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3, MARCH 2018 559

PurTreeClust: A Clustering Algorithm for

Customer Segmentation from Massive
Customer Transaction Data
Xiaojun Chen , Member, IEEE, Yixiang Fang , Min Yang , Feiping Nie ,
Zhou Zhao , and Joshua Zhexue Huang

Abstract—Clustering of customer transaction data is an important procedure to analyze customer behaviors in retail and e-commerce
companies. Note that products from companies are often organized as a product tree, in which the leaf nodes are goods to sell, and the
internal nodes (except root node) could be multiple product categories. Based on this tree, we propose the “personalized product tree”,
named purchase tree, to represent a customer’s transaction records. So the customers’ transaction data set can be compressed into a
set of purchase trees. We propose a partitional clustering algorithm, named PurTreeClust, for fast clustering of purchase trees. A new
distance metric is proposed to effectively compute the distance between two purchase trees. To cluster the purchase tree data, we first
rank the purchase trees as candidate representative trees with a novel separate density, and then select the top k customers as the
representatives of k customer groups. Finally, the clustering results are obtained by assigning each customer to the nearest
representative. We also propose a gap statistic based method to evaluate the number of clusters. A series of experiments were
conducted on ten real-life transaction data sets, and experimental results show the superior performance of the proposed method.

Index Terms—Customer segmentation, clustering transaction data, purchase tree, clustering trees


C USTOMER segmentation is very important for retail and

e-commerce companies, because it is usually the first
step towards the analysis of customer behaviors in these
one basket. There exist three problems for clustering of cus-
tomer transaction data: 1) how to represent a customer with
the associated transaction records, 2) how to compute the
companies [1]. Early works use general variables like cus- distance between different customers, and 3) how to seg-
tomer demographics and lifestyles [2], but such works are ment the customers into specific number of customer
doubtful since the general variables are difficult to collect groups. Recently, Hsu et. el. proposed a customer clustering
and some collected variables might be invalid soon without method of transaction data [6]. In their method, the items
revision [3]. With the rapid increase of the collected cus- are organized as a hierarchical tree structure which is called
tomer behavior data, researchers now focus on clustering as concept hierarchy. They define a similarity measure
customers from transaction data [3], [4], [5]. based on path length and path depth on the concept hierar-
Transaction data is the information recorded from daily chy, and use hierarchical clustering to segment customers.
transactions of customers, in which a transaction record However, the distance is defined on individual transaction
contains a set of products (items) bought by a customer in record, thus the method suffers from the huge amount of
transaction records. Moreover, the high computational com-
plexity of hierarchical clustering hinders the using of their
 X. Chen and J. Z. Huang are with College of Computer Science and Soft- customer segmentation methods in real applications.
ware, Shenzhen University, Shenzhen 518060, P.R. China.
E-mail: {xjchen, zx.huang}
In this paper, we propose a novel PurTreeClust cluster-
 Y. Fang is with the Department of Computer Science, the University of ing algorithm for customer segmentation from massive cus-
Hong KongPokfulam Road, Hong Kong. E-mail: tomer transaction data. In the new method, we propose a
 M. Yang is with Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology, Chinese new data representation method. We first build a product
Academy of Sciences, Shenzhen, Guangdong 518060, China.
E-mail: tree, where the leaf nodes usually denote the provided prod-
 F. Nie is with School of Computer Science and Center for OPTical IMag- ucts and the internal nodes are multiple product categories.
ery Analysis and Learning (OPTIMAL), Northwestern Polytechnical Uni- A product tree often consists of several levels and thou-
versity, Xi’an, Shanxi 710072, P. R. China. E-mail:
 Z. Zhao is with School of Computing Science, Zhejiang University, Hang-
sands of nodes, and the number of nodes increases rapidly
zhou, Zhejiang 310027, China. E-mail: from the top level to the bottom level. In transaction data,
Manuscript received 24 Nov. 2016; revised 15 Aug. 2017; accepted 2 Oct. each product (item) bought by a customer corresponds to a
2017. Date of publication 26 Oct. 2017; date of current version 2 Feb. 2018. leaf node in the product tree. To facilitate the analysis
(Corresponding author: Xiaojun Chen.) and visualization of customer’s behavior, we build a
Recommended for acceptance by J. Gama. “personalized product tree” for each customer, called pur-
For information on obtaining reprints of this article, please send e-mail to:, and reference the Digital Object Identifier below. chase tree. The purchase tree can be built by aggregating all
Digital Object Identifier no. 10.1109/TKDE.2017.2763620 products in a customer’s transactions, and pruning the
1041-4347 ß 2017 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See ht_tp:// for more information.

product tree by only retaining the corresponding leaf nodes  We propose a gap statistic based method for estimat-
and all paths from root note to leaf nodes. ing the number of clusters from the purchase tree
Since a customer usually buys a very small proportion of clustering results.
goods indicated by the product tree, the purchase tree is very A series of experiments were conducted on ten real-life
sparse because it often contains a very smaller number of transaction data sets to investigate the properties of the new
nodes compared to the product tree. For example, a retail distance metric and the performance of the PurTreeClust
chain supermarket may sell more than 30 thousands of differ- algorithm. The experimental results have shown that the
ent goods, but a customer might only buy less than 100 goods. new algorithm is effective. We also compared our method
The commonly-used distances such as Euclidean distance, with six clustering methods, the experimental results have
Jaccard distance and cosine distance do not work for tree demonstrated the superior performance of our method.
structure features. A natural way is to use the tree edit dis- The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2
tance to compute the distance between two purchase trees, presents a brief review of related work. Notations and pre-
which computes the minimum cost of turning one tree to liminaries are given in Section 3. We present the PurTree
another tree by operations of deleting, inserting, and relabel- distance metric in Section 4 for measure the distance
ing tree nodes [7]. However, the tree edit distance will pro- between two Purchase trees. We define a separate density
duce high distance value between any two purchase trees in Section 5.1 for selecting the representative trees and the
because customers do not buy similar products. Therefore, it PurTreeClust algorithm in Section 5 for clustering Purchase
is difficult to recover cluster structure with the tree edit dis- tree data sets with the separate density. The experimental
tance. To solve this problem, we have to effectively utilize the results are reported in Sections 6. Conclusions and future
semantic in the product tree. In this paper, we define a new work are given in Section 7.
PurTree distance metric to compare customers from the
entire levels of the product tree. The most important property
of the new distance is that it is a metric, thus many advanced 2 RELATED WORK
techniques can be used for the purchase tree data with the Clustering of customers, also called customer segmentation,
new distance. is one of the most critical elements in achieving successful
Customer transaction data is usually very big, even after modern marketing and customer relationship management.
being compressed as a set of purchase trees. So the speed of The early segmentation methods use general variables like
the clustering method for customer transaction data is very customer demographics, lifestyle, attitude and psychology,
important. The commonly-used hierarchical clustering because such variables are intuitive and easy to operate [9].
method is hard to use in real applications due to its high With the rapid increase of customer behavior data, research-
computational complexity. Moreover, it is difficult to apply ers turn to use product specific variables such as items
the fast k-means algorithm to the complex purchase tree purchased [3], [4], [10]. These methods often define distances
data. In this paper, we propose PurTreeClust, a fast parti-
on transaction records but computing distances with such
tional clustering method for clustering of massive purchase
distance functions are very slow due to the large number
tree data. In the new method, we propose a separate density
of transaction records. Recently, Hsu et. el. proposed a
to rank the purchase trees as candidate representative trees
which are both dense and far from each other. Given a spec- customer clustering method based on concept hierarchy
ified number of customer groups k, we select the top k cus- of items, which defines a similarity measure based on path
tomers as the representatives of k customer groups and length and path depth on the concept hierarchy [6].
perform clustering by assigning each customer to the near- However, the distance is also computed based on transaction
est representative. To help the users selecting proper num- records. Given a distance function, hierarchical clustering
ber of customer groups, we propose a gap statistic based and genetic algorithm are often used for clustering [3], [6],
method to evaluate the number of clusters. [11]. However, such methods cannot handle large-scale
The main contributions of this paper include: transaction data due to their high computational complexity.
In the past decade, many clustering methods have been
 We define a purchase tree structure for compressing proposed, including hierarchical clustering [12], subspace
the customer transaction data set into a set of pur- clustering [13], [14], [27], multi-view clustering [15], den-
chase trees. sity-based clustering [16] and spectral clustering [17]. Since
 We propose a novel PurTree distance to compute the the distance functions defined on transaction data are differ-
distance between two purchase trees. The new dis- ent from the traditional distance such as Euclidean distance,
tance can consume both tree structure and semantic the commonly-used k-means clustering method cannot be
meaning of the tree hierarchy, and it is a metric. used for clustering [3], [6]. Given a similarity/distance
 We propose a fast density estimation method for matrix, hierarchical clustering, spectral clustering and den-
purchase tree data, and a separate density to rank sity based clustering are three commonly-used clustering
the purchase trees as candidate representative trees techniques.
which are both dense and far from each other. Hierarchical clustering is a method of cluster analysis
 We propose PurTreeClust, a fast clustering method which seeks to build a hierarchy of clusters. Two commonly-
for clustering purchase tree data, which takes time at used strategies for hierarchical clustering are agglomerative
most Oððc6 þ kÞn log ðnÞÞ, where n is the number of and divisive. In hierarchical agglomerative clustering, each
purchase trees, k is the number of clusters and c is object starts in a cluster, and pairs of clusters are recursively
the expansion constant which is a measure of the merged to one cluster. In hierarchical divisive clustering, all
intrinsic dimensionality [8]. objects start in one cluster, and a cluster is split recursively


