, Nick - | didn’t mean to spill
3 Why does Annie look so dirty? the wine!
a) Because it started raining when she was
b) Because she was playing a sport. a In this episode ...
4 Why does Hector want Annie to be like Nick?
a) Because Nick has very good manners.
Are these sentences true @ or false ®« ?
b) Because Nick is good at pretending.
5 Why do Bridget and Annie go shopping?
Bridget helps Nick to change his appearance.

a) to buy some party clothes

Hector's father tells him to come home and get

b) to buy some clothes that Mrs Romero

will like Mrs Romero buys Hector a new pullover.
sb Ww

Annie gets dirty when she is protesting at a farm.

Annie and Bridget go shopping for clothes.
Annie cooks dinner for Mrs Romero.
Mrs Romero flirts with Nick at the dinner party.
Mrs Romero and Annie may become friends.
oe Say something extr@! B Complete the mini-conversations with
a polite favour.
1 A: | need a favour.
B: What do you want?
A: | need to get to Manchester in two hours and my
car has broken down.

Can you do me a favour?

Sure. What do you want?

| have to buy a train ticket and | haven't got any
What happened?
3 A: Could you possibly do something for me?
Explaining what happened B: That depends.
Ziggy and I were lying down in a field when it began A: I'm going away for the weekend and my cat will
to rain. be alone in the flat.

A Connect the two parts of the explanations.

1 | was leaving the a) when the driver started

apartment driving away! rie extr@ email!
2 | was leaving the b) when | saw a strange
store guy in the trees. 7:30
3 | was getting into c) when the detective
the taxi stopped me.
4 | was walking my d) when the telephone
dog in the park rang.
S | was checking in ate) when | discovered that
the airport the plane was delayed. {{:) Dan!
‘nino ren going out with? Bridget!

Asking a favour
e Scrub my back.
Complete these emails giving exciting news
More polite ways of asking a favour with a line explaining a problem.
e Will you scrub my back?
° Would you mind scrubbing my back? Guess what? I'm on the The only problem is ... ha
school soccer team!
Guess what? | won a
trip to New York ina
Guess what? | won the
| lottery!
Great news! | have a
new motorbike.

Great news! Our school

holiday starts tomorrow.
> 3 aD <.
ai’ So far in Cxir
@ ...
How much can
you remember?

1 What is Hector
's first | anguag
4) Spanish
b) Italian
2 Which of these C) French
TV jobs has Nick NOT
a) weatherman had?
b) doctor
Which characte C) firefighter
r kno ws the Queen?
a) Eunice
b) Mr Garrier
What has Annie C) Hector’s moth
proteste d about? er
a) animal rights
b) war
5 Who does Bridge C) GM food
t want Nick to
a) David Beckha look like?
m b) Brad Pitt
C) Johnny Depp

ith do,lls ==
tor play witC0h

ao Check the me
2 In this ©P aning
What do you th back up
ink? Support
beat up physically attack
| Is Hector taking someone
Is Nick Practising for Yes No chat up
talk to someone
a new job? Yes you fancy
Is the gir
l in the red dres No 80 on
s continue
Nick's new girlfr throw out
iend? force someone
Yes No to leave a Plac
e such
4S a nightclub
ia Before you watch ... 5 Part one...

A Match the questions and answers. A Read the captions. Then watch Part one
and answer the questions.
Hector: 1 What's a bouncer?
Bridget: 2 Why are you dressed in black?
Hector: 3 Do you think | should be more macho?
Hector: 4 What are they (Bridget’s old toys) doing
under your bed?
Nick: 5 So, Bridget, why are you here?
Annie: a) Oh, Hector. You don’t have to be a tough
guy for me.
Nick: b) | was looking after them for her. Hector! Stop being such a baby!
Annie: cc) It's someone who throws people out of LE”
nightclubs. What is Annie trying to do?
Bridget: d) What? Oh, I’ve brought you some a) read Hector's palm b) remove a splinter
sandwiches. C) paint his nails
Nick: e) Because, baby, you are looking at the new
man on the door at Ice.

