Ncu B1plus Extra Tasks Extension U7

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Extra Tasks (Extension) Unit 7

Vocabulary and Use your English

1 Read the clues and complete the crossword.
1 Across
A ____________ can be caused by heavy rain, or by other
natural disasters.

A ____________ is a very large wave which comes onto
A land.
If the ground starts to shake, you may be experiencing an
____________ .
D Down
 E 1 
During a ____________ , forests and buildings may be
burned to the ground.
An ____________ is when large amounts of snow and ice
fall quickly down a mountain.
When there is a ____________ , there isn’t enough water to
drink, bathe or farm.

2 Choose the correct ending (a–b) for each sentence (1–6).

1 It was the calm before the storm; 4 The twins are in hot water again at school;
a we were looking forward to a relaxing evening. a 
I think they might get sent home this time.
b the guests were not due to arrive until seven. b 
I think they might get an award this time.
2 Tabitha is very down to earth; 5 Storm clouds are gathering –
she’ll give you some sensible advice. a 
everyone is in such a great mood.
she’s always dressed in the latest fashions. b 
Cat and Jon are definitely going to have a fight.
3 Ollie hasn’t got wind of the plans yet, 6 Let’s take a rain check –
so don’t tell him, will you? a 
we’ll meet up when you’re feeling better.
but he can give you a few details. b I’ll meet you at the museum at one o’clock.

3 Choose the correct options to complete the text.

At around 4:15 a.m. there was 1 a collapse / an eruption which shook the local area. The volcano, which has been quiet
for over 100 years, suddenly became active. The movement of the ground caused a 2 flood / landslide, and trees, rocks
and earth rolled down the mountain and into the village. By the time the sun came up, local 3 survivors / volunteers
had begun to search for 4 survivors / volunteers. Fortunately, almost everyone was safe. An elderly man was discovered
held / trapped in a 6 collapsed / destructive farm building, but he was soon freed. 7 Aid / Paid workers arrived with
food, drink and tents, and the people began to deal with the shock of losing their homes.

4 Choose the word with the most similar meaning to replace the words in italics.

 charming  exploring  racing  sailing  staring  wandered 

1 The beach houses were all painted different colours, which looked attractive. ____________
2 From our house on the seafront, we could see yachts going in and out of the bay. ____________
3 Our tour guide was walking very quickly along the street while talking at 100 miles an hour. ____________
4 We spent the first day of our holiday walking around the local area. ____________
5 We walked around the French Quarter, stopping to listen to the musicians on street corners. ____________
6 There was no doubt about it; everybody in the room was looking at me. ____________

© Cengage Learning, Inc. New Close-up B1+

1 Permission granted to photocopy for classroom use. Extra Tasks (Extension)
1 Correct the mistakes with the underlined words in the advice.

Advice for households in the wildfire zone

Don’t risk 1 to start a fire outside. Avoid 2 burn dead leaves and other garden waste.
If you must 3 to burn waste, make sure you have a bucket of water nearby. It’s no use 4 look for water once a fire
has started.
If the wind is blowing toward a neighbour’s property, do not start a fire. You will not only regret 5 to damage their
property, but you could also get a large fine.
Remember 6 testing your smoke alarm once a week. Keep 7 check the batteries even if they are new.
Prepare 8 leaving your home in a hurry. Practise exiting quickly with small children and older members of the

2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb.

1 We stopped the floodwater from ____________ (come) into our home with sandbags.
2 Many of the local people are happy ____________ (volunteer) as firefighters during wildfires.
3 ____________ (swim) across the river was dangerous, but they had to get away from the fire.
4 You had better ____________ (leave) your things behind. We need to go now.
5 My mother ran back into the house ____________ (save) the cat from the floods.
6 I enjoyed ____________ (live) in this village for fifty years before the floods took our homes.
7 There wasn’t enough time ____________ (pack) our things when the volcano erupted.

3 Choose the correct option to complete the sentences.

1 In deep water, a tsunami can move as quickly as / quickly as a jet plane – both can move at 500 mph.
2 The highest / The higher you climb, the stronger the wind is.
3 Fires start more easily / the most easily in messy homes than tidy ones.
4 The wildfire damage in Australia this year was not as bad as / as not bad as the damage last year.
5 The strongest / The most strong winds ever measured were 253 miles per hour.
6 The only house which wasn’t damaged was the one that is the farther / the farthest from the river.

4 Complete the sentences with these words.

 enough  so  such  that  too 

1 The river is ____________ high to cross.

2 It’s ____________ cold that I can’t go out.
3 We don’t have ____________ money to buy a new car.
4 It was ____________ a difficult test that I couldn’t complete it.
5 The wind was so strong ____________ the roof came off the garage.
6 It was ____________ a generous gift that I didn’t know what to say.
7 The book was ____________ long to finish.
8 There weren’t ____________ people to play volleyball.

© Cengage Learning, Inc. New Close-up B1+

2 Permission granted to photocopy for classroom use. Extra Tasks (Extension)

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