3.1 Notations
Let T be a tree with nodes NðT Þ and edges EðT Þ 2 NðT Þ
NðT Þ. The root of T is denoted by rootðT Þ. A node without
children is a leaf node, and otherwise an internal node. For
an edge fv; wg 2 EðT Þ, node v is the parent and w is the
child, i.e., Pw ðT Þ ¼ v and w 2 Cw ðT Þ. The descendants of v,
the nodes in all paths reachable from v to a leaf node, is
denoted as desðvÞ. The level of a node is defined by 1 + (the
number of edges between the node and the root). N l ðT Þ rep-
resents nodes in the lth level of T . The height of tree T ,
denoted by HðT Þ, is the number of edges on the longest
Fig. 1. A sample of product tree. downward path between the root and a leaf node.

3.2 Transaction Data

until it only contains one object. Hierarchical clustering often
evolves merging or splitting subsets of objects rather than Let R ¼ fr1 ; . . . ; rm g be a set of m transaction records and
individual objects. Single link, average link, and complete I ¼ fitem1 ; . . . ; itemy g be a set of y items. A transaction
link are three commonly-used distance functions to merge record ri is an itemset, represented as ðx1 ; . . . ; xz Þ where
two clusters. Most hierarchical clustering algorithms have xj 2 I for 1  j  z.
computational complexity at least Oðn2 Þ where n is the size
of data. This high cost limits their applications in large-scale 3.3 Product Tree
data. Although some improved hierarchical algorithms have Note that the products are often organized according to mul-
computational complexity of Oðn log ðnÞÞ but they only work tiple types of categories. For example, a retailer may classify
for numeric data [18]. each product according to the business unit, the category,
Spectral clustering received a significant amount of atten- the subcategory, the product description and the brand. In
tion in the last few years. Such methods make use of the this paper, we propose the product tree to systematically
spectrum (eigenvalues) of the similarity matrix of the data organize the products in a company. Let C be a product tree,
to perform dimensionality reduction, and then an iterative in which the root node rootðCÞ is an empty node “Root”,
clustering algorithm is used to cluster the data with fewer each leaf node represents an product (item) and the internal
dimensions [17], [19]. nodes represent categories used to organize the products. In
Density based clustering estimates the density of this paper, we assume that all leaf nodes in C have equal
objects in a data set and uncovers clusters from high-den- depth, which means that all products are organized with the
sity areas. In density-based clustering, a cluster is a set of same numbers of categories. Level l (2  l  HðCÞ) repre-
data objects spread over a contiguous region of high den- sents the lth category and the nodes in N l ðCÞ represent the
sity objects, and objects in low-density regions are typi- items in the lth category. Usually, jN l ðCÞj < jN lþ1 ðCÞj.
cally considered noise or outliers [16]. The typical density Here, I ¼ N HðCÞþ1 ðCÞ, i.e., a transaction record r is a subset
based clustering is DBSCAN, which finds core objects of the leaf nodes in C. Fig. 1 shows a sample of product tree
with high density and connects close core objects to form which consists of two category levels.
clusters [20]. Density-based clustering can find arbitrary
shape clusters and handle noise data well, but it is slow 3.4 Purchase Tree
due to neighborhood search for each data object, and With the product tree, we can compress a customer’s
faces a difficulty in setting the density threshold parame- transaction records as a purchase tree. A purchase tree ’
ters properly. is a subgraph of the product tree C, i.e., Nð’Þ  NðCÞ
Recently, Rodriguez et al. proposed a density based clus- and Eð’Þ  EðCÞ. Given any node v 2 Nð’Þ, there must
tering algorithm by fast searching and finding of density exist a leaf node w 2 Nð’Þ such that the path from rootð’Þ
peaks [21]. The new method assumes that the central point to w also exists in C. For each purchase tree ’,
of a cluster has higher density compared to its neighbors, Hð’Þ ¼ HðCÞ. For simplicity, we use HðFÞ to represent
and the cluster center is relatively far from other cluster Hð’Þ. A purchase tree is used to illustrate the items
centers compared to its local data points. For each data bought by a customer, and it can be built from a custom-
P the new method computes a local density er’s transaction data. Given a customer’s m transaction
r ¼ nj¼1 xðdij  dc Þ where xðaÞ ¼ 1 if a < 0 and xðaÞ ¼ 0 records R ¼ fr1 ; . . . ; rm g, the items in R can be aggregated
otherwise and dc is a cutoff distance, and a measure d which as I 0 2 I. Then a purchase tree ’ can be built from C by
is computed as the minimum distance between the point only retaining the leaf nodes in I 0 and the internal nodes
and any other point with higher density. To cluster the data in the path from the root to each leaf node.
set into k clusters, it first select k data points with the highest Fig. 2 shows an example of purchase tree, which is a sub-
rd as the cluster centers, and then performs clustering by set of the product tree in Fig. 1. Usually, a purchase tree
assigning each data point to the nearest cluster center. How- often contains a very small subset of products in a product
ever, it is difficult to set proper dc . Moreover, it has a tree. For example, the product tree in Fig. 1 consists of three
computational complexity of Oðn2 Þ where n is the number products, but the purchase tree in Fig. 2 only contains two
of objects. products. To evaluate the sparsity of a purchase tree, we

Fig. 3. An example of cover tree.

