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Date: ___________________ VARIANT 2 Max. Marks: 15

Name: ____________________

Q1. Select whether the following statements about light are true or false. [2]

Statement True False

Light is a form of energy

Light can bend around objects


Light is made up of seven colours


Light is the fastest thing in the universe.


Q2. a) What is a paralle beam of light? Give one example of a parallel beam. [1.5]




b) Draw its ray diagram in the space provided below. [1.5]

Q3. a) Name the three types of objects, depending on how light rays behave around
them. [1.5]


The figure below shows a pinhole camera with an object in front of it.

b) Complete the figure above by drawing light rays leaving the object and producing an
image. [2]
c) On the figure label the size of the: [2]

i) Object Distance ii) Image Distance iii) Object Size iv) Image Size
d) Completely describe the type of image forming inside the pinhole camera above. [1]


Q4.The figure below shows an object blocking the light from a point source of light.

a) On the figure draw light rays to show the shadow being formed on the screen. [1.5]

The object shown above is moved closer to the light source.

b) Describe the effect it would have on the shadow that is created on the screen. [1]




The point source of light is replaced by an extended source of light.

c) Describe how it will change the kind of shadow that is created on the screen. [1]





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