B_ Look at the photo and answer the questions.

I'll have one if you have one.

What are Hector and Annie talking about?

a) tattoos b) baths c) cups of tea

What is Ice?
a) the name of a nightclub
b) Nick and Hector’s favourite bar
2 What is Nick holding?
a) a menu
b) the guest list /don ‘t like your face! |
3 Why are they wearing sunglasses?
a) in order to look tough What is Nick doing?
b) in order to look smart a) practising lines in a play
b) preparing for an audition
“ Op. Cc) practising how to work at a nightclub
Cef’e favtt
x Part three ...

A Look at the picture and complete the

sentences, using the verbs in the box.

hold laugh sit talk wear

1 Hector, Annie and Bridget _ _

on the sofa.
2 Annie a skirt.
3 Bridget a cup.
4 Hector se ___ on the phone.
5 Annie and Bridget
iO Part two...
B Look at the picture and
A Watch Part two and complete the predict Hector’s reply.

Hector: Did | tell you about the time three people

tried to fight me?
Annie: All at once?
Hector: Yeah.
Annie: Oh well, go on. Man: What are you looking at?
Hector: Well, three of them, they came at me. Hector: a) I'm looking at your nice beard.
Annie: Oh, you poor thing! And what did they want? b) I'm looking at you looking at her!
Hector: c) Have we met somewhere before?
Annie: Oh. And how old were you?
Hector: Now watch and check your answers.
Annie: And they were ...?
Annie: Hector! Two years old! They were babies! iF In this episede ...
Hector: Yeah, but the Sanchez sisters were really
Are these Sentences true «= or false © ?

B Now answer these questions. Nick has a new job as a nightclub doorman.

Famous people go to the club.

1 What does Annie want to do with Hector? Nick is a very good doorman.
a) eat some chocolate b) go to Ice
Hector pretends to have a tattoo to please
2 According to Nick, what is the most important
thing about being macho?
S Hector asks Nick to help him to be more
a) muscles b) attitude
3 Where does Nick keep Bridget’s old toys?
a) under his bed b) next to his bed 6 Annie and Bridget go to the club when J-Lo
is there.
4 Why does Bridget visit Nick at the club?
a) to bring him b) to see famous people 7 Nick loses his job at the end of the evening.
some sandwiches outside the club Bridget meets J-Lo at the club.
Making suggestions
Let’s eat this chocolate before Bridget finds it.
Why don’t we go to Ice tonight?
How about getting a new tattoo?

C Work in pairs. Complete these short

conversations with a suggestion.

1 A: I'm hungry.
2 A: I'm bored!
B: 7
3 A: There's nothing on TV.
4A: | haven't got any money.
Giving reasons
Why are you dressed in black?
e Because I'm the new doorman at Ice.
e So that I can work as a doorman at Ice.
e In order to work as a doorman at Ice.

A Complete the answers to the following

questions with reasons.

1 Why does Hector want to marry Annie?

Because ______ in love with her.
2 Why can’t Bridget get into the club?
on the guest list.
3 Why did Hector try to tear the telephone
directory in half? In order
be stronger.
4 Why did Hector argue with the man outside the Writing a news item about someone in the news
club? __ ___ to buy Annie a drink. Bouncer of the month is Alex Smith, who last year
5 Why did the club tell Nick and Hector to leave? stopped 955 people from going into his club. Alex,
a a _ hada fight. who is 22 years old, has been a bouncer for two
years. Alex likes his job because the pay is good and
B Work in pairs. Complete this conversation he meets lots of interesting people.
about the episode.

C Read the news item about Alex Smith.

A : Why did Nick get the job at the nightclub? Now write a similar report about one of
B: some money. the following people in the news.
A: And why did Bridget want to go to the club?
B ee _ famous people. e The footballer of the month
A : And why didn’t Hector get a REAL tattoo? e The best new pop Star in your country
painful! e The top student in your school
B ~
e Your best friend — ‘Friend of the Month’

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