The basic operation to build a cover tree is the insertion

operation, which is shown in Algorithm 1. Here, Ql is a sub-
set of the objects at level l which may contain the new object
p as a descendant. If S consists of n objects, the computa-
tional complexity of inserting an object is Oðc6 log ðnÞÞ [22].
A cover tree can be built on a data set S by sequentially
applying Algorithm 1 to insert each object in S.
Fig. 2. A sample of purchase tree, built according to the product tree in
Fig. 1.
Algorithm 1. Insert (Object p, Cover Set Ql , Level l)
define the sparsity of the lth level in ’i , with respect to the
Output: true if insertion succeeds, false otherwise.
product tree C, as
1: Set Q ¼ fCq : q 2 Ql g.
2: Set Ql1 ¼ fq 2 Q : dðp; qÞ  2l g.
jN l ð’i Þj
S lC ð’i Þ ¼ : (1) 3: if Ql1 ¼ ; then
jN l ðCÞj 4: return false.
5: else
Given a set of n purchase trees F ¼ f’1 ; . . . ; ’n g, and a 6: if Insertðp; Ql1 ; l  1Þ fails then
product tree C, the average sparsity of the lth level of F, 7: Pick q ¼ arg minq2Ql dðp; qÞ.
denoted by S C ðFÞ, is defined as 8: if dðq; pÞ ¼ 0 then
9: exit.
l 1X n
10: else
S C ðFÞ ¼ S l ð’ Þ: (2)
n i¼1 C i 11: insert p as a child of q.
12: return true.
3.5 Cover Tree 13: end if
Cover tree, first invented by Beygelzimer et. al., is a leveled 14: else
tree data structure for fast nearest neighbor operations in 15: return true.
metric spaces [22]. Let CT be a cover tree on a data set S, as 16: end if
shown in Fig. 3. Each level in CT is indexed by an integer 17: end if
scale l which decreases from top to bottom. Let the cover set
CSl denote the set of objects in S associated with the nodes
at level l. Each object in S appears at most once in each level,
but may be associated with multiple nodes in the tree. CT Note that the commonly-used distances, such Euclidian dis-
obeys the following invariants for all levels: tance, cannot be used to characterize the purchase tree data.
Although the tree edit distance works for tree structure fea-
 Nesting. CSl 2 CSl1 . If an object p 2 S appears in
tures, it can only capture the structure of a tree, the semantic
CSl then every lower level in the tree has a node
meaning of the tree hierarchy will be ignored. To address
associated with p.
this, we propose a new distance metric which can effectively
 Covering. For each object p 2 CSl1 , there exists a
compute the difference between two purchase trees.
q 2 CSl such that dðp; qÞ < 2l and the node in level l
Given a product tree C and a set of n purchase trees
associated with q is a parent of the node in level l  1
F ¼ f’1 ; . . . ; ’n g where ’i 2 C, let HðFÞ be the height of
associated with p.
these purchase trees, rootð’Þ be the empty root node of the
 Separation. For two different objects r; q 2 CSl ,
purchase tree. Since a purchase tree ’ is a subgraph of C,
dðr; qÞ > 2l .
we use the nodes in C to index the nodes in a purchase tree
where d is a metric defined on S. Let c be the expansion con-
’. Let Cv ð’i Þ be children nodes of v in ’i , and N l ð’i Þ be all
stant of S, which is a measure of the intrinsic dimensionality
nodes in the lth level of ’i . Given two purchase trees ’i , ’j
(as defined in [8]). CT has the following properties:
and node v 2 C, we first compute the node distance defined
 The number of children of any node p is bounded on v as dv ð’i ; ’j Þ. If v 2 = ’i and ’j , the node distance
by c4 ; dv ð’i ; ’j Þ ¼ 0. If v 2 ’i or ’j , dv ð’i ; ’j Þ is the Jaccard distance
 The maximum depth of any point p is Oðc2 ; log ðnÞÞ; defined on the children Cv ð’i Þ and Cv ð’j Þ:

jCv ð’i ÞDCv ð’j Þj Proof. Since dv ð’i ; ’j Þ lies in ½0; 1, we can easily verify that
dv ð’i ; ’j Þ ¼ S ; (3)
jCv ð’i Þ Cv ð’j Þj dl ð’i ; ’j Þ  0 and
where Cv ð’i ÞDCv ð’j Þ ¼ Cv ð’i Þ Cv ð’j Þ  Cv ð’i Þ Cv ð’j Þ is dl ð’i ; ’j Þ ¼ bv dv ð’i ; ’j Þ
the symmetric difference of two children nodes. T dv ð’i ; ’j Þ v2N l ð’i Þ[N l ð’j Þ
is bounded in ½0; 1: d ð’ ; ’ Þ ¼ 0 if C ð’ Þ Cv ð’j Þ ¼ X
S v i j T v i
Cv ð’i Þ Cv ð’j Þ; dv ð’i ; ’j Þ ¼ 1 if Cv ð’i Þ Cv ð’j Þ ¼ ;.
v2N l ð’i Þ[N l ð’j Þ
Definition 1. The level tree distance between two purchase trees
¼ 1:
’i and ’j on the lth level is defined as
X This completes the proof. u
dl ð’i ; ’j Þ ¼ bv dv ð’i ; ’j Þ; (4)
v2N l ð’i Þ[N l ð’j Þ Form the above lemma, we can easily prove the follow-
ing theorem:
where 1  l  Hð’Þ and bv is the weight for node v. Since the
nodes in F are organized in a tree structure, a natural way to Theorem 1. Given n purchase trees F ¼ f’1 ; . . . ; ’n g, for two
define bv as follows purchase trees ’i and ’j 2 F, dð’i ; ’j ; gÞ 2 ½0; 1.
( Lemma 2. If 1  l < HðFÞ, dlþ1 ð’i ; ’j Þ  dl ð’i ; ’j Þ.
1 if v ¼ rootðFÞ S
bv ¼ S
where v 2 Cw ð’i Þ Cw ð’j Þ; (5) Proof. We denote Cv ð’i ÞDCv ð’j Þ as 4v for node v, and
jC ð’ Þ C ð’ Þj
Cv ð’i Þ \ Cv ð’j Þ as \v , then dv ð’i ; ’j Þ can be rewritten as
w i w j

where w is the parent node of v and bw has the definition as bv .

j 4v j
dv ð’i ; ’j Þ ¼ : (8)
Definition 2. The PurTree distance between two purchase trees j 4v j þ j \v j
’i ; ’j 2 F is computed as a weighted combination of the level
tree distances in (4), The sum of the distances on v’s children nodes is
HðFÞ dw ð’i ; ’j Þ ¼ dw ð’i ; ’j Þ
dð’i ; ’j ; gÞ ¼ vl d ð’i ; ’j Þ;
(6) w2Cv ð’i Þ[Cv ð’j Þ w24v
l¼1 X (9)
þ dw ð’i ; ’j Þ:
where vl is the lth level weight. fv1 ; . . . ; vHðFÞ g is a geometric w2\v

PHðFÞ with common ratio g (g > ¼ 0) under constraints

For w 2 4v , we have Cw ð’i Þ \ Cw ð’j Þ ¼ ;, thus
l¼1 vl ¼ 1, defined as
dw ð’i ; ’j Þ ¼ 1. For w 2 \v , dw ð’i ; ’j Þ  0. Then we give
> HðFÞ g
for g > 0 and g 6¼ 1 X
< 1g dw ð’i ; ’j Þ  j 4v j
vl ¼ HðFÞ for g ¼ 1 (7) w2Cv ð’i Þ[Cv ð’j Þ
> (10)
> 1 for g ¼ 0 and l ¼ 1
: ¼ ðj 4 j þ j \ jÞdv ð’i ; ’j Þ:
v v
0 for g ¼ 0 and 1 < l  HðFÞ:
Introducing the node weight b defined in (5) into (10)
The distance metric dð’i ; ’j ; gÞ can be adjusted by setting gives
different g as follows:
w2Cv ð’i Þ[Cv ð’j Þ bw dw ð’i ; ’j Þ  bv dv ð’i ; ’j Þ: (11)
 If g ¼ 0, v1 ¼ 1 and other weights are 0, thus only the
top level L1 contributes to the distance;
 If 0 < g < 1, vlþ1 ¼ gvl < vl , thus a parent level Then we have
contribute more to the distance than its child level; X
 If g ¼ 1, vl ¼ HðFÞ 1
, thus all levels contribute equally dlþ1 ð’i ; ’j Þ ¼ bv dv ð’i ; ’j Þ
v2N lþ1 ð’i Þ[N lþ1 ð’j Þ
to the distance; X X
 If g > 1, vlþ1 ¼ gvl > vl , thus a child level contrib- ¼ bw dw ð’i ; ’j Þ
ute more to the distance than its parent level; v2N l ð’i Þ[N l ð’j Þ w2Cv (12)
 If g ! 1, vHðFÞ ¼ 1 and other weights are 0, thus X
 bv dv ð’i ; ’j Þ
only the bottom level LHðFÞ contributes to the
v2N l ð’i Þ[N l ð’j Þ
To set proper parameter g, a simple way is to compute ¼ dl ð’i ; ’j Þ:
the pairwise distances between pairs of objects with differ- u
ent g and choose proper g according to the distribution of With Lemma 2, we can easily prove the following
the pairwise distances (see Section 6.2 for example). theorem:
dð’i ; ’j ; gÞ can be simplified as dð’i ; ’j Þ if we do not care
Theorem 2. Given n purchase trees F ¼ f’1 ; . . . ; ’n g, for two
about the value of g.
purchase trees ’i and ’j 2 F. If 1  l  t  HðFÞ, dl ð’i ; ’j Þ 
Lemma 1. Given n purchase trees F ¼ f’1 ; . . . ; ’n g, for two pur- dt ð’i ; ’j Þ.
chase trees ’i , ’j in F and 1  l  HðFÞ, dl ð’i ; ’j Þ 2 ½0; 1.

The above theorem ensures that the level PurTree dis- tree data. The key task for density estimation is the k-nearest
tance increases with the increase of tree level, which satisfies neighbor search, and the commonly-used k-d tree cannot
our intuition. handle complex purchase tree data. Note that the PurTree
Theorem 3. dð’i ; ’j Þ defined in (6) is a metric. distance is proven to be a metric and cover tree works in met-
ric spaces, we propose to estimate the density of purchase
Proof. Since the level tree distance dv ð’i ; ’j Þ is Jaccard dis- tree with cover tree.
tance, which is a metric on the collection of all finite The algorithm to build a cover tree CT from a set of n
sets [23], we can easily verify that dð’i ; ’j Þ ¼ dð’j ; ’i Þ purchase trees F ¼ f’1 ; . . . ; ’n g is presented in Algorithm 2.
(Symmetry), dð’i ; ’i Þ ¼ 0 (Reflexivity) and dð’i ; ’j Þ  0 We have shown in Theorem 1 that dð’i ; ’j Þ 2 ½0; 1. From the
for all ’i and ’j in F (Positivity). separation invariant, we know that there is at most one pur-
Given three Purchase trees ’i , ’j and ’t , chase tree in level 0 and other trees lie behind level 0. There-
fore, we insert each purchase tree into a cover tree by
HðFÞ X applying Insertð’i ; CS0 ; 0Þ where CS0 is the root node of
dð’i ; ’j Þ þ dð’j ; ’t Þ ¼ vl bv dv ð’i ; ’j Þ CT . Since the computational complexity of Algorithm 1 is
v2N l ð’i Þ[N l ð’j Þ
Oðc6 log ðnÞÞ, the overall computational complexity of

HðFÞ X Algorithm 2 is Oðc6 nlog ðnÞÞ.
þ vl bv dv ð’j ; ’t Þ
l¼1 v2N l ð’j Þ[N l ð’t Þ
Algorithm 2. BuildCoverTree (Purchase Tree Data
HðFÞ X F ¼ f’1 ; . . . ; ’n g)
 vl bv dv ð’i ; ’t Þ
Output: A cover tree CT built on F.
l¼1 v2N l ð’i Þ[N l ð’t Þ
1: Initialize an empty cover tree CT , in which CS0 is the cover
¼ dð’i ; ’t Þ; set at level 0.
2: for i ¼ 1; i < ¼ n; i þ þ do
which indicates that the distance satisfies triangle 3: Insertð’i ; CS0 ; 0Þ.
inequality. Therefore, it is a metric. u
t 4: end for
Compared to the conventional distances such as Jaccard
distance and tree edit distance, the new distance can con- With the cover tree CT , we want to find k purchase trees
sume both tree structure and semantic meaning of the tree as k representative trees for clustering. To be able to sepa-
hierarchy. Jaccard distance only works for flat data so it can rate these trees and form compact clusters, the k representa-
not consume tree structure. Although tree edit distance tive trees should be dense and far away from each other. If
explores tree structure, it ignores the differences among dif- we simply compute the density for each object and select k
ferent tree levels. Moreover, the new distance is proved to densest objects as representative trees, they may be too close
be a metric. Therefore, many transaction data clustering to form separate clusters. Recall the separation invariant, for
algorithms can benefit from the new distance compared to two objects p and q in CSl , dðp; qÞ > 2l , where 2l can be con-
the conventional distances such as Jaccard distance, tree sider as the distance threshold for CSl and it increases with
edit distance and concept similarity. the increase of the tree level l. Therefore, we can select the
objects in level l ¼ arg maxl jCSl j > k as candidate represen-
5 A PURCHASE TREE CLUSTERING ALGORITHM tative objects. Fig. 4 shows an example of four levels of
cover sets, in which we can see that the initial cluster centers
Since a product tree often consists of tens of thousands of
can be selected from five objects in cover set CS1 . The next
items, we need a fast clustering algorithm for purchase tree
step is to estimate the density of the objects in CSl . We
data. The commonly-used hierarchical clustering method is
define a cover tree based density as follows:
hard to use in real applications due to its high computa-
tional complexity. Moreover, the popular k-means algo- Definition 3. Given a cover tree CT built on F with a metric d,
rithm cannot be applied for clustering the complex the level density of an object p 2 CSl is denlCT ðpÞ ¼ jfq 2
purchase tree data. Inspired by the recent work in [21], we Fnfpg : dðp; qÞ  2l gj.
propose a fast clustering algorithm for clustering of massive
purchase tree data. In the new method, we propose a sepa- The level density estimation algorithm is shown in
rate density to rank the purchase trees as candidate repre- Algorithm 3. Given an object p 2 CSl , to find all objects q in
sentative trees which are both dense and far from each F such that dðp; qÞ  2l , we descend through the tree level
other. Given a specified number of customer groups k, we by level, keeping track of a subset Qi 2 CSi of nodes that
select the top k customers as the representatives of k cus- may contain q as a descendant. The algorithm iteratively
tomer groups and perform clustering by assigning each cus- constructs Qi1 by expanding Qi to its children in CSi1 and
tomer to the nearest representative tree. We also propose a throwing away any child q that dðp; qÞ > 2l . For any object
gap statistic based method for estimating the number of q 2 F, desðqÞ can be computed during the building tree pro-
clusters from the purchase tree clustering results. cedure thus no more time is required during the density
estimation procedure.
5.1 Ranking Candidate Cluster Centers via Separate
Density Theorem 4. Given a cover tree CT built on F with a metric d,
To select representative trees which are both dense and far for any object p 2 CSl , Algorithm 3 returns denl ðpÞ defined in
from each other, we have to estimate the density of purchase Definition 3.

Fig. 4. Cover sets at different levels (red points are the objects in the cover sets and empty points are the left objects).

Proof. For any q 2 CSi , the distance between which has higher level density than p, i.e., sdislCT ðpÞ ¼
P q and any
descendant q0 is bounded by dðq; q0 Þ < 1 j¼i 2 ¼ 2
j iþ1
. minq2CSl ;denl ðqÞ > denl ðpÞ disðp; qÞ. If p has the highest level
For any q 2 Qi , Algorithm 3 checks dðp; qÞ and processes CT CT
density, its separate distance is defined as sdislCT ðpÞ ¼
Cq as follows: maxq2CSl dðp; qÞ.
 If dðp; qÞ  2l  2iþ1 , the distance between p and In a dense area, the densest object will be assigned with a
q0 2 desðqÞ is bounded by dðp; q0 Þ  dðp; qÞþ high separate distance because the denser object is sup-
dðq; q0 Þ < 2l , i.e., q [ desðqÞ 2 denlCT ðpÞ; posed to be far away from this area, while the other objects
 If dðp; qÞ  2l þ 2iþ1 , the distance between p and will be assigned with a small separate distance because the
q0 2 desðqÞ is bounded by dðp; q0 Þ  dðp; qÞ denser object is supposed to be near them. Finally, to select
dðq; q0 Þ > 2l , then q [ desðqÞ 2 = denlCT ðpÞ; objects which are dense and far away from each other, we
 If dðp; qÞ 2 ð2l  2iþ1 ; 2l þ 2iþ1 Þ, the distance between combine the level density and separate distance to form the
p and q0 2 Cq is bounded by dðp; q0 Þ 2 ð2l  2iþ2 ; separate density as follows:
2l þ 2iþ2 Þ. Then Cq will be added into Qi1 .
Therefore, Algorithm 3 can never throw out a grand- Definition 5. Given a cover tree CT built on F with a metric d,
parent q0 2 desðpÞ. u
t the separate density sdenlCT ðpÞ of an object p 2 CSl is defined
as sdenlCT ðpÞ ¼ sdislCT ðpÞ denlCT ðpÞ.
Algorithm 3. EstimateDensity (Cover Tree CT , Object According to Definition 5, the objects with high sepa-
p 2 CSl , Level l) rate densities should be both dense and far from each
Output: denlCT ðpÞ. other. The separate density can be easily computed with
1: Set denlCT ðpÞ ¼ 0 and Ql ¼ CSl . the estimated level density. Given a specified number of
2: for i ¼ l; i < 1; i   do customer groups k, we select the top k customers with the
3: Q ¼ fCq : q 2 Qi g. highest separate densities as the representatives of k cus-
4: Set Li1 ¼ fq 2 Q : dðp; qÞ  2l  2iþ1 g. tomer groups. Fig. 5 show the level densities and separate
5: for each q 2 Li1 do distances of five objects in CS1 of Fig. 4b. From this
6: denlCT ðpÞþ ¼ jdesðqÞj. figure, we can see that objects 1, 3 and 5 have both higher
7: end for level densities and separate distances than other objects.
8: Qi1 ¼ fq 2 Q : dðp; qÞ 2 ð2l  2iþ1 ; 2l þ 2iþ1 Þg. Therefore, they will be selected as cluster centers. The
9: denlCT ðpÞþ ¼ jfq 2 Q  Qi1 : dðp; qÞ  2l gj. next step is to perform clustering with the selected repre-
10: end for sentative trees, which will be presented in the next
11: denlCT ðpÞþ ¼ jfq 2 Q1 : dðp; qÞ  2l gj. section.
13: returndenlCT ðpÞ.
5.2 The PurTreeClust Algorithm
In Step 3, the number of children encountered is at most
In this section, we propose a partitional clustering algorithm
Oðc4 jQi jÞ. Step 3-3 takes time at most Oðc4 jQi jÞ, and Step 3
PurTreeClust, in which the separate density defined in the
requires Oðmaxi jQi jÞP time. Consequently, the running time
previous section is used for selecting the representative
is bounded by Oðc4 1 i¼l jQi jÞ. If in Step 4, Ql2 ¼ ;, then trees.
Algorithm 3 takes time Oð1Þ. In the worst case, if
Given a cover tree CT built from n purchase trees, we
Q1 ¼ Fnfpg, Algorithm 3 takes time at most Oðn log ðnÞÞ.
want to cluster the n trees into k clusters. The basic method
Although the objects with high level density are sup-
is to find k purchase trees as representative trees, and then
posed to be far from each other, if we select representative
assign each customer to the nearest representative tree. We
trees only according to level density, the selected represen-
first select a proper level l where jCSl j > k, estimate their
tative trees may be concentrated on some small dense areas
densities with Algorithm 3 and compute their separate den-
and dense objects in sparse area will be ignored. To further
sities, then the k representative trees can be selected as the k
ensure that the selected dense objects are far away from
trees with the highest separate densities. If the cover tree is
each other, we define the separate distance as follows:
well distributed, i.e., the number of objects in cover set
Definition 4: Given a cover tree CT built on F with a metric d, increases evenly with the decrease of the tree level, we can
the separate distance sdislCT ðpÞ of an object p 2 CSl is defined select a proper level l such that jCSl j is not too much bigger
as the minimal distance between p and other objects in CSl than k. However, in the worst case, jCSl j may be close to n.

method can quickly respond to changing business

requirements. Once a cover tree is built, we can quickly
cluster the data into different numbers of clusters. A new
customer can be directly inserted into the built cover tree
without rebuilding the whole tree.

5.3 Choosing the Number of Clusters

Given a transaction data, we can select a set of k (number of
clusters) to run the PurTreeClust clustering algorithm to
produce multiple clustering results. To select the best num-
ber of clusters, we extend the gap statistic to evaluate the
number of clusters.
Gap statistic is a popular method for choosing the num-
ber of clusters [24]. It computes the change in within-cluster
dispersion with that expected under an appropriate refer-
ence null distribution. Given a purchase tree data set F, let
log ðW ðkÞÞ be the within-cluster dispersion with k clusters
computed as
( )
Fig. 5. The level densities and separate distances of five objects in CS1 Xk
1 X
log ðW ðkÞÞ ¼ log dð’i ; ’j Þ ; (13)
of Fig. 4b, in which the number of objects in the circle around a red point
2jPl j i;j2P
is its level density and the arrow starting from a red point is its separate l
where fP1 ; . . . ; Pk g is the clustering result of k partitions.
Let  ¼ fF01 ; . . . ; F0B g be a set of B sample data sets gen-
In such case, we can set Q as 2k objects in CSl with the big- erated from a null reference distribution, which is assumed
gest value of descendants. The details of the procedure is to contain a single component. We can cluster these data
shown in Algorithm 4. sets and compute flog ðW1 ðkÞ; . . . ; log ðWB ðkÞÞg from the
clustering results. The gap statistic is computed as the dif-
Algorithm 4. PurTreeClust (Cover Tree CT , no. of ference between the expectation of log ðW ðkÞÞ and
Clusters k) log ðW ðkÞÞ
Output. the clustering result.
1: == Select k representative trees. 1X B

2: Q0 ¼ CS0 , where CS0 is the root level of CT . GapðkÞ ¼ log ðWj ðkÞÞ  log ðW ðkÞÞ: (14)
B j¼1
3: for l ¼ 0; jQl j < 2k; l   do
4: Ql1 ¼ fCq : q 2 Ql g. If the data consists of k well-separated clusters, we expect
5: end for log ðW ðkÞÞ to decrease slowly when k < < k or k > > k ;
6: Set Q ¼ fq 2 Ql : 8q0 2 = Q; jdesðqÞj > jdesðq0 Þjg such that while decreasing slightly faster when k is close to k . In real
jQj ¼ 2k.
applications, we can predefine a set of k, compute a set of
7: for each object q 2 Q do
GapðkÞ and draw them in a figure. Then the optimal number
8: Compute denl ðqÞ via EstimateDensity(CT , q, l).
of clusters can be selected as the value of k for which
9: sdislCT ðqÞ ¼ minp2CSl ;denl ðpÞ > denl ðqÞ disðp; qÞ.
CT CT log ðW ðkÞÞ falls the farthest below this reference curve, i.e.,
10: sdenlCT ðqÞ ¼ sdislCT ðqÞ denlCT ðqÞ. the biggest value of GapðkÞ.
11: end for Given a set of n purchase trees F ¼ f’1 ; . . . ; ’n g and a set
12: Set U ¼ fq 2 Q : 8q0 2 = U; sdenl ðqÞ > sdenl ðq0 Þg such that
of numbers of clusters K ¼ fk1 ; . . . ; kt g, the algorithm to
jUj ¼ k.
compute t gap statistic values is shown in Algorithm 5. We
13: == Clustering.
first cluster F with different numbers of clusters and com-
14: for i ¼ 1; i < ¼ n; i þ þ do
15: Pi ¼ argj;’j 2U mindð’j ; ’i Þ.
pute flog ðW ð1ÞÞ; . . . ; log ðW ðtÞÞg. To generate B reference
16: end for data sets, we first compute the average sparsity of n pur-
17: 18: return P. chase trees S C ðFÞ and sample B purchase tree data sets
fST1 ; . . . ; STB g. Each purchase tree in each reference data
Given a set of n purchase trees, a cover tree CT can be set consists of m sample purchase trees, whose nodes are
built with Algorithm 2, which takes time at most uniformly sampled from C, starting from level 2 down
Oðc6 n log ðnÞÞ. Then Algorithm 4 will return an expected to level HðCÞ+1. In the lth level, jN l ðCÞj S C ðFÞ nodes are
clustering result with given k, which takes time at most uniformly sampled from fv 2 N ðCÞ : Pv 2 N l1 ðCÞg.

Oðkn log ðnÞÞ, so the overall procedure takes time at

most Oðc6 n log ðnÞþ kn log ðnÞÞ, implying a bound of 6 EXPERIMENTS RESULTS AND ANALYSIS
Oððc6 þ kÞn log ðnÞÞ. Compared with the method in [21], In this section, we present experimental results on real-life
the new method eliminates the difficult in selecting customer transaction data sets to investigate the properties
proper cutoff distance dc and reduces the computational of the PurTreeClust algorithm, and compare its effective-
complexity from Oðn2 Þ to Oðn; log nÞ. Moreover, the new ness and scalability with related methods.

Characteristics and Average Sparsity of Ten Customer
Transaction Data Sets

Data #Customers #Products S 1C S 2C S 3C S 4C

D1 795 1,264 89.895% 40.229% 0.832%
D2 208 9,760 15.087% 4.472% 2.684% 0.599%
D3 416 14,274 16.293% 5.013% 3.065% 0.559%
D4 832 18,137 15.130% 4.191% 2.582% 0.403%
D5 1,665 22,822 15.456% 4.018% 2.411% 0.318%
D6 3,330 28,065 15.641% 3.848% 2.314% 0.270%
D7 2,433 93,731 23.401% 0.448% 0.386%
D8 4,867 96,538 23.215% 0.437% 0.374%
D9 9,735 99,907 23.347% 0.426% 0.362%
D10 19,471 103,337 23.187% 0.414% 0.0.348%

Algorithm 5. Gap (Product Tree C, n Purchase Trees Fig. 6. Samples of the level PurTree distances on D6 .
F ¼ f’1 ; . . . ; ’n g, a set of t Numbers of Clusters
K ¼ fk1 ; . . . ; kt g, Number of Copies B) the average sparsity for the ten data sets and their character-
istics are shown in Table 1. We can see that the sparsity
Output: A set of t gap statistic results.
decrease rapidly from top level to bottom level, which indi-
1: CT ¼ BuildCoverTreeðFÞ.
2: for i ¼ 1; i < ¼ t; i þ þ do
cates that most customers only bought a very small propor-
3: Pi ¼ PurTreeClustðCT; ki Þ. tion of the total products.
4: Compute log ðW ðki ÞÞ from Pi .
5: end for 6.2 The Properties of the PurTree Distance
6: Compute the average sparsity of n purchase trees We have shown in Theorem 2 that the level PurTree dis-
1 HðCÞ tance increases with the increase of tree level. To verify this
S C ðFÞ ¼ fS C ðFÞ; . . . ; S C ðFÞg.
7: for j ¼ 1; j < ¼ B; j þ þ do
8: for i ¼ 1; i < ¼ m; i þ þ do
9: N 1 ðSTij Þ ¼ f‘‘Root’’g
10: for l ¼ 2; j < ¼ HðCÞ; l þ þ do
11: Uniformly sample jN l ðCÞj S C ðFÞ nodes from
fv 2 N ðCÞ : Pv 2 N ðCÞg to form N l ðSTij Þ.
l l1

12: end for

13: end for
14: SCTj ¼ BuildCoverTreeðfST1j ; . . . ; STmj gÞ.
15: end for
16: for i ¼ 1; i < ¼ t; i þ þ do
17: for j ¼ 1; j < ¼ B; j þ þ do
18: Pi ¼ PurTreeClustðSCTj ; ki Þ.
19: Compute log ðWj ðki ÞÞ from Pi .
20: end for P
21: Gapðki Þ ¼ ð1=BÞ B j¼1 log ðWj ðki ÞÞ  log ðW ðki ÞÞ
22: end for
23: 24: returnfGapðk1 Þ; . . . ; Gapðkt Þg.

6.1 Transaction Data

In this section, we used ten real-life transaction data sets to
investigate the effectiveness and scalability of the proposed
algorithm. D1 was built from a superstore’s transactional
data set,1 which consists of 8,399 transaction records from
795 customers. D2
D6 were built from five subsets of a
super market’s transactional data, which contains up to 25
million newest transaction records from 2013 to 2015.
D10 were built from four subsets of a year of purchase
history transaction data from the kaggle competition,2
which consists of more than 349 million transaction records
from more than 300 thousands customers. We computed

data Fig. 7. Comparison of four distance distributions on D6 .

applications, we can choose proper g according to the distri-

bution of pairwise distances between pairs of objects.
We also computed the Jaccard distance (only compute
distances on leaf nodes of the purchase tree), tree edit dis-
tance [7] and concept dissimilarity [6] on pairs of objects in
D6 . The distributions of the distances are drawn in Fig. 7b.
From this figure, we can see that more than 99 percent of
the distances by the Jaccard distance and tree edit distance
fell in [0.9,1.0], from which it is difficult to recover cluster
structure. Although the concept dissimilarity produced
more evenly distributed distances compared with the Jac-
card distance and tree edit distance, it is difficult to set three
parameters properly. Compared with the results in Fig. 7b,
the results produced by the PurTree distance are more
explicable. Moreover, we have proven that the PurTree dis-
Fig. 8. Separate density on D6 . tance is a metric. Therefore, many transaction data cluster-
ing algorithms can benefit from this distance.
theorem, we computed the level tree distance of pair objects
on D6 and drew some samples in Fig. 6. We can see that the 6.3 The Properties of the PurTreeClust Algorithm
level tree distances between all pairs of objects strictly We have defined a separate density to select the representa-
increased with the increase of tree level. Distances on L1 tive trees which are dense and far away from each other.
mainly fell in the range of ð0:35; 1, and distances on L4 The result on D6 is shown in Fig. 8, in which the objects are
mainly fell in the range of ½0:95; 1. sorted in descending order according to the separate den-
In the PurTree distance defined in (6), a positive distribu- sity. From this result, we can see that most objects are in the
tion parameter g is introduced to adjust the contributions of same order as the order with the level density. We notice
the purchase tree’s different levels to the final distance. To that some objects with relatively high level density have rel-
investigate the effect of g on the PurTree distance, we set atively small separate density. This is because that these
g ¼ f0; 0:2; 0:5; 1; 10; þ1g and computed pairwise PurTree objects have small separate distance, which means that they
distances between pairs of objects on D4 . The distribution of are close to denser objects. Therefore, separate density will
the pairwise distances is drawn in Fig. 7a. From this figure, assign the dense objects which are not far away from other
we can see that as g increased, the distance between two dense objects with low value, thus avoid selecting them as
purchase trees became closer to 1, thus the objects being far candidate representative trees.
away from each other. As g decreased, the distances fell We selected 36 integers of k from 5 to 40 to run the Pur-
more evenly in ½0; 1. If g is too big, e.g., 10, the distances TreeClust algorithm and computed the gap statistic values
between objects will be too big to find compact clusters. But with Algorithm 5. The results are drawn in Fig. 9. We can
if g is too small, e.g., 0, the distances between objects may see that both E½log ðW ðkÞÞ and log ðW ðkÞÞ dropped slowly
be too small thus they are too close to be separated. In real with the increase of k on all cover trees. With small g,

Fig. 9. E½log ðW ðkÞÞ and log ðW ðkÞÞ of clustering results by PurTreeClust on D6 .


Fig. 11. Distance matrix on D6 . In the two figures, the darker color repre-
sents lower distance and lighter color represents higher distance.

To further investigate the clustering result by the Pur-

Fig. 10. Gap results of six clustering results by PurTreeClust on D6 .
TreeClust algorithm, we computed the sparsity of 15 cluster
centers from the clustering result by the PurTreeClust algo-
log ðW ðkÞÞ decreased faster than E½log ðW ðkÞÞ with small k rithm with g ¼ 0:2 and k ¼ 15. The results are drawn in
and then the difference between them became stable. With Fig. 12a. From this figure, we can see that the sparsity of a
big g, log ðW ðkÞÞ got close to E½log ðW ðkÞÞ for almost all k. cluster are significantly higher than those of other clusters.
The gap results are drawn in Fig. 10. We can see that the Besides the big cluster, other clusters were small clusters
gap values were close to 0 when g ¼ f1; 10; þ1g, which with low sparsity. We also computed the average sparsity
indicates that no cluster structure can be found with of the purchase trees in 15 clusters and drew the results in
these three parameters. Recall the results in Fig. 7a, the Fig. 12b. Compared with the results in Fig. 12a, we can see
distance between two purchase trees was too big when that the average sparsity of the big cluster is smaller than
g ¼ f1; 10; þ1g. Therefore, the customers were too far the sparsity of its cluster center, but the average sparsity of
away from each other to uncover compact cluster struc- other clusters were close to or even bigger than the sparsity
ture. Note that GapðkÞ has a sudden increase when of corresponding cluster centers. Finally, we merged all
k ¼ 15 for g ¼ f0; 0:2; 0:5g, we selected g ¼ 0:2 and k ¼ 15 purchase trees in a cluster into a purchase tree, called
for the following results because the differences in all “cluster tree”, and drew the average sparsity of the 15 clus-
levels were considered when g ¼ 0:2. ter trees in Fig. 12c. We can see that the sparsity of the big
To visually investigate the effectiveness of the clustering cluster is still higher than those of other clusters. Interest-
result by the PurTreeClust algorithm, we first computed ingly, though the results of other 14 clusters were similar in
the paired distances between trees in D6 and drew the dis- Figs. 12a and 12b, their results were very different in
tance matrix in Fig. 11a, in which each row and column rep- Fig. 12c. The above results revealed the diversity of the
resent a purchase tree in the same order. The darker color uncovered cluster structures, thus verified the effectiveness
represents lower distance and lighter color represents of the PurTreeClust algorithm.
higher distance. From this figure, we cannot see clear cluster We reported the time costs of the PurTreeClust algorithm
structure. To check whether clear cluster structure can be in the last experiment and the results are drawn in Fig. 13,
found from the clustering result by the PurTreeClust algo- in which the time costs with k ¼ 0 are the time of building
rithm, we arranged the order of purchase trees in D6 such corresponding cover tree and the time costs with k > 0 are
that the trees in the same cluster were together, according to the time of building a cover tree plus the time of clustering.
the clustering result with g ¼ 0:2 and k ¼ 15. The result was We can see that the time cost of building a cover tree
drawn in Fig. 11b. From this figure, we can see 15 clear increased with the increase of g when g < 1, and then
clusters. decreased with the increase of g > 1. This can be explained

Fig. 12. Sparsity of clustering results on D6 .


and further distance comparison. We also notice that the

time cost of the PurTreeClust algorithm kept nearly stable
with the increase of the number of clusters. This indicates
that we can very quickly cluster the data into different num-
bers of clusters, once a cover tree is built.

6.4 Comparison Results and Analysis

In this experiment, we compared the effectiveness of the
PurTreeClust (PTC) algorithm with six clustering methods
on the D6 , including DBSCAN (DAN) [20], two spectral
clustering methods ratio cut RCut [25] and normalized cut
NCut [26] and Hierarchical agglomerative clustering (HAC)
with three linkages, i.e., HAC-SINGLE (HAC-S), HAC-
PurTree distance was used for all seven clustering algo-
rithms, in which the parameter g was set as 0.2. The number
of clusters k was set as 15. The clustering results by the six
Fig. 13. The execution time of the PurTreeClust algorithm on D6 . clustering algorithms excluding PurTreeClust were drawn
in Fig. 14, which are organized in a similar way as Fig. 11.
from the covering invariant of cover tree, since the distance From these figures, we can see that HAC with single linkage
between a parent node in the lth and its child node must be and RCut uncovered no clusters. HAC with mean linkage
less than 2l . We know from the results in Fig. 7 that as g and DBSCAN uncovered a very big cluster and many very
increased, the distance between two purchase trees became small clusters. Although HAC with complete linkage and
bigger, and then more objects will locate at lower levels and NCut uncovered relatively balanced clusters, but objects in
more distance comparison are involved during building a different clusters have small distances. Compared with the
cover tree. If g is too big, e.g., g ¼ þ1, the distance between results by the PurTreeClust algorithm in Fig. 11, we can see
two purchase trees became close to 1 and almost all objects that PurTreeClust uncovered more balanced and clear
will be located in the level 0 without creating new levels clusters.

Fig. 14. Clustering results by six clustering algorithms with the PurTree distance on D6 (g ¼ 0:2 and k ¼ 15).

Comparisons of the Average logðWk Þ by Seven Clustering Time Costs (s) Versus the Sample Ratio
Algorithms on Ten Data Sets, in Which the Best Results are
Highlighted in Bold Ratio DAN HAC-S HAC-M HAC-C NCut RCut PTC
10% 99 130 102 101 216 214 91
Data DAN HAC-S HAC-M HAC-C NCut RCut PTC 20% 102 134 106 104 222 221 90
D1 4.44 3.93 3.83 3.82 4.70 4.72 3.76 30% 102 132 105 103 222 220 94
D2 4.55 4.39 4.31 4.27 4.43 4.55 4.23 40% 101 132 104 103 221 219 91
D3 5.23 5.16 5.06 5.04 5.14 5.23 5.02 50% 100 133 104 102 219 217 90
D4 5.93 5.90 5.79 5.75 5.86 5.91 5.76 60% 101 132 104 103 221 219 94
D5 6.62 6.61 6.50 6.45 6.56 6.60 6.43 70% 99 129 102 100 215 214 91
D6 7.32 7.31 7.19 7.15 7.26 7.32 7.21 80% 98 128 101 100 215 213 90
D7 5.47 5.44 5.42 5.40 5.42 5.47 5.38 90% 98 127 101 100 212 211 90
D8 6.17 6.17 6.14 6.12 6.10 6.12 6.10 100% 94 123 98 97 206 205 86
D9 6.86 6.85 6.85 6.84 6.86 6.88 6.82
D10 7.63 7.65 7.68 7.62 7.66 7.70 7.61
clustering algorithms were nearly not changed, which indi-
cates that the PurTree metric distance scales well to the
We used all ten data sets to compare the effectiveness of number of products.
the PurTreeClust algorithm with those of six clustering
algorithms used in the previous experiment. In this experi- 7 CONCLUSIONS
ment, the PurTree distance was used for all seven clustering
algorithms, in which the parameter g was set as We have presented PurTreeClust for massive customer
f0; 0:2; 0:5; 1; 10; þ1g. The same 36 integers from 5 to 40 transaction data. In this method, “purchase tree” is built for
were selected for k to run the six clustering algorithms each customer from the customer transaction data. A new
excluding DBSCAN. For each clustering result, log ðW ðkÞÞ distance metric is defined to effectively compute the dis-
tance from two purchase trees. The experimental results in
was computed for evaluation. The results are shown in
Section 6.2 show that we can choose proper g according to
Table 2. From these results, we can see that PurTreeClust
the distribution of pairwise distances between pairs of
produced the highest logðWk Þ results on six data sets.
objects. To cluster these purchase trees, we first rank the
Besides PurTreeClust, HAC-COMPLETE produced better
purchase trees as candidate representative trees with a
clustering results than other methods.
novel separate density, and then select the top k customers
as the representatives of k customer groups. Finally, the
6.5 Scalability clustering results can be obtained by assigning each cus-
We used all ten data sets in Table 1 to compare the scalabil- tomer to the nearest representative tree. We also propose a
ity of the PurTreeClust algorithm against SPEC, HAC and gap statistic based method to evaluate the number of clus-
DBSCAN. In this experiment, we selected a set of g and k to ters. A series of experiments were conducted, and the exper-
run the three algorithms and computed the average time imental results have shown that the new distance metric is
costs by three clustering algorithms. The results are effective and the PurTreeClust algorithm is more effective
reported in Table 3, in which SPEC, HAC and DBSCAN and scalable than six clustering algorithms.
cannot finish clustering in accepted time on the last data set. However, in PurTreeClust, the quantities and amount
In summary, the time costs by the PurTreeClust algorithm spent are not considered. In the future, we will extend our
were much smaller than those by other three algorithms. method to incorporate more features into the purchase tree,
This indicates that PurTreeClust scales better to large trans- such as monetary expense, amount, etc. Furthermore, we
action data than the other six clustering algorithms. will study clustering of mixture data, e.g., purchase tree
To test the time cost of the PurTreeClust with the increase and general variables.
of the number of products, we selected D6 and sampled 10
data sets with different number of products. The sample ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
ratios of the 10 data sets were set as f0:1; 0:2; ; 1g. The This research was supported by NSFC under Grants
time costs of seven clustering algorithms on the 10 data sets 61305059, 61773268 and 61473194.
were are reported in Table 4. From these results, we can see
that the PurTreeClust algorithm has the smallest time cost. REFERENCES
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Xiaojun Chen received the PhD degree from the
Harbin Institute of Technology, in 2011. He is
now an assistant professor in the College of
Computer Science and Software, Shenzhen Uni- " For more information on this or any other computing topic,
versity. His research interests include clustering, please visit our Digital Library at
feature selection, and massive data mining. He is
a member of the IEEE.

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